I could have told you that before you got the z3I've gone from regretting that I got a Z3 over other larger screen phones, to now regretting that I should've got a Z3 compact. I can't use this thing one handed at all.
I could have told you that before you got the z3I've gone from regretting that I got a Z3 over other larger screen phones, to now regretting that I should've got a Z3 compact. I can't use this thing one handed at all.
I could have told you that before you got the z3
too many jokes about dick measuring and how solid it must be can be made here but I won't do it!I know, I know. Damn screen sizes are like a subconscious dick measuring contest.
Plus the battery is great but with that small screen. Fuck. I can't even imagine how solid it must be.
I've gone from regretting that I got a Z3 over other larger screen phones, to now regretting that I should've got a Z3 compact. I can't use this thing one handed at all.
Nah, I'll lose value on it. I'll just stick with it and be angry at myself until the contract ends lol.too many jokes about dick measuring and how solid it must be can be made here but I won't do it!
Anyway why not just sell the z3 and get the z3c if it will make you happy.
Just the other day I finally got over not getting the z3 cause I was totally dominating the phone with a sandwich in my other hand on a z3c.
steven jobs warned us manJust the other day I finally got over not getting the z3 cause I was totally dominating the phone with a sandwich in my other hand on a z3c.
Oh shit upgrading my Nexus Player to 5.0!
simliquorice never gave me his impressions, so I'm relying on you now jazzy jazz.
It's a nice little box. Google actually gave me $20.00 of Play credits so the device cost me under $99.00 (including shipping + Taxes).
The Good:
Netflix and Hulu Plus streams seem a bit better on this device than the Chromecast, and that's saying a lot as Chromecast actually has really good streaming quality. Could be the better ram perhaps.
On Screen Keyboard is usable. Lots of clicking with the remote, but still fast enough not to bother me.
You can get a USB adapter to network plug to hardwire the box to your network (if needed)
The Bad:
Why no proper Chrome (browser) support Google?
Search doesn't work with content within the Netflix and Hulu PLus apps. I WANT THIS FEATURE!! I want to search for an actor and for the box to give me hits within all the available services. DO THIS GOOGLE.
No Amazon Prime video App - Goddamit Amazon!! Get your shit together.
I am strongly considering getting the Z3c, but I know the Z4c will come out in like 2 months and I still love my HTC One M7 too much to upgrade.
Guys, need a new phone and I want stock Android or as close as possible to it.
I've narrowed down to
-Nexus 5
-HTC One M8 (google play edition)
-Z3 compact
I'm not too fussed about the camera as I have an iPhone 5S from work and I'm quite happy taking pictures on that. Obviously having a nice camera on my new phone is a nice bonus.
My main worries are battery life and overall OS performance (hence why I'm trying to go as bare as possible).
I don't think it does. I just tried light manager and no LEDs turned on.So it looks like nexus 6 has a led for notifications after all, just deactivated. Really stupid desicions sometimes. .
Is galaxy 4 gpe edition still available.? Could be cheaper and with better battery life than nexus 5
Snap the hell out of it man. You really want a locked boot loader and TouchWiz? No you don't. Get the N6 and then camp on the N9 till production run 2.
You have a N5 and N7 (2012 or 2013?)
Why do you need to upgrade again?
I don't think it does. I just tried light manager and no LEDs turned on.
Maybe they meant project volta will use more battery life.
I love Javelin and honestly think it's the best browser for Android (phones).
What's wrong with it?
For all the grousing I see people doing in regarding to Chrome killing their battery, I've never had an issue with it on any of my devices.
Guess luck is on your side. I'm not making it up or anything
I know for damn sure chrome shouldn't double up my screen on battery usage.
It does the same for me on my Nexus 9.
I am strongly considering getting the Z3c, but I know the Z4c will come out in like 2 months and I still love my HTC One M7 too much to upgrade.
Hi I'm Google Play Services I'm here to EAT ALL YOUR BATTERY
Hi I'm Google Play Services I'm here to EAT ALL YOUR BATTERY
Every time I think I'm going to sell my HTC One M8, I get cold feet. Such a damn good device, if it wasn't for the camera it would be the best phone on the planet IMO.
Having held it, I still hate the positioning of the power button on the top, some design features being degraded relative to the M7, the 16GB storage for app needs (yes there's an SD card), dimensions relative to phone screen are large and large for my hands/pockets and disadvantages of battery compared to other phones.
The power button placement really irked me on the M7. I can't wait to see what the M9 comes with.
Your complaints about battery life and 16gb storage are off base. It has best in class battery life and 32gb base storage plus SD card. Less plastic than the m7 and I like the design much more, but that's subjective so I won't argue that. Power button on top is dumb, but with double tap to wake and the various launch gestures, including with the dot view case, it's mostly a moot point.
I haven't had crazy battery drain since build LRX21R was pushed, touch wood. I checked last week when it was bad and it was draining 2% every 3 minutes.
HTC and Sony have horrible screen size to phone size ratios. Its ridiculous.
Google still having battery issues going into 2015 is unacceptable. Apple keeps shitting on android devices from a great from height from an experience standpoint. I was so close to picking up a 6+ yesterday, but I know I need to wait for 2015 for a really good hardware. LG needs to bring that heat with the G4 because Samsung is gonna launch the S6 with a 805 SoC. So either Sony comes correct with the Z5, a Nexus device that knocks it out of the park or Apple's S upgrades are gonna steal the show. A G4 GPE would be an insta buy.
I don't think it's just chrome because Dolphin was doing the same thing. Although, I haven't tried it since the minor update after 5.0 was officially released.