What I don't understand is why aren't the next gen consoles getting some of the same options that PC gets? This isn't the ps4 pro/xb1x anymore, the new consoles are much more in line with the PC, yet console gets no option for contact shadows/aa/texture detail/lighting etc
It feels like we're back in 2019 where the PC could do so many things those consoles couldn't yet we just got a major hardware upgrade. The gap should have closed some but we get the same lack of settings options that last gens mid gen upgrade systems lacked
You want a settings menu like the PC version?
Already on PC where everyone knows the first thing you should do is go to the settings menu, people dont use it enough and rather run to forums/twitter/reddit.
You really think console players are gonna bother reading a full settings menu and even attempting to understand whats what?
Theres a reason they have a console....its more plug and play for them.
They dont want to tinker, devs know they dont want to tinker, so try to make life as easy as possible for them.
It's seriously locked to 40fps at 60hz? That's incredibly stupid if true. Or is that only at 120hz?
40@120 obviously.
Yep runs in divisable refreshes, smart but ideally should have an unlocked frame rate option so everyone can use VRR to its max.
Yeah id hope the first patch is for a VRR unlocked mode just to see how high the engine can actually go.
Right now it drops into the 20s so I dont think a 60 lock is realistic without some heavy heavy heavy optimizations.