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Anyone else think Zelda Totk was all over the place and too much busywork?


Gold Member
15 hours? That's, like, nothing of the game. So the game is just not for you, which is fine. I'm 200 hours in, still not done and still not tired of it. But I am kinda starting to feel that this game is a bit TOO big. BOTW was big, but not overwhelmingly so. TOTK kind of is I think.


I enjoyed it. Put in 200 hours. However, after reflecting on my experience, it is 100% the $70 DLC I didn’t believe it would be. The sky islands are bland and uninteresting. A huge letdown from what the marketing of the game would have you believe….it was basically skyward swords sky all over again but with one big area. The depths, aside from one story related part, are basically pointless unless you want armor that was also in BoTW. The first time you descend into the depths, you’ve pretty much seen all it has to offer. It’s nothing but constantly recycled assets stretched out to fill a map that should have been way smaller. Building vehicles, while initially fun, got stale very quickly. I guess you can make badass vehicles full of guns that can make any combat encounter trivial……I don’t really see the fun in that. It was an ambitious game but really suffered from an identity crisis.


Gold Member
these biga$s slow pace exploration games where u have to look in each nook and cranny I usually just play in the mourning when I'm not that hyped and more patient if it was a day where I ate more carbs I need something more faster pace with more action and less exploration/thinking. some games have to fit the mood if u ate some spaghetti and meatballs and chugged a liter of mountain dew ur not going to want to play this game until the sugar high wears off. its good for people on days where they're going low carb 😉

I put in over 30 hours so far btw maybe like an hour or two in the mourning here and there


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
If you are trying to do something specific and especially if you are trying to 100% the game, it is tiresome.

If you are letting your sense of exploration and experimentation take over, it is amazing.

That said. Somewhere around 200 hours in, you mostly run out of stuff to be wondrously exploring. That’s fine. It just means it is over, which all games must eventually be.


it is more unfocused, it kinda completed the transformation from a zelda to a oblivion-like game...not that it's bad, i like oblivion/skyrim and similiars...but while botw gameplay loop was a "made up line" driven by player exploration, botw push and pulls the player all around the place all the time with different objectives, and it can become unfocused.
well, it`s one of those games that get boring for me once things start repeating themselves.
The story-guidance is weak and if you`re not really into the building mechanic then there really isn`t much content diversity.
I liked exploring in Elden Ring much more than I did in ToTK. First Zelda in 2 decades where I didn´t even bother finishing the main story.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
Game was made for creative people to do all kinds of shit. Some people don't like that, and that's fine, but don't expect a game with this mechanic in mind to be too much straight forward
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