Bought my 3DS after my son was born a few weeks ago. I figured it's easier to grab the 3DS than to turn on my gaming PC or consoles (which I hardly use anymore anyway) and it's a nice way to get back into Nintendo gaming. So I got myself a bunch of games as well.
Now playing:
Super Mario 3D Land
My first 3D Mario after the first Galaxy (I own Galaxy 2, but my girlfriend played it mostly and I didn't for some reason) and it's pretty good. I kinda dislike the fact there is no overworld and there isn't really any relation to each level in a world. It's like Nintendo grabbed a bunch of levels and ordered them randomly. I'm in world 7 right now and I have less trouble with some of these levels than I had with a bunch of them in earlier worlds. Still, I love the smart design, the 3D is cool and I can't wait to see what happens after World 8 (don't spoil it).
Fire Emblem Awakening
My first Fire Emblem, but not my first tactical RPG. I must be one of the few people who dislikes the fact your team members can die permanently, so I turned this feature off. Characters are nice, story is alright for now. Fights are pretty cool and addicting. I'm still at the beginning, somewhere around chapter 8 or 9.
I heard this one was brilliant, so I got it in the E-Shop. So far so good, but I was stuck on one puzzle, so let's see if I still like it if I stay stuck. ;-)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
I've been intrigued by the SMT games for a while now. I played Persona 3 and 4, but this was around the time I really was into the Xbox 360, so I never finished these games (shame). I started P3 on an emulator recently, and am planning to continue this one. I also got SMT 3 and Digital Devil Saga for PS2 recently, so I might play them on emulator as well (if I ever have time left). Anyway... I know the history of the games and Soul Hackers is and older title... but I'm still intrigued by it. I played for an hour or so and liked what I saw.