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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Bootaaay said:
Because of the way he's been booked - I wanted Miz as champion, full well knowing he's not the best in the ring, and I felt a Miz title run could've been pretty good, but it the hands of WWE creative it's turned out to be anything but.
I trust your judgment on wrestling above all based on your amount of knowledge, but you're one person. I cannot think of one champion that has been on top for any length amount of time that the IWC likes.

Also the same 3 guys that work the most formulaic matches on the card and are booked to be super men. I have no problem with Cena, Orton or Rey being top guys, I just have a problem with the way their matches are worked and how they are booked.
I agree. But I would almost guarantee they wouldn't hate them nearly as much if they weren't constantly main eventing or in the title picture. The IWC loved Orton during his three-way feud with Legacy. They loved him when he was leading legacy. Now he's "Boreton."

It's not about being contrary - those guys are popular with the internet fans because they can see their potential. The internet fans clamour to see guys like Ziggler or Kofi get a push because it's preferable to seeing the same handful of guys in the main event. Of course when they do get a push it just leads to disappointment when creative inevitably drop the ball.
I agree, I want to see Ziggler, Kofi, Morrison, Swagger and those guys in the main event. I was the biggest proponent of Swagger even during his ECW days.

Net_Wrecker said:
I'm tired of this argument. Aside from complaining about The Rock and Stone Cold which I always thought was completely insane since they were putting on some damn entertaining television, every one of those other guys you mentioned as being hated because they were pushed are being hated for good reason.

Blasting someone to the moon, and constantly pushing him down our collective throats even though there are other people that could fill in main events spots even for 6 months at a time is the problem here. Orton, Cena, and Rey are superheros with boring ass gimmicks who always overcome the odds. Once in a while you get CM Punk, or The Miz beating them down for a change, but when the match finally happens, it's the same old crap all over again. They also wrestle boring matches while people in the mid card can put on show stealing matches in the same amount of time that the people with the major pushes get, yet they're held back. And even when someone entertaining like The Miz, or Jack Swagger, or Sheamus get pushed, they're neutered and turned into some pussy who can no longer win matches clean even though he was doing it for 5+ months before facing John Cena, or Rey, or Orton.

And Edge sucks in his current (non)gimmick. His strengths are his heel gimmicks, or when he's just being a brah with Christian. Right now, he's just some guy that hugs people before his match is over, and who's taking up valuable TV time where Christian and Del Rio could be putting on great matches.
My point still stands, for any number of reasons. There are plenty of factors that cause a guy to go stale not be as entertaining when he gets the belt or into the main event. Whether it's WWE toning down their moveset to protect them, neutering their promos since they're now in a higher position or just shit booking. It still doesn't change the fact the IWC is almost never happy with guys that are in the main event. I never said it was for a specific reason, I just said that that's the case.

evil ways

jmdajr said:
The Rock era is the wrestling era? I guess. Some people think of it as the Jerry Springer era of wrestling. I remember the forums back in the late 90s. Hardcore wrestling fans were sick and tired of stone cold and the rock. They didn't like any of their matches. But they LOOOVED Triple H. Now of course everyone hates him, but that wasn't always the case.

How many awesome technical matches did we actually have?
I remember it differently. Everybody started hating on Rock & Austin, but jumped on the ECW bandwagon claiming Sandman, Sabu, Dreamer and RVD were the 2nd coming of wrestling christ.


El Pescado said:
Aren't they dating?
The Miz is gay, my cousin danced with/got hit on by him @ Club Ra in Las Vegas. His "gay name" is Gabriel apparently, and no my cousin would not lie about something like that.


evil ways said:
I remember it differently. Everybody started hating on Rock & Austin, but jumped on the ECW bandwagon claiming Sandman, Sabu, Dreamer and RVD were the 2nd coming of wrestling christ.

The IWC will love the character on the rise but hate it when they're on top for a while. Flavor of the month is now Cody Rhodes. We now have supercena, superrey, and randy boreton. Eventually Rhodes will get boring and we'll pick another one after giving him a name. Heck, we'll even chant "Same Ole $hit" if we're really pissed off that our mental bookings are not coming to fruition. I blame it on our subconscious need to be 'creative' or the 'booking agent'. We're well beyond the years of rooting for the baby face as a young child. We're sophisticated adults who read dirt sheets and are in the know of things behind the scenes.


If Cody's on top and always booked like superman, yeah that's a valid argument. The problem with Cena and Orton is they're always in the main events, getting 75% of the air time, despite being less than stellar in the ring. They aren't the performers in the ring guys like Christian, Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger, etc. are. Makes matters worse they've been on this top pedestal for nearly six years. SIX YEARS!


Striker said:
If Cody's on top and always booked like superman, yeah that's a valid argument. The problem with Cena and Orton is they're always in the main events, getting 75% of the air time, despite being less than stellar in the ring. They aren't the performers in the ring guys like Christian, Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger, etc. are. Makes matters worse they've been on this top pedestal for nearly six years. SIX YEARS!

Didn't stop the Hogan marks and there were a ton of them who continued to support him during the 80/90's .. double digit years despite knowing he was extremely limited in the ring. Hogan dominated the main event across various companies and to an extent is dominating the airwaves of TNA despite not being an active "wrestler". Like I said in a post earlier, things are different now. We were all kids then who thought wrestling was real.


JdFoX187 said:
I trust your judgment on wrestling above all based on your amount of knowledge, but you're one person. I cannot think of one champion that has been on top for any length amount of time that the IWC likes.

To be fair the only people who have gotten long reigns in the past couple years are Undertaker, Cena, HHH, Orton, and now Miz. Not exactly an amazing list. The IWC loved Heel Edge and Heel Punk as champs but they only kept it for a little over a month every time they held it.


Striker said:
If Cody's on top and always booked like superman, yeah that's a valid argument. The problem with Cena and Orton is they're always in the main events, getting 75% of the air time, despite being less than stellar in the ring. They aren't the performers in the ring guys like Christian, Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger, etc. are. Makes matters worse they've been on this top pedestal for nearly six years. SIX YEARS!

You thought the Hulkster was stellar? Come on now. We can't always have a Shawn Micheal or Brett hart be champ. And really... they only got an opportunity because the WWE was desperate at the time. Sure it all worked out in the end..but still.


jmdajr said:
You thought the Hulkster was stellar? Come on now. We can't always have a Shawn Micheal or Brett hart be champ. And really... they only got an opportunity because the WWE was desperate at the time. Sure it all worked out in the end..but still.
Never said Hogan was, or is. Difference lies today there's more exposure. There is more opportunities shelling these new, young guys out there instead of constantly using the same few over, and over, and over again. Cena and Orton were nobody until they were given a chance.


Striker said:
Never said Hogan was, or is. Difference lies today there's more exposure. There is more opportunities shelling these new, young guys out there instead of constantly using the same few over, and over, and over again. Cena and Orton were nobody until they were given a chance.

New people will get a chance. It's not like they have a choice.

List of champs from 2001-2005

The Rock
Steve Austin
Kurt Angle
Steve Austin
Chris Jericho
Triple H
Hulk Hogan
The Undertaker
The Rock
Brock Lesnar
The Big Show
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Eddie Guerrero
John Bradshaw Layfield
John Cena



jmdajr said:
New people will get a chance. It's not like they have a choice.
Since late 2006 or say 2007, how many consistent main eventers have they made? We had the usual trio in each brand (RAW Orton, Cena, Triple H; Smackdown Batista, Edge, Undertaker) but it felt like nobody else has been elevated. It's nice to see them give minor opportunities to CM Punk, The Miz, and Jack Swagger, but unfortunately they've dropped the ball on them creative wise and made them look like absolute fools. They can have so many more guys in the scene but fail to do so.


Hogan at his best was still better than Cena or Orton. Orton does what three wrestling moves per match? All he does is stomp, punch and headlock otherwise.


Striker said:
Never said Hogan was, or is. Difference lies today there's more exposure. There is more opportunities shelling these new, young guys out there instead of constantly using the same few over, and over, and over again. Cena and Orton were nobody until they were given a chance.

Sad isn't it. When the main event was to be Miz vs. Cena and Del Rio versus Edge .. IWC cried weak Wrestlemania. This is until the Rock was announced as host and just overnight, we had a credible Wrestlemania. It was further amplified by Taker versus HHH. The IWC screams that the show lacked star power. After the show was over, IWC complained symptoms of Rock fatigue.

To be honest, I don't think we know what we want.


Ryck said:
Hogan at his best was still better than Cena or Orton. Orton does what three wrestling moves per match? All he does is stomp, punch and headlock otherwise.

Thanks. You just made my point about Hogan marks.
sajj316 said:
Sad isn't it. When the main event was to be Miz vs. Cena and Del Rio versus Edge .. IWC cried weak Wrestlemania. This is until the Rock was announced as host and just overnight, we had a credible Wrestlemania. It was further amplified by Taker versus HHH. The IWC screams that the show lacked star power. After the show was over, IWC complained symptoms of Rock fatigue.

To be honest, I don't think we know what we want.

Anybody screaming of Rock fatigue is in the wrong here. The guys brought a sense of excitement that wasn't felt since January 4th 2010, and wasn't there long before that. The problem was that he was SUPER flat at Wrestlemania.

Secondly, I never got the feeling that The Rock being involved "suddenly" made Wrestlmania credible. Everyone KNEW The Miz vs. Orton would suck, and that most of the matches would be meh, but at least The Rock being there would add something, Del Rio would get his huge title win, and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus would tear the house down...

Oh wait, we got none of those.

At least HHH and The Undertaker worked their asses off.


Striker said:
Since late 2006 or say 2007, how many consistent main eventers have they made? We had the usual trio in each brand (RAW Orton, Cena, Triple H; Smackdown Batista, Edge, Undertaker) but it felt like nobody else has been elevated. It's nice to see them give minor opportunities to CM Punk, The Miz, and Jack Swagger, but unfortunately they've dropped the ball on them creative wise and made them look like absolute fools. They can have so many more guys in the scene but fail to do so.

who did they elevate in 2001 to 2005?

Mostly just Brock Lesnar, JBL and Eddie god rest his soul..


jmdajr said:
who did they elevate in 2001 to 2005?

Mostly just Brock Lesnar and Eddie god rest his soul..

Don't forget about that guy we are supposed to forget and mustn't ever name ever again.
The problem is also people over analyzing things. People bitch about the Miz's booking, yet he's had the longest title reign in some time and has gone over ever major face on Raw. Miz's look is precisely why he's been booked as a cheating heel, I don't know why people expect him to be booked like a monster. And Punk has been stuck in the Jericho role because he's good enough to stay relevant even when he loses feuds.
Ryck said:
I am not a Hogan mark, but he is better than those two.

Hogan could actually emote and tell a story in the ring. Nothing Cena does matters because he'll just smile and laugh no matter what happens, even after being screwed out of a title at Wrestlemania.


jmdajr said:
who did they elevate in 2001 to 2005?

Mostly just Brock Lesnar, JBL and Eddie god rest his soul..
The fact that we had more than 2-3 guys in the main event scene is already head and shoulders above what we have now.

In the 2001-2004 time you had... what, close to a dozen guys who can main event and not suffer the crowd? Austin, Rock, Jericho, HHH, Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Taker, plus guys like Booker T, Kane, HBK (once he returned), etc. The variety is what they had, so they didn't necessarily be forced to push guys like they are now.


Basileus777 said:
Hogan could actually emote and tell a story in the ring. Nothing Cena does matters because he'll just smile and laugh no matter what happens, even after being screwed out of a title at Wrestlemania.

This I can agree! What wasn't pointed out by Bryan Alvarez on The Bryan and Vinny Show was that Cena hasn't improved in his ability to tell a story in the ring. Bryan said that he just didn't improve at anything. Whether you have 5 moves or 50 moves, if you can't sell the story to the crowd, you lose them.


Basileus777 said:
Hogan could actually emote and tell a story in the ring. Nothing Cena does matters because he'll just smile and laugh no matter what happens, even after being screwed out of a title at Wrestlemania.
That right there, actually very few wrestlers understand the craft of telling a story. A lot of people just do spot fests and what not but ignore that there is a story to tell as well. I was watching my Macho Man dvd set the other day and was blown away by the story telling going on in those old 80's matches, amazing stuff.


Striker said:
The fact that we had more than 2-3 guys in the main event scene is already head and shoulders above what we have now.

In the 2001-2004 time you had... what, close to a dozen guys who can main event and not suffer the crowd? Austin, Rock, Jericho, HHH, Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Taker, plus guys like Booker T, Kane, HBK (once he returned), etc. The variety is what they had, so they didn't necessarily be forced to push guys like they are now.

So Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Batista, Orton, Rey, Jeff Hardy, Sheamus don't count because people around here find them boring? Hell they are different. And I expect five years from now to be different as well.
Basileus777 said:
The problem is also people over analyzing things. People bitch about the Miz's booking, yet he's had the longest title reign in some time and has gone over ever major face on Raw. Miz's look is precisely why he's been booked as a cheating heel, I don't know why people expect him to be booked like a monster. And Punk has been stuck in the Jericho role because he's good enough to stay relevant even when he loses feuds.

Y'know there's more to a heel than a monster or a cheat, right? The Miz was comfortably in that mizzle ground before winning the WWE Title, then all of a sudden he needs every distraction possible before getting a pinfall. The WWE LOVES them some weak cheating heel champs, and overcoming the odds faces, but there's more than that. Compelling TV needs a varied cast of characters, and for a company that currently prides themselves on being "Entertainment," the vanilla booking they push brings NOTHING exciting to the table.


Any of you guys listen to GiantBomb from a week ago when they were talking about WWE All-Stars? That shit was truth. They basically referenced 80's/90's events in wrestling (dudes getting ran over in unmarked Lincoln Continentals, etc.) and made some good points about why its not worth watching today.

I think I stopped watching when Mick Foley retired the first time (2000-ish?). Now I look at the lineup and its all guys with NO gimmick. NO flair. Its like, 15 dudes who just stand around making speeches looking all jacked. "Ruck Fules"? That's your thing? Oh look, its a pasty redheaded guy wearing a gaudy medallion. Awesome.

Wrestling was way cooler when there was magic to the characters. The Undertaker fed off of supernatural forces, Mankind was a lunatic with multiple personalities, Kane was still in a mask and was an unstoppable monster, Sting was the disenchanted rebel doling out justice where it was needed, and Goldberg was the undefeated champion that made you feel like there were still people in the world who could achieve anything.

If wrestling ever gets back to that awesome place, I'd like to know about it.


Striker said:
The fact that we had more than 2-3 guys in the main event scene is already head and shoulders above what we have now.

In the 2001-2004 time you had... what, close to a dozen guys who can main event and not suffer the crowd? Austin, Rock, Jericho, HHH, Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Taker, plus guys like Booker T, Kane, HBK (once he returned), etc. The variety is what they had, so they didn't necessarily be forced to push guys like they are now.

That was an amazing cast. Anyone of those guys could have pulled off a match of the year! Sadly, after that time period, you had Cena and the Great Khali headling a PPV.

EDIT: my point although more implicit is that strong heels and strong faces to feud with top heels and top faces in the new era were/are limited. Part of me believes that John Cena was super booked due to a lack of top heel that could take the ball and run with it. It doesn't help that the WWE's top heel is an announcer!


jmdajr said:
So Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Batista, Orton, Rey, Jeff Hardy, Sheamus don't count because people around here find them boring? Hell they are different. And I expect five years from now to be different as well.

Five years from now, we'll be remembering classic matches by Cena, Orton, and Rey Rey :)


Moofers said:
If wrestling ever gets back to that awesome place, I'd like to know about it.

come on now. What gimmick did Rock and Austin have? They became popular for being themselves and not these comic book characters.
Moofers said:
Any of you guys listen to GiantBomb from a week ago when they were talking about WWE All-Stars? That shit was truth. They basically referenced 80's/90's events in wrestling (dudes getting ran over in unmarked Lincoln Continentals, etc.) and made some good points about why its not worth watching today.

I think I stopped watching when Mick Foley retired the first time (2000-ish?). Now I look at the lineup and its all guys with NO gimmick. NO flair. Its like, 15 dudes who just stand around making speeches looking all jacked. "Ruck Fules"? That's your thing? Oh look, its a pasty redheaded guy wearing a gaudy medallion. Awesome.

Wrestling was way cooler when there was magic to the characters. The Undertaker fed off of supernatural forces, Mankind was a lunatic with multiple personalities, Kane was still in a mask and was an unstoppable monster, Sting was the disenchanted rebel doling out justice where it was needed, and Goldberg was the undefeated champion that made you feel like there were still people in the world who could achieve anything.

If wrestling ever gets back to that awesome place, I'd like to know about it.

Wrestling will never go back to that, and there's no need to. It's a different time now, and nobody buys into the overproduced supernatural crap, just look at the horrible Undertaker/Kane feud from last year. All the theatrics, dramatic music behind promos, urns with light in them, burying someone, etc. just doesn't fly. It's fine if they pass it off as just part of the guy's gimmick (like Undertaker vs. HBK/HHH) but when they try to make it seem "real," it's just not a good fit anymore.

What they need are gimmicks where every wres...superstar has an agenda. Whether that be going after a title, going after another wrestler, searching for competition (like CM Punk's face "love of wrestling" gimmick)going after a tag team, or just out there for comedic purposes, they need to book guys to where everyone has a REASON for doing what they're doing so that people will care. The way they have 90% of the roster walking around with NOTHING going for them is killing divisions, killing title prestige, and obviously, killing buy rates.
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