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Analysis: Poor turnout not responsible for Trump's victory.

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I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.
He had low chances to win, but still a chance, and he managed to win. With the electoral college running things against the popular vote, that's about the best you can expect. He managed to get enough votes in the right places.
I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.

How dare the gay community on GAF and outside of this place have a slogan of support of Hillary Clinton.

Should have won the primaries then.

Also this.
I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.

Should have won the primaries then.
Trump has even LESS charisma than Obama.

Like I don't get it Americans- Hillary is not as good as Obama, I guess I better vote for Trump!
Trump isn't charismatic to Navy Blue Neogaf, but that doesn't mean he isn't appealing to certain segments of the American electorate. I thought we learned the hard way that GAF isn't representative of the populace at large back in November.
Man history really repeats itself doesn't it? Does US need to wait several more decades until a woman president doesnt seem like a power hungry politician?
Trump isn't charismatic to Navy Blue Neogaf, but that doesn't mean he isn't appealing to certain segments of the American electorate.

I will never fathom how anyone can find a man who struggles to string words together into a coherent sentence charismatic or having the "I want to have a beer with that man" quality.
I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.

From a winning perspective, sure (tho it's no sure thing), but Bernie played a lot of the fear of Chinese and Mexicans taking her jobs as Trump did. A lot of similar policy recommendations, just not as blatant about the Yellow Scare rhetoric.

Still I'd obviously rather Bernie's populism than Trump's populism.
Man history really repeats itself doesn't it? Does US need to wait several more decades until a woman president doesnt seem like a power hungry politician?

operating under the assumption that whoever runs for president as a woman won't be viewed like that.

unless you're a republican women, then you're fine


Because their lives became worse and they wanted fixes so they listened to a man who promised them everything:

Honestly there's some racist elements but overall Hilary didn't appeal to these rural desperate white Americans and really didn't focus on these people (i.e. wasn't all her time in states like Pennsylvania spent in the cities)

Here's it in perspective:
Honestly that's the answer there...These people aren't just unhappy they're desperate. And desperate people are easy to con.
I really don't buy into that. I've grown up and have been surrounded by many who were desperate/continue to be while on the brink of homelessness with families. That's on top of the other forces weighing them down by just where they come from, what language they speak, and what they look like. They continue to not be conned by someone such as Trump. Not like Obama brought them a wave is prosperity either. These people were looking for someone to sell them bullshit and wrap it up in a way that's easy for them to get behind. Trump happened to do it using immigrants and muslims as the wrapping paper and those willing lined up. They do need help and they are willing to try and get it by trampling over others.
It still blows my mind that there are people that voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

It's not that mind blowing.

Obama promised hope and change. Not the kind of change they were expecting.

The hate boner for Hilary (much of it justified) and feeling left out once more and more jobs under Obama were being shipped away from the US.

Trump came along saying similar things like Obama, promise after promise so it's not surprising people fell for it.

Now we're all screwed for it.


Lots of us working class white people were better off by 2016 than we were in 2008. I found as some who I knew were doing a bit better, they also got increasingly racist and more upset about paying taxes.

"I thought I was doing fine until I added up how much taxes were taken out of my checks for the year!" -breakroom chatter

Once some white people are out of the poorhouse, they suddenly get the idea that their taxes are going to people who don't deserve it.
Trump isn't charismatic to Navy Blue Neogaf, but that doesn't mean he isn't appealing to certain segments of the American electorate. I thought we learned the hard way that GAF isn't representative of the populace at large back in November.

What's his charm then?

Man history really repeats itself doesn't it? Does US need to wait several more decades until a woman president doesnt seem like a power hungry politician?

Why? They're perfectly fine with power hungry male politicians and wannabe- dictators.
I suppose Hillary was too realistic and honest on her policies and spent too much time trying to engage voters like they were rational and intelligent.

You're right, how can a group of people who voted for Obama in 4 years vote for someone a flaming racist who went out of his way to shit of ethnic groups and tell African Americans their lives are garbage so give him a chance. I've wondered this since the night of November 8th.

The promise of money and economic stability probably trumps everything else for these people. I voted for Hillary. Democrats saved the country from a second great depression but the jobs that were gained back aren't as good as the ones that were lost. Large swaths of the country live in economically depressed areas. Shit is like a 3rd world country in a lot of places. Hillary was kind of candidate and lacked charisma but the shit she talked about during the campaign rarely talked about actual policy and how hers would directly help people as opposed to say Bernie. Also people are fucking stupid. If one candidate says they are going to bring your job back and the other is talking about social issues exclusively, stupid people are going to vote for the person who promises you money. Obama offered hope. Hillary offered the status quo, which clearly wasn't enough for some voters. Also fuck Trump.
I suppose Hillary was too realistic and honest on her policies and spent too much time trying to engage voters like they were rational and intelligent.

That and her whole career is marked with compromise and capitulation that made her promises of improvement look pretty hollow, and her intense ties to and profiting from corporate America made her general deference to generic technocratic pragmatism look a hell of a lot like someone enmeshed in the worst aspects of the system.

It is what it is. It was a change election, and enough voters in the right places said "Fuck it, I know what I'm getting from Hilldawg, let's see what this guy does". Put up someone with better appeal next time, distance yourself from left-wing extremism that goes disproportionately after these people you lost, and the ship rights itself.
It still blows my mind that there are people that voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

From a campaigning perspective both were similar. The conservative right bemoaned the lack of substance in Obama's 2008 campaign, only to end up basically lifting it for Trump's 2016. Ultimately unlearned middle Americans went for both.

Hope and Change and Make America Great Again are very compelling messages for people who thinks that Washington doesn't work for them. "I'm with her" doesn't sell as well. It was a slogan that I felt motivated by thinking "finally!", but it doesn't resonate with anybody other than coastal liberals.


I guess Hillary was ironically too honest for her own good. Too many facts and not enough zingers. Maybe she should have lied some more about how she was going to completely revive coal instead of having a well thought out plan on replacing it.
So that covers a portion of previous democrats voters turning to Trump.
But what if the US has a total voter turnout of, let's say, a modest 65%?

What demographics make up HALF of the eligible voter population that rarely/never votes?


It still blows my mind that there are people that voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

People vote according to their self interest. If they voted for Obama 8 years ago and their situation has not only failed to improve but actually gotten worse it makes total sense that they would flip come next election.
I will never fathom how anyone can find a man who struggles to string words together into a coherent sentence charismatic or having the "I want to have a beer with that man" quality.

Sarah Palin, George W Bush. You can have high charisma with or without high intelligence. And Trump can speak normally there are videos on youtube of him behaving normally. He's a conman and the way he talks is a calculated act.


I guess Hillary was ironically too honest for her own good. Too many facts and not enough zingers. Maybe she should have lied some more about how she was going to completely revive coal instead of having a well thought out plan on replacing it.
She's a terrible liar and that's a really bad trait for a politician running for office..
So that covers a portion of previous democrats voters turning to Trump.
But what if the US has a total voter turnout of, let's say, a modest 65%?

What demographics make up HALF of the eligible voter population that rarely/never votes?
A lot of Romney votes flipped too, they just didn't all flip to Clinton, which was a problem.
I will never fathom how anyone can find a man who struggles to string words together into a coherent sentence charismatic or having the "I want to have a beer with that man" quality.

There is obviously some allure to Trump's personality. It's the reason hes had his own TV show, has been in the tabloids for 30 years, and why if you try to think of any other New York real estate investors you'll be hard pressed to come up with anybody.

I wouldn't discount the "have a beer with..." Index. It helped carry Obama over Romney in 2012 (Romney was notably stiff and obviously doesn't drink), but in this case, don't think I'd want to drink with either Clinton or Trump given that Trump doesn't drink. I'd kill to have a beer and wings with Obama though. And hell, I'm no republican, but I'd happily catch a beer with George Bush too.


She was also a woman in an overtly sexist culture and society. America just wasn't ready, and frankly didn't deserve Hilary Clinton.


Why don't people ever blame Hillary Clinton's campaign? Like at all? How about the fact that Clinton didn't even bother visiting these states? Or that preferred fundraising in NY to stepping foot in Wisconsin?

Hillary Clinton gave the image of a rich white elitist, which is ironic considering Trump is an actual billionaire yet managed to make himself appear more like "one of them" than Hillary did. Sad!

What's even sadder is that both Obama and Bill recommended her to visit these states and warned her, but she got cocky and didn't all the same.
Why is that? Obama ran on hope and change. Donald ran on America failing and in need of a change. Two arguments against the status quo.

Yep, they both ran anti-washington campaigns. The same that brought Democrats to Congress in 2006 (against the military establishment) and Republicans back to congress in 2010 with the rise of the Tea Party.

Democrats incorrectly took Obama's win in 2012 despite congressional losses on 2014 as an indication that Americans were open to the Washington status quo.

And I'm part of the problem here -- I thoroughly endorsed Clinton in this primary and general. Not "to win" but because I thought she had the strongest policy, experience, and temperament for the job.
Identity politics aren't just for the intolerant left, huh

I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.

Is it liberating being this dense


So surprising that this turned into Sanders Vs. Clinton yet again....

Anyway, it's fair to say that Trump has tons of charisma and has shown an ability to seize upon on a reliable 30-35% base as an absolute floor, no matter what he does. That's impressive and scary.

I don't think anyone doubts that HRC was a smarter, more capable candidate for POTUS, but to put it simply, she got outworked and played to her diverse base believing that in 2016, we were enough to overcome the idiotic masses. Unfortunately, she was almost right.

Because while that worked in a big picture sense (winning the popular vote decisively) not actually doing that hard work, going to those afflicted places in the rust belt that she took for granted, did them/us in.

Which is unfortunate, because in the end, no matter how many different hats she's worn as a supposed Arkansan/NY-bred Pol, she's ultimately born and raised in the Midwest and shares those personal sensibilities with those who didn't vote for her. Which is a real shame because if she/her campaign made an attempt to go to those places, be herself and connect (much like she did when she faced off against Obama in 08), she'd have been President right now.
It still blows my mind that there are people that voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

It really shouldn't. You overestimate the average America's interest in politics. There's a reason why we've ping ponged between red and blue presidents for the last ... hell longer than most of GAF been alive.

With only two options when you want change you only have one other party to turn to. What both Obama and Trump have in common is that they represented change in the establishment. America is sick of the way our Government is run and hope voting for someone on the outside to change things from the inside.


I don't think it was racism because as the article says white people swifted from democrats to republicans so they swifted from voting Obama to trump. Why would a racist vote Obama? If they were racists wouldn't they vote for the white candidate instead of Obama? I just think people should accept that Clinton was a way worse candidate than Obama that is why the Democrats lost.


The election was determined by 200-300K voters in the Midwest. You can point to a lot of things as the reason why the election went the way it did.


I see analyst are still wrong. Let me know when they admit she defeated herself so we can stop beating around the bush. Also, we should really move past the election. It happened. It's done.


I don't think it was racism because as the article white people swifted from democrats to republicans so they swifted from voting Obama to trump. Why would a racist vote Obama? If the were racists wouldn't they vote for the white candidate instead of Obama? I just think people should accept that Clinton was a way worse candidate than Obama that is why the Democrats lost.
Because they expected black people to start "behaving" after Obama was elected. What many of these voters wanted out of the Obama presidency was not what they got.

To quote this article again: https://www.thenation.com/article/fear-of-diversity-made-people-more-likely-to-vote-trump/

Clinton won 23-held GOP districts in suburban areas nationwide. (enough to flip the House) The Rural/Urban polarization is real, and this election accelerated it hard.
turnout doesn't matter that much for the electoral college

the election was won by the less popular candidate because rural white people get more electoral votes per capita


I-It's almost as if YAS QUEEN was a corrupt and uncharismatic candidate... If only there was another, more genuine, candidate that statistically polled better than both Trump and YAS QUEEN in the states that decided the election, if only... /s

BERNIE 2020.

Err, which candidate was that.

Clinton outpolled Sanders head to head easily in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc.

That right there is enough to tip the election. Not to say Sanders wouldn't have done better or worse (that question is extremely difficult to answer given he never received the scrutiny of a nominee), but pretending it was oh so clear is silly.


Hillary's campaign was just terrible. If Obama could run again, he would have defeated Trump. The guy was such an easy target.

Which makes me wonder, if she went up against another Republican and still struggled, what would that say?
Err, which candidate was that.

Clinton outpolled Sanders head to head easily in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc.

That right there is enough to tip the election. Not to say Sanders wouldn't have done better or worse (that question is extremely difficult to answer given he never received the scrutiny of a nominee), but pretending it was oh so clear is silly.

The polls are worthless.


I see analyst are still wrong. Let me know when they admit she defeated herself so we can stop beating around the bush. Also, we should really move past the election. It happened. It's done.

Defeated herself by winning the popular vote by 2.7 million and a margin of less than 1% in key electoral battleground states. Literally tens of thousands of votes or less in some states.

By the numbers, Trump won because of years of strategic gerrymandering paying off in conjunction with the archaic joke that is the electoral college. This, of course, is a very different discussion than "why did people vote for Trump?"


remember how bill clinton tried to get the campaign to court white working class voters but got shut down?

sigh ..
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