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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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And no one respects him.

I think what might actually be more effective than being mad at him is laughing at him. Publicly, and in very large numbers. The only thing that has a decent chance of bringing him down is abject embarrassment.


I somehow find it hard to believe that he's concerned about what people think of him right now... he's the freaking President of the United States he really can't get better than that... he reached the apex in influence and power that a man can achieve.

It's Donald Trump, he's notoriously ego-driven, narcissitic, and deeply insecure. That's not including the fact that he entered the White House with the lowest approval rating ever, had the media mock the attendance for his inauguration and parade, having a Women's Rights march eclipsed his event several times over, and now the press and general public is thrashing left and right. The presidency wasn't the antidote to his insecurity, it magnified it exponentially.

The fact is, Donald Trump is now the most vulnerable sitting president in American history. When the opinion of the common people and the media is getting under his skin to this extent, there is a serious problem on a mental level. He is unfit for office, truly. Something's gotta give.
Good, time to make the next 4 years or whenever if he were to get impeached or resign an actual living hell for him and every member of his administration. No rest.


Did anyone watch that Comedy Central Roast of Trump from 2011?

What were the jokes made? It's clear he responds poorly to certain jabs (hands, money, racism, infidelity) so I wonder what's left.
The Wikipedia article mentions his hair, The Apprentice, and his family. ... Sounds like a pretty weak roast.
No joke, Trump oversaw and even wrote most of the jokes...
I somehow find it hard to believe that he's concerned about what people think of him right now... he's the freaking President of the United States he really can't get better than that... he reached the apex in influence and power that a man can achieve.

1. The human brain is generally shit at maintaining perspective. he has had a couple months for the victory high to wind down.

2. he is a narcissist in the colloquial sense, and may possible have undiagnosed in a medical sense. dude desperately craves attention and approval.

he isn't out to advocate some agenda. he's out to feed his ego. if there ain't a fresh fix of attention coming in from other humans he ain't getting that.


Hopefully the media can make Trump so unhinged that Congress will want to distance itself from him. The Vic Berger vid is hilarious... he is TIRED and does not want to be there.



Cnn not having it

I think this is going to have to be how Trump is handled. It's going to fall to the press to be the voice of the truth, cutting through each lie, one by one.

Now, how likely that is to happen is a completely different story.

Trump is going to bring ugly ass TVs into his oval office, LBJ style

IS there a TV in the Oval Office normally? Did Obama have one? You never see anything like that on TV, but I would have to assume there's one in there SOMEWHERE.


I'm starting to doubt he's going to last the 4 years if his first week in the presidency is any indication

I mean... its not like as a president, it gets easier for you as time goes on. There are so many challenges and disappointments in his future, he is going to get totally wrecked in every sense of the word.

It's not going to be pretty or good for anybody.

Cnn not having it

Good, good.

I mean, CNN has no choice. Either double down on objectively correct information and go to "war" with a jackass of a president, or sit it out and take it. Orange Asshole's a fucking bully and will be relentless to stop it, all he does is shoot the messenger when bad news comes his way.


Vic Berg posted a short clip with Trump signing an exec order. Look how cranky and bored he looks.


With what's been said by people that've worked closely with him about his attention span, he probably has to have the things read to him out loud while a handler keeps snapping their fingers and wrangling in his focus.

"I'm the President! When do I get to the fun part? I wanna go ride Air Force One! Can we have a parade today? This is so booooooooooring!"


Beat EviLore at pool.
I think this is going to have to be how Trump is handled. It's going to fall to the press to be the voice of the truth, cutting through each lie, one by one.

Now, how likely that is to happen is a completely different story.

IS there a TV in the Oval Office normally? Did Obama have one? You never see anything like that on TV, but I would have to assume there's one in there SOMEWHERE.

Only thing is fan base thinks CNN is fake. All we have is sides right now. No one will budge.


Trump could always just quit by using the good old "health reasons" excuse.

Oh wait, nope, he couldn't; he had his doctror claim he had the best health and that Hillary was in such bad health she couldn't handle it. Bet he regrets that one now.
Did anyone watch that Comedy Central Roast of Trump from 2011?

What were the jokes made? It's clear he responds poorly to certain jabs (hands, money, racism, infidelity) so I wonder what's left.
The Wikipedia article mentions his hair, The Apprentice, and his family. ... Sounds like a pretty weak roast.

They were allowed to make fun of anything they wanted, except that he wasn't as wealthy as he claimed to be.


Unconfirmed Member
The bad press over the weekend has not allowed Trump to "enjoy" the White House as he feels he deserves, according to one person who has spoken with him.
So basically we should do a major protest march every weekend until he completely loses his mind?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
So when he has a mental break, is that the moment that everything is going to hit the fan? I feel like we are on the brink. I really hope there isn't a terrorist attack or mass shooting anytime soon. I feel like we are standing in a room full of gasoline...

Because we are......

He comes off as nearly cut off from reality already and he is the most powerful human on earth if not top 5...... This shit is scary sci-fi dystopian future bad


Out of the all the cable news channels I'm fairly certain he watches CNN the most. His constant tweeting about them must only be helping their ratings numbers. Doing it wrong Donald.
You can literally trace most of his tweets back to something that was on FOX News at the time. A lot of the stuff he tweeted after election day that people were so convinced was "clever strategy" was literally just his whiny gut reactions to seeing something on TV at 6 AM.

CNN will roll over like a bitch. They are still going to have Trump supporters on and they are afraid to say the word lie.

They've gone on the offensive over the past week. Tonight Jake Tapper called Trump and the administration liars on his show. They're not lying down. Maybe they would have if it had been one or two snide remarks, but they don't have anything to lose at this point. The leader of the free world has appointed his state TV network and CNN are going to have to fight back. I will be right there next to them if they can manage it.
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