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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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I've been thinking the same thing.

Every time I watch these flashbacks, I think to myself, "Okay, did Oliver act like this in Season 1?"
He's just the way he is during current times. Maybe he occasionally snaps a neck but other than that he isn't the gruff asshole he was during season 1 and this is year four. In the first two years maybe, but the season 3 stuff with him engaging in torture and what-not should be the start to him being hardened, and season 4 about him continuing that.

I'm shocked they remembered the photograph Laurel gave him, the writers just dropped the fact Oliver is supposed to be intensely in love with Laurel during the five years away and missed her the most.


I'm glad the whole cast decided to crash the room to see the death. Go ahead guys, don't give the professionals their space.
Arrow writers:



Honorary Canadian.
Also, my mom: "Those doctors didn't even try."

They do one "clear!" Then pump her chest for like thirty seconds and go, "Oh well! Did our best! Hey did you guys watch Walking Dead?" as they walk out.
These episode reminded me I am, and will always be Lauliver trash.

All I can take from this is that Laurel Lance has loved Oliver Queen all these years and just wants him to be happy, even using her dying breath to encourage him to keep moving on.

At least that's the only way I can take that scene without wanting to rip my head off. I'm gonna miss her so fucking much if she's actually dead.


Arrow Season 4 |OT| "Fun" -the Zack Snyder metric

Feelings for Snyder aside if this was him it would have been at least an epic looking death. Shit would have been wild. This was bad all around from the decision to do it, the way confrontation went down, and how the aftermath was handle and carried out. Piss poor.
Not you. You seem legit upset about who they killed like I am. Everyone else is all "OMG SHE SHIPPED OLICITY FUCK THIS SHOW I'M DONE FOR 1,237,874,389TH TIME"

I think who they kill make the most sense.
Not only for shock value but story wise and where they can go .
Most people thought she was save because of the comic.
Am I the only one who thinks there's no way she died?

They mute the hospital conversation and then come back to her dying. Only way I believe these writers don't try to resuscitate her is if, during the funeral, the casket spills her body, Felicity does a DNA test to confirm it's her while Malcolm shows up with a backyard pool saying "Hey this is the last of the Lazarus Pit," pours it out into a sewer drain some distance away, Constantine pops in and goes, "Oh wow, yeah, that's one dead bird," AND Rip Hunter has Gideon confirm that she is dead to Sarah while saying a time wraith is blocking them AND BARRY FUCKING ALLEN from going back and saving her.

THEN I'll be like 90% sure she's dead. Otherwise I'm fully expecting her to be hiding until Ruve is kicked out of office.

Yeah, despite what they are saying there was some pretty suspicious stuff in that moment, the mute conversation, the quickness at which the doctor's just let her go, etc.

Yeah lol.


I fucking hated Laurel, even more so than Felicity. I am soooooooo happy, and you know she died a dumb bitch like she always was. Good riddance!


Arrow Season 4 |OT| And Black Canary
Arrow Season 4 |OT| The Bird Became Prey
Arrow Season 4 |OT| On Earth-2, Jay was in the grave
Arrow Season 4 |OT| Laurel and Tommy sitting in a tree, shipping O-L-I-C-I-T-Y
These episode reminded me I am, and will always be Lauliver trash.

All I can take from this is that Laurel Lance has loved Oliver Queen all these years and just wants him to be happy, even using her dying breath to encourage him to keep moving on.

At least that's the only way I can take that scene without wanting to rip my head off. I'm gonna miss her so fucking much if she's actually dead.

That is what it was .
No matter the character that die we were going to have a line like that .
Of course i would have been LMAO even more if it was dig that died while say that .
So you want Felicity having a radioactive moment?
It would be the best callback ever. The two have a strong conversation of how
they lost their respective Oliver and Laurel in their world's,
all the while that ever-so familiar continuous 'ooooh' plays in the background with the guitar strong until they admit they may have
lost them in one world but found them in another.
Beat drops and "I'M WAKING UP".


Am I the only one who thinks there's no way she died?

They mute the hospital conversation and then come back to her dying. Only way I believe these writers don't try to resuscitate her is if, during the funeral, the casket spills her body, Felicity does a DNA test to confirm it's her while Malcolm shows up with a backyard pool saying "Hey this is the last of the Lazarus Pit," pours it out into a sewer drain some distance away, Constantine pops in and goes, "Oh wow, yeah, that's one dead bird," AND Rip Hunter has Gideon confirm that she is dead to Sarah while saying a time wraith is blocking them AND BARRY FUCKING ALLEN from going back and saving her.

THEN I'll be like 90% sure she's dead. Otherwise I'm fully expecting her to be hiding until Ruve is kicked out of office.
Stage 2 of denial: Bargaining.

Also dammit Zero that OT title is perfect.


Arrow Season 4 |OT| Nothing makes any sense to me! NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE!

Arrow Season 4 |OT| Slight risk of brain damage

Arrow Season 4 |OT| Check out anytime you like, you will never leave


I guess Alex was the GOAT campaign manager. He helped deliver Oliver 48% of the vote when he wasn't even running.

What happens when Sara pops back into the present? Will it be where Legends starts or will they bring it back to wherever the Flash and Arrow currently are.


Is it too soon to change the title to something involving Laurel? Guess we should wait.

What happens when Sara pops back into the present? Will it be where Legends starts or will they bring it back to wherever the Flash and Arrow currently are.

Yeah the Legends come back at the present time with Flash and Arrow. Otherwise it would be confusing.
Sara will be visiting Laurel's grave with Chesthair in Legends.
Two things are certain in arrow. Fake deaths and the city getting destroyed in May.

They can't off a member of the justice league like some bitch. She's definitely alive. The first rule of this if the dying person says to keep a promise and the scene drifts off they are alive.

Worst case scenario: it's going to end up being like spider Gwen where Oliver and Laurel E2 meet and tell each other stories of how they failed each other on their earth. Then hopefully they realize second chances do come true. Or she's banging Oliver's dad on Earth 2.


Two things are certain in arrow. Fake deaths and the city getting destroyed in May.

They can't off a member of the justice league like some bitch. She's definitely alive. The first rule of this if the dying person says to keep a promise and the scene drifts off they are alive.

Worst case scenario: it's going to end up being like spider Gwen where Oliver and Laurel E2 meet and tell each other stories of how they failed each other on their earth. Then hopefully they realize second chances do come true. Or she's banging Oliver's dad on Earth 2.
Stage two of denial: bargaining
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