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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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A guy posted a review and called the guy who wrote it an ass, when he shared my opinion, thusly calling me an ass unintentionally. Am I not human?

That person would be me.

I called the reviewer an ass for two reasons:

1) He made the ridiculously hyperbolic claim that "[the Internet] has killed Arrested Development"
2) He essentially said in his closing paragraph that true AD fans would dislike the new season

So yeah, he's an ass. It always annoys me when fans of a show turn on each other and start questioning the fanhood of each other because of a divisive reaction to a particular season/episode/storyline. It's so childish.


I'm not sure how people are managing to disagree with you, but just know you're not alone and not everyone is trying to justify this shitty season.

Wee Britain wasn't great but it's leaps and bounds above anything in this season.

S3 is still amazing. S4 is so far and away the worst season of AD. I can't tolerate this shitting on S3 when it's better in every way.

No. No, no, no, no, no. No.

Yeah. And his episode is just terrible.

You started off with legitimate criticisms, then devolved into a grumpy ass. As seen above.


I enjoyed some of it. But that doesn't mean it's a massive decline from the standards set by the original series.

A guy posted a review and called the guy who wrote it an ass, when he shared my opinion, thusly calling me an ass unintentionally. Am I not human?

The part he called ass-like specifically was the part where the reviewer stated that true AD fans shouldn't like this new season, so the AD fans who don't like this season are insulted. That's the ass part.


I really didn't like the final episode. It seems like they were setting up for having everyone come together but instead it was 90% Michael and George Michael. And the story just wasn't good.

Did anyone actually like the Rebel story? I don't remember anything funny or interesting about it
This isn't a circle jerk, I can say whatever I like.

I think I found the jerk in the circle.

Seriously though, the writing is still pretty damn great once you get used to the format change.

AD is a show that thrives on re-watches and I don't see this season being any different.


I really didn't like the final episode. It seems like they were setting up for having everyone come together but instead it was 90% Michael and George Michael. And the story just wasn't good.

Did anyone actually like the Rebel story? I don't remember anything funny or interesting about it

Rebel is super hot.


From what I've seen so far, it was a difficult task for the writer's to re-establish the characters, jokes, and locations that the audience has come to know very well since Season 3. Adding to that, they had to add a variety of new characters to the mix.

It's Spiderman 3 syndrome. The writers tried to do too much and give each character a major arc within a format that somewhat resembled Season's 1-3. It's just not possible. It's a valiant effort, but it was a disorganized mess that had me laughing far less than the FOX version.

The writers should have focused on the character's current position and dashed in a bit of what has gone on since we last saw them through flashbacks similar to the ones in the first three seasons and some exposition given by Howard.

It's a shame and I wish they're offered another crack at it, whether it be a movie or a fifth season. There's promise and rust, but I think the show could definitely be brought back to it's former status.
I really didn't like the final episode. It seems like they were setting up for having everyone come together but instead it was 90% Michael and George Michael. And the story just wasn't good.

Did anyone actually like the Rebel story? I don't remember anything funny or interesting about it
One of the best bits is when Michael realizes who she is.


Death Prophet
I really didn't like the final episode. It seems like they were setting up for having everyone come together but instead it was 90% Michael and George Michael. And the story just wasn't good.

Did anyone actually like the Rebel story? I don't remember anything funny or interesting about it

My favorite thing about that was when Rebel and Michael were talking about her role in which she had to act in a love-at-first-sight type of situation. Michael and her go back and forth acting as if they are falling in love at first sight and then Rebel says "You know, bullshit like that" to Michael's dismay. I thought that was pretty funny.

But overall, yeah I'd probably agree that that was one of the weaker story lines.

Because we all watched the first season back when we had no idea what to expect either

To be fair though, Top Banana was hilarious and that was the second episode. The pilot was not strong.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I just don't see how AD fans are okay with having to wait until the 4th episode for any real laugh and still call this good.

Because we all watched the first season back when we had no idea what to expect either


How about giving letter grades to the season for those who have watched it all the way through?

I give it a solid B. High highs and low lows but all in all I liked it.

I'd say a B-, the best episodes are in the middle, both beginning and ending weren't so hot. They really could have used some tighter editing, you could really feel the extra 10 minutes per episode


I liked the Rebel scene
where she's playing the bagpipe and later the goat interrupts her. Also got done watching the scene where Michael learns she's Ron's daughter. That was pretty good too.
How about giving letter grades to the season for those who have watched it all the way through?

I give it a solid B. High highs and low lows but all in all I liked it.

A B is about right. There's some great stuff like the GOB episodes, but some mediocre stuff as well. And ultimately the story doesn't really feel like it goes anywhere, and is probably a 3 hour story told in ~8 1/2. Still, what works, works really well.


I really didn't like the final episode. It seems like they were setting up for having everyone come together but instead it was 90% Michael and George Michael. And the story just wasn't good.

Did anyone actually like the Rebel story? I don't remember anything funny or interesting about it

I thought the best reveal of the series was at the end of episode 11 where the camera pans out to reveal the other guy she's sleeping with is George Michael. I was dead for the next 5 minutes.
just finished it. Michael was a huge dick this season.

While true, I'm surprised more folks haven't commented on
what a dick George Michael was as well. Kicks his dad out, knocks someone up, sets up a scenario to seduce his cousin, fires his cousin, lies about what his software does repeatedly etc.
Season 1: A
Season 2: A
Season 3: B
Season 4: B as of right now, based on ONE complete viewing. this is arrested development we are talking about though. i need to rewatch it at least 3 times to capture the genius of the layered jokes (ESPECIALLY with this new format).


Nose how to spell and rede to
I laughed plenty in the first few episodes, but it wasn't AD until 4.

But tht almost makes it more AD. First few episodes youre wondering what exactly... is this? Then you sart getting it, and those first episodes are much better upon rewatch. Also AD was a unique format for a TV show, and this is a unique format for an AD show.


I give it a B, maybe B+. I've watched it through once and rewatching again now. First couple of eps are slow, but then around ep 6 it really hits its stride. On rewatch, some of the jokes are funnier and things make slightly more sense. It is a dense show. Overall I'm happy with the season but do agree the ending was a let down. I don't like open ended endings, unless another season or movie is guaranteed. I hope we get a season 5. And id be ok with the same one char per ep format.

Edit: I also think its perfectly fine that the first couple of eps seem weak at first. We got the whole season at once, so it was easy for me to just let the whole season wash over me and watch it gradually get better. Had this season been delivered in a weekly format.. Well, it just wouldn't have worked as well.
Michael and George Michael were probably my two least favorite parts of the season, to be honest. I was also a bit disappointed that both Lucille and Buster didn't get more screen time.

The GOB episodes were pretty much perfect, Lindsay's storyline was surprisingly good, and Tobias, Maeby, and George Sr. all met or surpassed expectations.

The format had advantages and disadvantages. It was frequently confusing and threw some kinks into the old school AD ensemble chemistry. But it also allowed for some brilliant season-long serial plotting and gave characters like Maeby (who I've always felt got a bit overlooked in the original run) more time to shine.

I think it's a B+ and an outstanding accomplishment. If it gets Emmy recognition - and I hope it does - it will absolutely deserve it.


How about giving letter grades to the season for those who have watched it all the way through?

I give it a solid B. High highs and low lows but all in all I liked it.

Letter grades?


Also this made me think of the scene where they mention that Maeby's last grade was Elvis.


Nose how to spell and rede to
While true, I'm surprised more folks haven't commented on
what a dick George Michael was as well. Kicks his dad out, knocks someone up, sets up a scenario to seduce his cousin, fires his cousin, lies about what his software does repeatedly etc.

Dude yeah. Plus his physical features are just so much harsher. Started rewatching it and I getting the character a little more, but that was way more jarring for me than Michael was (I mean COME ON Michael's always been a little too good to be true, I think that's part of the joke, and he obviously reveals that time and again)
But tht almost makes it more AD. First few episodes youre wondering what exactly... is this? Then you sart getting it, and those first episodes are much better upon rewatch. Also AD was a unique format for a TV show, and this is a unique format for an AD show.

This is a point that I can confirm. I have found the first few episodes better on re-watch. Though, I still think a few scenes here and there could be trimmed, the pacing is less noticeable this time around.

Letter grades?


Also this made me think of the scene where they mention that Maeby's last grade was Elvis.

That bad, huh?


This is semantics, and nothing more
After episode 1 and 2 I wanted to cry. There are some fantastic moments in the season for me, though. Some really clever stuff. The audio gags get me every time and I love how they brought back "Mr. F" and the "coincidence" stuff was a good new joke.

Speaking of that, what are all the new recurring jokes? Some stuff I can think of: "Hot mess", coincidence music, Sound of Silence. What else?

The constant use of synonyms for "Arrested" before "Development."


Death Prophet
A movie after this wouldn't really make that much sense. You have to establish all this stuff over again, right?

Weird, I thought George Michael was one of the best parts of the season and found Buster intolerable.

I thought Buster's episode was bad, too.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I was kinda bummed that they halted GM and Maeby's relationship so drastically. That and his new "experiences" were my only really issue with GM's story.

GM and Maeby are like Niles and Daphne or Jim and Pam. They just have to be :'|
Michael and George Michael were probably my two least favorite parts of the season, to be honest. I was also a bit disappointed that both Lucille and Buster didn't get more screen time.

The GOB episodes were pretty much perfect, Lindsay's storyline was surprisingly good, and Tobias, Maeby, and George Sr. all met or surpassed expectations.
GOB definitely has the standout episodes. I still have two episodes left, which includes Buster's episode, but he has largely been absent. Marky Bark, Lucille 2 and Debris have gotten like twice as much screen time each than Buster has.

Maeby's episode was surprisingly good (I liked how she cursed like a sailor throughout) but there was too much Tobias. He functions much better as part of the family ensemble and the Fantastic 4 stuff wore thin real quick.
not if it was a netflix original movie i'd suppose.

i'm hoping for a season 5 though. i'll take 8 more hours versus a 100 minute movie.

God yes.

And if they start doing something every other year, hopefully the cast can get their schedules worked out well enough that it'll feel more like a season 1-3.
On the whole I'm not sure how I feel about Season 4. I enjoyed the original run of AD a few years ago, but I'm trying to remember if that show made me laugh regularly. That's my biggest issue with this season, I think. I'm not laughing with the show, at all. The closest I came to it was during the Simon and Garfunkel spots with Gob.

Maybe I'm just too stupid to get all the references, but I enjoyed the show for its character arcs instead of the supposed laughs it brings. Tobias's love affair with the junkie is legit one of the darkest storylines I've seen in quite awhile. I enjoyed it for its narrative context, but I can't say I actually laughed. Same for all of them, to be honest.
I know if we get a new season it'll mean it was a success, but it would be cool to see exactly how many new fans there are now. Too bad Netflix never releases numbers.


Portia de Rossi looks great with short hair but she was super distracting to look at when she tried looking like her old self. Oh and Isla Fisher is such a knockout, damn. I don't know how I feel about this season. I really didn't like the character-specific episode structure.

I was more of a Tobias, Buster, and Michael guy but I ended up really enjoying G.O.B. and Maeby's episodes the most.
I know if we get a new season it'll mean it was a success, but it would be cool to see exactly how many new fans there are now. Too bad Netflix never releases numbers.

Right now, it's all everyone I know is talking about. I think it's doing better than House of Cards (though I don't know how the budgets compared at all).

Also, Portia's looks aren't so jarring on the re-watch. I don't know if I'm more prepared for the difference or I suddenly see the existing similarities to her "older" look.
I didn't enjoy Portia or Tobias' episodes as much SOLELY because of their new pairings (Debrie and Marky).

I didn't like either actor, or their roles, and while I was fine with them being there, I felt far too much time was spent on them.

I really like how they finished up both of their arc's though by the end, which made it feel a little better.

If we're all grading, I'd say:
S1: A+
S2: A+
S3: B+
S4 episodes solo: B-
S4 all together: A-


Death Prophet
Right now, it's all everyone I know is talking about. I think it's doing better than House of Cards (though I don't know how the budgets compared at all).

It will definitely do better than HoC. I think Hemlock Grove did better than HoC. I expect AD to do much better than Hemlock Grove.

I'm sure that's what Netflix is expecting too.
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