So, for christmas I got a secondhand Moto X (2013) from a site. It's a dev or press edition of the Moto X and when I plugged it into to charge it popped up that it has an unlocked bootloader.
I'm on Verizon and unlocked my Galaxy S3 a year or so ago, but I'm so rusty on the whole shebang, I'm curious where to go from here.
I haven't fully booted the phone yet to transfer/activate yet, but is there anything I need to do beforehand? What's the custom booting "scene" look like now. Should I bother, or is (what I hope is) stock Moto X experience good enough?
Just use it.
Try to stick to Google apps when possible, don't download battery savers, antivirus, junk apps, etc., and enjoy lollipop when you get it in a couple weeks.