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Android |OT4| I/O Silver

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I think people are being too hard on Google, because it's Google. If we look at any other flagship device they're all riddled with issues. Be it screen, camera, battery, build or software. Yet these devices all go for a lot more than the Nexus 6 when they're released! Even the Note 4 isn't perfect. But the Note 4 isn't a flop because it isn't Google.

I couldn't put it into words, but this. This is what's bothering me.

Their drawbacks were only battery, camera, and maybe maybe build quality. But now you're paying twice the price for the same issues as the old ones in addition to a downgraded screen. How is that not a flop?

- Camera shots look consistently great in every review. More than satisfactory for 95% of people. And it will get even better...

- Battery life is reported great by 75% of reviews, on pre-release software...

- Build quality is universally praised...

- Screen looks shitty in benchmarks, but great in person. I wonder which matters?
I couldn't put it into words, but this. This is what's bothering me.

- Camera shots look consistently great in every review. More than satisfactory for 95% of people. And it will get even better...

- Battery life is reported great by 75% of reviews, on pre-release software...

- Build quality is universally praised...

- Screen looks shitty in benchmarks, but great in person. I wonder which matters?

Why exactly is this so important to you?
You can find flaws on all android devices.

Nexus always had a almost free pass due to price though. You just shrug off any flaw with the price.

Now when its in the big boys league in terms of pricing, criticisim should also be much higher, because the glaring issues persist.

Project ara will save us all
will probably lead to 'my ara is better than yours' discussions


These bad battery life and performance issues are pointing to L. What happens when the note 4 gets the current L release and inherits the worse speed battery life?

It could get worse than the nexus 6...

Just sayin

Give it time. Project Volta has to warm up before it starts working.
What the fuck am I reading.

Please don't spread misinformation when some people are really trying to decide if they want to get this phone.

spreading misinformation is claiming that the Moto G (2014) doesn't have quick charging to prop up the Nexus 6.

There are 7 things there. 5 are fact, the other two are subjective. The nexus 6 deserves criticism as does everything else in this world, but not this way. It's childish.

see above.
The new moto g runs Lollipop very well. It's so smooth.

These bad battery life and performance issues are pointing to L. What happens when the note 4 gets the current L release and inherits the worse speed battery life?

It could get worse than the nexus 6...

Just sayin

I'm assuming (hoping) you're not serious, because if so....good lord, dude.


Yeaaah, that official N5 image really doesn't do much for me. the old silent mode is dead and gone, battery life is abysmal, performance sub-par and so on. 5.1 will be welcomed.


Pizza Dog
Just manually flash. Then you are good to go!

Is that reasonably easy to do without losing the data? I had a look around for instructions and found something about editing the bat file to remove the -w instruction, I can do all that stuff but then I'm not entirely sure how to get the update to run on the tablet. I'll have to find some instructions I guess, I haven't done it before.


Gold Member
God I hope the next version of Hangouts is at least on par with it.

And please, Google, get it out soon.

I really don't know what they're doing with these two products. I think they should just kill Hangouts and roll its features into Messenger. "Messenger" is a much better name for an all-in-one messaging app anyway.

i love how every conversation is a different color lol. Its a small thing, but I like it.

Yeah, it's the same colors as people get in the Contacts app. I just wish there was some way to control it. Sometimes people get colors I don't think fit them, lol.
This thread sucks...

The n6 sucks..

Moto x sucks...

The poster who won't stop yapping about moto x and now won't stop yapping about L ...dude is annoying, he sucks...

lol like I been saying, pure android is always in beta lol..

I had the LG G3 cat 6 the one with a snap 805 and its battery life wasn't any better than the original g3 :(

Im using the Z3 as now and its great overall especially how it manage to last longer than my Z2 ..but Sony is the worst in terms of built quality seriously! Camera sucks still too..the iPhone 6 plus destroys it...

I want to get the droid turbo, the gsm unlock version Moto maxx..need a place to import it from latin america..

HTC should stick to phones not tablets..

I salut Samsung as it has won...
dawgz, if one more reputable poster (except Unknown Soldier) says this, we'll be the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.
Unless I make a move during the Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend I think my new idea is to try and tough it out. I've waited this long that if I can just make it like 5 more months I'll just get whatever the M9 ends up being from HTC unless the GS6 really is a big redesign like the rumors.

GS5 1¢ @ Target or $1 @ Sam's Club (Note 3 $1 also)


Android Beam on L isn't a piece of shit anymore it seems, at least for sending over a picture.

Discovery is great because it's in the share menu. The interaction doesn't require holding down the screen which made touching to devices awkward.

Thumbs up for Beam.
I really don't know what they're doing with these two products. I think they should just kill Hangouts and roll its features into Messenger. "Messenger" is a much better name for an all-in-one messaging app anyway.

Agreed. I've really grown to hate Hangouts' green-themed design, and I've never liked the name. I don't think anyone would be devastated to see it merged into Messenger.

I hope the new Hangouts update, whenever it comes out, greatly improves the dialer and makes it look and function more like the stock Lollipop dialer. Because goddamn, that stock dialer is GORGEOUS.

Anyways, has anyone noticed any substantial changes to Lollipop from the final developer preview? I'm sure performance stuff has been tweaked, but I'm talking about more obvious stuff. I haven't noticed any yet, but I only flashed it an hour ago.
The new moto g runs Lollipop very well. It's so smooth.


I'm assuming (hoping) you're not serious, because if so....good lord, dude.

It runs great on my nexus 9 as well. Correct on the sarcasm. Well except for the huge performance loss due to encryption being on in L.

I read some reviews on the 6 after seeing people say the note is god and the 6 sucks on here. Completely overblown. Let them release a patch or two already people... How many does the iPhone 6 have now?
No one is saying it sucks. I am saying the "premium price for a premium product" is absurd. What's premium about it that we wouldn't have gotten per the past two Nexus launches? We always excused the N4 and N5 issues with the low price. Ok, so here we are with a phone twice the price. Help me understand why paying double leads me to average battery, a completely downgraded display, no tap to wake, an unoptimised camera. I thought the benefit of stock Android is that it's optimized. Is it? Why should I pay $650 for a work in progress? Is Google asking for $300 now and then $300 later when the issues are resolved? These aren't minor issues. I want great battery and a great camera. This premium Nexus doesn't have either. We are here, a year later and twice the price, with the same $300 Nexus issues. It's like Google made this device for carriers, not for us.

Samsung has the go to phone, hardware wise. I get buying the N6 because Nexus but from a pure hardware decision, how is the Nexus a best buy? I mean, the software is usually the thing to get a Nexus for but how is that a premium price thing?

seriously, it seems solid, but it costs $50 less than a Note 4. or $150 more if you are eligible for the rebate deal. or $200 more if you just got an email telling you that you just got a $50 account credit for a call you made a month ago because they dropped the contract price from $350 to $300 after your preorder and they did indeed charge you (and everyone else) just $300 at the actual launch.

i am legit @ the same price as the Nexus 6 and the rebate check ain't even here yet!


never left the stone age
The new moto g runs Lollipop very well. It's so smooth.


I'm assuming (hoping) you're not serious, because if so....good lord, dude.

That's good for people with the 2013 model, considering it's running on the exact same chipset. I can't fucking wait for the update to drop for Swedenese peeps, Lollipop looks so nice.


Been noticing some little Lollipop bugs on my Nexus 5 so far. Was listening to an album, tried to go back to the home screen and it wouldn't. Had to turn off the screen and turn it back on before I could do it.

Lightflow doesn't work properly without having to show some stupid persistent notification--he has a blog page explaining why, but I didn't bother reading the details.

Tasker has issues on certain of my tasks, i've disabled for now until there's another update.

Other little issues that I forget now, but overall it's pretty smooth.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Don't listen to these morons on their N6 reviews. The phone is God Phone. Camera is the best out there, maybe only the Note 4 can compare, build quality is phenomenal, screen is crazy good, etc. etc. The problem is that the Nexus line has this weird crap surrounding it, everyone has to bash it no matter how good the phones are.


/pessimism enabled
I, for one, have no confidence in Lollipop. I am almost certain it will degrade performance on my Nexus 5 and unless all apps are updated overnight to use the new taskschedulers or whatnot I doubt there will be any significant improvement in battery life.

Googy really dropped the ball this time round


Junior Member
I thought you were all about the premium price for a premium phone. Now you're using price as an excuse for the Nexus 6? SD card, wacom digitizer, lte a bands, objectively better screen. Hell, Samsung just gave out $200 rebates for the phone, too.

It is a flop. The Nexus 4 and 5 were excusable because of low price. Their drawbacks were only battery, camera, and maybe maybe build quality. But now you're paying twice the price for the same issues as the old ones in addition to a downgraded screen. How is that not a flop?

I'm all about each phone getting a fair shake in terms of what they bring to the table. The Note 4 and the Nexus 6 are both premium phones. If you disagree then there's no basis for the conversation. Premium by definition of best in class CPU, GPU, Memory sizes, screen size / PPI, screen type, design, materials etc. If you want to mock the N6 for being a bloated Moto X, then we'll just agree that the Note 4 is a bloated S5. There.. we good? Software being what it is, KitKat vs Lollipop; You stated yourself, both will have it, so to me that is a non-issue; Moving forward, it is (again) a debate of Stock Android vs. Samsung TouchWiz. You're quick to bring out extra features such as SD card, wacom, LTE-A, better in class screen... that's fine. Promotion wise, cool deal; However objectively consumers are going to look at these two phones on either the Next, Jump or 2 yr agreements of which by virtue, the price is a factor. Does $50 bucks justify or signal the Note 4 as the superior phone simply because it has more features than the Nexus 6? To me, that is what these rants are about, feature subsets of particular phones in particular use cases that may or may not be advantageous to the consumer who is looking at either phone.

To me, and this seems to be the common thread through any and all arguments against the N6 is that the Nexus line should never have been this expensive. OK? dealwithit.gif seems to fit here. On paper as I've stated now 2 or 3 times, the Note 4 being more expensive than the N6, your proposition is that the value-add features of the Note 4 trump the non-parity features on the N6? That correct? If so, that to me is a consumer choice issue regardless of whether the phone is or is not "premium" by the standards we've established. If only by "premium" you mean price, then again, that is a consumer choice issue rather than the "state" of the phone being in fact "premium".

Judging by your post history and having known you since the early, early GAF Android days, I would say this type argument from you is normal. Calling the phone a "flop" while troll like and inflammatory is par for the course it seems so I won't have faux rage over that. Having owned the Nexus One, the Nexus 4 and soon to be Nexus 6, while each has character flaws, nothing is perfect; However, given that even the jump from the Nexus 4 to 5 was incremental, the N6 pushes the Nexus line into flagship territory (finally) of which was Google's play with this phone.

I can accept Thanos as my savior, if he can get rid of Ultron.

If you were to ask me what the best Android phone is at the moment, I'd say:

Z3 and Oppo Find 7
Yeah except...
Good luck getting that OPO + 1 and Z3 Verizon bloatware edition--- glad the consumer has choice. /s


Is it just me or can I not mark an app as sensitive in app notifications settings anymore? It was fine on the preview, just flashed to the released build, and poof. Gone. I'm set to show all notifications globally, which is what I'd done before. Weird.


Is it just me or can I not mark an app as sensitive in app notifications settings anymore? It was fine on the preview, just flashed to the released build, and poof. Gone. I'm set to show all notifications globally, which is what I'd done before. Weird.

Option doesn't show up unless you somehow protect your lockscreen with code or whatever.


see above.
That has nothing to do with my comment. At all.

Just because someone else spreads misinformation doesn't mean you can do so as well and then turn around and say he did it first. As I said, that's childish.

Also do you have a source on that Motorola g quick charging. I was under the impression that it didn't support it.


Gold Member
Anyways, has anyone noticed any substantial changes to Lollipop from the final developer preview? I'm sure performance stuff has been tweaked, but I'm talking about more obvious stuff. I haven't noticed any yet, but I only flashed it an hour ago.

Nope, nothing. The preview was clearly feature-complete, the final release is probably just a bit more bug-free. Perhaps a bit smoother overall.

Is it just me or can I not mark an app as sensitive in app notifications settings anymore? It was fine on the preview, just flashed to the released build, and poof. Gone. I'm set to show all notifications globally, which is what I'd done before. Weird.

This has been solved for you, but what bothers me is that even when set as sensitive some apps show a bit more than I'd like. Gmail, for example, hides content but displays my full e-mail address all over the lock screen instead. Don't really like that.


Junior Member
Will there be a Google Play Edition of the Note 4? If so, why not just get that phone?
If history teaches us anything, we were lucky to see the S4 get a Google Play Edition. No other previous Note was a GPe feature phone so I doubt the Note 4 would be. Also, no one is entirely sure that the GPe feature phones will still be a thing in 2015.


/pessimism enabled
I, for one, have no confidence in Lollipop. I am almost certain it will degrade performance on my Nexus 5 and unless all apps are updated overnight to use the new taskschedulers or whatnot I doubt there will be any significant improvement in battery life.

Googy really dropped the ball this time round

Lollipop is far and away the best thing you can put on your nexus 5. The developer preview with its issues was still better than KitKat


This has been solved for you, but what bothers me is that even when set as sensitive some apps show a bit more than I'd like. Gmail, for example, hides content but displays my full e-mail address all over the lock screen instead. Don't really like that.

I noticed that. Bit irritating, really, considering other apps don't show names when things are sent through. It just doesn't make sense. But maybe that's for the sake of multiple email addresses and gmail also being used for exchange and work email, etc. Oh, Google.


Gold Member
/pessimism enabled
I, for one, have no confidence in Lollipop. I am almost certain it will degrade performance on my Nexus 5 and unless all apps are updated overnight to use the new taskschedulers or whatnot I doubt there will be any significant improvement in battery life.

Googy really dropped the ball this time round

You're crazy, Lollipop is a huge improvement in almost every single way. My Nexus 5 has never been smoother. There's absolutely no performance degradation whatsoever, things run better than a year ago when the phone was brand new. And battery life is definitely better than with 4.4.4, there's no doubt about it. I'm currently heading for over 5h SoT with 50% adaptive brightness, all syncing and location stuff turned on. That was basically unheard of on the N5 before Lollipop. On the preview I even hit 6h at times.

The one clear step back is the lack of proper lock screen media playback controls. The great KK way of doing that is unfortunately gone, now you just get a playback notification (so you need lock screen notifications enabled to see it). It does come with full-screen album art, but it's still not as good as what was in KK.

This is what you get now:

No proper persistent controls at the top of the screen, just a notification.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
No one is saying the N6 is a bad phone. It's just not a good Nexus phone hardware wise, per N4 and N5. Just help me understand. Nexus 5: Top tier phone, mediocre battery and pretty decent camera. $350. Nexus 6: Top tier phone, par battery, bad screen. $650. Where did $300 go? That's my bottom line. All I'm getting are personal attacks but no one can explain. Unless someone can help me understand, Google made the Nexus 6 for the carriers.

the N6 pushes the Nexus line into flagship territory (


No one is saying the N6 is a bad phone. It's just not a good Nexus phone hardware wise, per N4 and N5. Just help me understand. Nexus 5: Top tier phone, mediocre battery and pretty decent camera. $350. Nexus 6: Top tier phone, par battery, bad screen. $650. Where did $300 go? That's my bottom line. All I'm getting are personal attacks but no one can explain. Unless someone can help me understand, Google made the Nexus 6 for the carriers.

Don't forget about due to the encryption issues the nexus 6 in speed tests is actually slower than the 4.4 nexus 5 which is 100% inexcusable.

Why exactly are you defending the spread of misinformation?
Are you saying Ars and Anandtech which both point out the laggy performance is misinformation?
If history teaches us anything, we were lucky to see the S4 get a Google Play Edition. No other previous Note was a GPe feature phone so I doubt the Note 4 would be. Also, no one is entirely sure that the GPe feature phones will still be a thing in 2015.

Gotcha. For some reason, I just assumed that the Note 3 and S5 had Google Play versions.

Not everyone likes the physical button.

Didn't think about this either.
/pessimism enabled
I, for one, have no confidence in Lollipop. I am almost certain it will degrade performance on my Nexus 5 and unless all apps are updated overnight to use the new taskschedulers or whatnot I doubt there will be any significant improvement in battery life.

Googy really dropped the ball this time round

You know, a performance decrease isn't exactly something I'd expect from 5.0. But neither did I expect it from 4.2, when I updated my GN.

Thanks for making me all negative and pessimistic, Zeppu.
Any good live wallpapers out there? I've only found one (Jellyfish; $2). Every other one is usually a still with some shitty particle effects over it or just plain awful.
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