The short time I had an S4 I noticed that. I'm curious if the Nexus 6 has something similar.
No ghosts here.
The short time I had an S4 I noticed that. I'm curious if the Nexus 6 has something similar.
The short time I had an S4 I noticed that. I'm curious if the Nexus 6 has something similar.
It's really pretty bad. It almost made white text while scrolling unreadable.
Fuck AMOLED displays. Been using a temporary S3 and on dark theme GAF there is insane purple ghosting when scrolling. Mostly on the username/avatar sections of each post.
How is this a thing? :/
I hate lollipop on my nexus 5 so far.
Going back to home screen has a huge dumb load time now, chrome crashes, chrome makes pocket casts shut off/crash.
Bleh!! Everything just seems a little worse now with lollipop.
PS. I also hate the bug where if I press space twice for a period it deletes the lastlette .letter.
I've never seen anything like this on the AMOLED displays I've played with. Sound like you have a bum one.
Oh wait, I'm in AndroidGAF, what I meant to say was fuck Samsung, everything Samsung is shit, Samsung killed my dog, etc.
People are saying the same thing about Nexus 6. So yeah, fuck Samsung.
damn that's a sick deal. Too bad the phone isn't a bit better.PSA: Motorola announced their Cyber Monday deal, and it's $140 off a 2014 Moto X (off contract). Like last year, you have to register to get a discount code. Details here.
PSA: Motorola announced their Cyber Monday deal, and it's $140 off a 2014 Moto X (off contract). Like last year, you have to register to get a discount code. Details here.
Would the student discount stack with this?PSA: Motorola announced their Cyber Monday deal, and it's $140 off a 2014 Moto X (off contract). Like last year, you have to register to get a discount code. Details here.
Restart your phone, should fix it. At least for a day or two...
Would the student discount stack with this?
I will take a video of my mom's GS4 sometime. I've never checked if hers had the problem, but I guarantee it does. I will show you it scrolling white text on black next to an LCD phone.I've never seen anything like this on the AMOLED displays I've played with. Sound like you have a bum one.
Oh wait, I'm in AndroidGAF, what I meant to say was fuck Samsung, everything Samsung is shit, Samsung killed my dog, etc.
Oh man do I feel good... and a little naughty. Phone arriving on Monday. >![]()
I will take a video of my mom's GS4 sometime. I've never checked if hers had the problem, but I guarantee it does. I will show you it scrolling white text on black next to an LCD phone.
This wasn't an intermittent issue, at least for the GS4. It was widespread.
That has been improved greatly since the panels in the GS3.Fuck AMOLED displays. Been using a temporary S3 and on dark theme GAF there is insane purple ghosting when scrolling. Mostly on the username/avatar sections of each post.
How is this a thing? :/
That has been improved greatly since the panels in the GS3.
I have a spare invite code for a 64gb OnePlus One. Reply to my tweet here and I'll pick someone at random this afternoon:
Holy shit, it's still on invite? Wow.
What is Android GAF's opinion on Otterboxes? I'm debating one for my new droid turbo...
I have a spare invite code for a 64gb OnePlus One. Reply to my tweet here and I'll pick someone at random this afternoon:
Your giveaway is worse than what OnePlusOne is doing.
Why give users the option to use trusted SSID when you can nudge them towards location services instead? The latter has the advantage of persuading more people to turn on location sharing services with Google, especially if theyve kept it off. The added wakelocks and battery drain are just side benefits. LOL what user sense? It has to make google sense first. If it doesnt go against their interest, then it go under consideration to be spun under Googles all about user sense.Trusted places should have WiFi trusted sites instead. The 100m radius is too big. I could be in the bar next to my house and have phone unlocked. Makes no sense
Your giveaway is worse than what OnePlusOne is doing.
have an Xperia Z3 Compact.
The Stamina mode thing where you can put apps in there to run while it's on, doesnt seem to work. What do I do?
For example, I have the Stamina Mode turned on, and Spotify in the list of apps that should still be running, but when I do run Spotify I get a message complaining about Spotify hindering Stamina mode.
Google Play service updated to 6.5. Life is Good. I wonder how reliable trusted places is, but that's the shit I've always wanted. Location aware sound and notification settings should be next.
Now it's stupid question time. How comes that Google Now is just a creepy web stalker on my phone? Whenever I ask it questions regarding my phone, it always initiates a web search. For example, I ask it to show me all my reminders and get a web search. I ask it about my next appointments and get a web search. What's the problem?
No its regular stamina. But ok.No, that's working as designed. Spoitfy would hammer your battery, so there would be no point stamina mode being on in the first place. That's ultra stamina mode anyway and not regular stamina, isn't it?
dayam..I had a HTC, LG, Sony, Samsung in less than a's good to have no brand loyalty..
Can i haz your Z3? I need a new phone and you clearly have too many phones already.I will be swapping my international Xperia Z3 for a Note 4.
I gave up on getting a Moto Maxx( international GSM Droid Turbo) ...they only sell it in south america and hard to import plus its sold out...
I will be swapping my international Xperia Z3 for a Note 4.
I'll come back for the Z4 though...
dayam..I had a HTC, LG, Sony, Samsung in less than a's good to have no brand loyalty..
I am loyal to technology!
Serious question, why do you swap so much?