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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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Is there any validity to the claim that Apple is going to do an internal fix on phones (which would involve sending your phone away for a few days)?


bionic77 said:
Is there any validity to the claim that Apple is going to do an internal fix on phones (which would involve sending your phone away for a few days)?

no one knows. we'll find out in 20 hours

(but I happen to find this doubtful. if anything, there would be an exchange)


LCfiner said:
no one knows. we'll find out in 20 hours

(but I happen to find this doubtful. if anything, there would be an exchange)
I don't see them giving away new phones like candy. If there is an internal repair I think they would give you the option to send it in or take it to the genius bar.

I can't imagine them just replacing 3 million phones either. That would fuck up all of their other launches and even in the US there are still a lot of people waiting to buy their iPhone 4. Eventually they will get sick of waiting and go to an alternative. Not mention the gigantic loss they would take.

Maybe Apple will give away free scotch tape?


Liveblog: Apple iPhone 4 Press Conference (Ars Technica)

Apple has decided to hold a short-notice press conference to discuss the iPhone 4, which most people believe will address the uproar over iPhone 4 antenna issues. Whether that will actually be the case remains to be seen, but we will be there to find out. The event begins at 10am PDT/1pm EDT (see it in your own timezone).

Will Steve Jobs issue a recall, or merely teach the press how to hold the phone properly? Sign up below to receive an e-mail alert when we go live or simply bookmark this page and come back on Friday morning when the conference begins.
Seems to have pretty much reached critical mass at this point. I hope for their sake that they come up with something good tomorrow.



Harry_Tequila said:
Seems to have pretty much reached critical mass at this point. I hope for their sake that they come up with something good tomorrow.
And next week,

"Apple, not phoning it in"

"Users rejoice over compensation"
"Shares return to norm after iPhone owners spend their free Apple store credit"
"Steve's genius was never in question"

It's just attention grabbing substance-less shit as always.
StuBurns said:
And next week,

"Apple, not phoning it in"

"Users rejoice over compensation"
"Shares return to norm after iPhone owners spend their free Apple store credit"
"Steve's genius was never in question"

It's just attention grabbing substance-less shit as always.
I don't think I've ever seen a story about Apple on the front page of a British newspaper, it's fairly extraordinary that it has got to this point.


How was apple 'stunned' by the signal bar issue? Anandtech pointed it out in their review with no inside knowledge. It looked like a pretty deliberate attempt to make the signal appear better on AT&T's shitty network than previous iPhones -- especially since they removed the built-in ability to display the internal numbers that was always present before. Also, it doesn't have much to do with the death grip problems (other than magnifying the issue since you could drop from 5 bars to 1 under the sceheme) since you still drop the same 20 or so dB you did before. I hope this isn't all Apple is planning on showing tomorrow

That said, the iPhone 4 does have better signal strength in general due to the external antenna and who gives a shit if you get 5 bars or 1. Digital signal display future please


Harry_Tequila said:
I don't think I've ever seen a story about Apple on the front page of a British newspaper, it's fairly extraordinary that it has got to this point.
Were you on holiday when the iPad was announced? It was on them all. My favorite headline was "A work of genius, or just a giant iPhone?"
StuBurns said:
Were you on holiday when the iPad was announced? It was on them all. My favorite headline was "A work of genius, or just a giant iPhone?"
Must have been, have no memory of that. Still, I can't imagine it being the leading headline, front page centre like today.


Harry_Tequila said:
Must have been, have no memory of that. Still, I can't imagine it being the leading headline, front page centre like today.
It sure was, with a huge picture of Mr Jobs and the giant iPhone.


The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple is not planning on issuing an iPhone 4 recall at tomorrow's press conference:

"Apple's iPhone 4 has been dogged by reports of antenna-reception problems since its launch last month. The company has called a news conference to discuss the issue Friday. Apple doesn't plan to recall the phone, a person familar with the matter said."

Apple engineers were apparently aware of the risks associated with the external antenna design but "Mr. Jobs liked the design so much that Apple went ahead with its development". Earlier today, a Bloomberg article similarly claimed an Apple engineer expressed concern about the design.

The iPhone 4 signal issue has exploded in the media in recent days even with New York senator Charles Schumer publishing an open letter to Steve Jobs expressing concerns about the issue. Schumer is known for his efforts in consumer protection.

Apple is holding a press conference tomorrow to address the issue.


sangreal said:
How was apple 'stunned' by the signal bar issue? Anandtech pointed it out in their review with no inside knowledge. It looked like a pretty deliberate attempt to make the signal appear better on AT&T's shitty network than previous iPhones -- especially since they removed the built-in ability to display the internal numbers that was always present before. Also, it doesn't have much to do with the death grip problems (other than magnifying the issue since you could drop from 5 bars to 1 under the sceheme) since you still drop the same 20 or so dB you did before. I hope this isn't all Apple is planning on showing tomorrow

That said, the iPhone 4 does have better signal strength in general due to the external antenna and who gives a shit if you get 5 bars or 1. Digital signal display future please

I should note given my accusations regarding Apple and the bar display that the iOS 4.0 bars are in-line with android (although this graphic may only be representative of some android phone/OS):


and re-iterate my support for a digital display: can I make a call? yes/no
sangreal said:
I should note given my accusations regarding Apple and the bar display that the iOS 4.0 bars are in-line with android (although this graphic may only be representative of some android phone/OS):


and re-iterate my support for a digital display: can I make a call? yes/no

I love how the original 3 bars in iOS 4.0 covers all of 1 db, maybe.


MassiveAttack said:
Recall? No. Voluntary hardware fix? Yes.

What exactly do you consider the difference to be? A recall just says hey, bring in your phone to get it replaced/fixed. You aren't under any obligation to do it.
sangreal said:
What exactly do you consider the difference to be? A recall just says hey, bring in your phone to get it replaced/fixed. You aren't under any obligation to do it.

The difference would be Apple recalling all of its stock from stores and warehouses and replacing all of its available inventory. I don't think this will happen.


sangreal said:
I should note given my accusations regarding Apple and the bar display that the iOS 4.0 bars are in-line with android (although this graphic may only be representative of some android phone/OS):


and re-iterate my support for a digital display: can I make a call? yes/no


MassiveAttack said:
The difference would be Apple recalling all of its stock from stores and warehouses and replacing all of its available inventory. I don't think this will happen.

Oh, gotcha. Good point


Gold Member
An interesting consideration is also Apple's choice of day for this conference. Companies almost NEVER have press conferences on Fridays. The reason for this is that they get poor coverage as media have created the content for weekend already on Friday, some media is not published/updated during weekends, and the news will be old by Monday.

Most often press conferences are held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays where they benefit of several days of coverage opportunities.

So Apple choosing Friday can be quite telling. They don't want very wide coverage for this conference. They seem to want mostly enthusiast blogs to report it, not major media. With the major media reporting the problem one would assume that if they had a solution they would broadcast it as widely as possible to change the perception.


Hail to the KING baby
Just crazy where we are w/r/t Apple vs. where we were just a few weeks ago. Really exciting time to be alive; I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm betting the solution is a free bumper program... Similar to Nintendo's free Wii condoms which "solved" the Wiimote impact issues.
Chittagong said:
An interesting consideration is also Apple's choice of day for this conference. Companies almost NEVER have press conferences on Fridays. The reason for this is that they get poor coverage as media have created the content for weekend already on Friday, some media is not published/updated during weekends, and the news will be old by Monday.

In general, yes, but Apple can't afford another weekend without a response. This is the most reactionary behavior I've ever seen from them.
sangreal said:
It looked like a pretty deliberate attempt to make the signal appear better on AT&T's shitty network than previous iPhones -- especially since they removed the built-in ability to display the internal numbers that was always present before.
It was the exact same broken measurements since the first iPhone. Apple didn't do anything to make the 4 seem better. It was the same.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It was the exact same broken measurements since the first iPhone. Apple didn't do anything to make the 4 seem better. It was the same.

Well in that case, it is even more stupid to be "stunned" and to attribute the antenna issue to it.
anandtech said:
Previously, the absolute lowest value any iPhone would report was -113 dBm. With iOS 4.0.1/4.1, the value is now a shockingly low -121 dBm. In the iPhone 4 review, I talked a lot about how although the phone is prone to dropping signal from being held wrong, it was measurably more sensitive in weak signal areas. I was shocked that calls and data worked seemingly unfazed at -113 dBm. It seems as though this increased 8 dBm of range below -113 dBm was meant to show really how much more sensitive the radio stack is - it undeniably is more sensitive. Both Anand and I were able to hang onto calls all the way down at -121 dBm.

This is very strange. If these guys can hold onto calls that far down then why is there so much complaining about dropped calls? Maybe the problem was the phone going into "searching" mode after it went below -113 dBm? Perhaps extending the limit downward to -121 before it goes into "searching" will actually help people in really poor signal areas. Does anyone know if the phone going into "searching" mode automatically overrides the ability to make calls and send and receive data?
Just updated my 3GS...
...so you're telling me that this entire time that it was showing the full 5 bars in my apartment, that it was actually 2 this entire time? What the fuck. :lol
How come nobody seems to remember that Mossberg pointed out that his bars were lower than they should be and Apple said that it was a bug and would be fixed from his review before it came out. Everything shown here shows bars being reported higher than it should be, not lower. What is it that Apple was referring to before?
Quick question here. With all the suggestion of free bumpers, are these things supposed to help with the iPhone4's reception problems or something?


Critical Jeff said:
Quick question here. With all the suggestion of free bumpers, are these things supposed to help with the iPhone4's reception problems or something?

The problem is when you touch the gap between the antennas with your conductive hands. With the bumper that isn't possible
sangreal said:
The problem is when you touch the gap between the antennas with your conductive hands. With the bumper that isn't possible

Is that the whole problem? Peoples conductive fingers bridging the gap between the various antenna around the phone causing dropped calls? I thought it was just the design of the antenna itself being so shitty that it just wont hold a signal. This is preposterous, why not just put a piece of tape over the gaps and call it a day?
Critical Jeff said:
Is that the whole problem? Peoples conductive fingers bridging the gap between the various antenna around the phone causing dropped calls? I thought it was just the design of the antenna itself being so shitty that it just wont hold a signal. This is preposterous, why not just put a piece of tape over the gaps and call it a day?

You missed the CNN article showing you how to put duct tape on your phone didn't you.....


Critical Jeff said:
Is that the whole problem? Peoples conductive fingers bridging the gap between the various antenna around the phone causing dropped calls? I thought it was just the design of the antenna itself being so shitty that it just wont hold a signal. This is preposterous, why not just put a piece of tape over the gaps and call it a day?
Thats what my cuz did on the first week (scotch not duct) and he never had a problem since. It does look ghetto though.

But still some people are really mad (and some of them even own the phone).


sangreal said:
I should note given my accusations regarding Apple and the bar display that the iOS 4.0 bars are in-line with android (although this graphic may only be representative of some android phone/OS):


and re-iterate my support for a digital display: can I make a call? yes/no
I really don't know how you guys are looking at that graphic and concluding that the new Apple bars is in line with Android. And the bars aren't just for calls. They also give some indication of data speed...
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