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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Alright GAF, after spending some time with lossless files and the Beyer T1s on my home setup, I find that lossy files on my iPhone with the Sennheiser IE8 just don't work for me anymore.

What are my options? Are there any IEMs that would provide a more balanced sound (IE8 feels too bassy now) and yet are in a class above the IE8s?


HiResDes said:
V Sonic GR07, don't disregard them just because they're nearly half the price.

Thanks. Looking at them now.

Also, I've owned the iPhone 3GS for more than 2 years now and I just tried the default Apple earbuds that come with it for the first time ever. Holy shit, these things are actually fairly decent. They are a MASSIVE step up from the old iconic earbuds that used to come with the old iPods.


Can someone suggest to me a good brand of more mobile headphones? Stuff like the HD555 are too big and was looking for something to just connect to my ipod touch. I hate the in-ear ones because they always fall out


Check out the Old Skool 70s in the OP:



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Gvaz said:
Can someone suggest to me a good brand of more mobile headphones? Stuff like the HD555 are too big and was looking for something to just connect to my ipod touch. I hate the in-ear ones because they always fall out
I will continually pimp Sony Triqii. They sound great (30mm version of V6 drivers) and are extremely tough, in every aspect they are made to survive.


Sunrise Excited


ljokerl said:
The Xcited is a brighter, leaner take on the Sunrise sound. It is a well-balanced earphone with less midrange emphasis compared to the old Xcape. The low end is tight and quick. Deep bass is not particularly prominent but fans of balanced sound will be satisfied with the amount of impact the Xcited brings to the table. There is a bit more punch than with my RE-ZERO but the difference isn’t huge. Expectedly, there is no bass bleeding into the midrange, which is leaner and cooler than with most dynamics in the price range. In terms of balance, the midrange is slightly recessed compared to the RE-ZERO but still fairly balanced on the whole. The presentation of the earphone is quite wide, which is definitely a contributing factor to the perceived recession of the midrange. The mids are clear and detail is on-par with the best of similarly-priced dynamics. Texturing is good but the Xcited doesn’t seem quite as thick or weighty as the old Xcape. All in all, the lows and mids of the Xcited boast impressive accuracy. The notes are crisp and clean, making even the RE-ZERO seem like it is lacking a bit of clarity, and guitars generally have more edge and bite than with the Xcape v1 and Xcape IE.

The upper midrange gains in emphasis as it transitions into the treble. There is plenty of upper midrange energy, which can result in a bit of harshness or sibilance with the wrong tracks. Even for me it all seems a little too exciting at times and is reminiscent of the metallic treble tinge I hear with the Sennheiser HD25. On the upside, clarity is again very impressive, with the cooler tone helping out in this regard. Top-end extension is quite good and the detailing is again on-par with my RE-ZERO. Once again, the Xcited is crisper, however, causing it to appear more aggressive and ‘sharp’ when it comes to detailing. Presentation-wise, the Xcited is very spacious and well-separated. The warmer Xcape IE sounds smaller and more intimate in comparison, as expected, and soundstage size is improved over the Xcape v1 as well. Overall, it’s an interesting sound – potentially a bit fatiguing for those used to warmer, smoother earphones and a bit cooler than than the Xcape IE and RE-ZERO but definitely competent on a technical level and different enough from the other models to have its own spot under the sun.

Sunrise SW-Xcape Impressive Edition


ljokerl said:
The Xcape Impressive Edition, hereafter referred to as the Xcape IE, is meant to possess a more audiophile-friendly sound signature than the Xcape v1 and Xcited models. Claimed to require 200 hours of burn-in to settle into its intended sound, the IE is warm and smooth, with an emphasis on the mids and lows. The bass is more impactful than with the Xcited although depth is fairly similar. Attack/decay times are a little slower and the low end tends to ‘linger’ somewhat. Low notes produced by the IE are somewhat soft in character, so those looking for crispness will probably better off with the Xcited. That said, out of the five <$100 Sunrise and HiFiMan IEMs I’ve heard, I think it’s safe to say that the IE is the most impactful overall. Despite being rather full-sounding, the bass still carries good detail and texture and doesn’t bleed up. As such, it should appeal more to the average music listener without offending fans of the more analytical HiFiMan earphones and the Xcape v1.

The mids, similarly, are lush and smooth, but detailed. The IE is not nearly as dry-sounding or textured as the original Xcape and remains far smoother than the Xcited all the way up. Its note presentation has a pleasant thickness to it and remains slightly soft in nature. Expectedly, leaner-sounding in-ears such as the RE0 and MEElec CC51 have slightly better clarity while the warmer IE sounds more full and sweet. As with the CC51, one of the Xcape IE’s greatest strengths lies in its ability to provide a warm and generally pleasant sound signature without compromising detail.

The treble of the IE is slightly laid-back compared to the midrange. It is not necessarily rolled off but just doesn’t have the effortless presence of the Xcited or RE0. Instead, the top end is soft and gentle, accompanying the bass and midrange but never becoming a focal point. As before, smoothness is top notch and it takes very high volumes to coax the IE into sounding harsh. Presentation is impressive as well – the IE is more layered and three-dimensional than the old Xcape but not quite as wide or airy as the brighter-sounding Xcited. While not as unique as that of the Xcited, the presentation of the IE is more realistic and draws less attention to itself. Soundstage width is slightly above that of the RE-ZERO and MEElec CC51 and the depth is better than that of the Xcape v1. The earphone is equally adept at conveying both distance and intimacy and doesn’t get congested despite its greater thickness and softer note presentation. Imaging is good as well but the dynamics of the IE tend towards the softer side of things. The Xcited and Xcape v1 can both do ‘immediate and explosive’ a tiny bit better than the IE. In general, compared to the v1 Xcape, the IE makes gains in layering and dimensionality at the expense of sounding a bit more intimate on the whole. It is a sweet-sounding earphone and a pleasant listen, although those looking for something with an analytical edge will probably want to stay away.



Clieos said:
As usual, 50 hours of burn-in is given to the IEM before the review. Though burn-in doesn’t seem to improve the sound quality, I have to say I was already impressed by PR401 upon first listen. In many ways, PR401 is the improved version of PR200 and PR300 combined - more mature, refined, and spacious, but retains most of the goodness from both. It really graduated from entry level IEM (where the rest of the PR series are) to become a seriously good mid-fi IEM in its price category.

The overall sound signature of PR401 is balanced with a slightly V-shaped like presentation and a faint sense of warmness. Bass is impactful, good in body, depth, texture, while has a decent decay and quantity (*with Sony Hybrid clone) - not larger than PR200 or PR300, but not too far away either – and definitely show a greater degree in control and refinement. Mid is more recessed than PR300, but also shows a better sense of distance and space while still retains a good amount of the warm and sweetness in the vocal, the improved decay in lower mid (compared to PR300) helps in giving a fuller sense of body and texture despite being less forwarded. Treble is similar to PR300: forwarded, full of detail and sparkles while ever so crispier and still sibilant free. Soundstage and image is quite good: airy, spacious and layered.

While in first listen, PR401 might not be as apparent as a big jump from the PR200 and PR300, but the devil is really in the detail. It is the refinement in sound on the PR401 that makes it truly stands out from the rest of the series.


Thank you, but earbuds always fall out of my ear. Either they're too big, or they don't stay put, especially when running.


ElyrionX said:
Thanks. Looking at them now.

Also, I've owned the iPhone 3GS for more than 2 years now and I just tried the default Apple earbuds that come with it for the first time ever. Holy shit, these things are actually fairly decent. They are a MASSIVE step up from the old iconic earbuds that used to come with the old iPods.

it might seem like sacrilege but I agree with you.

I compared them against some actual cheap 5 dollar earbuds recently and the cheap ones were really, really garbage. huge dfference the newish apple ones (since 2006 or 2007, i think) are not at all horrible. they're not great but I think some folks malign ibuds based on older versions that weren't as good.
Totally agreed on the ibuds. I've never actually listened to music on a pair before, and usually just use them for games on my iPhone or listening to podcasts at work (so that I'm not totally isolated). I decided to listen to them one day out of morbit curiosity, and was fully expecting claustrophobic soundstage, anemic bass and harsh treble and was totally surprised that they sounded pretty good. Totally changed my life. Well, not really, but even if I didn't own a bunch of other phones, I'd never use them for music cause they are uncomfortable as fuck and have the ergonomics of a porcupine.

Totally looking forward to the HE300 impressions too, it's been awhile since I've been interested in a full size set of cans.


LCfiner said:
Yeah you're right.

I was just trying to think of a well respected pair of closed headphones and it didn't hit me that they're over double the price of the k702. The d2000 or d5000 aren't ones I could easily recommend cuz of the sucked out midrange and they're still pretty expensive.

I'd be willing to pay the MSRP of $999 on that website as long as I know I'm getting what I pay for, ie. crazy good headphones.

Also looking at the SRH840 or 940, any opinions on these? From what I've read the 940s are better (since they are the newer model) and pretty decent.

I went on the Audio-Technica website, they've got sooooo many models I just got confused :( I wouldn't mind an A-T model since my record player is also A-T and I love it.
the 940s are good, but they sound better for certain kinds of music than others, imo. I like them for female vocals, folk music and acoustic guitar in general. Whether or not they sound good for rock or alternative seems to vary on a per-song basis..

I don't regret my purchase, but they aren't the best all-around closed headphone.. especially at $300..


They don't seem any better than my HD280s.

EDIT: What would you recommend then, Robobandit? Since my main genre is rock with anything other than dance music + modern pop thrown in.
Madrical said:
They don't seem any better than my HD280s.

EDIT: What would you recommend then, Robobandit? Since my main genre is rock with anything other than dance music + modern pop thrown in.

If your main genre is rock, I'd honestly look elsewhere. The KRK 6400s that HiResDes recommanded are significantly cheaper.. and supposedly sound awesome.

I've only had the Shure SRH840s and 940s.. and I'm not sure I'd recommend either of them for rock. The 840s can be had for as little as $130 if you look around, though.

Try to buy from a place with a good return policy.. and audition a few pairs, really.. it's hard to know how something will sound to you for certain kinds of genres.. we're all different, afterall.


HiResDes said:
Check out the Old Skool 70s in the OP:


Oh, what a good looking pair of headphones. Just what I have been looking for, thanks!

Oh, what a surprise, can't find anywhere that sells them in UK.


The Yuin PK3s are fucking garbage. Who the fuck made these flimsy pieces of shit?

That being said, any recommendations on decent earbuds for under $50?


Sineheiser HD555 vs. ATH-m50, this would be my first purchase and looking to get me and my brothers something for the holidays what do gaf!


Samoora said:
Sineheiser HD555 vs. ATH-m50, this would be my first purchase and looking to get me and my brothers something for the holidays what do gaf!

if they’re gonna be used outside the house or frequently around other people, M50 is the way to go because it’s closed.

and, I may be wrong, but I think the M50 will have more impactful bass that might be welcome.

Hootie said:
The Yuin PK3s are fucking garbage. Who the fuck made these flimsy pieces of shit?

That being said, any recommendations on decent earbuds for under $50?

shit, sorry to hear that. :( didn’t like the sound? I thought they were pretty decent for the price. light bass but good detail

I’m sure hiresdes and the options in the OP can help you out


LCfiner said:
if they’re gonna be used outside the house or frequently around other people, M50 is the way to go because it’s closed.

and, I may be wrong, but I think the M50 will have more impactful bass that might be welcome.


I'm mostly concerned about overall quality and durability. They'll be staying home most of the time so portability isnt the issue.


LCfiner said:
shit, sorry to hear that. :( didn’t like the sound? I thought they were pretty decent for the price. light bass but good detail

Don't get me wrong, they sound great! The durability, however, is horrendous. I've treated these things with the utmost care and two months after buying them, the bass in the right earbud is all messed up. Whenever there's bass in a song, I get this weird crackly sound that completely ruins the song. It's just disappointing.

I heard stories of them breaking fairly easily, but I assumed I'd be able to avoid it since I'm usually very careful with my electronics and stuff like that.


goodfella said:
Oh, what a good looking pair of headphones. Just what I have been looking for, thanks!

Oh, what a surprise, can't find anywhere that sells them in UK.
Budgenaudio ships worldwide.

Hootie said:
Don't get me wrong, they sound great! The durability, however, is horrendous. I've treated these things with the utmost care and two months after buying them, the bass in the right earbud is all messed up. Whenever there's bass in a song, I get this weird crackly sound that completely ruins the song. It's just disappointing.

I heard stories of them breaking fairly easily, but I assumed I'd be able to avoid it since I'm usually very careful with my electronics and stuff like that.

Hey check out these or these (if you can find them in stock)


Junior Member
Hootie said:
The Yuin PK3s are fucking garbage. Who the fuck made these flimsy pieces of shit?

That being said, any recommendations on decent earbuds for under $50?
But you'll have to look for a seller since the manufacturer only sells in quantities if 5 or up.
Sound ridiculously good, not just for the price. Long burn in.


Seriously considering the Denon AH-D7000, I can (somewhat) justify the price so long as I'm getting what I paid for. Anyone have experience with high tier headphones like these? Is it truely worth it? I'm *this* close to purchasing.


Madrical said:
Seriously considering the Denon AH-D7000, I can (somewhat) justify the price so long as I'm getting what I paid for. Anyone have experience with high tier headphones like these? Is it truely worth it? I'm *this* close to purchasing.

DreamsVisions has the D7000 and I think he really, really likes them.

I have not heard them but, from my experience, the best closed cans I've used are the modified MD2000 (aka LA2000) from Lawton audio that I got earlier this month, second hand. amazing midrange quality, powerful bass and very nice, wide soundstage.

This mod takes the D2000 (or the D7000, if you like, for some extra cash) and adds some damping to the drivers and cups to control the crazy huge bass that is naturally found in these cans. optional extras include recabling and custom wood cups. the mod helps make it a bit more neutral and adds power to the midrange but without losing the "fun factor".

and, since they're based on the denons, they're about as comfortable a headphone you can get. the one I got was cheaper as it used regular d7000 wood cups and not the custom, fancy ones that the guys make.

but they are expensive. and it takes a while to get them made and shipped out. so, for convenience, you might be better off with the D7000.

And I think the D7000 fixes up the issues with the midrange "suckout" that my regular, unmodified D5000 had when i owned a pair earlier this year.

I'll say this, though. The regular D5000 were only average for rock but these modified ones are well suited to any genre. they're good for rock and feel very lively with the guitars and vocals, but they also have great bass impact to back up the rhythm without it feeling overpowering.


Ah, I was convinced to get a pair right up until that last sentence. 95% of my records are 70s-80s rock & prog rock with some modern stuff too.


Madrical said:
Ah, I was convinced to get a pair right up until that last sentence. 95% of my records are 70s-80s rock & prog rock with some modern stuff too.

convinced to get the D7000 or convinced to get the modified pair?

another popular closed option for rock are the ultrasone headphones 580, 780, 900. I'm curious to try a pair but haven't taken the plunge yet.


Was convinced to get the D7000, however, how do you go about getting a modified pair of D2000/5000/7000? If that would be a better option I'd be willing to take that route.

Looking at the Ultrasone 900, people really like 'em, but they say they're nearly too bassy. Another guy said the only pair he owns and likes more than them are the D5000 heh. Decisions, decisions... the 900s do look nice though.


Madrical said:
Was convinced to get the D7000, however, how do you go about getting a modified pair of D2000/5000/7000? If that would be a better option I'd be willing to take that route.

Looking at the Ultrasone 900, people really like 'em, but they say they're nearly too bassy. Another guy said the only pair he owns and likes more than them are the D5000 heh. Decisions, decisions... the 900s do look nice though.

go to lawtonaudio.com to get a new pair or check prices.

you can find used pairs on sale in the "for sale" forums on head-fi.org



LA2000 “Lite”
Balanced Neutrik
Your Choice of cable length
$839 + shipping

Amazon has the stock 7000s for $750, although I'm not sure if they would ship to Australia. I've bought some books from there but that's about it.


Help me out here Gaffers!

I'm a proud owner of a GradoSR225 and i love them to death...but im too self aware when it comes to my music leaking to others on my daily commute...so im on the market for a "around 200 bucks", closed headphone.

Right now im leaning towards the TMA, but i trust the Gaf Hive-Mind to show options!

Don't let me down boys and girls!


CPCunha said:
Help me out here Gaffers!

I'm a proud owner of a GradoSR225 and i love them to death...but im too self aware when it comes to my music leaking to others on my daily commute...so im on the market for a "around 200 bucks", closed headphone.

Right now im leaning towards the TMA, but i trust the Gaf Hive-Mind to show options!

Don't let me down boys and girls!

if you want a grado style, forward sound but with more bass and can deal with a more “congested” sound, get the sennheiser HD-25-1 II.

the TMA-1 are supposed to sound a lot darker (but they certainly look cooler)


I'm looking into getting some nice mid-tier headphones. I'm leaning a bit towards a closed, but I'm content with open. Primary listening would be electronic and rock, so a nice bass range with some good trebles would be great. Price range is up to $200. I looked at the ATH-M50, and that seems like a nice, affordable set. Would anyone give any other recommendations?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Karl2177 said:
I'm looking into getting some nice mid-tier headphones. I'm leaning a bit towards a closed, but I'm content with open. Primary listening would be electronic and rock, so a nice bass range with some good trebles would be great. Price range is up to $200. I looked at the ATH-M50, and that seems like a nice, affordable set. Would anyone give any other recommendations?
The HD 25-II is a much better choice.


Karl2177 said:
I'm looking into getting some nice mid-tier headphones. I'm leaning a bit towards a closed, but I'm content with open. Primary listening would be electronic and rock, so a nice bass range with some good trebles would be great. Price range is up to $200. I looked at the ATH-M50, and that seems like a nice, affordable set. Would anyone give any other recommendations?
Some would say the Fischer Audio FA-011 is a better M50 and the better price-to-performance ratio with the M50 selling as much as they are now especially. The FA-011 are open headphones however. One warning about the FA-011, however, is that it's pretty revealing.


So I nabbed the SRH-940s, the OP doesn't have any amps so what would y'all recommend? Soundcards too.. Asus and Creative are the best from what I know?

EDIT: amp for use for both my PC (I'll be buying a nice soundcard, looking at the Asus Essence STX, and my record player.

EDIT 2: Nabbed the Fiio 7 + 9 combo for a little over AUS$200, not too bad. Can't wait to test them all out a record!


LCfiner said:
if you want a grado style, forward sound but with more bass and can deal with a more “congested” sound, get the sennheiser HD-25-1 II.

the TMA-1 are supposed to sound a lot darker (but they certainly look cooler)

That looks like a real solid contestant...even though i made a promise i shall never buy a sennheiser headphone ever again. Had nothing but problems with the last two i had, drove me insane...granted they were both lower-end models.
Thanks for the answer man.

Keep 'em options coming Gaffers! Make my ears a happier placer!


Took a listen to another pair of M50s today, and the bass sounds just like mine. I guess I'm just a bass crackhead since I need more than my M50s + E11 bass boost.

I should just get some Beats lol.
Madrical said:
Seriously considering the Denon AH-D7000, I can (somewhat) justify the price so long as I'm getting what I paid for. Anyone have experience with high tier headphones like these? Is it truely worth it? I'm *this* close to purchasing.
Hi. I has D7000s and use them daily. Probably 3,000 hours on them already.

PM or post questions you may have. Or I'll PM you my phone # and we can get your questions answered that way.

To date, I've owned: D1100, D2000, D5000, D7000 as well as Sennheiser HD600 and HD650. I have not heard any of the modified cans, so I can't provide any advice on those. But I can compare the D7k's to any of the other Denon's in the lineup, discuss strong/weak genres of music, pros/cons, etc.

Ashhong said:
Took a listen to another pair of M50s today, and the bass sounds just like mine. I guess I'm just a bass crackhead since I need more than my M50s + E11 bass boost.

I should just get some Beats lol.
how about getting a pair of the cans K. Jack has? TMA-1's?

Or...you can really step up in bass and go with a pair of Denon D2000's.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hi. I has D7000s and use them daily. Probably 3,000 hours on them already.

PM or post questions you may have. Or I'll PM you my phone # and we can get your questions answered that way.

To date, I've owned: D1100, D2000, D5000, D7000 as well as Sennheiser HD600 and HD650. I have not heard any of the modified cans, so I can't provide any advice on those. But I can compare the D7k's to any of the other Denon's in the lineup, discuss strong/weak genres of music, pros/cons, etc.

how about getting a pair of the cans K. Jack has? TMA-1's?

Or...you can really step up in bass and go with a pair of Denon D2000's.
Hey, what amp/DAC are you using with your D7000s? What have you used with the D2000?

I have a pair of the D2000 with the headroom micro amp and dac, just curious. Thanks.
Madrical said:
So I nabbed the SRH-940s, the OP doesn't have any amps so what would y'all recommend? Soundcards too.. Asus and Creative are the best from what I know?

EDIT: amp for use for both my PC (I'll be buying a nice soundcard, looking at the Asus Essence STX, and my record player.

EDIT 2: Nabbed the Fiio 7 + 9 combo for a little over AUS$200, not too bad. Can't wait to test them all out a record!

Let us know what you think of them. I find my 940s to be hit and miss depending on the music..

I like the way they sound when connected to the 1/4" on the E9 than I do out of my computer by itself (with onboard sound) or out of the E7 by itself.

Here are some examples of what music/artists I like with the 940s -

1. Female vocals (Norah Jones, Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, etc.)
2. Folk music
3. Male Vocals (adam duritz(counting crows), darius rucker (hootie & the blowfish), to name a couple)

I also really like Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds Live at Radio City on the 940s.. they offer a lot of detail.. and the recording quality of that concert is fantastic.

What I don't like on them-

Bass heavy music, anything with a lot of synthesizer/electronic sound.

If you're like me you'll prefer acoustic versions of your favorite rock songs on these cans..
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