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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Pretty silly of me, but I thought I wouldn't be able to do NaNoWriMo this year because of my exams. In high school it'd always clash with my exams, did it last year anyway though YOLO, but this year in uni I'm done on the 3rd of November. Fuck yeah, I was fully bummed out thinking I wouldn't be able to do it for the rest of uni LOL. Gonna do scriptwriting n. n I'll probably pick up the shirt as well, looks dope.
Pretty silly of me, but I thought I wouldn't be able to do NaNoWriMo this year because of my exams. In high school it'd always clash with my exams, did it last year anyway though YOLO, but this year in uni I'm done on the 3rd of November. Fuck yeah, I was fully bummed out thinking I wouldn't be able to do it for the rest of uni LOL. Gonna do scriptwriting n. n I'll probably pick up the shirt as well, looks dope.

awww yeah :D another nanoer <3

.... and ugh that japan thread x___x


This is how I picture you, ahdurian, when you come back from the toilet:


basically me

Wait wait wait..... Ew at Squid Chips?!


:p all of that looks delicious. All I have is some St. Pauli beer and some Pringles chips ~_~

Squid chips = love. shrimp chips = even more love

I sometimes want to go to Singapore or Malaysia because of the cheap street food. Hong Kong is pretty expensive these days :(

Singapore is amazing for food. all I did there while I was there for my friend's wedding was eat. basically every 2.5hrs we were eating something. chicken rice, chili stingray, lak sah, "carrot cake", kaya toast. and oh god, all the hawker centres (drools)

Yeah, HK is getting steep, but still theres some good street food culture there. I like the beachside street food in Thailand too. Very delicious and fresh seafood. And cheeeep *____*

I wanna try those pupaes... :>

And yeah, I will try to figure out my NaNo soon! Did you reach 50k last year, Karu?

I'm with suzu on the pupae. Fuuuuuck that.

i've had it before. it's not as bad as people think it is. though, i wouldn't go out of my way to buy it, but I know a lot of people who would.


I usually cut into the tendon or whatever with my lower incisors and then "unroll" from the bone, using my teeth as a scraper.

That's exactly how I eat them! In addition to the taste of the stuff around the bone, I think there's just something oddly satisfying about removing from the bone.

Re: lactose, I'm totally lactose intolerant but it can never stop me from my love of cheese.


Also did anyone go to the Long Beach Comic Con this year? I went and it was small but the merchandise was great :D. The cast of Firefly was there! (But it cost too much.)

I don't think I've been to LBCC since high school. They send me emails about it every year but I'm always like "eh..."

Wondercon, D23 Expo, and Anime Expo are on my list for next year.


Sorry to bring the topic back to racism. Poll: Most Americans dont think being prejudiced makes someone a bad person

You can just look at this thread and see how much more common it is people are willing to defend their kind behavior but the same willingness is often a jump to conclusion to broadly paint Asia in a single stroke on a similar basis.

It's not that I don't believe that most people in Asia are racist, I do. I also believe it's present everywhere in the world on a similar degree, sometimes more thinly veiled. What I do not believe is that there will be a day where America or any western country will transform into this magical utopia people so desperate in projecting. At the end of the day, equality means more people fighting over the same limited resources which will only be terrible for the current privileged folks.
Man..... It's nearing Fall again in Minnesota :( I don't want to say goodbye to summer yet (even though it's past already). Still trying to enjoy the mid-60s to 70s here as much as I can.
Pepper (Before)

Pepper (After)

Got some chicken cooking in that thingy that I've noticed Hmong people are using to cook meats now.

Here are the chicken pieces:
I like fall. Not too hot, not too cold, Christmas coming up, hockey and other sports, etc.

Ask me this question again when we get a week of straight rain and I'll say something else. :p
Can it be winter yet

I <3 snow, even if I have to shovel it

I love Summer and Winter. The snowy imagery is just so beautiful ;_; I just hate the transition from Summer to Fall. My body can never adjust itself to the temperature change (also due to asthma ;_;) so I get massive allergies during these trying times.
My college has a lot of Asian international students.

Many of these students are hardworking, and they are some of the smartest people in the class.

It's the ones specifically from China on their wealthy parent's money that gets on my nerves. They use the fact that many teachers don't know Chinese to blatantly cheat during HW and Labs and you can often find one student more hardworking being copied on in groups of 5 or 6. My university went tobacco free this past year, I have no doubt this was in large due to the complaints by staff and students of these people smoking near school buildings and throwing stubs into sidewalks.

(Many people also complain about the fact that they all have fancy sports cars but honestly I don't find this to be a big deal considering that they do need transportation in a foreign country)

The fact is, these students are giving all people of Asian heritage at my university a bad name. I've been compared to them more than once during my time here, but not only am I Korean, but I'm a U.S citizen.

I've also had the displeasure of having one as my roommate during freshman year and he would loudly play WoW until 3am on his $2000 Alienware laptop with voicechat on just so he could chat with his friends back in China. I should have said something then but being a freshman I was unaware of what steps to take (and I suffered some of the worst grades in the history of my school life).

Not that I don't understand the reason they opt for an American education, in China you can be easily targeted or marked if you're too wealthy or decide to flaunt it. Many parents want a better and or safer educational environment for their kids. Not only that but in East Asia in general, you can still see the prestigious label of studying abroad for an American/European degree immediately increasing personal value for some whatever reason.

But when professors of Engineering are forced to change their point structure and their curriculum due to the overwhelming percentage of cheating and copying in this minority group, there has to be a point when other Asian people need to start calling them out for their actions. It's gotten too severe, and somehow it's worsened the higher level the classes I start taking are. Not to mention that other Chinese international students who don't come from this wealthy background are all lumped together due to the fact that more attention isn't drawn to it.

Sorry just venting about the unpleasant experiences I had.
Did you guys see that dishwasher thread? Growing up, we always had one but never used it, and I feel like that's actually pretty common amongst Asians.

But now I think they're essential. My mom still won't use hers though, even though it's a nice, new one.
Our family has only ever had one and that was when I was still in elementary school. Every house or duplex we've moved to doesn't have a dishwasher.

I've been eating (not necessarily) my pho differently these past few months. I'm only drinking the broth and eating the meats and greens. No fat noodles, no thin noodles. I've exclusively cut off any kind of pho noodles. Something is wrong with me @_@

Pho broth is just sogood.webm though. Chicken or beef broth, yum. Vietnamese, Thai, or Hmong style, yum.


It drives me crazy that so many Asians I know just use it as a dish rack.

One friend has a nice collection of mold growing on his chopsticks since they just sit in there without drying out :\


we've had one in every place we've lived in since i was 10, but never really used it unless we had a party
because fuck washing 20+ dishes + pots + cutlery
It annoys me everytime when I go over to my sister's house and she has both sides of the kitchen sink full of dishes >:[

They don't have a dishwasher and they don't wash their dishes for at least 2 weeks! All the dishes come from my sister, her husband, and their kid. I... I don't understand why they don't wash their dishes after everyone is done eating. Do they eat out daily? Nope. Are they busy? No. They get off of work, pick their kid up, go home, eat and pay off their bills.

When I'm over to drink for the weekend, "fatty can you wash the dishes please?!?!?!" No, I always wash the damn dishes when I come over. I'm not doing them anymore unless I want to. In their case, they should save some money and install a dishwasher for their lazy asses -_-"

Some people..... I just don't know. I just don't know.


It annoys me everytime when I go over to my sister's house and she has both sides of the kitchen sink full of dishes >:[

They don't have a dishwasher and they don't wash their dishes for at least 2 weeks! All the dishes come from my sister, her husband, and their kid. I... I don't understand why they don't wash their dishes after everyone is done eating. Do they eat out daily? Nope. Are they busy? No. They get off of work, pick their kid up, go home, eat and pay off their bills.

When I'm over to drink for the weekend, "fatty can you wash the dishes please?!?!?!" No, I always wash the damn dishes when I come over. I'm not doing them anymore unless I want to. In their case, they should save some money and install a dishwasher for their lazy asses -_-"

Some people..... I just don't know. I just don't know.

all i took away is that they call you "fatty"....ah siblings


i've...never heard that
that sound so weird to me
then again, maybe i was just raised differently? i was always taught to go by the honorifics. Ate/Kuya for my Filipino family, and Nuna/Hyung for my Korean family.
at most, just call their by their names only, but never nicknames like "fatty" lol


A good scour pad plus some decent dishwashing liquid makes dishwashing soooo pleasant!

Then again, the dishwasher saves soooo much water compared to handwashing, but no one in my family believes me. I even have the data to prove it.


The though that dishwashing saves water didn't even cross my simple mind until I had a friend over, incidentally half Asian. I don't mind doing either, then again I think vacuuming isn't so bad too. Time eaters for sure but someone's gotta do it and it feels good at the end c:
I use dishwashers as dish racks.

I also called one of my exes "fathead," because he was a chubby little thing.

Definitely will need a housekeeper when I get my own place. I don't want to wash dishes and shit.
I used to use my dishwasher as a dish rack, too, but that all changed one day, when I got some Finish tablet samples from Sam's Club. The dishwasher just does such a better job than plain old hand-washing. Like, I had this dog bowl that, after years of hand-washing with Dawn Ultra and Dobie pads, I just thought it had a slippery texture by design. Nope. It was grease, and the dishwasher powered through it like nothing. It's especially effective when washing oil out of plastic; what's pretty much impossible by hand is joke easy for a dishwasher.

I have a cousin we still call &#32982;&#22969; (fat little sister) because she was chubby as a baby.

As for cleaning people, I actually do hire some ladies to clean every month or two, and sometimes my nanny will do dishes when she has free time. It's nice, but they aren't as good as a dishwasher at it.
I feel like dishwashers are good when you have a lot of dishes. Otherwise, a normal meal is maybe 5 plates, 2 bowls, and two pots... seems a waste to run a dishwasher for that. We'll see in the future though.

How goes fatherhood? :eek:
Some new dishwashers have half-load settings that use even less water. I've never used it, though, but I just leave mine on Auto, which I assume does load sensing.

Fatherhood is good. It's really good. =)

But it takes up pretty much all of our time, and it makes everything much harder. Even simple stuff, like, say, I want to go to the supermarket and buy something, takes a lot of planning: who's watching the baby? Will he come with us? Are we both going? And so on.


My college has a lot of Asian international students.

Many of these students are hardworking, and they are some of the smartest people in the class.

It's the ones specifically from China on their wealthy parent's money that gets on my nerves. They use the fact that many teachers don't know Chinese to blatantly cheat during HW and Labs and you can often find one student more hardworking being copied on in groups of 5 or 6. My university went tobacco free this past year, I have no doubt this was in large due to the complaints by staff and students of these people smoking near school buildings and throwing stubs into sidewalks.

(Many people also complain about the fact that they all have fancy sports cars but honestly I don't find this to be a big deal considering that they do need transportation in a foreign country)

The fact is, these students are giving all people of Asian heritage at my university a bad name. I've been compared to them more than once during my time here, but not only am I Korean, but I'm a U.S citizen.

I've also had the displeasure of having one as my roommate during freshman year and he would loudly play WoW until 3am on his $2000 Alienware laptop with voicechat on just so he could chat with his friends back in China. I should have said something then but being a freshman I was unaware of what steps to take (and I suffered some of the worst grades in the history of my school life).

Not that I don't understand the reason they opt for an American education, in China you can be easily targeted or marked if you're too wealthy or decide to flaunt it. Many parents want a better and or safer educational environment for their kids. Not only that but in East Asia in general, you can still see the prestigious label of studying abroad for an American/European degree immediately increasing personal value for some whatever reason.

But when professors of Engineering are forced to change their point structure and their curriculum due to the overwhelming percentage of cheating and copying in this minority group, there has to be a point when other Asian people need to start calling them out for their actions. It's gotten too severe, and somehow it's worsened the higher level the classes I start taking are. Not to mention that other Chinese international students who don't come from this wealthy background are all lumped together due to the fact that more attention isn't drawn to it.

Sorry just venting about the unpleasant experiences I had.

Chinese pay big money to go to school abroad. You won't see any changes... They don't even need to cheat really, the schools do all in their power not to fail them. They start failing Chinese students and word will get around, then their cash cow will start to dry up. Money makes the world go 'round.

And yeah you should have said something to your roommate. He probably would have moved into an off campus apartment had you started causing a stink &#128514;


i legit thought you mean a song by YG Entertainment and was like "wait what group?"

also, have any of you actually used a dating app? first time on one and it feels really awkward...
Haha no. YG the American rapper. Surprised it's not getting much traction (not surprised since today was the Presidential debates for 'muricans).

Not used dating apps but know that my best friend uses them. Said that he get's catfished alot :(

If you have any issues, GAF does have their very own dating thread.
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