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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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What the hell does a producer do?

Pretty much all the work that makes it possible for the production to happen in the first place. They find financiers, make deals with studios and broadcasting companies to decide where and when it will play, help to secure cast talent. They work with marketing etc as well, will often recruit the post production companies to work with.
Pretty much all the work that makes it possible for the production to happen in the first place. They find financiers, make deals with studios and broadcasting companies to decide where and when it will play, help to secure cast talent. They work with marketing etc as well, will often recruit the post production companies to work with.

Ok. I just never really understood, i guess they're kinda of like the parents of a film, they do the business and the director is in charge of the artistic stuff?

I just never knew what they did. I always see Spielberg's name as a producer on everything and wondered what actual work he was doing.
Not true, she is becoming very wise at picking projects. A next-gen Weinstein in the making. She is a name to remember.
Hasn't she been getting blasted lately for investing a shit load into movies that could be made cheaper?

What the hell does a producer do?



First time a chilean movie in Oscars, WOW.
I know is not the favorite but is a great achievement.

It's probably the foreign movie with the least buzz... but since Amour is nominated for Best Movie, it opens up the possibilities for the rest of the nominated foreign films for a real shot.

Haven't watched 'No' yet, but if what I've read about it is true (Mad Men advertising style story where the 'Yes' and 'No' campaigns fight for votes on the Pinochet referendum) then I can see how it could grab the attention from the academy.
The Master not even getting nominated for best Cinematography is akin to when Children of Men lost best cinematography.

Not quite. Children of Men losing was akin to The Tree of Life losing - as amazing as Hugo's cinematography was.

But yes, The Master was my favourite in terms of cinematography out of what I've seen.
Not quite. Children of Men losing was akin to The Tree of Life losing - as amazing as Hugo's cinematography was.

But yes, The Master was my favourite in terms of cinematography out of what I've seen.

I didn't find the Tree of Life cinematography to be better than Hugo. It was stylized more so, but a bit inconsistent overall. Good cinematography and editing has rhythm, Children of Men built suspense really well with its use of it. Same can be said about the long dialogue sequences in the Master with Pheonix and PSH... maybe not technically impressive like CoM, the editing and lighting creates an ominous atmosphere that compliments the tensity of their conversation.


goddamn some good movies up for the awards this year. last year felt so forgettable and there was nothing that I genuinely enjoyed.
I'll have to watch Amour now since it got nominated for everything. That's pretty rare, although more likely since it fits the voters' age just like Artist was with their old timey sensibilities. Still, Haneke getting more love so whatever.

Congrats to Quvenzhane Wallis for getting nominated for Lead Actress (she's 9!). They fixed their previous mistake of putting a lead actress into supporting with True Grit.

Boo for Matthew McConaughey not being nominated for Killer Joe, my favorite performance.

No one wants Lincoln to win anything, is the movie that boring?


I'll have to watch Amour now since it got nominated for everything. That's pretty rare, although more likely since it fits the voters' age just like Artist was with their old timey sensibilities. Still, Haneke getting more love so whatever.

Congrats to Quvenzhane Wallis for getting nominated for Lead Actress (she's 9!). They fixed their previous mistake of putting a lead actress into supporting with True Grit.

Boo for Matthew McConaughey not being nominated for Killer Joe, my favorite performance.

No one wants Lincoln to win anything, is the movie that boring?

Every movie he did in 2012 was gold.


No one wants Lincoln to win anything, is the movie that boring?

No hot women, GAF hates it. Personally I think it's a fantastic movie and should pretty much win all the big awards (maybe not Best Actress).

edit: Officerrob makes a valid point that Lincoln did get nominated for a couple of statues it really has no business being nominated for.
No one wants Lincoln to win anything, is the movie that boring?
While it's good, it still manages to be very overrated. The fact that it's also 100% Oscar bait to the point that a crappy performance like the one turned-in by Sally Field gets a nomination is a bit of a turn off

Angry Fork

1. No Ben Affleck or PTA is kind of shocking to say the least.

2. Movies being nominated for best picture but not director does not make sense to me. Best director/picture should always be the same movie.

3. Still no DiCaprio win is funny but he'll get it eventually.
Am I the only one annoyed by the whole the Oscars suck because old people vote for them argument? Age has nothing to do with preferences or taste. It's like saying young people have bad taste, some do, but not all. They could all be 30 and still be biased and keep rewarding the same movies. I'm offended as I progressively get older lol.

Like only old people could like movies like Amour.


Lincoln is a fine film. I don't know why it would be overrated. It earns every bit of its running time with great performances and interesting content.
Am I the only one annoyed by the whole the Oscars suck because old people vote for them argument? Age has nothing to do with preferences or taste. It's like saying young people have bad taste, some do, but not all. They could all be 30 and still be biased and keep rewarding the same movies. I'm offended as I progressively get older lol.

The oscar bait argument works year after year, so there's validity. What you relate to, you'll like the best so since Academy voters are older, it's not hard to guess why they like Amour. It explains the snubs like McConaughey for a NC-17 movie. Explains why some movies only good for their acting are nominated. Or why genre movies don't get nominated. Or why some unexceptional romcom like Silver Linings Playbook is nominated so much compared to Moonrise Kingdom :p
The oscar bait argument works year after year, so there's validity. It explains the snubs like McConaughey for a NC-17 movie. Explains why some movies only good for their acting are nominated. Or why genre movies don't get nominated. Or why some unexceptional romcom like Silver Linings Playbook is nominated so much compared to Moonrise Kingdom :p

I'm not saying it's not there, it probably is. It's just that some people make it sound as if old people have awful taste and can't like something newer or more edgy. I'm sure there are a fair share of old people into stuff like Moonrise Kingdom too, but maybe they don't vote at the Oscars lol. Some here seem to generalize it sometimes, like it's a no brainer Amour got nominated.

I'm 27 and like old movies and have no problem watching a movie with mostly old people in it :(

I'd like Amour to win.

Angry Fork

Spielberg is a legend but his schmaltz has taken it's toll on people including me. The ending of war of the worlds really soured me, to the point of reactionary disdain. Just that sort of cheap populist emotional manipulation that goes straight for the sensitive dingbat audience. And I cried at E.T. so I'm not rock hard, i don't know how to explain it. I still have to see Munich maybe that'll get me interested in Spielberg again.

So I haven't seen Lincoln but I've heard it follows that kind of principle and with a bad/stupid ending, the first trailer didn't help alleviate those concerns either so I just haven't been interested in seeing it. Also heard that slavery's violence is white washed compared to something like Django, but maybe the movie isn't about showing slavery just talking about it. Any truth to this?
Fucking killer joe getting snubbed too. My tastes don't align with these awards anymore. Good to see Lincoln get nods though, it was a good film

Django was fucking great but it felt like it desensitized slavery to the general audience. Call me crazy but there's a lack of media out there that showed its true brutality and while some scenes in Django were hilarious, others weren't and it was weird to hear people laugh during them
It's probably the foreign movie with the least buzz... but since Amour is nominated for Best Movie, it opens up the possibilities for the rest of the nominated foreign films for a real shot.

I don't get this at all. Amour will never win best picture but it will win best foreign film for sure. It must be better than all other foreign films as it got a best picture nom and the other didn't... It also have a best director nom... Everything is for amour to win best foreign film


Spielberg is a legend but his schmaltz has taken it's toll on people including me. The ending of war of the worlds really soured me, to the point of reactionary disdain. Just that sort of cheap populist emotional manipulation that goes straight for the sensitive dingbat audience. And I cried at E.T. so I'm not rock hard, i don't know how to explain it. I still have to see Munich maybe that'll get me interested in Spielberg again.

So I haven't seen Lincoln but I've heard it follows that kind of principle and with a bad/stupid ending, the first trailer didn't help alleviate those concerns either so I just haven't been interested in seeing it. Also heard that slavery's violence is white washed compared to something like Django, but maybe the movie isn't about showing slavery just talking about it. Any truth to this?

I've never understood people who complain about the War of the Worlds ending. Have you read the book? It's the exact same ending.

I thought the ending to Lincoln was well done. It arguably could've ended about 5-10 minutes earlier, but I was fine with the last scene all the same. You should watch Munich. It's written by Tony Kushner who also wrote Lincoln and contains little of the schmaltz you mention.

The argument that Spielberg only does schmaltzy movies now can only be made if you willingly choose to ignore select movies in his filmography. In short, watch Munich and Lincoln. Both are great films.
Munich has a great ending. I still stand by Spielberg being the best director last decade in terms of amount of output and how good some of the films were
Ok. I just never really understood, i guess they're kinda of like the parents of a film, they do the business and the director is in charge of the artistic stuff?

I just never knew what they did. I always see Spielberg's name as a producer on everything and wondered what actual work he was doing.

Spielberg is usually an Execute Producer. Basically one of the guys that invests in the movie and reaps profit. Isn't involved in the day to day.

Angry Fork

I've never understood people who complain about the War of the Worlds ending. Have you read the book? It's the exact same ending.

I just meant the son turning out to be alive, which ruined the earlier break up scene which I liked a lot, when Cruise had little power to keep him from fighting despite trying his best.

I thought it was a great emotional scene that ends up being made irrelevant because the screenwriter or spielberg wanted people to leave the theater feeling happy or whatever.
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