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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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Confirmed Asshole
teacupcopter said:
Anyway is there any chance they'll announce new touches at this conference thing? I want one but I heard a rumour new touches based on iphone 4 might be out in sept?
You heard that rumour because the Touch gets updated yearly around September.


teacupcopter said:
Anyway is there any chance they'll announce new touches at this conference thing? I want one but I heard a rumour new touches based on iphone 4 might be out in sept?
You gotta be fucking joking.
Ok after reading I realised this conference was just about the iphone 4
I misread, I thought it was an existing apple conference that they simply made a big deal over announcing some iphone 4 fix/recall/SOMETHING at and that they would show other things as well

everyone calm the fuck down


MassiveAttack said:

Oh shit.. :lol
Gary Whitta said:
There is no way this is about bumpers. And no way they are announcing new products.

I bet there is a mention of a date for the white. MAYBE and international date announcement.

Fuckers! When is the white iPhone coming!
Marty Chinn said:
I wonder if they'll try to sugarcoat it with other stuff to lessen the blow. FaceTime on 3G anyone?
Has anyone actually made a FaceTime call beyond messing around with it on the first day they got the phone? :lol
Gary Whitta said:
Has anyone actually made a FaceTime call beyond messing around with it on the first day they got the phone? :lol

Heh probably not. It's awesome when you try it, but I quickly realized how useless it is when restricted to WiFi. There were a couple times it would have been great to use but no WiFi around.

Honestly, when I first saw it, I banked on it either being opened up to 3G eventually or jailbreaking would allow you to use it over 3G. Can't wait till it's finally more usable.


Gary Whitta said:
They'll just keep on hating, nothing can stop them.

As opposed to those of you that would dismiss this error in software as part of Jobs' grand plan and claim no mistake was ever made? Please, two can play this ridiculous game and everyone knows who the apologists have been on this issue.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gary Whitta said:
Yup, WiFi only really makes it almost useless. It'll only reach its potential once it's opened up to 3G.
unless you have one of the litany of 3Gs that lost wifi capabilities once the device was upgraded to iOS4...


Gary Whitta said:
Has anyone actually made a FaceTime call beyond messing around with it on the first day they got the phone? :lol

Since the wireless N reaches so far outside of my apartment I tend to face time my buddies when I go to the pool so they can check out the ladies there. Creepy, I know...


scorcho said:
unless you have one of the litany of 3Gs that lost wifi capabilities once the device was upgraded to iOS4...
I'm confused by this post. Are you talking about the iPhone 3G?

That device is a non starter for face time as there's no front facing camera.


testicles on a cold fall morning
LCfiner said:
I'm confused by this post. Are you talking about the iPhone 3G?

That device is a non starter for face time as there's no front facing camera.
this is why i shouldn't post at 12:44am.
Sallokin said:
Since the wireless N reaches so far outside of my apartment I tend to face time my buddies when I go to the pool so they can check out the ladies there. Creepy, I know...
Then use the regular camera to show your buddies what you are checking out?:D


Pimpwerx said:
You bitch at me over fucking semantics and then want to be taken seriously. Cry me a fucking river. Your first "response" was a troll, and your second was pointing out something I never claimed. I didn't claim other phones had issues with call-reception numb-nuts. I made plenty of serious and reasoned responses in this thread. None of them to you because you have fuck-all to say. PEACE. <-this one is actually glowing
Sorry, your crazed rant makes no sense.

You said this:
Pimpwerx said:
I can hold my Evo for hours without it dropping a signal. LOL!
Then you said this:
Pimpwerx said:
My posts should serve as a template or all who wish to discuss contentious topics in a non-contentious way.
The first quote is one of your posts, and things like that provoke arguments all across the internet in console and phone wars. So, no, you should not serve as a template.

As far as my first response to you being a troll? I said you rushed your post to get another PEACE out. You did make a post without proper research. For the latter... based on your post history... I simply believe that you like the attention the PEACE's bring. I can pick up on an ego easily. You proved this to me in the second post when you expressed how highly you think of yourself by saying you're a template all should follow.


Gary Whitta said:
Yup, WiFi only really makes it almost useless. It'll only reach its potential once it's opened up to 3G.
I don't understand this at all. You want to video chat in public? I answered a facetime call from my brother in Starbucks by accident, and quickly realized how stupid that was. You can't use it outside without being an annoying asshole. At least at home it makes sense, and at home everyone has wifi.

3G FaceTime has the potential to be even more annoying than that Nextel push to talk bullshit. I hope people have the sense to bring headphones with them.
Tobor said:
I don't understand this at all. You want to video chat in public? I answered a facetime call from my brother in Starbucks by accident, and quickly realized how stupid that was. You can't use it outside without being an annoying asshole. At least at home it makes sense, and at home everyone has wifi.

3G FaceTime has the potential to be even more annoying than that Nextel push to talk bullshit. I hope people have the sense to bring headphones with them.

Why would you prefer WiFi only over WiFi + 3G? I don't see the logic in wanting it to be restrictive.

Here's a case that happened to me just last weekend. My wife and her sister had to go sign some paperwork with her family on Saturday which got sprung on them at the last minute. My two nieces were supposed to go an in the park type concert/event where this performer does all these kids songs and interacts with them so I said I would go along with them. What would have been great at the time was if I could have called my wife and used FaceTime to show my nieces dancing all happy to her sister. Neither of us were in range of a WiFi point but it would have been great over 3G.

Also what about the scenario say I have to travel and the place I go to doesn't have WiFi or free internet in the room? Or how about if I'm out running an errand for my wife to pick something up but when I got there, there was a choice to be made on which item I picked up. FaceTime would be great to relay what I'm looking at and discussing it with her rather than having to take pictures constantly. There are plenty of scenarios where using 3G for FaceTime makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is what good is FaceTime to me and my wife if we can only use it while we're at home, to which we'd be there together already.
Gary Whitta said:
Has anyone actually made a FaceTime call beyond messing around with it on the first day they got the phone? :lol
I use it with my dad all the time. I just bought Zen Bound 2 for the iPad today and thought he'd really like it so I FaceTime called him and showed him what it was. He fucking loves FaceTime, too, he thinks it's the coolest shit in the world. :D


Tobor said:
I don't understand this at all. You want to video chat in public? I answered a facetime call from my brother in Starbucks by accident, and quickly realized how stupid that was. You can't use it outside without being an annoying asshole. At least at home it makes sense, and at home everyone has wifi.

3G FaceTime has the potential to be even more annoying than that Nextel push to talk bullshit. I hope people have the sense to bring headphones with them.
Let's not start this debate up again. Take it to the iPhone 4 thread, c'mon now
WiFi only is useless :p

So how many Naysayers do you think will land in California for the press conference and suddenly discover that they can reproduce the antenna problem on their iPhones?
not gruber
Gary Whitta said:
Has anyone actually made a FaceTime call beyond messing around with it on the first day they got the phone? :lol

I think the videocalling gimmick died out years ago in the UK. I remember when 3 launched and people used it for about 5 minutes and then never again. I've been with 3 for years now and I would say that I've made possibly 10 video calls at most.


is now taking requests
J Tourettes said:
I think the videocalling gimmick died out years ago in the UK. I remember when 3 launched and people used it for about 5 minutes and then never again. I've been with 3 for years now and I would say that I've made possibly 10 video calls at most.

Yea, i remember a summer here in Sweden about 10 years ago when some of the yuppies were videocalling each other. Never really saw it since.
SnowWolf said:
The world's most popular otaku (also an Apple fanboy) has confirmed the reception problem and posted a video. You guys that Consumer Reports was bad... Apple's finished http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Xg1hMdupk

Danny fucking Choo! I love that guy, a shame I missed him when he was over here a few months back :(

And lmao what, confirmed an issue we've known about for weeks now?! I never did understand why he did the video? Plus his bars only dropped by about 1/2 bars


Wow. Not only has my apartment dropped from 5 to 3 bars after 4.0.1, but my office has as well.



J Tourettes said:
I think the videocalling gimmick died out years ago in the UK. I remember when 3 launched and people used it for about 5 minutes and then never again. I've been with 3 for years now and I would say that I've made possibly 10 video calls at most.
Yeah, this is why I found the 'Facetime' thing a bit odd. Videocalling has been around forever and nobody cares. It's just not a practical method of communication. When did '3' introduce it? 2003?


LCfiner said:
Wow. Not only has my apartment dropped from 5 to 3 bars after 4.0.1, but my office has as well.

Your life within the matrix has been exposed to you.

The fact that they decided to change the programming in the environment and not in the iPhone 4 shows that artificial intelligence cannot jailbreak the 4.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It just made the BBC's lunchtime news.

Quite a fair summing up of the whole saga, pointing out how everything regarding Apple gets exaggerated both good and bad, but started out by saying how users had felt patronised by Apple's response to the issue and the brand has taken a hit.

Clear there's a lot of attention on this press-conference. If there isn't a fix of some kind announced, whether software or a hardware revision, I'd expect it all to kick off again.


The Amiga Brotherhood
ConfusedMan09 said:
Is this the first time Apple will be live streaming a conference? This is getting more interesting...

Yeah, they stopped live video of their conferences a few years ago.


ConfusedMan09 said:
Is this the first time Apple will be live streaming a conference? This is getting more interesting...
All of their quarterly financial results conferences are live streamed (audio). This isn't a keynote or a product event.


For Apple's sake I hope they have something major planned for this conference. There's going to be a fucking HUGE backlash if they invite all the jaded cynical press out to a conference just to say sorry and talk about the new bars in OS 4.0.1 :lol

Apple made things right with the original iPhone by giving the rebate to early adopters and that didn't even have a conference. It'll be interesting to see what they do. This could really backfire and make things much worse if they don't deliver anything worthwhile.
Seems like aple has lied to me I don't really get full bars at my new apartment and at work &#65288;&#65307;&#65343;&#65307;&#65289;three bars is the new full bars. 3Gs is about the same as my nokia, still can't make calls. Fucking AT&T give me a microcell for work an home!


is now taking requests
SmokyDave said:
Yeah, this is why I found the 'Facetime' thing a bit odd. Videocalling has been around forever and nobody cares. It's just not a practical method of communication. When did '3' introduce it? 2003?

3 introduced it on the swedish market around 2000. I googled an article from last year where the company said that (last year) 10% of their calls were videocalls, and it is mainly being used by deaf people. I never thought about that, but it had to be a pretty revolutionary step forward for them.


jorma said:
3 introduced it on the swedish market around 2000. I googled an article from last year where the company said that (last year) 10% of their calls were videocalls, and it is mainly being used by deaf people. I never thought about that, but it had to be a pretty revolutionary step forward for them.
That makes so much sense that I feel stupid for not considering it.


jorma said:
3 introduced it on the swedish market around 2000. I googled an article from last year where the company said that (last year) 10% of their calls were videocalls, and it is mainly being used by deaf people. I never thought about that, but it had to be a pretty revolutionary step forward for them.

Great, so when a deaf person is in an emergency and they decide to FaceTime someone they can't because no WiFi is available. Fuck you Apple/ATT.


CrankyJay said:
Great, so when a deaf person is in an emergency and they decide to FaceTime someone they can't because no WiFi is available. Fuck you Apple/ATT.

GTFO :lol they can still text.

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