Ok, quick question but is there a way to get all these fucking emails out of my contacts? I remember, before 5.0, I sorted it out to only have real, actual phone numbers in my contacts and to not add emails but I've checked for the first time since 5.0 and now it's full of email contacts including EVERY SINGLE EMAIL ADDRESS THAT HAS EVER SENT ME AN EMAIL EVEN FROM FUCKING YEARS AND YEARS AGO. I've gone back into the account stuff and stopped it syncing contacts but I've still got hundreds of email addresses from shit like customer service accounts, automated invoice things, donotreply and I can't see a quick way to delete all email contacts. I have to go into each one, go into edit, then the options in edit, then delete and do this HUNDREDS of times.
There has to be a better way right? Or do I say fuck it, scrap the whole contact list and just re-add the ones from memory that I want and put a post on facebook asking for peoples numbers for the ones I've forgotten?