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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


ND doing their damndest to offend as many people as possible. Wonder how that will translate to sales? Are gamers so self loathing they buy it anyways or speak with their wallet? Time will tell.


If people are not into dark and violent games then the TLOU 1 or 2 is not for you but don't make that choice for other people. That really is the attitude that people need to have towards art they don't like. I understand that some people might not like this game but people are acting like Neil Druckmann murdered a beloved family member. This level of outrage over a video game is not healthy. RDR2 was divisive even though I personally loved it but you didn't see this intense and vitriolic anger towards Rockstar. Videos related to the game are not spammed with tons of negative comments and the likes usually vastly outweigh the dislikes. With TLOU2 it actually feels personal with many people in a way I don't understand.
And if he didn't?
Re-evaluate indeed
But I wouldn't say he was a hero though
But still..

I'm not totally following this, Ellie's death would be the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, since they can get a cure.

So another “leak“ from Game Informer:

Neil really wants to make you feel bad for playing his edgy kill game.

ND doing their damndest to offend as many people as possible. Wonder how that will translate to sales? Are gamers so self loathing they buy it anyways or speak with their wallet? Time will tell.

You guys sound like you need a safe space or something.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I bet if you knew the ending spoiler actually had Abby killing Ellie too, the reaction wouldn't be as mild.

Not going to happen because its not how a character arc like Ellie's closes. Ultimately she doesn't instigate the chaos, so there's no closure in it destroying her. Her arc is about why she fights and keeps on fighting. This is Ellie's story after all.

Nothing in the story can retroactively change the fact the only reasonable outcome now is for Ellie to kill Abby's boyfriend and then kill Abby. Leave Lev alive.

Evidently you're not a creative person! There are an infinite number of ways for things to turn out.

Your hope is that people rationalize Abby as daddy's little girl and love her, good luck with that. Same as rejecting Joel because of a retcon.

Nope. All that's required is to justify her motivation to take revenge. Joel dying at her hands ONLY makes sense because we care about him despite his many flaws. There are no heroes and no villains in a tragedy born of conflicting purposes. If there are going to truly unredeemable villains in this story it'll be the Seraphites, because the "shades of gray" aspect is key to it all.

This is why in the end Ellie will prevail and kill Abby (likely on the third attempt). The hard part is going to be balancing it all out emotionally so that Ellie's character-arc concludes with her becoming a Joel-like figure. My suspicion is that Killing Abby will echo Joel's execution of Marlene at the end of the first game.


This is starting to sound like the gaming equivalent of Clockwork Orange and I am hear for it. I miss the violent and gritty films from that era and I am glad we might get the video game version.


Do you guys remember TLOU1 differently than me? It seems to me the point that game ultimately was making was a meta one. The game intentionally gave the player ludo-narrative dissonance by having you play as Joel during his hospital rampage at the end, which was a morally ambiguous choice he made that you as the player are now complicit in. He wasn’t the badass John Maclaine hero saving the day, he was being a selfish asshole. That’s why the games story is so praised, it explored complex and morally ambiguous characters.

Looks like you and I have different opinion in Joel. The hospital scene, it wasn't a morally ambiguous choice for me at all.

First of all, he was lied, hurt and betrayed by Firefly & Marlene - that he was beaten and captured. Second of all, by that time - almost a year of traveling together - Joel is fully projecting Ellie as his daughter, even though he fully aware that she's not. Nevertheless, he deeply cares for Ellie. He deeply cares that she "lives". Yes, it wasn't her choice - but you are talking about 14 year old girl. Not even fully grown adult. He chose to save Ellie so that she can live her life.

Would you let your 14 year old daughter to have an operation that's guaranteed to kill her for an unlikely chance of a vaccine? That's the bottom line.
As a father of a similar aged daughter, I don't blame Joel at all.

He was deceived, betrayed, and was about to lose his metaphorical daughter all over again. If I was in his shoes, I would do the same. Only difference would be that I would not kill them all and talk them out of it - but it was clear that they were not going to listen to him - by holding him gunpoint. If you remember, at the last encounter with Marlene down the elevator - she, a militant leader of Firefly, was holding gun squarely at him, threatening and persuading him to let Ellie to be killed, for her own desperate cause. The tumor in Ellie's brain had to be removed and she can't live? I mean, that's the lamest excuse to be honest - that a mere sample would be sufficient - but the storytellers never gave that as an option conveniently.

As per Ellie's choice - it's never clearly answered whether she wanted to die to save the humanity. She was obviously conflicted and afraid by that time she nears the hospital. In the end, she's a kid. If you are an adult who sees a conflicted child in similar situation - are you the one to push the child over the edge for assisted suicide for the "good" of humanity? I am not. I am certain Joel wasn't either. Why is it a selfish choice to let your loved one to live another day for the future, and possible cure other than involving her untimely death?

Some say that the ending shows that she wanted to die. It could go both ways, as she was definitely conflicted. But my point of view, is that she knows that there's something Joel is hiding. However she doesn't know to the extent of 100% losing her life.

At least that's my point of view. I don't think Joel was a selfish asshole. He was a good man and a good father in times of desperation and survival, especially to Ellie, who lost everything and lost everyone she cared for.

Other than that - I agree that the judgement should be held at the final product, which shouldn't take too long as it's gone gold now. I'm sure it would be a beautifully made game as seen in the trailers and all. My biggest and only main gripe, as I said before is being forced to play as Abby, not because what she looks like or what she may be, but because she killed Joel, a character that I personally liked and related very much.

I am, interested in what Abby's side has to say. But at this point of time - it's very difficult to play in her shoes, because I don't know anything about Abby, but I know a lot about Joel as character - and I'm sure I'm not alone who feels like that. It's ND's job to really persuade the players to be in her shoes... but to be honest, whatever the intention is - they don't seem to be interested in doing so. So I will wait. I will wait for others to play and will decide if the story is told well enough to join the side of killing Joel with a golf club and spitting on the corps. Honestly, pulling it off would be like pulling a rabbit out of hat - and I know they are great storytellers, so if they can... I would be pleasantly surprised, and buy the game and play. I guess that's the downside of being accidentally exposed to the spoilers - but at the same time, it gave me a choice, whether good or bad - I don't know. It's just a game.

Indeed it's a cycle of vengeance - fans vs ND at the moment - calling each other names and all. :/


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
not totally following this, Ellie's death would be the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, since they can get a cure.
Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
So yes Ellie's death would have been the most logical approach.
But as demonstrated with Spock in Wrath of Khan and then the Search for Spock with Kirks reversal of that quote "the needs of the one, outweighed the needs of the many"
Something Spock didn't understand until
The Voyage Home when Chekov is in trouble, Spock insists that the crew save him, even at risk of jeopardizing the crew’s vital mission to save Earth and everyone on it
the logical choices are not always the right or the most "human" ones to make.
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Ok so Druckmann says he doesn't like overly sexualized female characters in video games. So he creates characters like Elena from Uncharted. How did Neil's politics, which affected Elena's design, affect your enjoyment of the Uncharted games?
Neil didn’t have anything to do with Elena’s design. She was created by Amy Hennig
We don't know if Ellie lives or die.
yes we do, she lives.
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ND doing their damndest to offend as many people as possible. Wonder how that will translate to sales? Are gamers so self loathing they buy it anyways or speak with their wallet? Time will tell.

Nah, but seriously there's no way that's her death, especially since the scar is too clear. We know Abby survives for a while after their leaked encounter, at least a few weeks going off Lev's hair.
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This is starting to sound like the gaming equivalent of Clockwork Orange and I am hear for it. I miss the violent and gritty films from that era and I am glad we might get the video game version.

what? How so? That’s one of my favorite films of all time and I’m struggling to see the comparison


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Neil didn’t have anything to do with Elena’s design. She was created by Amy Hennig
You'll also notice a complete change of character from U3 to U4
In U3 Elena pushes Drake, she is the reckless one.


what? How so? That’s one of my favorite films of all time and I’m struggling to see the comparison

i know, right, wtf? Kubrick’s ultra violence and rapy inoutinout in that movie wasn’t didactic at all, in fact it kind of made it fun.
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You'll also notice a complete change of character from U3 to U4
In U3 Elena pushes Drake, she is the reckless one.
No? You're thinking of UC1, in UC3 it's all trying to be responsible while secretly enjoying it, UC4 is in-line with that.
i know, right, wtf? Kubrick’s ultra violence and rapy inoutinout in that movie wasn’t didactic at all, in fact it kind of made it fun.
They are both very violent and don't hold back.

Huh I see. Just that specific example threw me. There’s so little in common between them - aside from violence and not holding back. I feel like there are countless films and tv shows that have happened since that would be far easier to state this was the gaming equivalent of. Like game of thrones is closer than a clockwork orange, the walking dead show is closer.


It was the first example I thought of which isn't the best one but it is a throwback to that era's style of film making when the violence was gritty, brutal and visceral instead of over the top and I like how it is in a video game. The first one was like that. When Joel slammed an enemy's head against a wall you almost feel their teeth and facial bone shattering. It is not for the faint of heart but I like a game that doesn't hold back.
As far as the killing dogs I think most dog owners would feel a little something about that, I always hate killing animals in Assassins' Creed but I do it. If I had to kill my food I'd be a vegetarian but thankfully we have nice farmers and people who work in slaughter houses to do that for us lol.


Neo Member
Most people b***hing on Youtube didn't have any problem with Neil Druckmann until late April

This means they liked Uncharted 4, Uncharted Lost Legacy and The Last of Us without knowing his political beliefs. Now they're going back looking at the games and saying, "Look at this SJW propaganda they're trying to force down our throats."

This means the majority didn't focus on politics while playing this game and now they are.
Fucking bingo, i been knowing about neil’s views for an extremely long time & all his past comments that already heard before coming up now as some proof of muh sjw propaganda is fucking hilarious. these fucking idiots don’t care or they where saving the comments for a rainy day fund, when Neil fucked up some how & now we enter the leaks & here comes your muh sjw crowd to make a buck. It’s fucking Funny.


People need to stop giving Anita Sarkeesian so much power. Gamers act like she is this big and all powerful monster when she is just another person with an opinion. At the end of the day she only matters this much because people keep talking about her. It actually makes us look weak and beta when gamers seem so scared of her. I think her and many other modern feminists are full of it and I am not afraid to tell them so but at the end of the day their views don't affect my life. Tell them to screw off and move about your day. I have done it to their face and they have nothing to say.

ND is making the kind of game they want to make and following their vision which is what everybody should do no matter who it offends. He or she who creates it has the right to steer it in any direction they want if you ask me. Art is always better when the artist pleases themselves instead of trying to please this person or that person because when they put their heart into it you can tell.

Dr. Claus

People need to stop giving Anita Sarkeesian so much power. Gamers act like she is this big and all powerful monster when she is just another person with an opinion. At the end of the day she only matters this much because people keep talking about her. It actually makes us look weak and beta when gamers seem so scared of her. I think her and many other modern feminists are full of it and I am not afraid to tell them so but at the end of the day their views don't affect my life. Tell them to screw off and move about your day. I have done it to their face and they have nothing to say.

ND is making the kind of game they want to make and following their vision which is what everybody should do no matter who it offends. He or she who creates it has the right to steer it in any direction they want if you ask me. Art is always better when the artist pleases themselves instead of trying to please this person or that person because when they put their heart into it you can tell.

If she has the power to push games in a certain direction, she is more powerful than she should be - not just someone with an opinion.


If she has the power to push games in a certain direction, she is more powerful than she should be - not just someone with an opinion.
I don't think she has as much influence is you think she does. The biggest selling game of the 2010s was GTAV which is pretty much her worst nightmare and plenty of games that don't fit her standards release and do well. I also don't think she had anything to do with TLOU2. She said so herself on her twitter. I just don't see her as this big threat.
you're not disputing anything I'm saying. The quartering is clearly center right. All of his content is. Politics change over time. A decade ago maybe he'd consider himself to be on the left. But this isn't a decade ago.
I am saying you are projecting. Saying things like “clearly X” is word salad based on your opinion and nothing more.

You haven’t even defined your parameters for what you feel is clearly right or left. Maybe you should do some introspection before projection.

Dr. Claus

Fuck this fucking game... Kill dogs, Lesbian motivations, Kill a Protagonist, Intense violence and sex... And Sony dont censored this thing and other less violence get censored ?

Fuck sony really.

Welcome to Modern Sony. Where games like Senran Kagura? Needs to be censored and parts of it outright removed. Innocent games like Super Seducer are outright banned from being sold on the platform. It has reached the point where JPN developers, after being routinely dicked around, have decided to openly mock the system and publisher and release titles like "Omega Labyrinth LIfe" where it is cheaper and outright states that most of the content is removed because of overly sensitive dipshits.

But Sony will proudly display games like TLOU2. If I didn't know better, I would have thought there was some racist cunt at Sony California trying desperately to kill anything Japanese.


So how the overall excitement about tlou2 is right now in gaf, are people still mostly excited about the game. or most you are pissed and cancel the purchase of the game.

Personally i've seen leaks accidentally, and i'm pissed a it, i though it was a bad fanfic, but it's not even what bother me the most. What bother me is that i heard Anita was involve in the game. Like wtf ND were thinking by hiring this sick woman!!


I am subscribed to geeks n gamers and the quartering, amazing Lucas, etc. I am on the right. Do not tell me these people are not on the right. There are political agendas at play here. To pretend otherwise is to lie.
Ok mister. Here is lucas. Tell me whats right wing here when we complain they sell us a big fucking lie like it was with raiden in mgs2.

Fuck ma am fuck this forced transgender bullshit.


There is no transgender stuff in this game though. If you are going to be outraged at least get the facts right. Abby might be muscular but all signs point to her being a natural born woman. Some people are just as triggered as the SJWs when it comes to this game. The guy in the video even said it is triggering.


There is no transgender stuff in this game though. If you are going to be outraged at least get the facts right. Abby might be muscular but all signs point to her being a natural born woman. Some people are just as triggered as the SJWs when it comes to this game. The guy in the video even said it is triggering.
Oh fuck off with the sjw shit already

Lets get the facts straight.
Trailer is a big lie.
More the half of the game is played as abby.
And thats the point. Abby could be a she hulk or a pony or what ever the fuck the point is still the same . You play a game where you think you buy into the first parts characters, you understand joel is dead and you will play ellie ok no problem lesbian ok who care phatetic shit anyways and then surprise motherfucker ,what you though you know what game you bought ,nah i didnt con you nah i didnt commit false advertisment hahaha

Just keep playing the sjw victim card that we give a shit about feminism or whatever when its clear that this game is a scam and not for the lesbo bullshit.

Also i want to point out that lets say that cunt anita had a say in the development of the game etc . as a feminist the best they can come up with is a white chick who does exactly the same as joel going around killing everyone. Man if this is what feminism is about and this is what they want to achive to glorify violence through a female character they better be all lesbian cuz no sane man will ever touch their kind.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Ok mister. Here is lucas. Tell me whats right wing here when we complain they sell us a big fucking lie like it was with raiden in mgs2.

Fuck ma am fuck this forced transgender bullshit.

If you're going to post a youtube video, make sure the guy is not talking about fake leaks.


Gold Member

Oh fuck off with the sjw shit already

Lets get the facts straight.
Trailer is a big lie.
More the half of the game is played as abby.
And thats the point. Abby could be a she hulk or a pony or what ever the fuck the point is still the same
. You play a game where you think you buy into the first parts characters, you understand joel is dead and you will play ellie ok no problem lesbian ok who care phatetic shit anyways and then surprise motherfucker ,what you though you know what game you bought ,nah i didnt con you nah i didnt commit false advertisment hahaha

Just keep playing the sjw victim card that we give a shit about feminism or whatever when its clear that this game is a scam and not for the lesbo bullshit.

Also i want to point out that lets say that cunt anita had a say in the development of the game etc . as a feminist the best they can come up with is a white chick who does exactly the same as joel going around killing everyone. Man if this is what feminism is about and this is what they want to achive to glorify violence through a female character they better be all lesbian cuz no sane man will ever touch their kind.

You start with calling them liers then go on to lie....

There's no confirmation of how long you play as Abbey certainly not for more than half the game.

Looking like man dose not anyway make you tranny. ironic thing is all your doing by making these assumptions feeding that woman's delusions.
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You start with calling them liers then go on to lie....

There's no confirmation of how long you play as Abbey certainly not for more than half the game.

Looking like man dose not anyway make you tranny. ironic thing is all your doing by making these assumptions feeding that woman's delusions.
Give it up already.
Yes the whole secind half of the game is played as abby.

But lets go one step further.
After the game releases and its all true like posted by so many are all you going to suck up?
Hey if i am wrong i appologize to everyone about this but will you?

Nah i dont think your kind would ever admit to be wrong


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Give it up already.
Yes the whole secind half of the game is played as abby.

But lets go one step further.
After the game releases and its all true like posted by so many are all you going to suck up?
Hey if i am wrong i appologize to everyone about this but will you?

Nah i dont think your kind would ever admit to be wrong
It's not because Abby's chapters are shorter than Ellie's.
You also play as Ellie after the fight with Abby.


Anita herself said she was not involved with this game. Just because her and Neil Druckmann might have had a conversation at one point in the past does not make her a developer at ND. I certainly disagree with her on many things but at least trying to have a conversation is better than the rape threats, doxxing and death threats that many women get. No matter how much I disagree with somebody that is never okay and it does nothing but help her cause. I am sure that playing as Abby for however long was meant as a surprise and that is not false advertising. For all we know it could be like that one level in UC4 where we play as Sam escaping the prison and that is it.

If the game turns out to be bad then it is bad. A bad game is not the traumatic experience people here make it out to be but I am expecting to love it.


Gold Member
Give it up already.
Yes the whole secind half of the game is played as abby.

But lets go one step further.
After the game releases and its all true like posted by so many are all you going to suck up?
Hey if i am wrong i appologize to everyone about this but will you?

Nah i dont think your kind would ever admit to be wrong

If the games sucks ill first tell you, have no aligance to any manufacture out there.

The question here is will you believe anyone if they said they like the game? you seem stuck with mentality that everyone should share your opinions and if they don't they are biased. People are going enjoy this game whether you comprehend it not, maybe that's me who knows..
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I read the Reset thread on it because of news sites referencing it and my God, those betas are eating this bullshit up. This is fucking garbo. Why would anyone want to play as some manboy looking woman nobody? This is so disappointing. As a huge fan of ND who has been buying their games day 1 since Uncharted 2, I've sorely disappointed.
Ok mister. Here is lucas. Tell me whats right wing here when we complain they sell us a big fucking lie like it was with raiden in mgs2.

Fuck ma am fuck this forced transgender bullshit.

That guy is a jackass, his fake ass laugh gets on my nerves. I watched a few of his videos in the past when he was covering Spider-Man on PS4, didn't know at the time that he also made political videos. I saw a few of them and while I am 100% fine with people having other views than I do he was clearly pandering and using false information to try to gin people up. These outrage youtubers are assholes, I don't care if they are democrats or republicans all they want to do is fuel people's anger so they can keep making money off of it.
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I'm starting to think a few of the leaks are outdated or incomplete, that new trailer makes it look like Ellie kills Abby by the end of it, I don't think any of the leaks mention that.. That could be part of the changes that were mentioned in Jason Schreier's article about crunch, remember he said that part of the game wasn't testing well and they had to make some changes? Of course it could also be a big swerve but Ellie is swinging a golf club in the end and there isn't anything mentioned about that in the leaks that I saw.
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