?Since all Trump does is project, can we be sure that he was actually born in the United States?
?Since all Trump does is project, can we be sure that he was actually born in the United States?
He's issuing death sentences on innocent American's who just want health coverage. If someone pretty much said sorry you're going to lose your coverage and your quality of life is going to go down to nil wouldn't you wish that on who caused you all that suffering? Trump and his gangsters have no empathy for the average American. If you think about it logically it is the best outcome.Ok im the furthest thing from a Trump supporter i hate the guy but can we stop saying we wish he would kill himself? I mean seriously.
He's issuing death sentences on innocent American's who just want health coverage. If someone pretty much said sorry you're going to lose your coverage and your quality of life is going to go down to nil wouldn't you wish that on who caused you all that suffering? Trump and his gangsters have no empathy for the average American. If you think about it logically it is the best outcome.
Actually I'm surprised he hasn't hit back on some of the Melanie coverage . I would assume she has calmed him down on it ... Apart from popularity his whole image is rich gets hot women so I'm frankly surprised he hasn't issued some tweet about how wrong the body language reads of him and Melanie are.Wouldn't it be great that no matter where he goes , rally's , press conferences everyone just pointed at him and laughed . No insults or aggression just constant laughing at him.
Even Melania can't stand the guy and has to fake laugh whenever he looks in her direction (she's probably locked in a basement after all this inaugeration news articles showing how much she hates it all)
Why? There's a bunch of leaders I wish the death upon, Trump just got inaugurated into one. Nonetheless I'm completely against capital punishment.Ok im the furthest thing from a Trump supporter i hate the guy but can we stop saying we wish he would kill himself? I mean seriously.
The ultimate projection will be discovering that he was actually born in Kenya (and is a secret Muslim)
Hopefully he'll kill himself, not others, if he's inclined to violence.
I don't give a FUCK how what I said sounds. Fuck him.
Whoa.The ultimate projection will be discovering that he was actually born in Kenya (and is a secret Muslim)
He's way too much of a narcissist to give us remotely the satisfaction. He'd kill the entire planet before he'd consider off'ing himself... Which is what his presidency will probably end up doing anyways.
Or the country.Like I said, I think it's more probably he would intentionally put himself in danger to look noble to a group of people. But then again, the guy is a coward that is probably terrified of death so....
He's supposed to be an over-sensitive thin skinned insecure dude who is really afraid of being perceived as a loser right? Has anyone started reminding him that one of his first press releases on the White House site today has a lameass typo on it?
It's still fucking there: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pres...on-expedite-priority-enery-and-infrastructure
ENERY, wtf is ENERY hurrr? Fucking amateur shit. Obama would never be caught making a rookie mistake like that amirite. Someone should shove that in his face every morning.
He's supposed to be an over-sensitive thin skinned insecure dude who is really afraid of being perceived as a loser right? Has anyone started reminding him that one of his first press releases on the White House site today has a lameass typo on it?
It's still fucking there: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pres...on-expedite-priority-enery-and-infrastructure
ENERY, wtf is ENERY hurrr? Fucking amateur shit. Obama would never be caught making a rookie mistake like that amirite. Someone should shove that in his face every morning.
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
Is this reversed?
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
Wouldn't it be great that no matter where he goes , rally's , press conferences everyone just pointed at him and laughed . No insults or aggression just constant laughing at him.
Even Melania can't stand the guy and has to fake laugh whenever he looks in her direction (she's probably locked in a basement after all this inaugeration news articles showing how much she hates it all)
Is this reversed?
Is this reversed?
I thought it was when I first saw it but its not.
No. And the longer version is even slightly worse.
Congratulations to @FoxNews for being number one in inauguration ratings. They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN - public is smart!
#rescueMelaniaThe Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
He's supposed to be an over-sensitive thin skinned insecure dude who is really afraid of being perceived as a loser right? Has anyone started reminding him that one of his first press releases on the White House site today has a lameass typo on it?
It's still fucking there: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pres...on-expedite-priority-enery-and-infrastructure
ENERY, wtf is ENERY hurrr? Fucking amateur shit. Obama would never be caught making a rookie mistake like that amirite. Someone should shove that in his face every morning.
Or instead of painting her as an air head gold digger, perhaps Its more likely he's a manipulative narcissist who is prone to violent rages and verbally abuses her. Given his history and stories about him from former wives and associates.Wow, I guess her smile faded just that quickly then. I wonder if she knows he doesn't have as much money as she thought. Maybe she is slowly realizing.
Is this reversed?
Or instead of painting her as an air head gold digger, perhaps Its more likely he's a manipulative narcissist who is prone to violent rages and verbally abuses her. Given his history and stories about him from former wives and associates.
Don't feel sorry for Melania. Don't. Please. She knew what she was signing in to in the first place with him. Since there's no way there isn't an exit clause in her various contracts if she wanted to just walk away you can continue to not feel bad for her. Of her own free will she's decided to continue to opt-in to that marriage. Feel sorry for Barron, instead. Both of his parents are case studies in outdated and harmful marital stereotypes, and that's the least of his troubles in what will be a futile quest to lead anything remotely close to a normal life.
The bad press over the weekend has not allowed Trump to "enjoy" the White House as he feels he deserves, according to one person who has spoken with him.
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
Don't feel sorry for Melania. Don't. Please. She knew what she was signing in to in the first place with him. Since there's no way there isn't an exit clause in her various contracts if she wanted to just walk away you can continue to not feel bad for her. Of her own free will she's decided to continue to opt-in to that marriage. Feel sorry for Barron, instead. Both of his parents are case studies in outdated and harmful marital stereotypes, and that's the least of his troubles in what will be a futile quest to lead anything remotely close to a normal life.
Yep, and it's very important we don't forget how many crazy things she's been a part of in the recent past. She was right alongside Trump in claiming Obama's birth certificate was fake. She's not a silent trophy wife trapped against her will - she's party to the lunacy.
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
Typical behaviour of a person who's only in a relationship for one thing other than love and care. Now I ain't saying she a gold digger but she clearly ain't messin' with a broke President.
Oh this is gold, lolThe Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
just what the fuck does he think this is
The "leader of the free world", a person that even us Europeans sometimes look at as much as we look at our own leaders, is tweeting against the news outlets and accusing them of spreading false news?
Wow, this is...wow.
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:
Donnie believes he is god's special child, divinely chosen to be a golden genius and do no wrong. He alone can fix the world. Everything he says is true if he believes it. He won the popular vote. He is always honest. There have never been more inauguration viewers! The clouds part on rainy days to grant him passage. Why would anyone give him a hard time??? He is making America great.Did Trump really think that Presidents age 5 times faster when they are in office because they spend all of their time enjoying the White House?
You don't get to enjoy the White House, fucker. The American people own you now, not the other way around.
I mean, if you had heard all WE have heard about the "president"... Would you still be in love with that piece of shit ?