Hey guys,
I have some questions about a phone upgrade.
I don't really take photos with my phone very often, so that isn't particularly important to me. I expect battery to last for 10-12 hours. I'm currently using a Nexus S, which gets pretty shitty battery performance, but usually lasts me through the day (less than an hour SoT, around 10 hours on battery total).
I'm looking for something fairly new which has a stock Android or near-stock experience. I also want something that has decent developer support, as Cyanogenmod is nice once it stops receiving official support. I was considering the Nexus 6, but I tried the iPhone 6+ in person and it's just too big.
From my research it seems that the Moto X and OnePlus One are my only options?
The Moto X looks nice, but MotoMaker is not offered in Canada, and the phone is exclusive to Telus for now (in 16GB memory maximum), so I would need to ship to a USA address and pick it up. The Moto Maxx isn't going to be sold in Canada either, and I'm not a huge fan of the look of it anyways. I'm also reluctant to go with the OnePlus One due to what I've heard about their customer service. The only other phone I've looked at was the HTC One M8. I saw this in-person and it looked really slick, but I'm hesitant because it has their Sense skin.
What phones should I be looking at?