If you were on contract and switched to their new plans at the reduced rate (which they allowed some people to do in order to raise awareness of the new structure), then you were technically saving money you shouldn't have been eligible for.
I don't want to derail too much, but I bet if you looked back at the numbers, you'll see that what you were paying a couple of years ago is likely higher than what you'd pay now on Next (for family plans), over time. One way or another, you are paying full price for the phone whether it be up front or over time with higher plan prices. At least with Next, when you pay it off, your price drops back down (and it's only 20 months of installments, not 24 months locked under contract).
The upgrade fee is bullshit all around but makes Next an even better value, though I won't defend any carrier on that front.
As for phones, if you want something that size then I think waiting for the Nexus 6 would be the best bet. I'm sure someone who posted a couple posts up could give some good arguments for the Note 4 though.