Lol I never ever even noticed that. Not even remotely an important concern for me.
It was one of the first things I noticed with lollipop. Makes the notification bar look much better.
Lol I never ever even noticed that. Not even remotely an important concern for me.
should i pay for today calendar or just wait for the lollipop goodness?
Living in a country where the 2 year contracts are not the norm I can tell you right now that the nexus is going to bomb. Currently everyone here have bought themselves a nexus 5 instead of the Galaxy or M8 simply because it's half the price. Also the fact that Motorola themself don't have supply chain in Estonia. I don't know where I'm going with this but I really hate the high price of the new nexus.
Yesnhad that green/purple issur on embedded YouTube videos for a couple of weeks nowHas anyone else has issues with playing videos in Chrome lately? This is what stuff looks like for me now:
Unwatchable. On a related note, YouTube links refuse to open in the YouTube app anymore, they just open on the mobile site. I have cleared the standard app settings and all that, but no dice.
EDIT: Ok, the second issue is apparently a Chrome Beta issue, as the stable version lets me open links in the YouTube app. But the messed up in-browser video is there in both. Maybe it's an issue with the Lollipop preview.
Aspiring Electrical engineer here, I've already accepted the no life requirements to be working on badass projects in the future. Gaf will keep me companyProfessional wine tasting.
Jk no, i'm actually an employed SE, and I love it, but just realize the road is very very rocky. Nothing like being cooped up at home cramming while other majors are out having a social life...
People need to realize that any camera (that isn't defective) in a flagship will more than suffice for the average person. Decide for yourself by looking at sample pics in reviews:
Google already tried this approach and they aren't happy with the results. Time to sell their soul.Living in a country where the 2 year contracts are not the norm I can tell you right now that the nexus is going to bomb. Currently everyone here have bought themselves a nexus 5 instead of the Galaxy or M8 simply because it's half the price. Also the fact that Motorola themself don't have supply chain in Estonia. I don't know where I'm going with this but I really hate the high price of the new nexus.
Aspiring Electrical engineer here, I've already accepted the no life requirements to be working on badass projects in the future. Gaf will keep me company
Any flagship camera is better than the bullshit camera on my current phone. Besides, I'm not the average person![]()
Haha hopefully. Thanks for the encouragement.Not that this doesn't happen, but I'll honest for most engineers this really isn't the norm. You'll have more than your fair share of good pay and free time to use it.
Has anyone noticed that Google changed the app icon for Voice in their Chrome apps list? No change to the Android app yet.
You have to wait for Lollipop to get Google Calendar?
Hey guys did you know the Nexus 9 has a notification LED but it only works when the device is off and charging?
Hey guys did you know the Nexus 9 has a notification LED but it only works when the device is off and charging?
Anyone know of any permanent fixes to tags for music. Most music comes up as unknown and i need to fix it and I have this app ID3fixer but it never fixes the the actual issue and only fixes it in the android database but it has reverted back on 3 occassions and its annoying to have to constantly fix this. Its supposed to be able to fix this permantly but it never works so i have to settle for the temporary android database fix option. Anyone know of any permanent fixes?
Anyone know of any permanent fixes to tags for music. Most music comes up as unknown and i need to fix it and I have this app ID3fixer but it never fixes the the actual issue and only fixes it in the android database but it has reverted back on 3 occassions and its annoying to have to constantly fix this. Its supposed to be able to fix this permantly but it never works so i have to settle for the temporary android database fix option. Anyone know of any permanent fixes?
I manually did it using TagScanner.
Depending on where I bought the track from over the years, the metadata could be different. So sometimes I'd have tracks from the same album that would be divided. The album metadata would be exactly the same, as was the artist, only to find out later that Google Music will use "Track Artist" if there is no "Album Artist" listed, so it would be divided simply because it was missing a tag even though the tag it was replacing it with was identical. So I used TagScanner to make all my tags consistent. It'll allow you to manually enter tags or search through several different database to batch process an album. You can also have it organize and rename your library in whatever way you'd prefer them to be. Spent a weekend revamping my whole library and everything is perfect.
Google Voice MMS Messaging is now supported on Verizon. Sweet.
Curious, is Google's MMS app better than the given one on the GS4/Touchwiz?
This is pretty dope:
Chrome v39 On Lollipop Supports Custom Multitasking Header/Status Bar Colors With A Simple HTML Tag
Nice. Though it seems like it would be something that slows the unlocking process down to the point where someone could still figure out your pin if they looked.genius!
Google needs to add quick annoying.
Can't you add pdfs and ebooks to Google Play books locally? It wants me to upload everything to the cloud...
I thought it was like iBooks.
That's the cloud stuff tho. I just want to put it on my phone locally.Yep. Go to and click on upload.
That's the cloud stuff tho. I just want to put it on my phone locally.
I understand it has some benefits but feels kinda weird to use the cellular connection to read something you already have stored elsewhere.Oh oops. Misread your question. I'm not sure if you can do that the way you can do it with Play Music... but why would you want to? Easy enough to just upload it right? Should sync read progress and whatnot that way too.
I understand it has some benefits but feels kinda weird to use the cellular connection to read something you already have stored elsewhere.
Use pattern unlock...? Much quicker than PIN. Less secure too, sure (if you use a long PIN code), but probably secure enough for most people. And a PIN code that automatically unlocks on the last digit is less secure as well, so, yeah.
Sweet, thanks.When you are reading a book from Play Books it will have a pin icon in the lower right hand corner. Click that icon and it'll save the entire thing to your device for offline reading. Oh, and I don't mean while you're in the book, I mean the book's cover icon. That's where the little pin icon is.
Sweet, thanks.
Kinda wish you could drop it on your device without going via the cloud like you can in google Music, but oh well.
This made me chuckle because I was thinking the exact same thing about their indigo while reading the article. What an awful police said:My only concern is that some sites might be a little obnoxious by turning your status bar some awful color.
Pattern doesn't satisfy the security requirement for exchange accounts that require a secured phone. Now, I personally don't use my work account on my phone, but that is a complaint of many.
I don't mind the pattern unlock, but it's far too easy to duplicate after watching a person do it once out of the corner of your eye, plus there can be a line of finger oil on the screen perfectly outlining the pattern.
Honestly, I mostly just leave my phone un-secured (I have Cerberus/Device Manager, so I can at least remotely lock/wipe it). I use TouchID on my iPhone because it's so simple and fast, but for Android I have never been able to keep security on it for very long because it gets too bothersome.
Sweet, thanks.
Kinda wish you could drop it on your device without going via the cloud like you can in google Music, but oh well.
These Google Fall 2014 devices are just disappointment after disappointment. Nexus 9 doesn't even have quick charge, 6 no tap to wake. The more we learn, the worse they are. Come on.Hey guys did you know the Nexus 9 has a notification LED but it only works when the device is off and charging?
These Google Fall 2014 devices are just disappointment after disappointment. Nexus 9 doesn't even have quick charge, 6 no tap to wake. The more we learn, the worse they are. Come on.
More so the 9. I'm still hyped as hell for when my N6 arrives.
BTW ambient display > tap to wake