Would really like to hear their rationale for going to 6".
To be the biggest phone out. It's going to flop. Size and price killed most people's interest in it.
Would really like to hear their rationale for going to 6".
Would really like to hear their rationale for going to 6".
It really is huge in comparison to the Note 4. The Note 4 is already bigger than my OPO and this dwarves the Note 4. Damn.
What? It looks VERY similar in size to the Note 4. Like within millimeters.
uhhh I've tried out smaller phones that I think are huge and this phone is huger. It's a huge phone.Printed out the to-scale image of the Nexus 6 and slapped some cardboard to it for thickness......
and holy shit it's not that bad at all.
Can't wait for others to try it in store and have the same realization.
Also can't wait to flaunt it and catch some double-takes when they realize it's not another plastic TouchWiz device.
What? It looks VERY similar in size to the Note 4. Like within millimeters.
Printed out the to-scale image of the Nexus 6 and slapped some cardboard to it for thickness......
and holy shit it's not that bad at all.
Can't wait for others to try it in store and have the same realization.
Also can't wait to flaunt it and catch some double-takes when they realize it's not another plastic TouchWiz device.
I wonder if there will be test units at carrier stores. I wanna see it in person.
How's the bloatware on sprint? Might be going that route as they have better reception in my area than t-mobile...
How's the bloatware on sprint? Might be going that route as they have better reception in my area than t-mobile...
I wonder if there will be test units at carrier stores. I wanna see it in person.
Thank you. I just think people have some really small hands. I held the Note 4 yesterday (Great looking and feeling phone btw) and it fit right into my hand. It didn't feel huge at all. That's why I contemplating a Nexus 6. My stupid 4.5" display feels way too small for me.
But the OTA for the N5 is at least three or four weeks away. That's like 3 months. Why can't Google roll this out more quickly?I'll just wait for the OTA then, shouldn't be too far along. Can't be bothered doing a wipe.
Wait, isn't it coming out mid-nov for N5?
Does the new dev preview fix the tethering issue? If yes I'll be inclined to do it, if not I'll wait.
This preview is really good. I wonder what extra features can we expect from final release? Weird thing is it has aosp browser, calendar, music and sms apps, no gapps but playstore and g. Services
Would really like to hear their rationale for going to 6".
I really dislike this. It looks so disjointed not to mention gaudy. The vertical logo was fine on the nexus 5 because the back was so simple. But here you have the huge ugly ass flash ring and the horizontal motorola logo that totally clash with it.Maiden in black...
Looks great, though I'm assuming it's not final hardware? That doesn't look like a dimple; it looks flat.Maiden in black...
I really dislike this. It looks so disjointed not to mention gaudy. The vertical logo was fine on the nexus 5 because the back was so simple. But here you have the huge ugly ass flash ring and the horizontal motorola logo that totally clash with it.
I don't like it at all, yet I'm considering getting one.
I really dislike this.
Looks great.
Android L new preview is fucking mega based on the N7!
Based Google!
Ah, "tabs-as-apps" indeed works in Chrome Beta. Here are three tabs in Recents:
What slightly annoying is that if you have this enabled you can't switch tabs from within Chrome at all anymore, you have to use Recents. Will take some getting used to.
BTW, GAF's mobile design needs an update, methinks. Let's get some flat/material goodness in there!
Android L new preview is fucking mega based on the N7!
Based Google!
Excellent. Someone finally made a correctly sized phone.
Just waiting for my contract now in case those Z4 rumors become true, but if they are, I wish it was 6" rather than 5.5".
What are the big news in Lollipop besides materiel design?
Is it tabs as apps, multi-user login and better battery management?
I have been a little out of the loop while moving.
Wifi tethering works on the latest preview.
How do I get it on my N7?
I like how they made the navigation buttons smaller in the second L preview. They really bothered me in the first preview but now that they're smaller they don't bother me as much. The second L preview is much better. I might have dismissed Android L too easily with the first preview.
Beta means what exactly?k, I installed Android L on my N7
But for email, there is no option to setup an Exchange account or a Corporate account? What gives?
Given the rumours and staff changes we know happened, my suspicion is that between Silver and the plan to close the Nexus programme there wasn't a Nexus 6. Then the people pushing Silver left, everyone else decided it was a ludicrous plan, and they were forced to get a last minute handset from Motorola which they still had enough power to do. And all Moto had on that notice was a cancelled tablet.
Try mailwise and...k, I installed Android L on my N7
But for email, there is no option to setup an Exchange account or a Corporate account? What gives?
k, I installed Android L on my N7
But for email, there is no option to setup an Exchange account or a Corporate account? What gives?