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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Fuck this guy. Fuck him.


special needs, sexual needs

That's what we have Thea for now. She gets shit done!

I sympathize with Ollie to an extent. He deserves time to come to terms with his kid and his mother paying her off. Felicity though has a right to know, but not that instant. Season 3 Ollie lied, but came through with a plan. It was for their own good. Felicity should remember that Ollie often lies to protect people, not to hurt them. She going behind his back to Barry was shellfish. Where's the trust, Mrs. Smoak?!
Being in a relationship doesn't preclude Oliver from the right to lie. He lied about William the first time because he has the right to some privacy and time to process something as huge as having a kid he didn't know about. The second time he lied it was because he made a promise in order to keep seeing his kid. He wasn't going to break that just hours after swearing to it.

Your mean like how he promise to tell Felicity the truth about what going on and he broke it a few hours later .
Also he don't need to keep quite to see his kid he can just take her ass to court .

Oliver is the leader of their group, it's his perogative to lie if that means taking down threats, and he succeeded in the end. But that's beside the point. The point is that he doesn't usually lie for selfish reason, so if Felicity - who should've have known what she signed up for - can't deal with the fact that he will occassionally lie, then she either needs to peace out or shut up.

Oh, how magnanimous of Felicity to give the guy a chance. Are you kidding me with this shit? Felicity ain't got right to know shit. She should trust Oliver will tell her when he is good and ready and that should be enough.

Oliver is no longer the leader of the group , yes people do listen to him .
But like we saw with ep with sara he longer has right to say what best for everyone .
Also she knows what she sign up for which was him no longer lying for no fucking reason .
Your telling me the woman you are living with don't have the right to know you have a child .

The only reason Oliver lied the second is because having a connection with his son is more important than Felicity. As it should be. I'm assuming he'll tell her eventually, but it'll have to be on his terms, when he is good and ready, not when Felicity tries to confront him with DNA results she shouldn't have in the first place.

Oliver has done stupid shit, but he isn't selfish.

You can be mad at Felicity about what happen the first time .
The second time he has no excuse since he already come to terms with it .
Once again he does not have to lie or keep it a secret to have a connection to his son .( how would his babby mommy even find out if he tell someone )
The reason he does not tell Felicity the second time is because he wants everything and don't want to risk anything .
That is as selfish as you can get , saying that he has right to wait how ever long he want to tell her not right IMO .

Oliver has problem thinking he knows what is best for everyone or that he always right .
And it comes back and bites him in the ass and everyone around him all the time .


Good episode. More episodes with Ollie's baby mama please. I enjoyed her in Defiance (RIP totally underrated show). I was totally yelling at my TV for Felicity to F OFF during timeline 1. She should really just let it go in timeline 2, but you know her dumb ass is going to snoop around and figure it out eventually.


Are you kidding me, bruh? It's Felicity that's been persuing Oliver from the jump. It's the only reason we have this shitty pairing dominating the course of the show in the first place.

More to the point, when Oliver lies, it's to protect people or for the greater good. He may not always be right, but he has too much shit on plate for juvenility, so when he lies, he has a good reason to do it.

Oliver had JUST find out he had kid he didn't know about and needed time to process it. Felicity had no business or right to ambush him like that as if he owed her an immediate explanation.

I don't know about you, but when I'm confronted for the truth after having just had a life changing revelation dropped on me, I'mma lie about it until I can process it and feel comfortable talking about it.

I sure as fuck aren't going to kowtow to some overbearing chick with a penchant of second guessing me and that needs total transparency 100% of the time in order to trust me. Fuck. That.
Yeah Felicity drama is getting ridiculous and I'm dreading the moment when he ends up telling her.


Your mean like how he promise to tell Felicity the truth about what going on and he broke it a few hours later .
Also he don't need to keep quite to see his kid he can just take her ass to court .

Oliver didn't promise jack. He told her he'd tell her when he'd got back. Instead of accepting that, Felicity decided to dig into his business, corner Barry for information, and then confronted Oliver before he even had a chance to tell her if he was going to.

Oliver knows better than to just show up in this kid's life and demand to be a part of it. Just cause he can drag his baby mama to court from the jump doesn't mean he's a big enough POS to do it.

Oliver is no longer the leader of the group , yes people do listen to him .
But like we saw with ep with sara he longer has right to say what best for everyone .
Also she knows what she sign up for which was him no longer lying for no fucking reason .
Your telling me the woman you are living with don't have the right to know you have a child .

He obviously is. The others just don't have any reservations of oppossing his leadership if they disagree with him. Oliver still calls the shots and makes the plans and the othes go with it.

Oliver isn't infallible, but he knows better than the others.

He wasn't lying for no reason. He was lying to A) give himself time to fully process, and B) to honour the promise that allows him to see his son.

Felicity has a right to know eventually. After reasonable amount of time. Not after Oliver has JUST fucking found out.

You can be mad at Felicity about what happen the first time .
The second time he has no excuse since he already come to terms with it .
Once again he does not have to lie or keep it a secret to have a connection to his son .( how would his babby mommy even find out if he tell someone )
The reason he does not tell Felicity the second time is because he wants everything and don't want to risk anything .
That is as selfish as you can get , saying that he has right to wait how ever long he want to tell her not right IMO .

Oliver has problem thinking he knows what is best for everyone or that he always right .
And it comes back and bites him in the ass and everyone around him all the time .

Oliver has comes to terms with the fact he is a father to a nine year old boy he doesn't know about. That doesn't mean he has fully processed all the implications of that fact. He has a great many things to consider and important decisions to make.

He clearly does because he gave his word to Samantha. That's why he hasn't told Felicity. If you think he is selfish for keeping his word in order to see his son because it'll hurt Felicity's feelings not knowing right away, you got your priorities out of whack.

Oliver has been right more often than not. Can't say the same for Felicity who was wrong all the damn time in S3. Regardless, she ain't got the right to be up in his business like that and needs to chill or fuck off.
@Frog-fu don't think we going to see eye to eye on things .
Because no woman can tell me i can't see my son .
Or that if i want to see him i have to lie to everyone in my life .
Plus even if he does tell them how the hell would she even know .

Oliver has been right more often than not. Can't say the same for Felicity who was wrong all the damn time in S3. Regardless, she ain't got the right to be up in his business like that and needs to chill or fuck off.

As for this part what was she wrong about in season 3 .
Also you will have to explain how oliver has been right more often than not .
If one thing this series shows is all of oliver plans fall to shit along with him keeping secrets.
Part 1 was better than Part 2.

The drama surrounding keeping William a secret makes sense even if it's tiring. They've been living together for months during the off season. Ollie wants to propose to her. This isn't some casual sexual fling ala Ollie's other relationships. For them to be at a point where he's considering that, then there's considerably more weight in the other person's thoughts, ideas, and feelings than there is in a dating relationship. You don't just pull some, "Imma keep this shit to myself because" shit with someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

And the request from William's mother is not only unreasonable but it's damn silly. "You can't tell ANYBODY!" as if it matters if the man tells his sister, or girlfriend. What problem would that possible cause for William? None. It's stupid. And Ollie could've squashed that shit at jump by just telling the her that he's not going to keep William a secret from the woman he plans on proposing to. I guarantee she would've been like, "oh.. well that's ok" because I seriously doubt any reasonably balanced person would expect another to keep their child a secret from a spouse.

Ollie should've told Felicity once he knew William was his son. Felicity should've eased back on the attack though because nobody is going to process having an illegitimate child quickly. And in the final timeline, Ollie should've told her when they were back at home in the apartment. Instead, it's secret secrets time again which means more convoluted drama that shouldn't happen.


Midseason finale preview courtesy of good old NZ TV2, not nearly as spoilery this time though


Oh shit, looks like stuff is really going down that episode.

@Frog-fu don't think we going to see eye to eye on things .
Because no woman can tell me i can't see my son .
Or that if i want to see him i have to lie to everyone in my life .
Plus even if he does tell them how the hell would she even know .
Mom - "Yes judge, he didn't bother seeing the kid for nine years, he leads a life of drugs and parties, he has no stable job, he carried out a secret DNA test. I think he would be a bad influence and I'm afraid he'll kidnap him."
Any Sane Judge - "Agreed. You get sole custody."
Mom - "Yes judge, he didn't bother seeing the kid for nine years, he leads a life of drugs and parties, he has no stable job, he carried out a secret DNA test. I think he would be a bad influence and I'm afraid he'll kidnap him."
Any Sane Judge - "Agreed. You get sole custody."

lol no. It's not even worth going down that route because then you have,

-She secretly absconded with William and lied to Ollie about him.
-Accepting a bribe to leave and keep him a secret
-Ollie running for Mayor and cleaning up Star City
-Ollie in a stable relationship with the CEO of Palmer Tech

It's nowhere near cut and dry as to who would win custody and Ollie would have to be a convicted killer for a Judge to grant him no visitation rights.

The entire situation is absurd and outlandish but there is no clear cut winner or loser in a custody battle between them.
Mom - "Yes judge, he didn't bother seeing the kid for nine years, he leads a life of drugs and parties, he has no stable job, he carried out a secret DNA test. I think he would be a bad influence and I'm afraid he'll kidnap him."
Any Sane Judge - "Agreed. You get sole custody."

Judge i did not know i have a son because this woman did not tell me cause she get pain off .
After spending 5 year on island ( just had to do that lol) i no longer party or having anything to do with drugs (will take a test if you want)
I am also running for mayor ( hell he can get a job easy ) and have a fiance who is the head of billion dollar company .

No way will it be so cut and drug .


lol no. It's not even worth going down that route because then you have,

-She secretly absconded with William and lied to Ollie about him.
-Accepting a bribe to leave and keep him a secret
-Ollie running for Mayor and cleaning up Star City
-Ollie in a stable relationship with the CEO of Palmer Tech

It's nowhere near cut and dry as to who would win custody and Ollie would have to be a convicted killer for a Judge to grant him no visitation rights.

The entire situation is absurd and outlandish but there is no clear cut winner or loser in a custody battle between them.

- Her word versus his. Him being a notorious party animal.
- There is no accepted check. It is a piece of paper that she didn't cash.
- Oliver running for mayor of a broken city, with like three weeks in the bag.
- Oliver in a 6-month relationship.

Judge i did not know i have a son because this woman did not tell me cause she get pain off .
After spending 5 year on island i no longer party or having anything to do with drugs (will take a test if you want)
I am also running for mayor and have a fiance who is the head of billion dollar company .

No way will it be so cut and drug .
Outside of the typical judges almost every time siding with moms in real life? And first thing he did when he got back, partying. With his drug-crazed sister, in the club they both owned, before he bankrupted his company after his mom committed mass murder. That in between his multiple stints in jail, his spotty employement record, his very short relationship with the woman he is already asking to marry after 6 months.


Part 1 was better than Part 2.

The drama surrounding keeping William a secret makes sense even if it's tiring. They've been living together for months during the off season. Ollie wants to propose to her. This isn't some casual sexual fling ala Ollie's other relationships. For them to be at a point where he's considering that, then there's considerably more weight in the other person's thoughts, ideas, and feelings than there is in a dating relationship. You don't just pull some, "Imma keep this shit to myself because" shit with someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

And the request from William's mother is not only unreasonable but it's damn silly. "You can't tell ANYBODY!" as if it matters if the man tells his sister, or girlfriend. What problem would that possible cause for William? None. It's stupid. And Ollie could've squashed that shit at jump by just telling the her that he's not going to keep William a secret from the woman he plans on proposing to. I guarantee she would've been like, "oh.. well that's ok" because I seriously doubt any reasonably balanced person would expect another to keep their child a secret from a spouse.

Ollie should've told Felicity once he knew William was his son. Felicity should've eased back on the attack though because nobody is going to process having an illegitimate child quickly. And in the final timeline, Ollie should've told her when they were back at home in the apartment. Instead, it's secret secrets time again which means more convoluted drama that shouldn't happen.

Yeah I think the more correct thing to say is that none of the characters are acting really all that sensibly. Oliver could have just reasoned with William's mom, who herself was acting like a shithead with arbitrary rules that make no sense. Oliver in turn keeping the secret and not just outright explaining things is a waste of time. And Felicity losing her shit and throwing a fit instead of trying to work it out is just drama for the sake of drama.

It sucks because you see these types of things in Flash and they just outright squash the drama in a single episode or scene. Whereas in Arrow things get drawn out for weeks and weeks and it just gets tiring.


- Her word versus his. Him being a notorious party animal.
- There is no accepted check. It is a piece of paper that she didn't cash.
- Oliver running for mayor of a broken city, with like three weeks in the bag.
- Oliver in a 6-month relationship.

Outside of the typical judges almost every time siding with moms in real life? And first thing he did when he got back, partying. With his drug-crazed sister, in the club they both owned, before he bankrupted his company after his mom committed mass murder. That in between his multiple stints in jail, his spotty employement record, his very short relationship with the woman he is already asking to marry after 6 months.

Even if the mom got sole custody, which would be a stretch, NO judge would deny him routine visitation rights.
- Her word versus his. Him being a notorious party animal.
- There is no accepted check. It is a piece of paper that she didn't cash.
- Oliver running for mayor of a broken city, with like three weeks in the bag.
- Oliver in a 6-month relationship.

Outside of the typical judges almost every time siding with moms in real life? And first thing he did when he got back, partying. With his drug-crazed sister, in the club they both owned, before he bankrupted his company after his mom committed mass murder. That in between his multiple stints in jail, his spotty employement record, his very short relationship with the woman he is already asking to marry after 6 months.

Don't forget he won't be fighting for custody rights but visitation .
Which is much easier to get .
Since i sure oliver won't want him living with him in star city .
- Her word versus his. Him being a notorious party animal.
- There is no accepted check. It is a piece of paper that she didn't cash.
- Oliver running for mayor of a broken city, with like three weeks in the bag.
- Oliver in a 6-month relationship.

He really isn't a notorious party animal and hasn't been for quite sometime. Ollie, in this show, is not depicted keeping up that facade at all. If anything, he would appear to be a hermit.
The check was written and accepted, even if not cashed. Her lying and leaving has no logical reasoning without that check (she was just a partying teen before the pregnancy, so citing Ollie being a partier at the time doesn't make sense and his families money at the time would have made for a far more stable upbringing).
The state of the city only helps him since he's making it better (central bay project).
The relationship is a lot longer than 6 months and more importantly than the length of time is the seriousness and the steadyness. They've been living together and he's bought a ring. An official proposal only further cements that.

A judge would realistically weigh all these factors. Sole custody with no visitation wouldn't happen. For one side or the other.
Mom - "Yes judge, he didn't bother seeing the kid for nine years, he leads a life of drugs and parties, he has no stable job, he carried out a secret DNA test. I think he would be a bad influence and I'm afraid he'll kidnap him."
Any Sane Judge - "Agreed. You get sole custody."


1- She didn't tell him about the kid, he found out by chance and he can argue that.
2- Her info is like 10 years old from when he was a teen IIRC.
3- She never found out about the DnA test, he just confronted her and she folded.
4- He's running for Mayor . . .

He can easily take her ass to court and get visitation rights and he shoulda pulled that card on her.


Yeah I think the more correct thing to say is that none of the characters are acting really all that sensibly. Oliver could have just reasoned with William's mom, who herself was acting like a shithead with arbitrary rules that make no sense. Oliver in turn keeping the secret and not just outright explaining things is a waste of time. And Felicity losing her shit and throwing a fit instead of trying to work it out is just drama for the sake of drama.

It sucks because you see these types of things in Flash and they just outright squash the drama in a single episode or scene. Whereas in Arrow things get drawn out for weeks and weeks and it just gets tiring.
wally west


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Just exactly what was Merlyn's motivation for grabbing Savage's remains, other than the writers needed some way of bringing him back for the Legends series?
Just exactly what was Merlyn's motivation for grabbing Savage's remains, other than the writers needed some way of bringing him back for the Legends series?

I was think he trying to bring pack the pit or at least make him self immortal .
As i said i hope Merlyn get some sort of powers .


That cry made me laugh, Cisco needs to put batteries in that thing. What a laughable attack in the show, was supposed to shatter glass and all it did was...nothing.
Ollie.....Ollie what the fuck, you had a literal do over and you make the same mistake twice, what the fuck man.

Screw that mom and her crazy ass demands, no way, no leg to stand on, no deal, see your ass in court.
Ollie.....Ollie what the fuck, you had a literal do over and you make the same mistake twice, what the fuck man.

Screw that mom and her crazy ass demands, no way, no leg to stand on, no deal, see your ass in court.

why is felicity entitled to know about the kid? that kind of shit shouldn't even happen until months into the relationship once you've established some trust with the 9 year old kid you've seen for the first time. (well she should know but nothing more than that)

that donkey wanted to get away from this awful hawkgirl/hawkman story.
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