So a little over one year ago I took a test along with about a hundred other applicants to be a Sherrif's Technician in Orange County, CA. This job is essentially a county-employed process server. They aren't deputies, but rather work for the Sheriff's Court Services division (where you go when you want to open a court-issued writ for service on someone). I've been working with these folks as an assistant with a private attorney services firm for about five years now, and in fact was encouraged to take the test by one of the clerks at the Sheriff's office that I'm friendly with after working with her for so long. In my capacity as an assistant with my company, I've also served as a private process server, a duty which I fulfilled on the side for about two years of my five years with the company. Essentially, I'm very familiar with this particular position, and all the nuances related to its execution.
After taking the test, which was designed to evaluate basic arithmetic, map reading, and logic and problem solving, I got the results a week or so later. It notified me that I had scored over 90% and that I'd be in "Group A," which was supposed to be the first group of applicants interviewed. If none were selected, they would move onto Group B, then Group C, and that was it. After receiving that email, I heard nothing. No calls, no emails, nothing, but I also never got a proper rejection either. After a month or so, I'd just assumed they had gotten in touch with other people in Group A and hired them before getting to me.
Then, today, thirteen months later, I get an email from the Orange County Sheriff's department saying that I needed to log back into the site I applied on in order to schedule an interview, or "oral evaluation." Today. Over a year later.
Seeing as I'm still with my attorney services company and seeking new work, I was ecstatic at the news and quickly scheduled my interview for a week from Tuesday at the very office I file paperwork in every morning.
Fingers crossed, GAF. This could be a huge opportunity for me, and I could actually start saving some real bucks to hopefully make a down payment on a house before my mid-30's!