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AndyPants Gaming: The Pussification of Videogames

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Point is, none of these characters are original. They are pandering. They took an existing successful character and changed him to appeal to certain people.

That is quite literally not the case. Peter Parker is an actual part of miles origin lmao. And if you think only '"certain people" like miles, you're out if ypuch with reality and the recent games performance proves thus. Miles is popular with everyone, its only "certain people" that gave a problem with him.

Same goes for John Stewart.

Blade is at least a honest, original character, even though the intention behind him is pandering like you say.

Thats not pandering lol. It was pushing back against the pandering that was actually going on.

How do you know a character is straight when the topic isn't even touched upon or when there's no romance/sex in the game? Let me guess: You assume a character is straight until they actually declare they are gay.
Where did I say I assumed any character was straight? Every character I'm talking about we know is straight, devs make it very clear when s character is supposed to be straight. They either have a love interest, or they express their sexuality in other ways throughout the game.


>Disproportionate levels of "those people" work within the tech and entertainment industry so they can spread their ideology on others
People who give a shit about being perceived as manly (or are raised in that environment) don't generally nurture their artistic side in life. They're pushed into sports and trades and working with their hands lest they be perceived as weak by their peers. This results in fewer and fewer people that share your ideology being in creative positions and then a lot of screeching wondering why creative types are not making entertainment that caters to you. The culture wars are only going to go in one direction until people who share conservative ideologies start placing a value on education and stop acting like being a macho cunt is the only way to be a man in life.
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The best thing to take from this thread is the use of the word epistemic went up tenfold

Yeah see. Were done here. You have nothing to back up anything. You aren't engaging in discussions, you're trying to preach the sky is falling and when someone asks you where you keep saying "just look up its so clear!!"

All I can tell you is this proclamatic is pointless and aimless, the change is going to happen until it doesn't. Thats the way of the world. I sure as he'll dont see a bunch of trans folk in media, I see more gay and lesbian characters but that was always going to happen as gradually we shed the status quo of homophobia.

Even these numbers the other guy have me are relatively tiny. TINY. Theres no giant swarm of trans kids popping up any how.
Denying reality doesn’t make reality go away.


You have missed the point again. The only audience that should be pandered to is the one that actually buys the product.

How about audience should be pandered to. Thats how we get stagnation and every game looking and feeling the exact same. Something we came dangerously close to. Game devs should be able to make whatever tf game they want and the market will decide if it wants it.

To do otherwise, when considering existing IP, risks alienating the existing fanbase. Or, in the case of new IP, risks creating a game with no addressable market. We have seen this many times already. In-fact, there are multiple high profile games that have recently flopped for this very reason. How many examples do you require?

About as many as the times its been successful? Which has also happened plenty of times. Spider man 2 didn't alienate spider man fans. TLOU2 alienated a few crybabies but clearly there was a market outside of them.

The real issue here is you're conflating representation with pandering. Those aren't the same thing and that goes for any and all races.

Are you even aware of the demographics associated to various genres or is this all some sort of ideological crusade? Have you ever wondered why there hasn’t been a gay male lead? Because there is no market for it. I find your rationale absolutely bizarre. You continuously misrepresent what is said and present your takedowns as some sort of gotcha, only you didn’t actually address any of the points made. Of course the player base should be ‘catered to’ as it relates to the continued success of any product. What are you even talking about?

Who said there's market for it? Whats the gay male led game that flopped proving there's no market for it? Is TLPU2 proof theres a market for 100 lb white lesbian led games? Or is it more acutely and well known that folks will play any game if its good? Why csnt that be the answer?

Nothing im saying here is confusing or vague. You are pushing anecdotes with no real basis while suggesting certain groups should literally be pandered to by game devs.... its everything wrong with the discussion to even suggest.


There are a ton of spider men. There were at least 4 alternate spider man's before miles existed.

Hell there were 4 batmans before there was miles in the comics. You're really not making any point.

Miles is an original character with his own unique origin, villains and supporting cast, hes just as original. Just because he bears the same name as spider man doesn't change that he's an original character.

Theres no reason for any character exist, and a black character existing in comics isn't pandering lmfao. Riri who doesn't even have a comic series is especially an original character, she doesn't even go by iron man. She's no different than what nightwing is to batman.

So here's the issue; you have an original character with an original origin and original superhero name and that STILL doesn't good enough. Shes every bit as original as blade is but you wanna complain about her.
I think the main problem is that a lot of characters nowadays are being created unnaturally as being diverse for the sake of it. One of my favourite heros or antiheroes is black - Blade and that was made before the whole political dogwash push has been since covid times; that brain rotted a lot of people. The issue being that things feel too forced now that even if a character is made with good intentions its hard to filter from all the crap. Its the same with movies nowadays. Marvel is probably one of the worst offenders of this of recent years. And has gotten worse with Disneys buyout.

At this time it feels really counterintuitive to be diverse as everything is diverse but at the same time its not because it feels so false.
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That is quite literally not the case. Peter Parker is an actual part of miles origin lmao.
What are you talking about? Whatever story they retconned for miles came after Peter Parker's existence.

Thats not pandering lol. It was pushing back against the pandering that was actually going on.
I doubt Stan Lee woke up one day and thought "i should make a white character".

He just made Spiderman. An original character.

Guess what Mile's creator thought process was. It even says in Wiki "Spider-Man's co-creator, Stan Lee, approved the creation of a positive role model for children of color"

He is just a character created to pander to a race/ethnicity. Him being successful or a well written character doesn't change the intentions behind him and the fact that he is not original.

Where did I say I assumed any character was straight? Every character I'm talking about we know is straight, devs make it very clear when s character is supposed to be straight.
You said "straight males still lead 99.99 percent of games". That's basically all characters. You didn't specify certain characters. Can i ask, how do you know, say, Alex Kidd is straight?
I've acknowledged the reality that times and people are changing. Its you who have been pushed to the conspiratorial rather than accept it. You're going to continue calling out perceived injstices but it isn't going to change anything. Change will happen. Whether you like it or not.
You’ve acknowledged absolutely nothing, have addressed absolutely nothing, and have deflected absolutely everything. You can’t even look around you and see anything going on. You bury your head in the sand and pretend the world is fine.

What change you are advocating for exactly? Are you all on board with underage children having their bodies mutilated in the name of an ideology? Or do you think that isn’t happening?
LGBTQ might be only 3% of the population as a whole. It is much bigger within the gaming community (currently 17%).
In the end, it's all business, but p*ssies will keep crying.

When you say ‘gaming community’ what does that mean? To whom are you referring? Consumers? Developers? You are right about one thing, it is about business. Shame there is no market for bad ideas. If there were, Dustborn would have been a hit.


I think the main problem is that a lot of characters nowadays are being created unnaturally as being diverse for the sake of it. One of my favourite heros or antiheroes is black - Blade and that was made before the whole political dogwash push has been since covid times; that brain rotted a lot of people. The issue being that things feel too forced now that even if a character is made with good intentions its hard to filter from all the crap. Its the same with movies nowadays. Marvel is probably one of the worst offenders of this of recent years. And has gotten worse with Disneys buyout.

At this time it feels really counterintuitive to be diverse as everything is diverse but at the same time its not because it feels so false.

It might feel false to you, some things do to me; but that doesnt mean it does to everyone.

If were at the point a character with their own superhero name, their own a abilities, supporting cast, origin and traits is being equated to a race swap tho; then the argument has lost any oxygen. Thats literally a new character. No ifs ands or buts about it.


So Duke Nukem?

Why are you minimizing the argument? The point isnt sales you cursive fungi. Its about the shift in culture in gaming, pandering to a marginal community. We already knew gaming was going to become the biggest entertainment industry back in 2004.

Anyways, I would like to bring on an actual problem occurring, the lowering of testosterone in all males. Wtf happened? I'm starting to feel gynocomastica come on because of feels and nasty hormone injected foods.

Seems like a great time for Duke to make his glorious return but of course we wouldn't see another game for 10 years and by then the soy would have consumed us completely.


You’ve acknowledged absolutely nothing, have addressed absolutely nothing, and have deflected absolutely everything. You can’t even look around you and see anything going on. You bury your head in the sand and pretend the world is fine.

The world isnt fine. It has plenty of problems.

A few kids being gay or trans isn't at the top of that list.

I *asked* you for a simply research based source, you wouldn't provide one. Why else should I consider your argument? You can yell "open your eyes the sky is falling cant you see" all day long but you havent even pointed out what the actual concern is here. You day its not the higher amount of gay people. You day "children's innocence" but refuse to detail what innocence you're talking about. Theres no meat to the conversation *shrug*. Its not like I havent asked.

What change you are advocating for exactly?

I didnt advocate for any change at all in this thread. Im simply acknowledging its happening. Its going to happen regardless of how I feel; and I'm going to face it with measured reason, contemplative observation,kindness and compassion first and foremost. There will be a time for a retrospective, and when that comes, things may swing back around or they may continue another way. And the rest is out of my hands.

You have chosen this path, to panic, pearl clutch and fear monger, and its going to accomplish nothing. Its futile. Theres nothing really else to say.
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The world isnt fine. It has plenty of problems.

A few kids being gay or trans isn't at the top of that list.

I *asked* you for a simply research based source, you wouldn't provide one. Why else should I consider your argument? You can yell "open your eyes the sky is falling cant you see" all day long but you havent even pointed out what the actual concern is here. You day its not the higher amount of gay people. You day "children's innocence" but refuse to detail what innocence you're talking about. Theres no meat to the conversation *shrug*. Its not like I havent asked.

I didnt advocate for any change at all in this thread. Im simply acknowledging its happening. Its going to happen regardless of how I feel; and I'm going to face it with measured reason, contemplative observation,kindness and compassion first and foremost. There will be a time for a retrospective, and when that comes, things may swing back around or they may continue another way. And the rest is out of my hands.

You have chosen this path, to panic, pearl clutch and fear monger, and its going to accomplish nothing. Its futile. Theres nothing really else to say.
Do you acknowledge that child mutilation is happening in the name of an ideology or not? “Trans kids” is not a thing. It’s child abuse. Nobody cared about any of this until children were involved. You won’t answer direct questions.


You’re right. *I* don’t decide it.

The suspension of disbelief is already established and broadly the same amongst the collective conscience of people who consume the media.

That’s why some things seem plausible enough to where you can “suspend disbelief” - like a gruff, tough, badass grown man taking out dozens of baddies with his bare hands and weapons in an effort to keep a little girl safe

vs said little girl doing the exact same thing in the exact same way as the man, just a few years later.

Neither of those things are likely to happen in the real world if a zombie apocalypse broke out. But only one of those things is actually plausible for the majority of people to “suspend their disbelief for” within the context of a fictional, yet grounded video game story.

Gunslinger Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2 killing hundreds of Pinkerton agents and gang members as he navigates the struggles of his way of life going extinct in the waning years of the Old American West - something that no real man could ever actually do or ever actually did, but still a plausible concept in the brain of the player

A Somalian Refugee woman in Red Dead Redemption 2 killing hundreds of Pinkerton agents and gang members as she navigates the struggles of her way of life going extinct in the waning years of the Old American West - uhhhh wtf?

I love how you bolden the part that actually ruins your argument. So you admit it’s all a power fantasy. Yet this power fantasy should only be allowed for men and not women in your eyes. How the FUCK does that make any sense?

Fiction, playable characters, etc. shouldn’t be limited because certain people have weird hang ups. I will always detest this mindset, and can only pray it starts to die out as generations progress and people let do of such obvious double standards.


Do you acknowledge that

No no, don't do that. Don't try and lead me with your buzzwords and your anecdotes when you couldn't even be arsed to source any of the claims you are making.

You are no different than all those "concerned parents" in the 90s and 2000s saying COD and halo was "making" their kid grab a gun out of his daddys safe and blow away his classmates.

Complete hysteria, satanic panic nonsense. And friggin lifeweaver being in a game isn't causing child mutilation, just like cod isn't making anyone shoot anyone in real life.


That was a highly targeted, inaccurate survey. It’s wildly misrepresentative of the actual demographic. I would like to know the actual data because it would be helpful.
Do you say Nielsen doesn’t know how to do a survey? 🤣 They didn’t target LGBT community, they made research on the sample data from the representative number.
Who do you think has a better data/better research? Some random dude from NeoGAF who barely speak to real people? 🤣
Do you say Nielsen doesn’t know how to do a survey? 🤣 They didn’t target LGBT community, they made research on the sample data from the representative number.
Who do you think has a better data/better research? Some random dude from NeoGAF who barely speak to real people? 🤣
In referring to the type of data they get for male/female gamers that is tied to account data metrics, not surveys. It would be helpful if they added extra options like LGBTQIA+ to account data. I’m not particularly fond of data mining, but data mining isn’t going away, so we might as well get good data metrics from it. I’m not sure what you find funny or why you chose to be condescending when I’m simply talking about data. Surveys are always skewed.


LOL. John Stewart is one of the many Green Lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps. Miles Morales is black Spiderman, end of.

See, it’s funny, if one actually has read the comic where Stewart originated, the 1970’s run Green Lantern/Green Arrow, the comic dealt heavily into politics, including racism against the black community, and you’ll never guess what topic John Stewart’s intro issue dealt with?

Oh No Wow GIF by The Great British Bake Off

Seriously, if that issue had came out today, people would be screaming, “this woke, pandering creation ain’t my GL!” But Green Lantern/Green Arrow is considered a classic by many comic fans. But modern comics delve into politics and/or creating characters to increase diversity, suddenly NOW it’s a problem.

Also, unfortunately I can’t find the source, so yes this is purely my word here, I cannot state this as fact, but I remember reading/hearing Stan Lee created Black Panther because he thought of black kids going into a comic shop and being disappointed they couldn’t find a main character who was black. So if my memory is correct, even Stan Lee was “woke” apparently.

The difference was back then it felt like people on either major political side weren’t looking for any excuse imaginable to stir the drama pot and such. I’m not saying it was completely devoid of such behavior, but it was certainly not that frequent. These days, YIKES.


See, it’s funny, if one actually has read the comic where Stewart originated, the 1970’s run Green Lantern/Green Arrow, the comic dealt heavily into politics, including racism against the black community, and you’ll never guess what topic John Stewart’s intro issue dealt with?

Oh No Wow GIF by The Great British Bake Off

Seriously, if that issue had came out today, people would be screaming, “this woke, pandering creation ain’t my GL!” But Green Lantern/Green Arrow is considered a classic by many comic fans. But modern comics delve into politics and/or creating characters to increase diversity, suddenly NOW it’s a problem.

Also, unfortunately I can’t find the source, so yes this is purely my word here, I cannot state this as fact, but I remember reading/hearing Stan Lee created Black Panther because he thought of black kids going into a comic shop and being disappointed they couldn’t find a main character who was black. So if my memory is correct, even Stan Lee was “woke” apparently.

The difference was back then it felt like people on either major political side weren’t looking for any excuse imaginable to stir the drama pot and such. I’m not saying it was completely devoid of such behavior, but it was certainly not that frequent. These days, YIKES.

Oh man, Stan Lee would get letters for just ALLUDING to racism back then. And they made the SAME arguments. This was almost 50 years ago keep in mind:


Notice how the guy took a comic that simple has a black character alluding to mistreatment and conflate that to the comic saying "all of you are racist". Always an us or them, all or nothing mentality. You see it in this YouTuber, couple of gays in gaming and all of a sudden "they hate straight people!! They're taking over!!"

Also noticed how its always a perceived "trend" or "movement" to simply include black people in a story. In other words... "you're pandering"

But look how gracious and considerate but firm the response is. They were not afraid to make their opinions known, at ANY point in time and they knew that just because it wasn't something they themselves were suffering from didn't mean there was not due cause to speak on it.

Stan was a class act.
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In referring to the type of data they get for male/female gamers that is tied to account data metrics, not surveys. It would be helpful if they added extra options like LGBTQIA+ to account data. I’m not particularly fond of data mining, but data mining isn’t going away, so we might as well get good data metrics from it. I’m not sure what you find funny or why you chose to be condescending when I’m simply talking about data. Surveys are always skewed.
Not sure what "account data" you are referring to.

Nielsen has replicated and confirmed the 17% figure in multiple recent surveys. Of course, a survey has a margin of error, but this has never been a reason to change the methodology of market research and it has been used as a main (or sole) source of data.

For the record, I do not like the direction things are going either, but I love to laugh at the thought that some relatively small group of people on NeoGAF (last time I checked, it had 160k users) think they can challenge reality.


Oh, the survey has been manipulated because Nielsen is massively woke itself?
Was the 2020 election stolen too? :D Damn it's so tiring...
Yes, i'm sure a bunch of activists are 100% reliable and not biased.

Meanwhile, an actual video game company:

Not sure what "account data" you are referring to.

Nielsen has replicated and confirmed the 17% figure in multiple recent surveys. Of course, a survey has a margin of error, but this has never been a reason to change the methodology of market research and it has been used as a main (or sole) source of data.

For the record, I do not like the direction things are going either, but I love to laugh at the thought that some relatively small group of people on NeoGAF (last time I checked, it had 160k users) think they can challenge reality.
PlayStation account data as an example. They know if the account is a male or female, but generally not anything else. Added metrics to account data would be a more accurate representation.

You keep devolving your responses into a condescending manner. I’m literally just discussing data with you. Seek help.


Oh man, Stan Lee would get letters for just ALLUDING to racism back then. And they made the SAME arguments. This was almost 50 years ago keep in mind:


Notice how the guy took a comic that simple has a black character alluding to mistreatment and conflate that to the comic saying "all of you are racist". Always an us or them, all or nothing mentality. You see it in this YouTuber, couple of gays in gaming and all of a sudden "they hate straight people!! They're taking over!!"

But look how gracious and considerate but firm the response is. They were not afraid to make their opinions known, at ANY point in time and they knew that just because it wasn't something they themselves were suffering from didn't mean there was not due cause to speak on it.

Stan was a class act.

Yeah, and a lot of these comics do show white characters in positive light, they’re not demonizing white people. In Green Lantern/Green Arrow, it’s primarily Green Arrow who is helping Hal Jordan be more aware of racial discrimination and other political issues. In Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter is seen as a hero at the end by all, Miles is criticized by many in-universe for taking on the mantle of someone who is now beloved by almost everyone, and Ultimate Peter even comes back to life later. I’ve not read Ironheart yet (I’ve heard to skip the first run as it‘s bad but her second run is better apparently) but I never heard any talk of the comic villain-ifying Tony or anything, and they didn’t do that to Tony in Black Panther 2 either.

I’m not saying there are zero comics that are guilty of going too far (I heard some of the America Chavez comics get a bit hateful, though I could be wrong. Nothing wrong with her MCU version though), but it’s definitely not the norm.


PlayStation account data as an example. They know if the account is a male or female, but generally not anything else. Added metrics to account data would be a more accurate representation.

You keep devolving your responses into a condescending manner. I’m literally just discussing data with you. Seek help.
The questions they'd ask would have nothing to do with, for example, the PlayStation profile. It's irrelevant anyway since there's a binary option there (male/female).
You are not discussing anything; you are throwing some random ideas that are not being used by market research companies. Seek help yourself snowflake :p
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Yes, i'm sure a bunch of activists are 100% reliable and not biased.

Meanwhile, an actual video game company:

Dude just called a $3.5B/15,000 employees company a "bunch of activists" :D
We're doomed, everything is rigged.
The questions they'd ask would have nothing to do with, for example, the PlayStation profile. It's irrelevant anyway since there's a binary option there (male/female).
You are not discussing anything; you are throwing some random ideas that are not being used by market research companies. Seek help yourself snowflake :p
Again, you can have a normal conversation without being condescending.


Dude just called a $3.5B/15,000 employees company a "bunch of activists" :D
We're doomed, everything is rigged.
Lol, don't try to play the fool on me. You know they don't all have to be activists. Only the ones at the important positions.

Either way one has to be wrong.

I wonder who.


Lol, don't try to play the fool on me. You know they don't all have to be activists. Only the ones at the important positions.

Either way one has to be wrong.

I wonder who.
My bet is that NeoGAF knows it all best.
Capcom never - in their entire history - made a game that is anywhere close to titles like COD, Fortnite or Palworld and that's where all the woke/LGBTQWhateverNonsence crowd plays. In a bigger picture of the gaming world, Capcom is actually quite irrelevant. Perhaps NeoGAF disagrees because RE4 is one of the best games ever and that is what really matters :D

Kids on the forum cannot accept reality, but for some reason, reality does not care about NeoGAF kids and their feelings...


calm down chill out GIF by HULU

Guys, don’t bring actual political events like an election into this, and don’t directly insult people, you can hate their views but don’t hate the person. Read the forum rules, while a mod warning might be all you get, at this pace a ban could be possible. If you can’t help but hate a particular poster for what they’re saying, the ignore button is your best option.


Guys, don’t bring actual political events like an election into this, and don’t directly insult people, you can hate their views but don’t hate the person. Read the forum rules, while a mod warning might be all you get, at this pace a ban could be possible. If you can’t help but hate a particular poster for what they’re saying, the ignore button is your best option.
Honestly I'd get rid of discussions on woke and DEI on GAF entirely. The whole conversation has clear political connotations and sides and just blur the lines while adding nothing of value. The shit infects every single fucking thread on this board.
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