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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Wait a second. Do we know what Earth 2 Malcom is doing?

Don't you mean what Earth-2 Felicity is doing because she's such a strong and important character?
Why wait? The show comes back in a month and there's still more than a half dozen episodes left. There's really no reason for Malcom to exist on this show anymore. No one cares about him. He's burnt every bridge and is powerless. All that's left is his insatiable ego and thirst for vengeance that Ollie and the Arrow crew will most certainly continue to overlook.

I like Barrowman, but I feel like at this point in the show he's really just coasting. I can't blame him given what's he's given to work with.

I just figured they can pivot to making Malcolm the "big bad" for the second half of the season by having him kill whoever is in the grave, then Oliver kills him in retaliation.

Bonus points if he kills Felicity.
I watched this late Wednesday and I'm still not over the fact Felicity got up, with heels on, and walked out on Oliver. I don't know if it's hilarious, or insulting, or straight terrible.

She left the wheelchair, and walked out.







I seriously don't know if I want to pick this back up on the return. Fuck

Lmao this was the footnote in a terrible episode. That scene would be played for laughs in many other things. Felt like a YouTube edit cut as a joke

Barrowman has been carrying this show on his back for a while now tbh. Even though it often makes no sense that merlyn lives he's needed imo.


Come on if anyone's going to kill Malcom it would have to be Thea. They gotta mine that tragedy for all its worth.
Nah it'll be Felicity who kills Malcom. The person in the grave is her relationship with Ollie, killed be Merlyn. She's the main character after all.
Edit: oh god this is upsetting me as much as The Flash stuff upset Zero
The only real explanation is that the showrunners (and the fandom) love Barrowman. Merlyn should have been killed long ago, and I'm hoping he really dies at the end of the season.

Wipe his soul and his memories. Merlyn gets a new lease on life and they can't kill a reform Malcolm, can they?
They really need to fish around for somebody charismatic to bolster this supporting crew if he bites it then

As nonsensical as it is that merlyn yet lives he is now the only consistently entertaining thing about this show every episode. In its up swings and downs he never loses it


Nah it'll be Felicity who kills Malcom. The person in the grave is her relationship with Ollie, killed be Merlyn. She's the main character after all.
Edit: oh god this is upsetting me as much as The Flash stuff upset Zero

Not even close, I'm still too angry to even complain about.
How is she a hypocrite?
Sorry for the late reply, busy day at work! Felicity is a hypocrite because in the very previous episode she admonished her mother breaking up with Chesthair for doing the same as Olliver and keeping a secret under distressing circumstances. So Felicity is all fine with lies and secrets as long as she's in on it?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Sorry for the late reply, busy day at work! Felicity is a hypocrite because in the very previous episode she admonished her mother breaking up with Chesthair for doing the same as Olliver and keeping a secret under distressing circumstances. So Felicity is all fine with lies and secrets as long as she's in on it?

I think there can be a pretty big difference between a lie "to keep you safe" and a lie of "you're basically the last person to know for no great reason."

Beyond that, Felicity knew the truth behind Lance's lie, a perspective she used to help her mother. Felicity knowing the truth behind Oliver's lie doesn't really help her in the moment (though I imagine it will help her get over it when they eventually get back together). She's just in the dark, especially at that moment, again, for no reason that makes sense to her.

And beyond that, it still really wouldn't make her a hypocrite. She doesn't hate all lying. She hates it, with good reason, in her relationship. She'd have to be keeping a secret from Oliver to be a hypocrite here.
She's just in the dark, especially at that moment, again, for no reason that makes sense to her.

She even states to Oliver that she understands why he did it AND gets that Oliver was placed in an impossible situation. It seemed to make sense to her right before her ridiculous exit.

If the writers were to actually write Felicity as someone with actual character, with hang-ups/flaws that are acknowledged as such within the show, then I wouldn't mind the many shitty moments of Olicity drama (shit, I feel like I've been defending her as a character for a long time before now). The writers and showrunners have not done this (or if they tried then have failed spectacularly), which only makes moments like that last one look dumber than Laurel's canary cry.

And beyond that, it still really wouldn't make her a hypocrite. She doesn't hate all lying. She hates it, with good reason, in her relationship. She'd have to be keeping a secret from Oliver to be a hypocrite here.
I disagree in general with this sentiment. The advice she imparts to her own mother about the same scenario is to have a little faith in Lance and try to be understanding that he might have a good reason for not telling her the truth at the time. This is thinking that runs directly counter to her actions when faced with what is an extremely similar scenario between her and Oliver.

And here's the real kicker: even then I'd be somewhat okay with that, hell people are hypocritical all the time in life, nothing new there. But the show runners really dial up the shit by then making Oliver just sit there and take it. Like, what the hell happened to the character growth he had in Season 2 about deciding to stop letting himself be Laurel's excuse for her problems and stop letting himself take all the blame in these ridiculous contrivances?
This soap opera BS shouldn't be the main source of drama in a superhero tv show.

No that's perfectly fine. These writers aren't very good at it though and need to switch things up. It feels like a large portion of the plots are just based on a secret that will tear relationships apart, and then they lecture the person about how it was a mistake. And then another secret comes into play and repeat


I´m at the point that i wish they just kill Felicity off soon, so this show can maybe start becoming interesting again. After this last episode, she just completely (or the writers rather) threw away any shred of respect i had for the character. I mean...yeah let´s celebrate me walking again by walking out on Oliver, even though he had complete legitimate reasons to keep a secret.
Man I'm starting to miss the season 1(and 2) status quo. Ollie trying to juggle his normal life and being The Punisher, mama Queen and that english guy I can't remember but liked, everyone having their own characters arcs even if I lol'd hard at some of them(drugged out Thea) Roy's first flip, Tommy doing everything not to get cucked and failing, Felicity being a fun character, and the flashbacks weren't shit.

Everyone now just seems a lot more boring, they hang out in the cave, take orders from Ollie, fight random mooks, do it over again next episode.

I'm sure my opinion of season 1 is different than most since I very quickly binged it, if I had watched week to week the formulaic nature would've bothered me a lot more.


Why are people badmouthing Malcolm sama? He is the goat. Aside from that I still like the Theory that Malcolm is the one that kills the person in the grave.

Not even close, I'm still too angry to even complain about.
I wondered why that counter stayed at 998.


Geez, it's almost like Merlyn is a villain we're not meant to like the way y'all are talking.

When it transfers over into making the heroes looking stupid, it's an issue.

A villain to hate, fine. Keeping him around for 4 seasons despite that he's murdered friends and family members, for little reason, isn't. Malcolm is a fun character, but he brings down everyone else when they act stupid or indifferent to his atrocities.

It made sense a little bit at times with the various plot protections they gave him, like knowing certain things, or leading the League. At this point though they're letting him live or be free just so he can act spitefully toward them. Thea should not be reacting to him kidnapping a kid and nearly getting him killed with "I don't want to see you anymore." She should be reacting with, at the very least, locking his ass up.


Geez, it's almost like Merlyn is a villain we're not meant to like the way y'all are talking.
My rant about it from pages ago:
They've really put Malcom into a weird spot on the show. I don't exactly get what they are trying to do with him right now either. Okay cool, he cares about his daughter. But that's really the only motivation behind his character? "All this bad shit I do is excused and looked over because I love my daughter" is just utterly stupid. If that's the angle they want to continue to play for the 40th episode in a row, then they really need to unhinge him and let him become crazier and more obsessed. I'm starting to think Thea is dead, and Ollie and Malcom are going to blame each other, but it won't work because he isn't nearly unhinged enough to be threatening. He is simply a nuisance and is treated as much by the show. Hell even in an episode that resolves around parenthood, they didn't even take advantage to tie in his relationship with Thea at all as a view on the subject or as commentary. There was absolutely no reason for Merlyn to have presence this episode. Ollie just shrugs off that fact that Merlyn put his son in danger, and Thea is only slightly more flustered with him. Him outing William is like a 10/10 on the scale of being a colossal evil dick bag, and all that comes of it his relationship drama between him and Thea.
So in your marriage, you think your wife would be fine with you hiding a son? She is a stepparent if they get married so she has everything to do with the kid. Just by getting married, she gains somewhat legal responsibility over the kid. And even ignoring that, it has nothing to do with the kid, but with the existence of the kid. She is right to be upset over this.

That is not how it works. There is no legal responsibility that falls onto her, married or not, she has to legally adopt the kid which would also require his mother give up legal responsibility.
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