Dead said:So was Suzaku just waiting in the ceiling the whole time like fucking Spider-Man? :lol :lol
Hunter D said:
Ah fuck, Gonzo is doing it.darkvir said:It will soon, I don't think its out just yet. Here's a trailer:
Prime crotch said:What happened to Macross F? It started pretty good, was really into it but now I can't even bother to watch it anymore. What a trainwreck.
Maybe but when you have people saying stuff like.jman2050 said:Seriously, the fanbase isn't even that bad. Once you've gone through the Lucky Star Defense Force and its ilk, Code Geass defenders look pretty tame. And it's not like their fandom is without some merit. This could be the greatest most spectacular trainwreck ever broadcast on TV. And I'm gonna love every second of it :lol
Wow, regicide with flare. This epsiode was very Eva-ish. I was waiting for Lelouch to make an AT field. Still I loved the execution of the episode I wondered what deal Schneizel made wtih Lelouch after he emerged from the elevator. I'm also surprised Kallen wasn't able to hook up with Lelouch in a month. I guess it's official, Nunally is gone.
>_<S. L. said:so what happend to Chiko subs? haven't seen anything in a while...
I kinda suspected that,she goes from being average to downright brain damage.Rahxephon91 said:
If you ask me.
I couldn't watch the second season of Gunslinger Girl because of the same reason.Defuser said:I kinda suspected that,she goes from being average to downright brain damage.
Anyway,for those who care Minami-ke got green-lited for a third season.Let's just hope it's the studio(gallop?) that did the first season. I absolutely refused to watch the second season because of the art.
X26 said:Frontier is garbage. I started watching because I expected, you know, macross, but really there's no smilarities to the past series outside some terminology and the mechs. The creators basically just copied modern gundam series (which are also terrible) to make the show more marketable or some shit I guess, that and they have no creativity whatsoever.
Those people aren't quite as annoying as the :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol GEASS WHAT A TRAINWRECK!!!!!11 bandwagon. At least they're discussing something they enjoy with fellow fans instead of watching it because it's "bad" and laughing over in the corner with all the cool kids with their superior opinions.Rahxephon91 said:Geass is worth watching as its like a Michal Bay's Transformers. Enjoyable but at the same time totally stupid. If you think about it to much or go in with the wrong attitude you won't like it. Yet strangely anime forums are filled with plot anylzation of Geass.
jman2050 said:Seriously, the fanbase isn't even that bad. Once you've gone through the Lucky Star Defense Force and its ilk, Code Geass defenders look pretty tame.
rykomatsu said:The Haruhi Defense Force is pretty bad too...
jman2050 said:At least Haruhi is, you know, good. Though even with that fact in mind they're pretty bad as well.
zurra said:Those people aren't quite as annoying as the :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol GEASS WHAT A TRAINWRECK!!!!!11 bandwagon. At least they're discussing something they enjoy with fellow fans instead of watching it because it's "bad" and laughing over in the corner with all the cool kids with their superior opinions.
:lol :lol :loljman2050 said:At least Haruhi is, you know, good. Though even with that fact in mind they're pretty bad as well.
Untrue, I'm the epitome of cool..... >.>Rahxephon91 said:Anime fans are not cool.
Macross F is my biggest dissappointment in a while.bigmit3737 said:I was actually enjoying it, but then I got it 14 or 15 and now I am losing interest. It seems so convoluted now.
On the other hand, Itazara na kiss got better.
BayTSP, Inc. ("BayTSP") swears under penalty of perjury that Aniplex has authorized BayTSP to act as its non-exclusive agent for copyright infringement notification. BayTSP's search of the protocol listed below has detected infringements of Aniplex's copyright interests on your IP addresses as detailed in the attached report.
zoku88 said:Looks like Aniplex is starting to go after people in the US now?
I got an email from my campus today. Apparently Aniplex contacted a certain ISP to start protecting their rights (I got caught for two episodes of Birdy and have to delete them before I had a chance to watch them T_T)
At least I'm not getting sued, tho. Is this happening in anywhere else, or is it just Boston?
it looks like its just Aniplex and baytsp. News broke two weeks before I came back to campus, so I didn't notice. (didn't even know we used baytsp.)Pankaks said:Scary stuff, I've never been notified about infringement personally but then again I don't watch Birdy so who knows.
Rahxephon91 said:Haruhi is awesome.
I guess all fanbases are annoying. Except for the Five Star Stories people. Those guys are nice as hell. Well maybe thats just the Gears Online and MAHQ community. Actually mech/giant robot fans are pretty cool people most of the time.
Hunter D said:I'm praying that Gundam continues off from where it left off quality wise. If not this will be like 8 years since the last great mecha show.
Well, sometimes mecha is used as a separate thing from super robots, so that's maybe what he meant.Regulus Tera said:As a member of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Defence Force, I have to agree. :/
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Watch it.
Point proved!
Linkzg said:Hot damn! Chiko 15 has crazy tons of lesbian undertones.
Linkzg said:Hot damn! Chiko 15 has crazy tons of lesbian undertones.
vas_a_morir said:...go on.
Dascu said:What on earth happened to Chiko. :lol
I'm glad you're so ecstatics in your enthusiasm for this great show!flintstryker said::lol :lol :lol
It's the funniest episode.Linkzg said:Hot damn! Chiko 15 has crazy tons of lesbian undertones.
The series already starts with a heavy Electra complex, so the sexual undertone isn't surprising.Basically, 3 out of the 4 female characters are probably lesbians. The entire episode was full sexual humor.
it's nothing like UC and the later eps get even more Wing'ish.Shirokun said:Now, since everyone here seems to gush about this show, tell me, should I give it another chance? Does it actually get significantly better after the point that I stopped at, or is it more of the same?
Sell me on Gundam 00, NEOGAF!
Regulus Tera said:It became a bishoujo series. :lol
I guess this is the Kojima-land duckroll was talking about before? I can kinda see where is he coming from. Broom-fu ftw!
Gundam 00 is crap for the first half. As you said...nothing really happens. It kicks it up a notch quite a bit mid way through. Some of the episodes before that are Code Geass bad also. Yea, quite a bit of difference between the first half and the 2nd. Which is why I would say...if you can stomach the first half. You should be happy with the 2nd.Shirokun said:I'm a huge fan of the original UC Gundam and I keep hearing everybody constantly sing the praises of Gundam 00. While I liked the political setup, I watched about 9 episodes and felt that very little was actually happening, and that the main characters were incredibly shallow. The actual main character seemed like your typical - I've had a traumatic childhood so I'm going to act incredibly wreckless while not showing any hint of emotion - type, which doesn't make for such a great character IMO. My favorite characters were actually the secondary characters and even they weren't interesting enough to keep me watching. It basically seemed like an updated version of Gundam Wing - which I didn't care much for either - minus the interesting villains.
Now, since everyone here seems to gush about this show, tell me, should I give it another chance? Does it actually get significantly better after the point that I stopped at, or is it more of the same?
Sell me on Gundam 00, NEOGAF!
Wolfwood0 said:![]()
Cant bring myself to dislike Code Geass:lol