Is iOS8 on the iPad Mini 2 acceptable?
Runs great, there's no fear of upgrading here.
Is iOS8 on the iPad Mini 2 acceptable?
Runs great, there's no fear of upgrading here.
I have been setting aside iMac money for almost a year and a half. My body is ready.
I notice a lot more stuttering in Safari on my iPad mini 2 in iOS 8.
Is iOS8 on the iPad Mini 2 acceptable?
So was that 2gb of ram rumor for the ipad air 2 right? Or did apple skimp out and go with 1gb again? I'm tempted to do the BestBuy Trade in deal (at least $200 for ipad2 or newer with a preorder of the Air 2) but wanted to know what the ram situation was
Should also run smoother once 8.1 drops on Monday
Should also run smoother once 8.1 drops on Monday
Sounds like we won't know anything about the RAM situation until reviews come out.
This is good news, I don't want my new Mini stuttering up a storm!
As rumored, it’s got 2GB of RAM, a new A8x processor and M8 coprocessor for better multitasking, page scrolling, and gaming action.
I'm moving ever so closer to grabbing and air 2, just waiting on that Friday ram reveal and I'll be heading to the Apple Store after work.
I'm Assuming that since its release day.Is that when reviews go up?
Do we know when the Air 2 launches or when we will be able to see one in store?
I'm moving ever so closer to grabbing and air 2, just waiting on that Friday ram reveal and I'll be heading to the Apple Store after work.
I too was hoping reviews would be before launch again.I actually thought reviews went up tomorrow, the Tuesday before launch, just like they did with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
Is broardwell strong enough to drive the retina display on the new Airs without lagging? That's my only concern.
Haswell already drives the 13" rMBPs display, and the HD5000 in the existing Haswell air is (for better or worse) not much behind the Iris 5100 in the rMBP. Broadwell will also bring a nice GPU jump. So it should drive the display ok for normal UI use. I still do see some stutters on rMBPs though.
And how do they know that? They don't have a source or a teardown. I don't doubt it, but they didn't say how they know.
When does the iPad air 2 come out? What is the release date for stores??
When does the iPad air 2 come out? What is the release date for stores??
This Friday by the looks of it.
I am not ordering till I see a teardown.
Retina iMac reviews are very positive, seems to have no problems handling the 5k display.![]()
Same, and I'd encourage those who care to look for an actual teardown and not just rumors (to another person above believing the site wholesale - they don't have a confirmation, just a guess).
1GB of RAM for another year is definitely a dealbreaker for me, I see way more reloading of apps and webpage tabs on 1GB iOS devices than 2+GB Android ones, despite people saying iOS is more efficient (it is - but not so much to overcome double the physical RAM.
I only really see that in Chrome. I don't actually see that impact regular app use. But that might just be due to the kind of apps I use. I more often see slowdown on my iPad3 (which apparently has a GB of RAM) so eliminating slowdown (as well as the other additions) is enough to upgrade (though I wish the reloading of browser tabs was eliminated). At least versus using my iPad 3 for another year.
Oh yeah, not saying it's not a huge upgrade from the cortex a9 based A5X in there. Much much faster CPU performance, I think the A6 doubled the CPU, and then the A7 doubled that or something like that.
I'm just a heavy multitabber, on PCs I can hit 20, 25 tabs easily just casually persuing my interests, and if I hit even just 4-6 on a 1GB iOS devices they start booting tabs out and reloading too often for my liking. I also guess I use heavier apps, something like clash of clans will boot most Safari tabs out of memory for instance. I'd much prefer an Air 2 if it had 2GB.
I assume they didnt try and run games on it?
I assume they didnt try and run games on it?
IF you're buying it for gaming youre setting yourself up for failure.
I too was hoping reviews would be before launch again.
I don't trust the RAM confirmation of Wired alone since I don't see how they would have checked it. Though, we still might not know RAM until iFixit gets their own unit to dismantle, right?
I really wanted a mini with air2 specs but now I'm stuck between the air2 or mini2 with spare cash to spend.
I already have the 6.Transition to Air 2 and 6 Plus over time like the rest from your camp.
I already have the 6.
I really can't decide if I should go for the iPad Air 2 or a Xbox One.
I already have a PS4 and Wii U along with a LG G3.
I really can't decide if I should go for the iPad Air 2 or a Xbox One.
I already have a PS4 and Wii U along with a LG G3.