Of course I've had the S6, posted a bunch about it. Terrible device. All of its good points ruined by the 2nd worst battery I've ever had (Moto X 2014 was first) and a RAM bug that Samsung now claims is a feature. If you want what the S6 offers, get the Note 5 for that bigger battery that *apparently* outlasts the Note 4's great battery. You'll still get a RAM bug though.
I'm on Verizon, so no Sony phone yet, because lol Z3v.
I own an iPhone, iPad, and a Mac Mini for work and I'm not a fan of iOS/OSX. Doesn't mean anything.
Not sure what your point is. It's possible to enjoy different aspects of two different ecosystems, and think one is superior at any given point.
Today, iOS is dominating for many, many reasons.