hmm try organising them in Google Drive instead?
doesn't exactly do what you want - but hope that helps
Not really. I have a folder in Drive for Family Pictures. Within that folder for example I have a folder for each of my two nephews and one for my niece. These folders, "Collections", are nowhere to be found in the Photos website or app.
I can search what's in my Drive folders, but that's about it. And how about letting me sort the images by anything other than dates?
Then there is the older stuff from the Picasa days that doesn't show up in Drive.
Just give me the Albums and Collections on Drive and let me handle some of the organization from there.
They have much to do before this stuff is useful to me.
I feel Picasa/Photos is the image app equivalent of Hangouts. Some cool features, but really badly implemented.
Not sure what Google is trying to do here.
I will resort to just use Drive and QuickPic to handle my photos on mobile.
In Google Drive, you can move your photos and videos from your Google Photos library into folders. Note that the folder names and organization you create in Google Drive will not be reflected in Google Photos.
Why fucking not Goog? Ugh.