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Android |OT4| I/O Silver

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I'm thinking that it had be carrier and OEM pressure. Can't imagine that they want Google pushing people toward Hangouts, which is potentially a way to get around SMS charges. (Yes, I know the rest of the world uses WhatsApp or Kik or Line or whatever, but I'm American, everyone texts here.)

Not so much considering carriers just bundle unlimited SMS and calls together now.

Google had a lot of mms issues with hangouts in the beginning as well as some general confusion from users BC of google+ requirements. Users bitched and instead of google pushing forward with hangouts they are giving users a new alternative.

This is pathetically stupid on googles part and is just going to hurt them further in trying to create an imessage like experience on android.
Kind of the wrong thread, but the Chrome thread isn't nearly as active as this one. Plus, we're all Google folks.

I'm ever-so-close to buying Dell's Chromebook 11. It's in my shopping cart at Newegg and I'm about to pull the trigger. From everything I've read, it's still pretty much the undisputed best Chromebook on the market. (Factoring in cost, of course. The Chromebook Pixel is insane and no one should ever buy it.)

That said, it has been out for more than half a year. Any rumblings of a Chromebook on the horizon that could usurp Dell's 11? If so, I'll wait. If not, I'll go for it.
I thought the carriers didn't know about it until it was too late.

gruber I know, but http://daringfireball.net/linked/2011/06/06/imessage

And that may have been the case, but it would have never really been to late. Much like blocking FaceTime over cellular calls (which they don't do anymore) or tethering on unlimited data plans, they could have blocked the ability for iMessage to send anything besides SMS and MMS or charged you a monthly fee for access to iMessage. Instead they just shifted away from unlimited data plans to ones with a cap to make revenue there.


And that may have been the case, but it would have never really been to late. Much like blocking FaceTime over cellular calls (which they don't do anymore) or tethering on unlimited data plans, they could have blocked the ability for iMessage to send anything besides SMS and MMS or charged you a monthly fee for access to iMessage. Instead they just shifted away from unlimited data plans to ones with a cap to make revenue there.

Thanks Apple! You had to ruin unlimited data plans for everyone didn't you?


Think about how much better everything would be for Android users if Google got that Apple level of influence over the carriers
Thanks Apple! You had to ruin unlimited data plans for everyone didn't you?

Pretty sure they were headed that way, especially since you've had the CEO of AT&T say that offering them in the first place was the stupidest thing they've done. I've still been able to hang on to mine, but they throttle you at 5 gb anyways. T-Mo still has them though which is actually really surprising.

Think about how much better everything would be for Android users if Google got that Apple level of influence over the carriers

This was basically my point. Google is a huge company, with tons of resources. I feel like if they wanted to influence carriers they way Apple does they could find a way to do so.


think my nexus 7 (2013) flash storage just bit it. seeing what Asus can do for me, but I might have to jump on the nexus 9 bandwagon soon
Songza integration coming in next Play Music update. Techcrunch and Android Central posted articles but quickly removed them. However, someone on reddit manager to grab a shot.

Not something I want to make a new thread for but is anyone running 4.4.4 on Xperia Z (not rooted/flashed)? They apparently released it a month ago. My friends on the same network have the update, but it says I am up to date at 4.4.2... :'(

Considering learning how to root/flash just because I want it now. ¬_¬


The apks were posted on Reddit but you still can't install them :/

Sweet jesus just wait for the final release. It will be a stable system with complete stable apps.

Unofficial pics from probably an old build? Sounds legit.

RAW support in L is going to be huge. Here are some sample shots someone took with an N5:

Will this be easy for normal people to utilize? Or will you need to have a bunch of photography knowledge + photo editing skills + photo editing desktop software?

You must be confusing me with notbacon or someone else

Ding ding ding. Called the massive battery improvements too.

But don't mind me I'm just clueless and don't know shit...


Will this be easy for normal people to utilize? Or will you need to have a bunch of photography knowledge + photo editing skills + photo editing desktop software?

Think about how the filters work on instagram or g+ photos app. Alot of the stuff can be optimized once the raw data is there, and you just tweak them out.

G+ Auto Awesome pictures are gonna be insane after they auto upload a raw image to G+ for processing on their data end.


Your dreaming dude. You will be lucky if their apps follow the guidelines.

Operating system? Not so much.

Well Samsung's preview apps from a month or two ago already show that they're following the guidelines. They chose really ugly color schemes, but they are in fact following Material Design language.


Gold Member
I miss heads up notifications on this preview. I also wonder if we can add some extra quick toggles since there's room for two more

Heads-up notifications are there, at least for the built-in apps. Other apps probably need to be updated to support it.

And when it comes to quick toggles, apparently new ones are added once you activate the relevant function. For example, you'll get a tethering toggle once you've activated that once. But yeah, manual customization of that stuff would be nice.

And that may have been the case, but it would have never really been to late. Much like blocking FaceTime over cellular calls (which they don't do anymore) or tethering on unlimited data plans, they could have blocked the ability for iMessage to send anything besides SMS and MMS or charged you a monthly fee for access to iMessage. Instead they just shifted away from unlimited data plans to ones with a cap to make revenue there.

You're forgetting that Apple has control over everything. Carriers should be happy to even get the chance to carry their phones, or something. Google, unfortunately, doesn't have that influence. Oh, how I wish they did.


And Google makes the popular - by a huge amount - mobile OS in the world. But that doesn't matter, I guess.
It doesn't. Carriers make their deals with phone manufacturers. Google is meaningless in the equation. Verizon deals with Samsung not Google.

Also remember we are talking US carriers. Worldwide Android dominates massively but in US Apple is the #1 hardware manufacturer (which is the part that matters to carriers) by a HUGE margin. This is why Apple has leverage.

It doesn't help that the second biggest manufacturer in US (Samsung) unlike Apple is willing to give carriers whatever they want. All the rest are too small to matter to carriers. if Samsung cared they could get apple like leverage. But they are Samsung.


It doesn't. Carriers make their deals with phone manufacturers. Google is meaningless in the equation. Verizon deals with Samsung not Google.

Also remember we are talking US carriers. Worldwide Android dominates massively but in US Apple is the #1 hardware manufacturer (which is the part that matters to carriers) by a HUGE margin. This is why Apple has leverage.

It doesn't help that the second biggest manufacturer in US (Samsung) unlike Apple is willing to give carriers whatever they want. All the rest are too small to matter to carriers. if Samsung cared they could get apple like leverage. But they are Samsung.

He said the most popular OS, not manufacturer. OS.


He said the most popular OS, not manufacturer. OS.

Which is why I talked about manufacturers. OS is meaningless in deals with carriers. Carriers make the deals with the phone manufacturers. Not who makes the OS. Google doesn't have the leverage like Apple due to this.


Vector motherfucking drawables.

One of the exciting things about doing a preview release, like the one made available at Google I/O this year, is that developers can get an early peak at technology and APIs that will be in the final release.

One of the difficult things about doing a preview release is knowing what's actually ready for public exposure. Some features just aren't quite there yet, so they can't be part of that early train.

Such was the case for [drum roll please...] Vector Drawables and their dynamic sibling Animated Vector Drawables. We talked, at I/O, about new icon capabilities such as using AnimatedStateListDrawable to animate between bitmap images and StateListAnimator to animate arbitrary properties of views during state changes. But what we didn't mention (because it wasn't ready) was the feature (still under development) of providing vector art and animations that can vary those vectors over time.

Now that the SDK and docs are posted, you can see what these new, exciting features of L are all about. Look for a future DevByte on this stuff, but in the meantime:

n Android 5.0 (API Level 21) and above, you can define vector drawables, which scale without losing definition. You need only one asset file for a vector image, as opposed to an asset file for each screen density in the case of bitmap images. To create a vector image, you define the details of the shape inside a <vector> XML element.




took 'em long enough. unfortunately you still have to do things the old way for backwards compat

I've been dying to see who would got there first. With all the hardware apple built in, I was certain it would be them. Especially with their new varying sized displays.


do you mean duration?

You know, I've been watching a few videos, and I'm not liking how long the transitions take. Not all of them, but I think it's something I'd get annoyed with. Put aside the osiris-level of cartoonyness they have to them.

They look nice for presentation, I'll have to see how to they work out while I'm trying to get through showing a client something on my tablet.
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