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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Okay, see, I'm confused, because I just watched about 13 episodes of something on Netflix, and I'm pretty sure there was a Punisher show and then maybe like half a season of Daredevil stuff in it?

Is that what you're talking about?


Not the show's fault if you can't pay attention :p


Daredevil is fun, but it's terribly uneven tonally. Gritty Punisher clases like hell even with Daredevil himself and when ninjas start to come in it kind of falls apart tonally.

Say what you want, but Gotham handled ninjas (well..monks, but same deal) the best. Dudes were pathetic and got shot down to pieces by policemen. :D
Daredevil S2 had some major issues, the whole hand and black sky thing was dumb as fuck and was a real let down.

But either way it was still far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far better than the likes of flash or especially arrow could ever be.


I actually wonder if we'll ever get a grade-A superhero show. One that could be counted among the best of all time. Nothing so far has come close and I wonder if it's even possible for the genre at all or does the inherent silliness of men in tights precluding it.
Daredevil S2 had some major issues, the whole hand and black sky thing was dumb as fuck and was a real let down.

But either way it was still far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far better than the likes of flash or especially arrow could ever be.

Flash season 1 was better. So was Arrow season 2.

I actually wonder if we'll ever get a grade-A superhero show. One that could be counted among the best of all time. Nothing so far has come close and I wonder if it's even possible for the genre at all or does the inherent silliness of men in tights precluding it.

Gotham. GOAT tier stuff in season 2.

Gotham tho

I choose to ignore your sarcasm :D
I was starting to enjoy this show once again, but the recent Olicity drama has made it borderline unwatchable. How did they manage to ruin a beloved character (Felicity) so much?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Daredevil S2 had some major issues, the whole hand and black sky thing was dumb as fuck and was a real let down.

But either way it was still far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far better than the likes of flash or especially arrow could ever be.

Yeah, the writing for Daredevil is a huge step above any of the CW comic shows. Biggest strike against Arrow or Flash for me is they always stick to their formula, like almost always. Lots of shows do, but they almost never deviate from it. You have the occasional episode that moves the season lone arc forward, those are a little different, but otherwise they operate with the same beats. They have more episodes to produce and that'll happen, but it would be nice to see either one try something new. They don't have to do

Introduce Villain
Hero meets Villain but they escape
(Commercial break)
Hero meets with team and talks about plan/personal drama
(Commercial break)
Final fight with Villain

Every week. I think it's just their intent since it's broadcast and they don't want new viewers to be confused, so episodes are a neat little bubbles where anything serialized can be summarized in 15 seconds before the next episode, so things tend to play out exactly the same week to week.

Gotham plays out like a lot of other shows, but they do break away from that formula from to time to time. They've embraced doing these mini arcs where we get a villain for 2-3 episodes, which I appreciate. Flash and Arrow bore me sometimes because I can call out the exact story beats and there are no surprises. To Gotham's credit, I can't do that all the time on that show since it doesn't always end in the same place.


Gotham. GOAT tier stuff in season 2.

Oh. I love Gotham. But I wouldn't say it's grade A. It is however easily the most comicbooky show on tv. I mean holy crap. Everything, from the setting, to characters, dialogues and ending with how the plot moves.

It's funny, because they're not adapting anything specific and yet they've achieved pitch perfect translation of unique comicbook style superhero comics have


Yeah, the writing for Daredevil is a huge step above any of the CW comic shows. Biggest strike against Arrow or Flash for me is they always stick to their formula, like almost always

Yeah. But DD suffers the same fate season wide. A terrible danger is revealed, Stick shows near the 2/3 of the season and ultimatelly Matt stops the danger and we're back to square one.
Daredevil generally handles it better than Arrow/Flash, but it's writers seem completely paralyzed by fear of changing status quo. Some details might change, but ultimatelly DD's success ends up being about stopping anything changing. Gotham is much more dynamic in it's setting and Arrow impressed the hell out of me in S1 when they allowed the hero to fail in stopping villain's plan.

I wonder if it's because DD has to worry about other Netflix shows and because of that can't really change setting too much.

Plus for all the better writing, the whole Hand arc was pure diseaster writing wise. Barely explained, utterly terrible villain with nonsensical behaviour and incredibly underwhelming ending. Thank God for Elektra, as she salvaged that wreck. DD is definitely the most ambitous superhero show, but so many of it elements and up failing
I was starting to enjoy this show once again, but the recent Olicity drama has made it borderline unwatchable. How did they manage to ruin a beloved character (Felicity) so much?

I'm trying to see the Felicity scenes as the sitcom bits with a missing laugh track. It works much better that way.


I think I'm going to finally drop this show. There's so much else to watch and my free time is limited. The last time I enjoyed the show was season 2. :(
I just finished season 2 a couple weeks ago. About to start season 3. Is it worth the time?
I think it is worth it if you plow through it quickly. I feel that if I had season 3 all at once to rush through in a few sittings I wouldn't feel so annoyed about the season because waiting for the next episode gave me time to think of my problems with the show.


This is not a good week for DC TV

It's about the same as always
Just got that post Daredevil binge effect still fresh

I thought Gotham was the worst TV show by a mile last year, but I prefer watching it this year over Arrow/Legends/Supergirl.


I think it is worth it if you plow through it quickly. I feel that if I had season 3 all at once to rush through in a few sittings I wouldn't feel so annoyed about the season because waiting for the next episode gave me time to think of my problems with the show.

Yeah, I've watched first three season in marathon and S3 didn't seem like anywhere near the diseaster it's considered as here.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't imagine Season 3 is that bad if you binge watched it. My biggest issue was how the backhalf of the season sorta went in circles, which isn't fun to experience week to week. But if you can automatically go to the next episode, it probably helps that pacing out a bit. The flashbacks are a complete snooze fest, but they don't last that long.

I think it's worth watching. A lot of the more prominent elements that are carried over into this season are from Season 3.


I think I'm done with this show once this season ends. It's just the same old every single episode and seems to be getting worse the longer it goes on. The Olicity drama especially is a load of shit. It's just the exact same nonsense over and over and over again.

Flash is still great though so hopefully it doesn't spread to that show.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i just started watching Gotham - it's got a good feel for the city, at the very least, but i'm not compelled to continue

s2 is supposed to be good?

also let's not kid ourselves - DD s2 is right up there with flash s1 and above arrow s2
i just started watching Gotham - it's got a good feel for the city, at the very least, but i'm not compelled to continue

s2 is supposed to be good?

also let's not kid ourselves - DD s2 is right up there with flash s1 and above arrow s2

S1 Gotham is pretty shit compared to S2.

on another note, is it bad that I'm hoping they dig deeper into Olicity just to see how bad the outrage can get? reddit going up flames is hilarious. I think my hate watching of WWE is starting to infect me.


what makes S2 good?

i want more bat stuff in my life, but adding 30+ hours of tv to my backlog is a lot

A lot crazier stories. Becomes fully serialized. Bruce's storylines start to kick-ass and become more directly tied to main plot. Nygma becomes awesome too.


I don't imagine Season 3 is that bad if you binge watched it. My biggest issue was how the backhalf of the season sorta went in circles, which isn't fun to experience week to week. But if you can automatically go to the next episode, it probably helps that pacing out a bit. The flashbacks are a complete snooze fest, but they don't last that long.

I think it's worth watching. A lot of the more prominent elements that are carried over into this season are from Season 3.
Yep. Bingewatching helps a lot. Oliver and Felicity were the low points for me. Thea, Laurel, Ray and Roy were high points.


what makes S2 good?

i want more bat stuff in my life, but adding 30+ hours of tv to my backlog is a lot

S1 was a police procedural (One & Done Episodes) set in Gotham with the main focus on the various Mafia Crime Families.

S2 is fully serialized (Continues Story Arcs), they ditched the Mafia, in favor of villains, and the Bruce Wayne in S2 is a huge improvement. Now it feels like this Bruce Wayne will become Batman someday.

Basically, Gotham S2 feels like a Batman show, instead of a show set in Gotham.
i just started watching Gotham - it's got a good feel for the city, at the very least, but i'm not compelled to continue

s2 is supposed to be good?

also let's not kid ourselves - DD s2 is right up there with flash s1 and above arrow s2

You can skip season 1 entirely and just go straight into season 2. You're not going to miss anything significant, as long as you know who the Penguin is. It's like a fresh start.


You can skip season 1 entirely and just go straight into season 2. You're not going to miss anything significant, as long as you know who the Penguin is. It's like a fresh start.

Pretty much this.
I fully recommend people skipping season 1 if they didn't like it and give season 2 a shot.
Season 1 was a police procedural + mafia show. Season 2 is just insane, lol



Pretty much this.
I fully recommend people skipping season 1 if they didn't like it and give season 2 a shot.
Season 1 was a police procedural + mafia show. Season 2 is just insane, lol

There are a couple good multi ep arks worth watching as well the Barbara arc at the end of the season. The Falcone plot at the end sets up some of the landscape for S2 as well.


He also could have said:

Thea Queen was romantically involved with Roy Harper, who the public believes was the Arrowr. This is likely a matter of public record. Because of this, the Green Arrow thought she was trustworthy enough to bring in on the sting, and her delinquent youth meant she had the connections to procure the bait.

That would get Thea in problems, as it would make it noticeable she looks a lot like the other hero running around.


"Hey guys! You sure you don't mind if I strut around and check that body?"

"Nah, we cool"


I mean it was fine but it seemed a little too casual for the first time they showed it on screen. Should've felt like it was a big deal, like the cops part way for him cause they know he'll get shit done or something and they trust the Green Arrow. The thing is maybe I don't think the show made it feel earned that the city is fine with the Green Arrow after the Arrow vigilante thing for the past couple of years.


I mean it was fine but it seemed a little too casual for the first time they showed it on screen. Should've felt like it was a big deal, like the cops part way for him cause they know he'll get shit done or something and they trust the Green Arrow. The thing is maybe I don't think the show made it feel earned that the city is fine with the Green Arrow after the Arrow vigilante thing for the past couple of years.

I think generally most people loved Arrow and didn't mind he was murdering people left and right :D So a new dude like that is no problem :D
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