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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

The all Asians are ASIAN thing is a very interesting concept that really only exists in the Western world. In Asia, I think the divisions are so pronounced that people would be confused by the concept of yellow hating yellow. It'd be like pointing out when a British person criticizes a French person white on white hate.

While the banding together thing sounds plausible, I wonder if the Asian lumping wasn't something Asians came up with on their own, but one that non-Asians forced them into. If anything, I feel like most Asians in America would like to band together as Americans, and it's the non-Asian Americans that are instead lumping us all together as Asian.

I have never experienced any of the abhorrent behavior attributed to mainland Chinese tourists in that thread, but I don't think that the posters there are simply being racist. Insensitive, yea. At least in that they could spend a few more sentences making it clear that they don't think that all Chinese people are savages. I just think they are pointing out a common behavior among a group of people and relating their experiences.

Of course, that's me giving them the benefit of the doubt. Phrases like "fucking mainlanders" definitely make me wince.

Ya, going back to my convo with my cousin, thinking back, I think you may be right. Asians in Asia are so divided amongst nationalities. Cuz I'm mixed, i have been exposed to both sides' prejudices :x Such ridiculous behaviour, to be honest!

And also good points on non-Asians lumping us together ... I mean, interesting thought. Cuz yeah... most of my Asian-Australian friends are quite able to parse the layered identities, but my Australian-Australian friends have this tendency just to assume that as long as we look similarly, we all come under the one Asian monolith... I dont think it's out of anything awful, just lack of exposure to how our original cultures may actually differ by faaaaaaaaaaaaaar

ohhh... that thread sounds toxic :< im glad i didnt go in there, then! wew

Yeah, Chinese mainlanders have such terrible reputation on them and I know how some people are super eager to build into this generalisation because its part of their internal narratives. It's weird.

I've been to China, and yeah, well, some of them werent the most sophisticated people on the planet, but idk. .... generalisations are usually bad, and pushing toxic bias against a very large group of people can't be a sound approach? My opinions.
Hello, Asian-GAF! I've come back with pride! I learned that I'm actually pretty decent with E. Honda in SF2. I actually got a shirt because of the recognition at the SXSW Gaming Expo. XD

It made me happy. I love playing against strangers. It's honestly the best experience to have. :)

did she get permabanned or just temp banned?

This is something that I'm wondering about as well.
And also good points on non-Asians lumping us together ... I mean, interesting thought. Cuz yeah... most of my Asian-Australian friends are quite able to parse the layered identities, but my Australian-Australian friends have this tendency just to assume that as long as we look similarly, we all come under the one Asian monolith... I dont think it's out of anything awful, just lack of exposure to how our original cultures may actually differ by faaaaaaaaaaaaaar

I grew up around a few different Asian ethnicities, and we all pretty much acted white/American. I definitely grouped us all under the ASIAN term. It's only as an adult that I have begun to see stark differences between the Asian ethnicities. In my experience, this is mainly due to many adult Asians being more in touch with their "roots" or at least being more expressive about it.

Another thought that occurred to me is that even though we can call all Europeans EUROPEAN, it feels more natural to be more specific and call someone French, English, German, etc. And it's easy to point out things that are specific to each country, such as baguettes for France, beer for Germany, etc. But for Asians it's easier to forget who and what belong to which country. I mean, even though I am Chinese I thought Ramen was Chinese until I got to college. Same thing with Karate.

I think this is probably due to the fact that specific Asian cultures don't get a lot of exposure in school and the media. I hope Fresh Off Boat dives into specifics and talks about Taiwanese vs Chinese. I think they already did a joke where one of the white kids assumed Eddie was Japanese, and it was pretty funny.

ohhh... that thread sounds toxic :< im glad i didnt go in there, then! wew

Yeah, Chinese mainlanders have such terrible reputation on them and I know how some people are super eager to build into this generalisation because its part of their internal narratives. It's weird.

I've been to China, and yeah, well, some of them werent the most sophisticated people on the planet, but idk. .... generalisations are usually bad, and pushing toxic bias against a very large group of people can't be a sound approach? My opinions.

I'm sure that some people use these examples to build up internal narratives, but I'm sure others believe the same thing you do. They just speak bluntly and aren't very PC. I definitely know a lot of Chinese people that have said critical things about mainlanders, but they don't mean to condemn all of them. Just a sizable subset that is unfortunately painting an unflattering picture.
Yeah, Chinese mainlanders have such terrible reputation on them and I know how some people are super eager to build into this generalisation because its part of their internal narratives. It's weird.

I've been to China, and yeah, well, some of them werent the most sophisticated people on the planet, but idk. .... generalisations are usually bad, and pushing toxic bias against a very large group of people can't be a sound approach? My opinions.
Personally, I consider it a product of their government. The uprising of the lower class with the Communist Revolution pretty much displaced all the upper and middle classes and forced them out of the country, so the former peasants found themselves in power and became nouveau riche--money and power with no status--bringing with them their former mannerisms and values. With the new rise of capitalism and the corrupt government, I think we are seeing a new wave of this. This time, though, thanks to globalization, their newfound wealth gives them the ability to travel the world and annoy people of other cultures, who either hate them already or are not used to them.

Hello, Asian-GAF! I've come back with pride! I learned that I'm actually pretty decent with E. Honda in SF2. I actually got a shirt because of the recognition at the SXSW Gaming Expo. XD

It made me happy. I love playing against strangers. It's honestly the best experience to have. :)
Congrats! I actually prefer charge characters, myself, as well!
I grew up around a few different Asian ethnicities, and we all pretty much acted white/American. I definitely grouped us all under the ASIAN term. It's only as an adult that I have begun to see stark differences between the Asian ethnicities. In my experience, this is mainly due to many adult Asians being more in touch with their "roots" or at least being more expressive about it.

Another thought that occurred to me is that even though we can call all Europeans EUROPEAN, it feels more natural to be more specific and call someone French, English, German, etc. And it's easy to point out things that are specific to each country, such as baguettes for France, beer for Germany, etc. But for Asians it's easier to forget who and what belong to which country. I mean, even though I am Chinese I thought Ramen was Chinese until I got to college. Same thing with Karate.

I think this is probably due to the fact that specific Asian cultures don't get a lot of exposure in school and the media. I hope Fresh Off Boat dives into specifics and talks about Taiwanese vs Chinese. I think they already did a joke where one of the white kids assumed Eddie was Japanese, and it was pretty funny.

I'm sure that some people use these examples to build up internal narratives, but I'm sure others believe the same thing you do. They just speak bluntly and aren't very PC. I definitely know a lot of Chinese people that have said critical things about mainlanders, but they don't mean to condemn all of them. Just a sizable subset that is unfortunately painting an unflattering picture.

XD you so cute with the confusion over ramen / karate thing XD

I grew up in Japan so... I guess my experience is a bit different than you guys who are basically Americans/Canadians/Australians :<

Sometimes I feel like I miss out :<<<<<<<<<<

(specially on the accent front :<<<<<<<<<<)

Oh yea, definitely. One of my HK friend is VERY critical against mainlanders and is always portraying them as filthy / rude / in general bad people. I mean, sure some of his experiences with them are valid and was unfortunate but he sort of have this habit of compartmentalizing the people he already okayed as friends as "these are the mainlanders who are the exception" against his other internal narrative of "those fucking mainlanders"


It has created some tension, since one of our new friends is a recent immigrant from Shanghai.


Kinda funny, actually, now that I think about it XD;;;;

Edit: Septimus, yea. I agree on the govt thing. I think you are right. There is that time-lag factor as a nation transition under one mode of governance to another. Maybe in a few years / decades, there will be massive changes, in terms of sophistication and education and cultural shift, in China.
XD you so cute with the confusion over ramen / karate thing XD

Movies like American Ninja and 3 Ninjas didn't help. White people can do kung fu? That leaves me with nothing!

Also, I'm pretty sure I thought ramen was Chinese because I lived off of instant ramen packets.

I grew up in Japan so... I guess my experience is a bit different than you guys who are basically Americans/Canadians/Australians :<

Sometimes I feel like I miss out :<<<<<<<<<<

(specially on the accent front :<<<<<<<<<<)

Does this mean you speak with a Japanese accent? I find them quite adorable! I sound like a robot.

Oh yea, definitely. One of my HK friend is VERY critical against mainlanders and is always portraying them as filthy / rude / in general bad people. I mean, sure some of his experiences with them are valid and was unfortunate but he sort of have this habit of compartmentalizing the people he already okayed as friends as "these are the mainlanders who are the exception" against his other internal narrative of "those fucking mainlanders"


It has created some tension, since one of our new friends is a recent immigrant from Shanghai.


Kinda funny, actually, now that I think about it XD;;;;

Now this, this sounds like a problem. I mean, it's one thing to acknowledge the whole mainlander thing as a prevalent behavior, but to actively brand everyone because of it is terrible. And then saying exceptions are "one of the good ones" kind of turns my stomach. Funnily enough, I've found that percentage-wise Chinese people (and maybe other Asians too?) have been more prejudiced (or more comfortable expressing prejudice) than white people. And it's usually against other Asian people.

At the very least it seems like the Chinese people I've met are more comfortable making statements that could be construed as prejudiced. It might also be that they are used to a more blunt way of speaking.
Movies like American Ninja and 3 Ninjas didn't help. White people can do kung fu? That leaves me with nothing!

Also, I'm pretty sure I thought ramen was Chinese because I lived off of instant ramen packets.

Does this mean you speak with a Japanese accent? I find them quite adorable! I sound like a robot.

Now this, this sounds like a problem. I mean, it's one thing to acknowledge the whole mainlander thing as a prevalent behavior, but to actively brand everyone because of it is terrible. And then saying exceptions are "one of the good ones" kind of turns my stomach. Funnily enough, I've found that percentage-wise Chinese people (and maybe other Asians too?) have been more prejudiced (or more comfortable expressing prejudice) than white people. And it's usually against other Asian people.

At the very least it seems like the Chinese people I've met are more comfortable making statements that could be construed as prejudiced. It might also be that they are used to a more blunt way of speaking.

oh man, those ramen packets *____* they be life saver \o/

ive recently started to develop preference for the korean brands though XD the spicy one is yum :9

oh yea, i have a thick asian accent, and it is the MOST horrid accent you can ever imagine cuz it's a mixture between Australian/Japanese/Cantonese accents .... sometimes i listen to my own voicemail recording message and I .... I CRINGE


waaaaaaaaaaaaah *flails*

Yeah, he's a bit of a problem child :x But he often defends himself by reiterating his bad experiences with mainlanders. Like I said, I'm not disputing that he had an awful time with some of Chinese mainlanders in the past, but yea.... He really get overboard sometimes !

But ya, I agree with you, some Asians are .... sort of .... easy / off-the-handles when they make disparaging remarks about other Asian ethnicities.
oh man, those ramen packets *____* they be life saver \o/

ive recently started to develop preference for the korean brands though XD the spicy one is yum :9

For the longest time I thought the only ramen flavors were chicken, beef, and shrimp (Oriental sucks). And then I discovered true packaged ramen and was forever changed.

oh yea, i have a thick asian accent, and it is the MOST horrid accent you can ever imagine cuz it's a mixture between Australian/Japanese/Cantonese accents .... sometimes i listen to my own voicemail recording message and I .... I CRINGE


waaaaaaaaaaaaah *flails*

Australian/Japanese/Cantonese accent? At least you're unique!

Yeah, he's a bit of a problem child :x But he often defends himself by reiterating his bad experiences with mainlanders. Like I said, I'm not disputing that he had an awful time with some of Chinese mainlanders in the past, but yea.... He really get overboard sometimes !

But ya, I agree with you, some Asians are .... sort of .... easy / off-the-handles when they make disparaging remarks about other Asian ethnicities.

Ugh, this is why people can't have nice things. It'd be like me saying all HK girls are stuck up snobs because I've known a few! Why can't we all just be united (in our love of food)?
For the longest time I thought the only ramen flavors were chicken, beef, and shrimp (Oriental sucks). And then I discovered true packaged ramen and was forever changed.

Australian/Japanese/Cantonese accent? At least you're unique!

Ugh, this is why people can't have nice things. It'd be like me saying all HK girls are stuck up snobs because I've known a few! Why can't we all just be united (in our love of food)?



Speaking of food! I recently was taken by a friend, he's Malaysian-Australian, to a Satay bar and boy what the hell, so much delicious!!!!!!!!!


We had lamb satay skewers and chicken ones, and the chicken ones came in variety of the chicken bits and the roasted chicken skin bits .... and gosh. That shit is criminal.


I didnt take picz though cuz my phone was low batt :< I failed you AsianGAF ;____;
For the longest time I thought the only ramen flavors were chicken, beef, and shrimp (Oriental sucks). And then I discovered true packaged ramen and was forever changed.

Speaking of... I've eaten this nonsense for the last 4 days in a row because 1) my mom is so busy prepping the house for my brother and his wife's visit she still has not bought anything in 3 weeks (like this guy did not live with us for 20+ years but still needs to try and impress him or something) and B) My dad literally spent all his money, AGAIN, on a 3rd motorcycle, so he actually can't even go get McDonalds at this point... This midlife crisis is some legit bullshit I swear

Anyway, each time I open a Ramen Pack since I was a kid I think... what the fuck is "Oriental flavor...?" I would not eat it if I could but everything else in the house is freaking red meat which I am trying to cut down on @.@
We had lamb satay skewers and chicken ones

I don't like SF4, though. Maybe when SF5 comes out? Unless you're down to go back to 3S.

EDIT: Oh snap, SF2! Yeah, I'm down.

I actually prefer 3S to SF4. Although, I really don't mind ever playing SF4.

But yes, SF2! After having over 100 hundred matches from the expo, it's all that I've been wanting to play. XP

I didnt take picz though cuz my phone was low batt :< I failed you AsianGAF ;____;

You never fail us. :)

Anyway, each time I open a Ramen Pack since I was a kid I think... what the fuck is "Oriental flavor...?" I would not eat it if I could but everything else in the house is freaking red meat which I am trying to cut down on @.@

I still don't understand what that means till this day..
Hello, Asian-GAF! I've come back with pride! I learned that I'm actually pretty decent with E. Honda in SF2. I actually got a shirt because of the recognition at the SXSW Gaming Expo. XD

It made me happy. I love playing against strangers. It's honestly the best experience to have. :)

Just wondering but do you play or watch SF4? There was a big 16 man invitational with some of the best SF4 players in the world competing for 20k at SXSW. I really wished I could have gone, I'm a big fan of SF4. As a player and as a viewer. I loved watching the 16 man invitational over the weekend. It would have been much sweeter to watch it in person.
The shirt that I got for my E. Honda recognition:


Just wondering but do you play or watch SF4? There was a big 16 man invitational with some of the best SF4 players in the world competing for 20k at SXSW. I really wished I could have gone, I'm a big fan of SF4. As a player and as a viewer. I loved watching the 16 man invitational over the weekend. It would have been much sweeter to watch it in person.

I actually do play SF4, but I haven't been able to watch things for a good while due having no internet to watch the streams. : I've been missing out since the beginning of November.

I actually watched the tournament the whole day on day 1. Missed out on the 2nd day, but got to watch mid to end on the final day. It was the hypest thing ever. Having such a huge crowd surrounding you watching the matches was truly an amazing, and memorable experience. :)

Here's a picture of me in a tournament for USF4 at the Expo:

awww batttttyyy <3 you so sweeeeet *______* *hugshugs*

... I also dont quite understand what Oriental flavour means XD

YesNO! &#12542;(*´&#8704;&#65344;*)&#65417; Your hugs are the sweetest! <3 I think I may go diabetic.
I had to, don't judge me. C:

I think we need somebody to solve this mystery! Better yet.. A team! Who's with me!
The all Asians are ASIAN thing is a very interesting concept that really only exists in the Western world. In Asia, I think the divisions are so pronounced that people would be confused by the concept of yellow hating yellow. It'd be like pointing out when a British person criticizes a French person white on white hate.

While the banding together thing sounds plausible, I wonder if the Asian lumping wasn't something Asians came up with on their own, but one that non-Asians forced them into. If anything, I feel like most Asians in America would like to band together as Americans, and it's the non-Asian Americans that are instead lumping us all together as Asian.

I have never experienced any of the abhorrent behavior attributed to mainland Chinese tourists in that thread, but I don't think that the posters there are simply being racist. Insensitive, yea. At least in that they could spend a few more sentences making it clear that they don't think that all Chinese people are savages. I just think they are pointing out a common behavior among a group of people and relating their experiences.

Of course, that's me giving them the benefit of the doubt. Phrases like "fucking mainlanders" definitely make me wince.

I should've clarified it...yellow on yellow meaning non mainlander Chinese on mainlander Chinese (I didn't want to say rhymes with kink on kink)...

My friend put it not so eloquently "if you call yourself Asian, you ain't a real Asian"
Random: I started a little war on Facebook. Lol

All because I put: "People who eat corn dogs with mustard are savages. Savages I tell you!

Ketchup is where it's at."

I had a bunch of family and friends commenting on it. It was all just too funny. It made me sad though because there was 4 people liked ketchup, but they didn't comment.
While I had 8 for Mustard, 1 for Mayo, 1 hot sauce, and 1 for wasabi. Lol
The shirt that I got for my E. Honda recognition:


I actually do play SF4, but I haven't been able to watch things for a good while due having no internet to watch the streams. : I've been missing out since the beginning of November.

I actually watched the tournament the whole day on day 1. Missed out on the 2nd day, but got to watch mid to end on the final day. It was the hypest thing ever. Having such a huge crowd surrounding you watching the matches was truly an amazing, and memorable experience. :)

Here's a picture of me in a tournament for USF4 at the Expo:

YesNO! &#12542;(*´&#8704;&#65344;*)&#65417; Your hugs are the sweetest! <3 I think I may go diabetic.
I had to, don't judge me. C:

I think we need somebody to solve this mystery! Better yet.. A team! Who's with me!

o/ sign me up!
is it that much of a mystery? im sure other people have asked this too? surely?? GOOGLETIEM???

heeeeeeee my hugs are sweet???? you aint been hugged by the bunny, have youuu?????
My Cassius Clay hoodie just came in and this thing is comically small. It is an XL but it fits like a M. There has to be some sort of mistake lol.
o/ sign me up!
is it that much of a mystery? im sure other people have asked this too? surely?? GOOGLETIEM???

heeeeeeee my hugs are sweet???? you aint been hugged by the bunny, have youuu?????

Well, since it is just is two. We need a duo name! How about 'Say Yes to Batty! ...NO.' xD Maybe you should choose. &#9582;(&#9583;&#9661;&#9584;)&#9581;

The answer after some googling:
It has a lot more salt. A lot more salt.
As if it wasn't enough before!

Yesh. SUPAH SWEET!! bunny doesn't love me enough to give hugs! D:
Random: I started a little war on Facebook. Lol

All because I put: "People who eat corn dogs with mustard are savages. Savages I tell you!

Ketchup is where it's at."

I had a bunch of family and friends commenting on it. It was all just too funny. It made me sad though because there was 4 people liked ketchup, but they didn't comment.
While I had 8 for Mustard, 1 for Mayo, 1 hot sauce, and 1 for wasabi. Lol
Confession: I've never eaten a corndog in my life.
Well, since it is just is two. We need a duo name! How about 'Say Yes to Batty! ...NO.' xD Maybe you should choose. &#9582;(&#9583;&#9661;&#9584;)&#9581;

The answer after some googling:
It has a lot more salt. A lot more salt.
As if it wasn't enough before!

Yesh. SUPAH SWEET!! bunny doesn't love me enough to give hugs! D:


im also bad with names ........ im actually drawing blanks except for doubletrouble. which is........ superbad :x :x :x

...... wut?

So "Oriental" = "VERY SALT" ???


izzat a jab at us >:O

also never had corndog :O
Deviling.. Why? ;_;

They are mehhhh.

Sorry TB.
Not sorry. lol

You should try. They are delicious.


I don't mind corn dogs once in awhile.
Wow I guess I better get on that? Haha. I don't think my parents know what they are either tbh. I'm sure they're good tho, so I'll try them out when I get the chance :O


Welcome back, bunny~ o/ That pork belly looks good.

My lunch is uhh.. a turkey sandwich and some herbal tea for my throat.

im also bad with names ........ im actually drawing blanks except for doubletrouble. which is........ superbad :x :x :x

...... wut?

So "Oriental" = "VERY SALT" ???


izzat a jab at us >:O

also never had corndog :O

DoubleTrouble? XD But you must be included as well! How about... USA (United States of Australia) I kid. xP Umm, 'The Artistic Food Destroyers' Yeah. I think I'm going to give up on names name. Lol (´&#65381;_&#65381;`)

It has slight hint of shrimp, and other stuff.. But the majority was a lot more added to it, haha. It still makes no sense even after knowing what it is. xP

Never ever?! :V You must! At least just once!

Is bunny back? Don't get banned again yo. Its not worth it.

^ Don't get banned again. D:

Hey all of my lovely wonderful fellow yellows (and browns, and every other color!). Just got back this morning :p.

I've been catching back up in this thread, too much has gone by for me to respond, but rest assured my wonderful boyfriend has been telling me that there have been some threads in the past couple weeks that I would have gotten banned about. I don't doubt it.

I'll try to behave. No promises though <3.

How have y'all been?! I MISSED ALL OF YOU. YesNo, Bat, Pancakes, Cybit, jason, suzu, etcetcetc.

That reminds me.... my mom made stir fry pork belly yesterday. The skin is sooooo good and chewy. /drool


This shit is the bomb.

bunny!!! Where have you been?! It's been like.. years! Tell me about the life experiences you've gone through!

At least the word try is in there, we can expect something. XD

&#12542;(*´&#8704;&#65344;*)&#65417; We've all missed you!

I've been good lately, I've been doing a lot of things in the past week to keep distracted and have nothing but fun. :) I plan to go to Six Flags tomorrow with one of my closest friends who happens to be Japanese. I miss that guy. :')

(///&#9661;///) That food there... Where can I find it. I want it! It reminds me popcorn, but with meat!

Wow I guess I better get on that? Haha. I don't think my parents know what they are either tbh. I'm sure they're good tho, so I'll try them out when I get the chance :O

Yay! You have to tell us of your experience with corn dog! :D

Corn dogs are overrated.

You're overrated!


add ice cream and bacon.

I don't know how to feel about this.
You guys were right about that thread. I popped in, said one snarky thing, and will be ignoring it. ffs

This is pretty interesting. My parents are Taiwanese immigrants, and though they are Blue Party (so not separatist), they still have a stigma against Mainland China.

TBH I used to be okay with it, but not anymore. I do think that we shouldn't be discriminating against recent immigrants of any kind, and honestly, as Asians, we should try and stick together? Like someone else here said-- we have a bigger voice this way. There are many African countries, but there is one black caucus. What about a yellow caucus?

I mean, wouldn't it be like African immigrants discriminating against black neighborhoods here in the US? One is better off financially, and it leads to a difference in culture/attitude towards education, behavior, etc. I mean, I know it happens-- I had some African friends openly hate on their fellow blacks, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Asian Americans are already such a small minority in so many of our countries (outside of Asia). TBH we probably have more in common with each other than the Asian countries of our origin, but we shouldn't discriminate against them as I think it leads to unconscious discrimination against them here too.

*edit: Though, to be fair, Mainland China does seem to hate queues, just like Americans hate education, exercise, and love obesity and willful ignorance/denial (aka Americans are a bunch of fucking fat slobs!11!). So, I guess we COULD make generalizations about every country, haha.

git outtta here wid your fancy words. we don't take kindly to no uppity city folk round here.

elitist jerk

TBH...I've always just kinda assumed that there's always been a bit of underlying animosity b/t the various "factions" of Chinese people. I dunno how much you guys pay attention to competitive DOTA2, but last year, there was a rumor that Newbee and some other Chinese teams wouldn't scrim against DK, another Chinese team because two of their members weren't considered Chinese (Iceiceice and Mushi- both Malaysians of Chinese descent). I've also seen animosity between HK and Taiwanese as well in my personal experience. There are some stereotypes of HK Cantonese people vs Taiwanese people that I'd rather not get into (a lot of them are interchangeable too). I'd imagine even within the mainland...there's plenty of cultural division within their own as well. Ok now I'm rambling like the old man that I am...but basically what I know is this....Han Chinese isn't homogenous and for all our cultural emphasis in &#22296;&#32080;&#23601;&#26159;&#21147;&#37327; (unity is strength- Traditional FTW)...we as Chinese are still very petty towards our own.
This is pretty interesting. My parents are Taiwanese immigrants, and though they are Blue Party (so not separatist), they still have a stigma against Mainland China.

TBH I used to be okay with it, but not anymore. I do think that we shouldn't be discriminating against recent immigrants of any kind, and honestly, as Asians, we should try and stick together? Like someone else here said-- we have a bigger voice this way. There are many African countries, but there is one black caucus. What about a yellow caucus?

I mean, wouldn't it be like African immigrants discriminating against black neighborhoods here in the US? One is better off financially, and it leads to a difference in culture/attitude towards education, behavior, etc. I mean, I know it happens-- I had some African friends openly hate on their fellow blacks, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Asian Americans are already such a small minority in so many of our countries (outside of Asia). TBH we probably have more in common with each other than the Asian countries of our origin, but we shouldn't discriminate against them as I think it leads to unconscious discrimination against them here too.
I agree that we shouldn't generalize certain countries or classifications of ethnic Chinese; however, I don't agree that we should stick together on the basis that we originate from the same continent. I think that kind of stance, ironically, generalizes us and undermines our differences, encouraging others to view us as one homogeneous group. Just because we're a minority doesn't mean we shouldn't differentiate ourselves, though quite commonly that distinction twists into hateful, generalized discrimination against one specific group. At that point, in someone's attempt at differentiating groups, that individual fails to differentiate between specific persons of said groups, which is no different from blind and ignorant hate.

Having said that, I don't believe any individual should be impervious to criticism, new immigrants included. If you don't learn to adapt to your new environment, I believe locals have a right to scrutinize you (but only on an individual level, not at a group level), especially if you're not apologetic about whatever you did wrong. I'll not stick together with individuals whose beliefs clash with mine, regardless of whether they're Asian-American/Canadian or not. There's no point in having a louder voice if these voices don't agree among themselves and shout different things.

Tl;dr hate on and associate with the individual, not the group
TBH...I've always just kinda assumed that there's always been a bit of underlying animosity b/t the various "factions" of Chinese people. I dunno how much you guys pay attention to competitive DOTA2, but last year, there was a rumor that Newbee and some other Chinese teams wouldn't scrim against DK, another Chinese team because two of their members weren't considered Chinese (Iceiceice and Mushi- both Malaysians of Chinese descent). I've also seen animosity between HK and Taiwanese as well in my personal experience. There are some stereotypes of HK Cantonese people vs Taiwanese people that I'd rather not get into (a lot of them are interchangeable too). I'd imagine even within the mainland...there's plenty of cultural division within their own as well. Ok now I'm rambling like the old man that I am...but basically what I know is this....Han Chinese isn't homogenous and for all our cultural emphasis in &#22296;&#32080;&#23601;&#26159;&#21147;&#37327; (unity is strength- Traditional FTW)...we as Chinese are still very petty towards our own.
There's a lot of inter-group tensions between ethnic Chinese that emigrated to different countries, but there's also a lot of racial tensions within those countries, where the Chinese immigrants came in and displaced the ethnic locals. Taiwan, for example, has conflict between the ethnic Taiwanese and Chiang Kai-Shek's people, where the basically represent opposing political parties. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, there's a huge class gap between the Chinese Filipinos and the ethnic Filipinos, and the former will self-identify as Chinese while calling the ethnic locals Filipinos, even though Chinese from other regions will call them Filipino.

I agree that we shouldn't generalize certain countries or classifications of ethnic Chinese; however, I don't agree that we should stick together on the basis that we originate from the same continent.
^- The sticking together is more of a public appearance for show, tbh.
I'm curious if these are influenced by where you live. I have no idea where you are, MissDeviling, but I know that BSB lives in/around Irvine, which is a huge population center for young Asian-Americans. Irvine is weird because it's so ethnically diverse but culturally homogeneous (which I think is the case because everyone there is young, most likely born and bred in the US, and as such have weaker cultural ties to their ethnic home countries), and I wonder if that is the reason BSB advocates standing as one unified "Asian" voice against the seemingly unified sentiment that it's okay to racially discriminate against Asians.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, it probably makes more sense to try to assimilate with the larger group in general, instead of being the minority group that sticks out and needs to be hammered down. Or maybe you're in an area that is heavily Asian but culturally diverse, such that you don't feel like you should have to belong to certain groups solely due to the superficial similarities those groups' members have with you.
I'm curious if these are influenced by where you live. I have no idea where you are, MissDeviling, but I know that BSB lives in/around Irvine, which is a huge population center for young Asian-Americans. Irvine is weird because it's so ethnically diverse but culturally homogeneous (which I think is the case because everyone there is young, most likely born and bred in the US, and as such have weaker cultural ties to their ethnic home countries), and I wonder if that is the reason BSB advocates standing as one unified "Asian" voice against the seemingly unified sentiment that it's okay to racially discriminate against Asians.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, it probably makes more sense to try to assimilate with the larger group in general, instead of being the minority group that sticks out and needs to be hammered down. Or maybe you're in an area that is heavily Asian but culturally diverse, such that you don't feel like you should have to belong to certain groups solely due to the superficial similarities those groups' members have with you.

I live in Markham, Ontario, which is filled to the brim with both East and South Asians, though culturally it's quite heterogeneous. Yeah, you have some who grew up or were born here and are more assimilated to Canadian culture, but many people I know distinguish quite clearly between themselves and other groups. They still mingle with those that are outside their own groups, but the differences are, at least to me, very apparent. It could be the whole America vs Canada thing, where the former's a melting pot and the latter's a mosaic, hence the difference in views.

As for criticism between Asian groups, I don't see a problem so long as it's not generalization of an entire group.

Heh. I know this is a joke but whenever it came down to fitting in, it was always a weird thing for me and it still kinda is. My mom is Korean but she really wanted me to fit in with the American kids. So while I still ate Korean food, and she was your typical Asian mom, I didn't really learn a lot about Korean culture. Didn't learn the language or customs. She didn't want me to be an outcast, which I fully understand where she is coming from.

So it can be a bit weird for me. I've never visited Korea and I still want to. I can relate to both Americans and Koreans but at the same time, there are issues where I just shrug and go along my business.
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