Oh I love the writing team and do think they're to thank for the brilliance of the show. =) I just don't think Mitch is good. The episodes he wrote alone (like the pilot) are nowhere near the best.
Anyway, we clearly have opposite views on this. You seem to value the "like everything else" aspects of AD more than the ones that make it stand out. That's your perogative... fine. I get that hard work is important, but making the show come true would mean nothing without the concept that ensured it's brilliance and the TEAM of writers behind it's amazing humor. Hurwitz sounds about as replaceable as can be, on the team.
Yeah, I actually think Hurwitz is retarded. This is way serious. For fuck's sake.
As for the team elevating him, I just meant that getting praise from his co-workers means very little in showbiz. It's hardly anything to go by. I think his failure to produce anything else worth a damn is far more relevant. And I think the staff carried him through. Prove me wrong.
I don't think Ron is the brains. I don't think there are any specific brains behind it. Ron created the basis of a revolutionary show, Hurwitz supplied his experience as show runner and the writing team made it click. I think Hurwitz's creative role must have been quite limited. (again, the Irwin Kershner thing). He's the manager figure, imo.
Oh dear lord. It had the potential to be good. And
it occasionally was, but as good as the characters are, there was never any saving the terribly empty plot. It's a mess. An addictive mess, but a mess nonetheless.
Anyway, that's quite enough of this.
How are they baseless? Did the rest of the writers not have great careers? Does Hurwitz's not suck? How the hell is that baseless?
I don't think he's talented or responsible for ADs brilliance in any way. I used too, but after seeing his other stuff, I just completely lost "faith" in him. Which is all you have too. The staff said he was essential. Yeah, so did the ESB staff when refering to Irwin Kershner. On the one hand I have the rest of his career as comparison, on the other, co-workers said he was awesome. Neither is particularly solid or has intrinsic value as proof. So I chose to believe the one that makes the most sense to me.
What's baseless about having an opinion that makes logical sense.
Yeah, 'cause the pilot is like insanely good. It's the best thing ever.
Well, I've never seen any post-Sops work of Chase's, so I couldn't really say. Hurwitz has ruined everything he touches except AD. Sue me for assuming he sucks.
And yeah, The Sops is top tier stuff. Along with The Wire, Dekalog, Heimat and Berlin Alexanderplatz, it reigns high atop everything else. And maybe Band of Brothers and Deadwood, too.