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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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MercuryLS said:
Honestly, this is an issue for me. I don't wear skin tight hipster jeans, but my jeans do run tight. I don't want to put a fucking rubber bumper on my phone, it'd make it so damn annoying to pull out quickly.

Fuckin' hell Apple, fix your goddamn phone. This "solution" fucking sucks.

Wait for a hard plastic bumper?


Gold Member
devilhawk said:
It's fun with numbers guy.

No one drops calls at a rate of 20 in 100. It is likely in the single digits, if that. This means if you drop a call at an additional 1 in 100, you are dropping calls at probably a very high percentage increase. You can't dismiss that with the word" fraction."

We're talking about AT&T here right? And it is not an additional 1 in 100, it's plainly stated to be less than an additional 1 in 100.

The only thing deceiving about that is what is the X in X dropped calls out of 100.

If X is .000005, and the iPhone is dropping .99 additional dropped calls, that's pretty bad, but let's be realistic, that's not going to be the case with AT&T.


Charred Greyface said:
I'll have to see the video or something. If they say that all (other) phones have the problem, aren't they implying that all iPhone 4s have the problem?

Apple is saying all phones can have this problem. Where Apple fucked up was they basically put a huge target on their phone for people to mess with and it was put in a bad spot (specifically for left handed people). Most of the time that is hidden in the phone so you wouldn't know where or how to mess with the reception.
11:04AM Q: Is there a hardware redesign in this generation that could fix this problem?

A: You can go on the web and look at pictures of Nokia phones that ship with stickers on the back that say "don't touch here" -- you can go on YouTube and see these. We showed you three phones today, all good phones. So right now the state of the art of the entire industry is that no one has solved this problem. Would I like Apple to be first? Yes. Can we make it better right now? Maybe, we'll see.

In other words, wait a couple of months.


Nazgul_Hunter said:
FCC regulations and brain tumors

FALSE. The FCC only regulates the amount of radiation a phone can put in your brain.

They make no recommendations as to how to achieve that.

By placing the antenna at the bottom (further from the brain) cell phone makers can boost the power without crossing the threshold.

Only problem is... it hurts the signal if you cup your hand around the bottom.

Bring back old school whip antennas I say. :lol
The conference was about what I expected, although a bit more defensive than I would have imagined with all the phones they showed off showing the problem. I lowered my expectations and thought giving away free bumpers was the least they could do and that's what they did. So I give this response a C. Anything less than giving a bumper would have been a D or and F. Taking an extra step to appease consumers would have gone to a B or even an A depending on what they did. So Apple did the bare minimum IMO and didn't go the extra step that I would have liked to have seen but that wasn't totally unexpected.


Still Alive
OK so why can't they put the antenna on the bottom if they're not allowed to place it on the top? That would be out of the way as well, no?

[EDIT] Whelp, beaten. Wait, people actually cup the bottom of their phones? What the fuck?


Comparing this to other phones that supposedly have had this problem is irrelevant. Point is that from day 1 people noticed drop in signals from this particular iphone, because it was insanely easy to do. I dont care if I can do it with my Samsung or the 3G iphone. If I dont notice it, then the design is solid. If I do, then the design is suspect since it affects people that hold their phone in natural positions

I love apple, but these statements are typical apple bullshit


"Q: Was a recall ever up for discussion?

Steve: We get email from people all over the world about issues. We're really serious about this. We try to figure this out. We come out to their places with test equipment, we want to see logs. We try to get the info and figure it out...

Bob: For the record, we told them we were coming first.

Steve: And we didn't break down any doors."

best quote so far :lol


mil6es said:
wow the apple fanboys are out in full effect in this thread

There's actually people in here that haven't even USED the phone and are giving it the old "not buying this in Canada when it comes out!!" They don't even know if it would or wouldn't be an issue for them and yet they're buying into the entire media hype of a flawed phone.

I plan on getting this phone, using it without my free bumper and see what happens. If it's fine as I suspect it will be, I'll keep the free bumper as a souvenir.

C Jones

KingGondo said:
A ton of the negative response is coming from people who A) don't have an iPhone 4 yet, or B) live where it hasn't been released yet.

Don't you think it's worth at least trying the phone (considering the virtually universal praise it's received) to see if the reception issue is a problem for you, or trying a bumper case if it is?

Exactly. It seems that the people up in arms are the ones that don't own it.

It's no different than other electronics - buy it, try it, and if it's acting up just return it.


KingGondo said:
A ton of the negative response is coming from people who A) don't have an iPhone 4 yet, or B) live where it hasn't been released yet.

Don't you think it's worth at least trying the phone (considering the virtually universal praise it's received) to see if the reception issue is a problem for you, or trying a bumper case if it is?


I have tried the phone, and it is an issue, I could recreate it pretty easily by ust holding the phone normally in my left hand...


EekTheKat said:
To keep things in perspective, the DeathGrip to the point where it drops bars issue also doesn't happen everywhere with the iPhone4.

Attenuation still happens when you grip/touch it, but there are some areas the signal is still strong enough to not drop a significant amount of bars and or affect the call.
I understand that, but there's also an issue with 3G data speed. Is Steve indicating that doesn't happen for him either?
10:58AM John Gruber: Do any of you use the cases? I don't.
Steve: Well I don't. And I get better reception, I hold it like this [death grip] and never see problems.


Sentry said:
OK so why can't they put the antenna on the bottom if they're not allowed to place it on the top? That would be out of the way as well, no?

Probably has to do with length of antenna. They need to be a certain length to do what they do, iirc my physics
MercuryLS said:
Honestly, this is an issue for me. I don't wear skin tight hipster jeans, but my jeans do run tight. I don't want to put a fucking rubber bumper on my phone, it'd make it so damn annoying to pull out quickly.

Fuckin' hell Apple, fix your goddamn phone. This "solution" fucking sucks.
Then return it.


Gary Whitta said:
There is no way this is about bumpers. And no way they are announcing new products.



MercuryLS said:
Honestly, this is an issue for me. I don't wear skin tight hipster jeans, but my jeans do run tight. I don't want to put a fucking rubber bumper on my phone, it'd make it so damn annoying to pull out quickly.

Fuckin' hell Apple, fix your goddamn phone. This "solution" fucking sucks.

That post was slightly sarcastic, but one of the things I loved about the iphone was the slimness. The new one is ever slimmer, but the rubber bumper bulks it up considerably. And yes, I have used one with the bumper in my pocket.

Not the end of the world but certainly not ideal.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Wait for a hard plastic bumper?

I don't want to have to put anything on my phone, I don't think it's fair to have to compromise here when it's an engineering issue. If the phone can't be used effectively without a case, the manufactured failed when engineering the phone.

As consumers we really shouldn't put up with this shit. I'm a huge Apple fan, got a ridiculous amount of Apple shit but this is unacceptable.


Mecha_Infantry said:
And it's pretty awesome to see non iPhone owners and regular jocks posting snide remarks in the thread. It's beyond an apple issue and more of a general trolling issue now. How mature are dick sucking jokes, or any other lame jokes?
notwithstanding the dick jokes, some of us dont have this phone but *want* this phone, and to comment about our resultant decisions is fair play, no? I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings by saying that I don't want this phone if their solution is a mysterious algorithm change and a free case. The demonstrated in their own conference that they didnt understand the issue by showing full handed gripping of the 4 and several other phones, when in fact the issue for me lies in the *touching* of the problem spot. I can understand wanting to poo poo the idea that the 4 is the only phone that drops bars when gripped like a sub sandwich, but to eschew the issue of touching in a very obvious place with data and stats is just not good enough IMO. If I'm not swung back by rumors of a hardware revision by the time the Canadian launch rolls around, I will pick a different phone (because I'm in need of an upgrade after iOS4 on the 3G) I think its well within the rights of non-owners to fully participate in this discussion.


not licensed in your state
KingGondo said:
A ton of the negative response is coming from people who A) don't have an iPhone 4 yet, or B) live where it hasn't been released yet.

Don't you think it's worth at least trying the phone (considering the virtually universal praise it's received) to see if the reception issue is a problem for you, or trying a bumper case if it is?


Cellphone fanboys can be worse than gaming fanboys


CTLance said:
Man, all I ever expected them to do was offer a free case, but somehow this presentation is really rubbing me the wrong way...

This is the most practical solution Apple can offer right now, but I do agree with you that the press conference is rubbing me the wrong way. From the quotes I'm reading, Apple just seems so defensive about the whole issue and that they're only doing this because they've been called out on it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
C Jones said:
Exactly. It seems that the people up in arms are the ones that don't own it.

It's no different than other electronics - buy it, try it, and if it's acting up just return it.

This is what I had to do. Loved the 4, great phone, I just could not make calls out of my apartment due in part to the antenna issue (and AT&T's service). Had to return it and switch to Verizon. I love my Droid X, but still would like the iPhone 4 again someday.


Hey c jones and KingGondo do you guys actually own the phones? Because I'm seeing a lot of Apple defenders online who don't even own the phone yet (waiting for the white one etc). It goes both ways. Except that apple defenders are in the minority on this issue...


Unconfirmed Member
cjelly said:
"Don't hold your phone like this when on a call" diagrams have been in mobile phone manuals for as long as I can remember.

well that's not what he said.

It doesn't matter anyway.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
MercuryLS said:
I don't want to have to put anything on my phone, I don't think it's fair to have to compromise here when it's an engineering issue. If the phone can't be used effectively without a case, the manufactured failed when engineering the phone.

As consumers we really shouldn't put up with this shit. I'm a huge Apple fan, got a ridiculous amount of Apple shit but this is unacceptable.

Don't buy it then.


ZZMitch said:
I have tried the phone, and it is an issue, I could recreate it pretty easily by ust holding the phone normally in my right hand...
Then just don't buy it if it's that big of an issue, or try a bumper (which is a great case, IMO). Barely increases the phone's bulk, solves the antenna issue, and actually does a great job of protecting the phone from normal wear and tear.

This is the problem with people personally identifying with brands--I own a Macbook Pro and iPhone 4, but it's because I really like the products, not because Steve Jobs is my idol. People need to stop getting up in arms about a goddamned piece of electronic hardware.


Somewhat unrelated , but I fear Steve has lost his reality distortion field. I wasn't that wowed by the last conference , and this one even kind of annoys me. The old Jobs would have dragged me with him, often against better judgement, but now Ifeel a disconnect. Maybe it's the flaws in the presentation.


I'm also convinced that this issue will not show up in other countries with decent reception.

I've had perhaps 5 dropped calls all my life and that's with the shitty reception we have here.


DrFunk said:
Cellphone fanboys can be worse than gaming fanboys

Consoles are missing out on the opportunity to be expensive monthly bills that people just can't help but justify, instead they just lend themselves to wars over exclusives. Fools!
CTLance said:
Somewhat unrelated , but I fear Steve has lost his reality distortion field. I wasn't that wowed by the last conference , and this one even kind of annoys me. The old Jobs would have dragged me with him, often against better judgement, but now Ifeel a disconnect. Maybe it's the flaws in the presentation.
Maybe his tumor was generating the RDF?


I'll be taking a free bumper, but not using it. I think it's ridiculous that a phone should even need one to function properly. But whatever, the positives likely outweigh the negatives. If I lived in the States though, and weren't designing/developing iPhone apps myself, I would have gone for a Droid X instead.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?


I think this is a stupid solution, however, I love the phone, have no issue, and have a bumper, so the refund is pretty nice. It's great for me, but for the users with issues, I don't think this is an acceptable compromise at all.
josephdebono said:
I'm also convinced that this issue will not show up in other countries with decent reception.

I've had perhaps 5 dropped calls all my life and that's with the shitty reception we have here.

How about your data connection? It's never been about dropped calls for me. It's been about getting cut off from the Internet while browsing or looking up something online.
I dont want some fucking bumper, I never used one on my 3G and I sure as hell wont use one on the iPhone 4, I will pick this up at launch here in sweden and if I get crap signal I will return it

Bumper HA! its like putting painting graphiti over mona lisa


KingGondo said:
Then just don't buy it if it's that big of an issue, or try a bumper (which is a great case, IMO). Barely increases the phone's bulk, solves the antenna issue, and actually does a great job of protecting the phone from normal wear and tear.

This is the problem with people personally identifying with brands--I own a Macbook Pro and iPhone 4, but it's because I really like the products, not because Steve Jobs is my idol. People need to stop getting up in arms about a goddamned piece of electronic hardware.

Well i couldn't buy it if I wanted to, because I am on Verizon and don't intend on leaving anytime soon :D

But one of my best friends has the iPhone4 and I used his for a while.

I disagree with the end part, however, because if I paid hundreds of dollars for a product, I would want it to work correctly, and if it didn't I think I should be able to be "up in arms" about it. This isn't about the iPhone or anything, just about electronics in general.
demon said:
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?

I don't own one, but I'm guessing it might act as a shock absorber and won't allow the glass to touch any surfaces when laid down.


CTLance said:
Somewhat unrelated , but I fear Steve has lost his reality distortion field. I wasn't that wowed by the last conference , and this one even kind of annoys me. The old Jobs would have dragged me with him, often against better judgement, but now Ifeel a disconnect. Maybe it's the flaws in the presentation.

this one was never gonna be a good one, let's face it :lol

also, you haven't actually seen it (or did you? on twit?) it's just liveblogging. not the same thing.

I thought he was fine during the iPhone 4 announcement. not quite the same as the original iphone announcement but not much can top that one.
demon said:
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?

Well it protects the steel siding from scratching, it prevents the antenna issue, and it's raise on each side so that the back or front never touches the surface if laid on a flat surface. It will not protect from dropping it even on a flat surface though as its been shown to shatter still.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
This conference was a complete and utter fail. Jobs still trying to smear peoples' eyes talking that this is the same thing as with every other smartphone, when any sane person reading about this knows that it's not. Complete avoidance of a one finger signal blocking question shows that they know this very well too. I wish someone brought up the actual signal drop numbers measured by Anand too, when he said it's same with all phones. No mention of hardware update either, although I suspect that a September 30 free case cutoff suggests there is one.
Actually, I agree with the general Apple PR line that the antenna issue shouldn't be a deal-breaker and people need to stop the fanboy wars about it.

My problem with this conference is that I want an iPhone 4 because my old 3G is a busted up piece of shit, and here's Steve Jobs going "here's a free bumper, we're not gonna silently fix this problem on the hardware level in two to three months. Wink." I'll be pissed when I buy this phone and then September rolls around and wham, no antenna problem.


not characteristic of ants at all
demon said:
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?
I've dropped my phone twice with a bumper, and the bumper takes all of the damage. The only thing I don't like about the bumper is that grime accumulates on the inside - but that's with every case.

And the person that said it's a rubber thing so it's hard to take out of your pocket is wrong. There is a plastic strip surrounding the rubber that makes it incredibly easy to slide in and out.
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