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Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed coming to PS4 in NA this holiday (PS3/Vita 8/12)


Cool! I've only got a PS4 out of the console options so that works out, and I'm interested in playing more XSEED games and Japanese games going forwards should they release more of them on the PS4. I loved the variety of games XSEED published on the Wii so I've gotten well acquainted with some of the games they publish and enjoyed all of them, I expect I'll enjoy this game and discover something new and unexpected about what the medium of video games can express.



No, seriously, she's our new production assistant extraordinaire. Everybody say hi!


Hi Ayaikun ;)

Wyrdwad/Tom. I have question(I don't know if this was asked before :/).

The ads(in-game advertisments) in this game. Are they the same as the Japanese version(nothing has or will be changed)? Or will they have English ads(in-game advertisments)?

In case if you don't know what I ask :p

Sorry if this might be a weird/stupid question. I was just wondering :/.
Been listening to the character voices on the website and I have to say I pretty much love all of them. Freaking dying at Cindy Robinson as the little sister character. I feel there's gonna be some hilarious instances from hearing her rather deep voice saying some of the probably silly things little sister characters usually say.


Hi Ayaikun ;)

Wyrdwad/Tom. I have question(I don't know if this was asked before :/).

The ads(in-game advertisments) in this game. Are they the same as the Japanese version(nothing has and will be changed)? Or will they have English ads(in-game advertisments)?

In case if you don't know what I ask :p

Sorry if this might be a weird/stupid question. I was just wondering :/.
I think all they had to change was the ad flyers.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Hi Ayaikun ;)

Wyrdwad/Tom. I have question(I don't know if this was asked before :/).

The ads(in-game advertisments) in this game. Are they the same as the Japanese version(nothing has and will be changed)? Or will they have English ads(in-game advertisments)?

In case if you don't know what I ask :p

Sorry if this might be a weird/stupid question. I was just wondering :/.

Exact same as the Japanese version, Japanese game trailers and all. The only thing we had to change for legal reasons was the text accompanying some of the ad flyers (which listed the stores' addresses, phone numbers, etc.), which had to be removed. The flyers themselves are still entirely intact, though.



They can't have the ps4 version yet since I don't think the JP version is released yet Edit: My bad was released in July. So they are talking about the loading in the ps3/vita version.

Nope, they were reviewing the PS4 version, they did a "hands-on" video.
Dammit, I love that XSeed is giving this advance notice but at the same time I hate that I don't know when I'm getting a PS4. Oh well, keeping my pre-order for the PS3 version.


The Gamekult review is brutal. I don't read them often but it's one of the only french site I read.

Dans la pratique, les combats sont tellement répétitifs et limités que l'attrait du strip s'estompe aussi vite qu'une lap dance au Hustler.

Battles feel repetitive and limited. They compare their lost of interest in the strip battle system to the time a lap dance lasts at Hustler's.

Dans Akiba's Trip, on ne déambule pas vraiment, car cela revient à s'infliger un écran de chargement pour faire vingt pas. Ce n'est pas une image ou un chiffre balancé au hasard, non : suivant la zone, il n'en faudra pas plus pour se manger un loading abrupt. Qu'il convient de multiplier par deux, cinq, sept, suivant le bloc où déclencher la mission suivante. Un trip fractionné qui prend heureusement fin assez vite, le temps de piger que la mini-map sur l'interface-smartphone foutraque permet de se téléporter suivant l'urgence du moment.

They say you don't have fun exploring a lot in the game because you roughly gets a loading screen every 20 steps. They say they have not thrown that figure randomly out there. Depending on the area it can be as bad as this figure. It even gets worse when you have to go to a mission which starts far away form where you are since you will need to cross 2, 5 or even 7 loading screens. The solution to this issue is that you will end up using the minimap on your smartphone to warp around depending on the urgency of the moment instead of exploring.

The bottom-line is surprisingly harsh too. Ouch :

]Akiba's Trip 2, c'est donc ça : un enchaînement de quêtes sans intérêt, dans un décorum surlaid mais fidèle au quartier d'Akihabara, avec des combats moisis mais une idée marrante dans le fond. Un jeu où votre petite soeur hikikomori vous fabrique des items nuls et interchangeables, pour le simple plaisir de frapper des pseudo-racailles à duvet en brandissant un sabre kebab à deux pas du Club Sega. Indigne d'un jeu PS4, ce qui n'a finalement rien de déshonorant quand on vit avec les gênes d'un jeu PS2, le jeu ne survit pas bien longtemps à la lumière du soleil. Ce qui s'appelle se faire désaper le moral.

Akiba's Trip 2 boils down to this : a string of worthless quests in unbelievably ugly environments with rotten battles but that is still a faithful representation of the Akihabara district. They believe the concept was funny but that it's poorly executed : They explain you sister crafts worthless and interchangeable items for you for the simple purpose of having fun beating bad guys with Japanese weapons next to Club Sega. They think that it doesn't deserve to be a PS4 game considering how awful it looks. In the end they believe that point is not so bad since the game is basically stuck with a PS2 game's limitations. They say the game wouldn't survive very long in the sun ( a pun about the vampire thing of the game) and say it's a game that drains your moral quickly.


So ready for this; love the humor.


Since they're already have the license for the PS4, I'll assume that wyrdwad knows about the technical stuff now...

So I have to ask... Does it run at 60fps?


Gives all the fucks
Do we have any idea when Shinovi Versus is dropping?
I was wondering this as well, as I saw Sept. 30th on both Amazon & GameStop. I don't recall that date being confirmed.

...though if that is the date, then I've got 5 games that I want in Sept. Maybe I'll get lucky & get one as a b-day gift.


Gold Member
Hot damn! 3 days before my birthday next month! Yay! I will probably pay my Vita copies (one for play, one for collection) off before my anime convention on the 8th-10th (otherwise every penny I have will be spent on food and anime and pre-ordering Bayonetta Bloody Fate and seaon one of the newly dubbed Sailormoon lol). And so totally getting that PS4 version as well.

I am a little saddened to see so many people stating they will cancel their Vita versions for PS4....


Exact same as the Japanese version, Japanese game trailers and all. The only thing we had to change for legal reasons was the text accompanying some of the ad flyers (which listed the stores' addresses, phone numbers, etc.), which had to be removed. The flyers themselves are still entirely intact, though.

Those Sen no Kiseki ads are going to break some hearts. =P


I'm probably going to switch my preorder to the PS4 version from the Vita. August is really packed for me, so lightening my load to only 4 games this month is worth it.


What the hell XSEED. Now I dont know which version I should get :(

Since I dont have any PS4 games and thw system is just collecting dust should I wait for the PS4 version?
Problem is I am so hyped to play this game...


Exact same as the Japanese version, Japanese game trailers and all. The only thing we had to change for legal reasons was the text accompanying some of the ad flyers (which listed the stores' addresses, phone numbers, etc.), which had to be removed. The flyers themselves are still entirely intact, though.

Nice :D. Thank you for answering my question :p.

Now I have to choose which version I should get(Vita or PS3, tough decision :X).


It contains faster loading times, updated graphics, more people on-screen, a new "streaming" mode where different things will happen if you type in certain words/commands, contains all the free & paid DLC, and some visual filters (I THINK that's exclusive to PS4).

So what all can you do in this game really? I've watched people play this on the PS4 streaming through twitch and it seemed like most of the time they were doing the same combos over and over and stripping them and then that was it. Also some girl kept popping up and talking even though neither of the characters the player had looked like that girl. She had sort of a light purple/grey hair color.


For some reason everytime I save the game and come back, I have to start the entire story over again... All of items/gear are saved but it's like groundhog day. I keep having to replay the game from the very beginning. It would help if I knew just a smidgen of Japanese :lol


XSEED Localization Specialist
For some reason everytime I save the game and come back, I have to start the entire story over again... All of items/gear are saved but it's like groundhog day. I keep having to replay the game from the very beginning. It would help if I knew just a smidgen of Japanese :lol

I bet I know what's happening.

Akiba's Trip is save-anywhere -- you have to open the menu, go into system, then choose save.

Considering what you're describing, I'm guessing you're going up to the train station gates to save, right? What's actually happening there is, you're choosing to leave Akihabara forever, ending the game immediately but saving clear data that you can carry over to new playthroughs.



I bet I know what's happening.

Akiba's Trip is save-anywhere -- you have to open the menu, go into system, then choose save.

Considering what you're describing, I'm guessing you're going up to the train station gates to save, right? What's actually happening there is, you're choosing to leave Akihabara forever, ending the game immediately but saving clear data that you can carry over to new playthroughs.


Oh god that is exactly what I'm doing... I'll have to look into the menu save option, thanks! Now I can rest easy lol, I was really starting to think I was losing my mind.


I bet I know what's happening.

Akiba's Trip is save-anywhere -- you have to open the menu, go into system, then choose save.

Considering what you're describing, I'm guessing you're going up to the train station gates to save, right? What's actually happening there is, you're choosing to leave Akihabara forever, ending the game immediately but saving clear data that you can carry over to new playthroughs.


Oh, you can do that at any time?

That's kinda awesome.


XSEED Localization Specialist
So what all can you do in this game really? I've watched people play this on the PS4 streaming through twitch and it seemed like most of the time they were doing the same combos over and over and stripping them and then that was it. Also some girl kept popping up and talking even though neither of the characters the player had looked like that girl. She had sort of a light purple/grey hair color.

Yeah, this game doesn't really "show" well. It's one of those you have to play yourself to really appreciate.

Combat can get a little samey once you've figured out what moves you enjoy using most, but if that happens and it's starting to detract from your enjoyment, just... equip a different weapon, or a different strip style, or a different movement cycle, and EVERYTHING will change. Every weapon controls totally differently, and strip styles and movement cycles can really change how your character controls and how dynamic his moves look in action.

The gameplay is all about experimentation -- getting new equipment, testing it out, seeing what feels good to you and what doesn't, then repeating that cycle... pretty much endlessly, since the variety present in this game is enormous.

Meanwhile, you'll be advancing through a story that's better than it really has any right to be, and taking side quests that are utterly ridiculous but always entertaining (like taking down two yakuza families in their entireties so that the "starman-crossed lovers," Lolio Montokyu and Yuriette Capuretto, can finally live together in peace).

...As for the female character, that's your partner. She's AI-controlled, and there are a bunch of different partners available during play, some required for certain scenes by the story and others freely selectable. And you can do combo moves with them, which vary significantly from partner to partner.

Oh, and to answer the specific questions: yes, the Disgaea ads are in, and yes, the Sen no Kiseki ads are in. As are the Neptunia ads, and all the DLC relating to Disgaea, Neptunia, DiGi Charat, Genshiken, etc. It's all there, baby! ;)



This comes out on the 12th?! I thought Metacritic's date of the 5th was right. The wait! D:

Not sure how I'm going to have time to play all the new Vita games coming out in August.


...You'll be advancing through a story that's better than it really has any right to be...
Sounds like a really good guarantee of quality!

I'm writing the text for the official thread, and although I still haven't had the time to write anything more than a general outline, I can tell I'll have fun making it. Whether you like the actual content or not, I think it's hard to deny that this game comes from a pretty genuine place.


Yeah, this game doesn't really "show" well. It's one of those you have to play yourself to really appreciate.

Combat can get a little samey once you've figured out what moves you enjoy using most, but if that happens and it's starting to detract from your enjoyment, just... equip a different weapon, or a different strip style, or a different movement cycle, and EVERYTHING will change. Every weapon controls totally differently, and strip styles and movement cycles can really change how your character controls and how dynamic his moves look in action.

The gameplay is all about experimentation -- getting new equipment, testing it out, seeing what feels good to you and what doesn't, then repeating that cycle... pretty much endlessly, since the variety present in this game is enormous.

Meanwhile, you'll be advancing through a story that's better than it really has any right to be, and taking side quests that are utterly ridiculous but always entertaining (like taking down two yakuza families in their entireties so that the "starman-crossed lovers," Lolio Montokyu and Yuriette Capuretto, can finally live together in peace).

...As for the female character, that's your partner. She's AI-controlled, and there are a bunch of different partners available during play, some required for certain scenes by the story and others freely selectable. And you can do combo moves with them, which vary significantly from partner to partner.

Oh, and to answer the specific questions: yes, the Disgaea ads are in, and yes, the Sen no Kiseki ads are in. As are the Neptunia ads, and all the DLC relating to Disgaea, Neptunia, DiGi Charat, Genshiken, etc. It's all there, baby! ;)


Ah okay. Yeah it looks like an interesting game. Just when you watch someone for like 15 minutes you don't really see much. But it's cool to be getting a game like this on PS4. And I hope that the Disgaea team make a game on the PS4 and maybe even come up with a style that trumps the updated visuals of Disgaea 4 and D2. I love Disgaea's art style, and seeing them looking more and more like the drawings is awesome.
Def going with the PS4 edition now, hopefully the PS3 and Vita will still sell well.

edit: the game will have dubs and subs+ Japanese voices right?


I really want to buy this game. I want to support Japanese games on the PS4 and I like the premise/quirky nature. Hopefully reviews turn out okay.


XSEED Localization Specialist
edit: the game will have dubs and subs+ Japanese voices right?

Yep. Dual voice, and even dual text (play with Japanese text if you'd like). PS3 and Vita versions both feature this, and there's really no reason I can think of that the PS4 version wouldn't as well (though we're not as far along on that one, as you might imagine, so I can't say with 100% certainty).

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