I need a new Mexican hero to look up to now that ADR, Rey Misterio, and Sin Cara have thoroughly established themselves as jobbers. I need Juan Cena back in my life.
I need a new Mexican hero to look up to now that ADR, Rey Misterio, and Sin Cara have thoroughly established themselves as jobbers. I need Juan Cena back in my life.
El Torito vs Hornswaggle is MoTN. Not even a hint of sarcasm, it was a fun match
JBL and Cole made that match so much better.
Last night's episode of TNA Impact Wrestling did not make the list of top 100 shows on cable for the adult 18-49 demographic. The three episodes of Cops on Spike TV leading into Impact did make the list. This is especially not a good sign because TNA had no significant sports competition on cable last night.
Wait reruns do better numbers than Impact?
There used to be a running joke on the internet that the Golden Girls did better numbers than Impact.
Energy? Lemme tell you about energy.
Can't wait for them to debut on Raw. They are READY. Great dudes. A+++++++
I am watching WCW New Blood Rising 2000 because I like pain.
Isn't Sami Zayn/The Usos vs Corey Graves/The Ascension next week on NXT? I guess its time to see if The Ascension sink or swim, I guess. Personally I think they are great. They need more tag teams to compete with them. WWE just needs more tag teams period...
Isn't Sami Zayn/The Usos vs Corey Graves/The Ascension next week on NXT? I guess its time to see if The Ascension sink or swim, I guess. Personally I think they are great. They need more tag teams to compete with them. WWE just needs more tag teams period...
I need a new Mexican hero to look up to now that ADR, Rey Misterio, and Sin Cara have thoroughly established themselves as jobbers. I need Juan Cena back in my life.
Energy? Lemme tell you about energy.
Can't wait for them to debut on Raw. They are READY. Great dudes. A+++++++
2 of the worst talents in NXT
Is the documentary portion of Warrior week the interviews from the new Warrior DVD?
As long as Mojo is on the roster, everyone else is gold in my book.
If there was ever a man to learn from Negro Casas would teach you THE REAL SHIT
Mojo's bad, but he's not Corey Graves bad.
As long as Mojo is on the roster, everyone else is gold in my book.
Sounds like a pretty radical opinion, bro
You can't be serious. You just can't.
I'd call Corey Graves, bland on the mic, limited in personality to his knuckle tattoos and his shitty "Stay down" catchphrase and his inability to have a decent match even if Ricky Steamboat were in the ring with him, to be the drizzling shits if the comparison didn't make have post-Indian food diarrhea seem like the preferable choice if the alternative were watching a Corey Graves match.
Shannon Moore is more enjoyable as a fake CM Punk than Corey Graves. He's that talentless.
Corey Graves has a great look? What the fuck happened to Vince McMahon?
THIS is a great look
Corey Graves is also a great talent. Great finisher. Can for sure tighten up everything else but his look and finish is gold, and that'll take him a long way.
Get your head out of your 80's ass.
We seem to forget that people like Graves, Mojo, Sasha, Charlotte are in NXT for a reason.
My jesus, Punk vs Bork is such a great match. Punk's teeth is yellow, I never realized that. Godamn, he really needed that break.