I'm a software engineer that focuses heavily on good ui and is why im big on vanilla android. This forum does not like that apparently because everytime I mention it I get persecuted. Just like the last time where I gave an opinion and got jumped all over. If people threw a fit every time you spoke your mind about something you were pationate about you would tell them to get fucked as well.
It's like if u are a junior member u aren't allowed to stand up for yourselves or give your owns jabs. Or even though i used to be a huge gamer something is up because i dont post in the other threads. I've pretty much gotten heat from vanillaidiot ever since I called him out for giving me uninformed ATT advice and then it just got worse from there.
This is an online forum and some of you act like your in a high school click together. Get over yourselves, spend that energy developing relationships in your real lives.
I still love you osiris, even if you think aosp is good. just ask mturco and andrex.