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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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Ive been doing 1-3 eps a day the last few days on the second run through, up to maeby now. I agree its definitely better upon repeat viewings, especially the first few episodes. I think it was just a lot to process, feeling like "fuck im actually watching new arrested development" to starting at the present and then filling in holes. The timeline did not help those first few episodes, but after you know the story its so much more enjoyable. The geroge Sr ep is among my favorites now.

Perfectly said. For a lot of people, they remember the family together, and that dynamic from the old seasons, and when the format was different, and we were immediately thrust into this new complex storyline, it shellshocked a lot of people.

Also I LOVE the first George Sr. episode. First, I think Starfire/Chloe is super hot, and I love George Sr. having poor Oscar suffer, and he runs in their all rested. haha.
Metacritic's gone down to 70 now too. I never put too much stock into MC, but I can see that going up as is the forumla of this show. The question is, will people stick through to the end, or rewatch it?

Totally forgot there was even a TV metacritic until this thread.



Now to rip it off YouTube and get it on my phone as a ring tone.

lol let me fix that for you


Also thanks. MY NEW RINGTONE.


Was just looking at Lucy Schwartz's wiki page. This one stroke me as awesome:

Her single "Boomerang" appeared in the closing credits of the season 4 finale of the television series Arrested Development, in which her father David Schwartz composed the soundtrack. She had previously performed the vocal recordings "Mr. F" and "For British Eyes Only" in a faux-English accent for the series.


This season was really missing the "and this is what we've learned" sappy music that was super overused in the first 3. I was surprised it didn't make an appearance, but then I guess no one really learned any lessons this season.

Real Hero

This season was really missing the "and this is what we've learned" sappy music that was super overused in the first 3. I was surprised it didn't make an appearance, but then I guess no one really learned any lessons this season.
swear i heard it at least once, maybe i was imagining it

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
This season was really missing the "and this is what we've learned" sappy music that was super overused in the first 3. I was surprised it didn't make an appearance, but then I guess no one really learned any lessons this season.

But nobody ever learned any lessons!


Finished it, it's pretty good, certainly the back half was much stronger than the first half, but not up to the standard of the original run for me. It was still pretty wonderful to have it come back at all. Hats off to Netflix.
After the first watch I'm thinking:

It's not as funny as the old seasons, but it's plot density and the writing in general is marvelous. Even thinking of such a heavily intertwined story is a feat for itself.

That's why I think that it'll probably really bloom after some rewatches, similarly to the older seasons. AD always had stuff you just couldn't pickup on in the first watch.

So we must be getting some kind of continuation after that cliffhanger ending, right? Any word on that yet?
Not to be super down about the show, but has anyone else found it a real struggle to re-watch season 4?

I mean, I liked it the first time through. I definitely didn't laugh a whole lot. Probably a couple chuckles an episode at the most barring "Hello darkness," but I did enjoy the plot of it and I liked seeing what the characters were up to. That said I don't think I really care all that much for the interconnected nature of the episodes. It often felt like half the episode or more was a recap of stuff I'd already seen, and every so often there'd be an extra few seconds of the conversation.

The one place I think it did work was in the Maeby episode, so there's that. And GOB's episodes were the only ones where it got real laughs from me. I don't know.
Finished the series. Last episode was not really up to scratch, but I find it hard to watch George Michael for any length of time without wanting to strangle kittens or something.

Overall I thought it was on form, really strong from a few episodes in, I'm sure there's some stuff I missed too. Going to watch it again soon S1-4 and see how it holds up. I don't feel like I need any more though, S5 or a movie is not needed imo.
I think the raccoon bullshit line is probably the most applauded in this thread. No one talks about "hey officers are you here for the rac---.." that one got me more than the bullshit line.

I think the pure surprise and elation on Tobias' face when he says "Bullshit!" is what makes it so freaking hilarious.

Why the hell would anyone be so overjoyed about seeing a raccoon?


I think the pure surprise and elation on Tobias' face when he says "Bullshit!" is what makes it so freaking hilarious.

Why the hell would anyone be so overjoyed about seeing a raccoon?

It's definitely a reference. One I don't know. But it was delivered so. damn. well.

After a whole night to collect my thoughts, I suppose AD season 4 isn't as funny as the previous seasons. I watched their original run, and then did a rewatch on Hulu 3 years after, but I felt like I laughed less per minute this season. The main reason I didn't notice/care? The writing. The writing was just as good, if not better.
It's definitely a reference. One I don't know. But it was delivered so. damn. well.

I don't know if it is a reference. I don't recall anything involving raccoons from Seasons 1-3. (Other than Rita wearing a coonskin cap.)

Perhaps it's just one of the new motifs introduced this season. But in any case, it was hysterical in its randomness.
I'm finding the rewatch to not be as entertaining as I had hoped.

Initially the season grabbed me because it sacrificed endless jokes and gags for a genius plot, but now that I know how the plot already unfolds and connects all that's left are the less frequent jokes that happen. I'm finding it less entertaining because having to wait for the jokes to come around breaks my patience level.

And it's become obvious that the narrator does so much more this season, if only to quell the otherwise confusing nature of the story. He's not just transitioning scenes and sprinkling commentary here and there, he's pretty much telling you the story himself. It's to fill in that empty hole left by the fact that the characters themselves don't interact all that much. It's a good save, but a necessary save.

Of course there are the easter anns that are fun to dig out and recognize but it sucks that the jokes themselves weren't pushed out more frequently.
Only have a few more episodes to go. It's amazing how everything ends up linking together. First two episodes were eh, but the rest of the season has been gold.


I don't know if it is a reference. I don't recall anything involving raccoons from Seasons 1-3. (Other than Rita wearing a coonskin cap.)

Perhaps it's just one of the new motifs introduced this season. But in any case, it was hysterical in its randomness.
I believe it was a reference to the original To Catch a Predator show, not to anything in the previous seasons.
They never solved the undercover FBI/CIA thing.

He was staking out imagine I believe next to the undercover lawyer.
I wouldn't call it unsolved, I'd call it a thread left hanging. As with all major characters in the series, there's something going on with Ron Howard but there wasn't anywhere near enough time to interact with him and get more clues.


Oh my god....i just got the anustart joke.

The to catch a predator team saying we have an anus tart makes me laugh so much harder now....at first i thought they were referring to him looking like the thing.

David Cross really does a lot of quality work and deliveries all over the episodes.

To Lindsay: "Oh, honeyyy....."

Also can't figure out if he planned to do the chair slip in the therapy session with Mark Cherry.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Was there a joke with censoring google and calling it "something"?

Hold on I'll something it


God I hate this song so much.

Whaaaat? I like that song. Doesn't it first drop when GM finds out Maeby is going to live in his room? Lol classic.

It's "Gonna Get Together" by Leroy if somebody didn't know (one of the few licensed songs they use)


Didn't notice/wasn't looking for background jokes the first watch.

2nd time around... sign outside the Mexican pharmacy

"Olvidame Ahora"

Translation: Forget Me Now
Finished watching it hte other day. Not quite as funny as the first 3 seasons, but definitely glad it exists. I think my biggest issue for me is that Michael isnt' around as much to bounce off the other characters. It was always interseting to me to see how he'd react to everyone else and there isn't as much of that this season.


Haha, I know the "something" it, just thought there might have been something else.

Also rewatched the first episode and did everybody notice the painting at the phoenix airport?



My favorite joke on re-watch is in the first ep, when Michael sees who Gob hooked up with and says "I KNEW IT!" Much funnier when you know it's Tony Wonder.


I think I see the banana stand, didn't screen cap it though. It's the yellow by Michael's shoulder in the first pic.
  1. Sudden Valley
  2. Stair Car
  3. GOB on Segway
  4. The yacht
  5. Ann in Mexico
  6. Log Cabin
  7. (Wee) Britain
  8. Rickshaw
  9. Queen Mary
  10. End of Development Arrested
  11. Loose Seal

What did I miss. I could've sworn I saw the banana stand.

Looks like it is just over Michale's shoulder in the first picture.
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