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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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demon said:
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?
Yeah, it protects the edges of the glass. Anyway you drop it, it should hit bumper first.

It's not a bad case, honestly. An iPhone 4 with bumper is still thinner than a 3GS.


MercuryLS said:
I don't want to have to put anything on my phone, I don't think it's fair to have to compromise here when it's an engineering issue. If the phone can't be used effectively without a case, the manufactured failed when engineering the phone.

As consumers we really shouldn't put up with this shit. I'm a huge Apple fan, got a ridiculous amount of Apple shit but this is unacceptable.

I might have missed it if you mentioned it, but are you an iPhone 4 owner that's affected by the reception issue?

I've been using my iPhone 4 just as effectively as I've used any iPhone model before it since launch day. Most of those days without a case (I have a bumper but dunno that I'll keep it on).


CTLance said:
Somewhat unrelated , but I fear Steve has lost his reality distortion field. I wasn't that wowed by the last conference , and this one even kind of annoys me. The old Jobs would have dragged me with him, often against better judgement, but now Ifeel a disconnect. Maybe it's the flaws in the presentation.

For Christ's sake, he's not your girlfriend, he's a CEO. When it comes down to it you either A) think the bumper solution is sufficient or B) don't.

You're reading way too much into this.

Gooster said:
I don't own one, but I'm guessing it might act as a shock absorber and won't allow the glass to touch any surfaces when laid down.
I just like that it doesn't make me so paranoid--without a bumper, I felt like it could slip out of my hand any second (although I'll admit it does look better without a bumper).


Marty Chinn said:
How about your data connection? It's never been about dropped calls for me. It's been about getting cut off from the Internet while browsing or looking up something online.

Fairly decent overall. Shitty thing is that here in Malta for some fucked up reason GPRS, EDGE and HSDPA world flawlessly but if the reception is on UMTS (3G) it just fucks up completely.



Apple did what they needed to do with this conference IMO.

- Demonstrating other phones do it too and showing a low percentage of return rates and support calls make it seem like less of a big deal. Media will report these figures as just half a percent and it won't seem like such a big deal anymore.
- Free bumpers and everyone who bought a bumper gets a refund so no existing case owners get screwed.

Yes it's more of a bandaid solution, but anyone expecting some kind of massive recall and hardware fix to be ready only two weeks later was smoking crack.
Aristotlekh said:
Actually, I agree with the general Apple PR line that the antenna issue shouldn't be a deal-breaker and people need to stop the fanboy wars about it.

My problem with this conference is that I want an iPhone 4 because my old 3G is a busted up piece of shit, and here's Steve Jobs going "here's a free bumper, we're not gonna silently fix this problem on the hardware level in two to three months. Wink." I'll be pissed when I buy this phone and then September rolls around and wham, no antenna problem.



nib95 said:
I'll be taking a free bumper, but not using it. I think it's ridiculous that a phone should even need one to function properly. But whatever, the positives likely outweigh the negatives. If I lived in the States though, and weren't designing/developing iPhone apps myself, I would have gone for a Droid X instead.

I kind of agree with you but it comes down to this:

People that like the look of the phone and don't want the bumpers, but are having the signal issue - Return the phone and wait until Apple "fixes it" in production.

People who already wanted the bumpers - Cool, you get them free and get to have/keep your phone.

People who never experience the issue - Nice, keep on trucking and enjoy one of the best smartphones in the world.

That's it.
I had some laughs but it's over now. :D


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Aristotlekh said:
Actually, I agree with the general Apple PR line that the antenna issue shouldn't be a deal-breaker and people need to stop the fanboy wars about it.

My problem with this conference is that I want an iPhone 4 because my old 3G is a busted up piece of shit, and here's Steve Jobs going "here's a free bumper, we're not gonna silently fix this problem on the hardware level in two to three months. Wink." I'll be pissed when I buy this phone and then September rolls around and wham, no antenna problem.

Buy yourself a Kin and wait a year for gen 5.
Judging solely by the grip/jackets that come with Wii remotes, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of crap that finds its way on top of a bumper.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
KingGondo said:
A ton of the negative response is coming from people who A) don't have an iPhone 4 yet, or B) live where it hasn't been released yet.

Don't you think it's worth at least trying the phone (considering the virtually universal praise it's received) to see if the reception issue is a problem for you, or trying a bumper case if it is?
It's one product in a diverse marketplace - it isn't anyone but Apple's responsibility to convince potential buyers that it's worth buying in the first place. They already seemed to have convinced a fair number of people (translation: record-breaking) to buy the iPhone4 so I think you can worry less about the unconverted.


I don't see how this press conference is going to help them at all. Especially now that they're basically attacking the press, whom are the very people they need on their side. They may well get roasted simply for the comments about Bloomberg and the NY Times. The media tend to stick together, and don't generally take attacks well. They now just how much sway they hold over public opinion, and gladly use it to get what they want.

They should have just released another letter from Steve saying "we love the phone, we think it's the best product we've ever made, our customers agree. Unfortunately, some people are having a problem and we take every complaint seriously. That's why we'll be offering a free case to anyone who wants one, as well as extending the return period with no restocking charge."

Would have gotten the same point across without all the defensiveness and finger-pointing. This could end up being a big moment in Apple's slow alienation of the media.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Gooster said:
Judging solely by the grip/jackets that come with Wii remotes, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of crap that finds its way on top of a bumper.

Don't tell me you use those godawful condoms. Ugh.


Just now, on the UK's Channel 4 News, newscaster Jon Snow ended a piece on this conference by offering a solution: a wire coat-hanger attachment :lol

You never know, it might work :lol


And I don't understand it... what would you prefer? That we were a korean company, that we were here in America leading the world with these products... maybe it's just that people want to get eyeballs on their sites.
Damn, even a Samsung jab!
demon said:
honest question, but what is the bumper case supposedly meant for? I've gotten a few scratches on my phones over the years, but the sides are usually the least of my concerns. Does it act as a shock absorber if you drop it on its side or something?
Think about it this way: almost all iPhone cases from any manufacturer do not protect the front at all, because it's glass. People buy films for that if they're really concerned. Now that the iPhone 4 is all glass on both sides, it doesn't need the back protected. Glass is extremely scratch-resistant material, despite what you'd think from reading people freak out about it. I really don't know where the impression that glass scratches easily comes from.

The bumper protects drops, and it extends a bit out to make the phone thicker so if you slid it across a desk, the surface of the phone wouldn't touch the table.


Already have Belkin Vue case. I have no intention of using any case that doesn't also protect the back. Thus, the bumper case is useless to me. Rather Apple should have given everyone $30 to get whatever case they want, but than again, that would be much more than $1-2 cost to make a bumper.


SimleuqiR said:
I kind of agree with you but it comes down to this:

People that like the look of the phone and don't want the bumpers, but are having the signal issue - Return the phone and wait until Apple "fixes it" in production.

People who already wanted the bumpers - Cool, you get them free and get to have/keep your phone.

People who never experience the issue - Nice, keep on trucking and enjoy one of the best smartphones in the world.

That's it.
I had some laughs but it's over now. :D

You are missing one big point. They haven't say they are gonna fix it. They only said that it affects all phones in earth and they are so good that they are gonna give free bumpers to complainers. Nothing else.

I need to know if they are gonna fix it before I buy one, this way I got no idea if they do. They didn't even acknowledge the problem, they just said that others did it too.


formerly cjelly
knitoe said:
Already have Belkin Vue case. I have no intention of using any case that doesn't also protect the back. Thus, the bumper case is useless to me. Rather Apple should have given everyone $30 to get whatever case they want, but than again, that would be much more than $1-2 cost to make a bumper.
They're not just giving out bumpers... they're giving out cases. There will some kind of choice.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Think about it this way: almost all iPhone cases from any manufacturer do not protect the front at all, because it's glass. People buy films for that if they're really concerned. Now that the iPhone 4 is all glass on both sides, it doesn't need the back protected. Glass is extremely scratch-resistant material, despite what you'd think from reading people freak out about it. I really don't know where the impression that glass scratches easily comes from.

The bumper protects drops, and it extends a bit out to make the phone thicker so if you slid it across a desk, the surface of the phone wouldn't touch the table.

most people don't understand the difference between hardness and toughness.

they drop a glass in their kitchen and it shatters so they think it's just weak and delicate, period. never mind that it's crazy hard to find something in your pocket harder than glass that can scratch it.


knitoe said:
Already have Belkin Vue case. I have no intention of using any case that doesn't also protect the back. Thus, the bumper case is useless to me. Rather Apple should have given everyone $30 to get whatever case they want, but than again, that would be much more than $1-2 cost to make a bumper.

they will be joining with 3rd parties to give out other free cases since they don't have enough bumpers.

so, i dunno, you can get a second "full" case. no refund for already purchased 3rd party cases though


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
D4Danger said:
Samsung is corrupt as hell so maybe he has a point there.

My sister has a Samsung phone and it's garbage, what ever happened to not producing crap?
Was waiting for the 32gb White to come out, but I think I am just going to hold on to my 3GS for now. If all of a sudden in October the antenna issue 'magically' disappears I will reconsider. I am also curious about some new Android and Win7 phones to come.

I don't like cases at all, but if you really like your iPhone 4 I don't see how this press conference really has any effect other than maybe a few $ back.

On a side note, I don't even want to imagine how insane the profit margins are on those cases are.(clearly this is the case with the majority of all accessories across all brands) There is barely anything to them, a few grams of polypropylene and that is it.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Think about it this way: almost all iPhone cases from any manufacturer do not protect the front at all, because it's glass. People buy films for that if they're really concerned. Now that the iPhone 4 is all glass on both sides, it doesn't need the back protected. Glass is extremely scratch-resistant material, despite what you'd think from reading people freak out about it. I really don't know where the impression that glass scratches easily comes from.

The bumper protects drops, and it extends a bit out to make the phone thicker so if you slid it across a desk, the surface of the phone wouldn't touch the table.

It doesn't, and I've been happy with how my 3G has handled scratches on the face. However, let's not try to imply that it's so hard to scratch that it's virtually unscratchable. People have already reported getting scratches on their iPhone with even just careful usage and handling, so people wanting a case is not some insane idea to protect their phone.


I think I might buy a bumper now and get a refund later instead of waiting to sign up for the free case program

EDIT: nevermind, Bumpers currently not for sale :lol



kaching said:
It's one product in a diverse marketplace - it isn't anyone but Apple's responsibility to convince potential buyers that it's worth buying in the first place. They already seemed to have convinced a fair number of people (translation: record-breaking) to buy the iPhone4 so I think you can worry less about the unconverted.
I couldn't care less what phone people buy, it's just funny for people who said they were considering an iPhone to completely rule it out after this press conference.

It's called a free market for a reason, and there are a bunch of great phones out there. All I know is it's BY FAR the best phone I've ever used (and has been universally praised by critics), so for people who have never seen one in person to be so reactionary is a bit silly.


Distributing cases was by far the best of a menu of bad options. They'll still suffer a hit to their reputation, but the building tide of discontent should mostly dissipate now.
itxaka said:
You are missing one big point. They haven't say they are gonna fix it. They only said that it affects all phones in earth and they are so good that they are gonna give free bumpers to complainers. Nothing else.

I need to know if they are gonna fix it before I buy one, this way I got no idea if they do. They didn't even acknowledge the problem, they just said that others did it too.

Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but isn't that the point of having the 30 day return policy? After all, some people don't have issues with it. So if you were already interested in the phone anyway, is it really a huge deal to buy it, use it for a few days and see if it affects you? And if so, return it and get your money back?

It's not like if you try the phone out you're stuck with it forever.

C Jones

Charred Greyface said:
Hey c jones and KingGondo do you guys actually own the phones? Because I'm seeing a lot of Apple defenders online who don't even own the phone yet (waiting for the white one etc). It goes both ways. Except that apple defenders are in the minority on this issue...
I've owned the phone since launch (upgraded from 3G)
Marty Chinn said:
It doesn't, and I've been happy with how my 3G has handled scratches on the face. However, let's not try to imply that it's so hard to scratch that it's virtually unscratchable. People have already reported getting scratches on their iPhone with even just careful usage and handling, so people wanting a case is not some insane idea to protect their phone.

Yep. Seriously. I'm STILL trying to figure out WTF was in my pocket or what I was doing that put a deep (or deep enough that you can feel it) although barely visible scratch (except in bright as all hell daylight) on the back of my iPhone, and what else I did to put a tiny chip in the antenna. So far I've theorized safari adventures in my sleep.
Marty Chinn said:
people wanting a case is not some insane idea to protect their phone.
I didn't say it was. I was explaining why Apple would leave out a back portion to the case.

Regarding drops, Stephen Fry's review mentioned an Apple employee throwing his bumpered phone across the room for fun. It does fine. You're putting too much stock in that one video that showed it finally cracking after a few consecutive drops. Shit happens.


gutterboy44 said:
Was waiting for the 32gb White to come out, but I think I am just going to hold on to my 3GS for now. If all of a sudden in October the antenna issue 'magically' disappears I will reconsider. I am also curious about some new Android and Win7 phones to come.

I don't like cases at all, but if you really like your iPhone 4 I don't see how this press conference really has any effect other than maybe a few $ back.

On a side note, I don't even want to imagine how insane the profit margins are on those cases are.(clearly this is the case with the majority of all accessories across all brands) There is barely anything to them, a few grams of polypropylene and that is it.

one nice thing the 4.0.1. software update does is help 3GS owners figure out how badly we're gonna get screwed by the iPhone 4 attenuation issues. By redoing the bars, I can now see that my apartment and office are relatively weak 3 bar signals whereas they were 5 bars before (obviously right on the bottom edge of that range).

so now i can expect my signal to drop to 1 or 2 bars at home if i were to death grip an iPhone 4 in here.

If I still had 5 bars in these key spots after the update, I wouldn't be concerned about the new iphone antenna design. As it is now, I feel I would need a case.

This helps existing iPhone users gauge whether they should skip this iPhone revision or accept that they'll need a bumper if they jump in.
Sean said:
Apple did what they needed to do with this conference IMO.

- Demonstrating other phones do it too and showing a low percentage of return rates and support calls make it seem like less of a big deal. Media will report these figures as just half a percent and it won't seem like such a big deal anymore.
- Free bumpers and everyone who bought a bumper gets a refund so no existing case owners get screwed.

Yes it's more of a bandaid solution, but anyone expecting some kind of massive recall and hardware fix to be ready only two weeks later was smoking crack.
Nope, thats not what they needed to do. They didn't need to say look, other phones suck so our phones can suck too.

And it doesn't mitigate the fact that people are getting more dropped calls on this than on the 3GS in weaker reception areas.


itxaka said:
You are missing one big point. They haven't say they are gonna fix it. They only said that it affects all phones in earth and they are so good that they are gonna give free bumpers to complainers. Nothing else.

I need to know if they are gonna fix it before I buy one, this way I got no idea if they do. They didn't even acknowledge the problem, they just said that others did it too.

I don't believe they will ever acknowledge any adjustments to the hardware publicly, but I assume that since "Free Bumpers" is a limited offer they will be fixing it down the road.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I didn't say it was. I was explaining why Apple would leave out a back portion to the case.

Regarding drops, Stephen Fry's review mentioned an Apple employee throwing his bumpered phone across the room for fun. It does fine. You're putting too much stock in that one video that showed it finally cracking after a few consecutive drops. Shit happens.

Would you drop your phone three times on a concrete surface then? Or are you not confident enough in the construction of the phone and bumper?


Gooster said:
Yep. Seriously. I'm STILL trying to figure out WTF was in my pocket or what I was doing that put a deep (or deep enough that you can feel it) although barely visible scratch (except in bright as all hell daylight) on the back of my iPhone, and what else I did to put a tiny chip in the antenna. So far I've theorized safari adventures in my sleep.

Marty Chinn said:
Would you drop your phone three times on a concrete surface then? Or are you not confident enough in the construction of the phone and bumper?
What the fuck? I don't care. I don't work for Apple. I was just explaining to a dude asking about the design of the bumper.

You're a really weird fucking guy, Marty.


SuperPac said:
I might have missed it if you mentioned it, but are you an iPhone 4 owner that's affected by the reception issue?

I've been using my iPhone 4 just as effectively as I've used any iPhone model before it since launch day. Most of those days without a case (I have a bumper but dunno that I'll keep it on).

I don't have an iPhone 4, it hasn't launched here in Canada yet. I'll test it out at the Apple store when it comes out. Rogers network is rock solid, so it may not be an issue here. We'll see, I'd like it Apple would just fix the issue rather than use a bandaid fix.


Marty Chinn said:
Would you drop your phone three times on a concrete surface then? Or are you not confident enough in the construction of the phone and bumper?

wtf? I wouldn't drop any phone I've ever owned purposefully on concrete 3 times. Would you?


Charred Greyface said:
Hey c jones and KingGondo do you guys actually own the phones? Because I'm seeing a lot of Apple defenders online who don't even own the phone yet (waiting for the white one etc). It goes both ways. Except that apple defenders are in the minority on this issue...
Yes, I do own the phone.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're a really weird fucking guy, Marty.

He loves you, like he loves all of us.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Tobor said:
Yeah, it protects the edges of the glass. Anyway you drop it, it should hit bumper first.

It's not a bad case, honestly. An iPhone 4 with bumper is still thinner than a 3GS.
ahh didn't think about that....it would fall on the bumper no matter how you drop it (if on a flat surface).

C Jones

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Think about it this way: almost all iPhone cases from any manufacturer do not protect the front at all, because it's glass. People buy films for that if they're really concerned. Now that the iPhone 4 is all glass on both sides, it doesn't need the back protected. Glass is extremely scratch-resistant material, despite what you'd think from reading people freak out about it. I really don't know where the impression that glass scratches easily comes from.

The bumper protects drops, and it extends a bit out to make the phone thicker so if you slid it across a desk, the surface of the phone wouldn't touch the table.
You keep saying it protects from drops but there is already video out there of the thing shattering from impact with the bumper on it. I agree with you about protecting against table scratches(main reason why I got one), but I think I'm screwed if I drop this thing outside. In the office I'd probably be fine though.
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