And this derivative non-relevant age insult is productive how? Crossing Eden has played the game and chose to violate his NDA. Not my problem.
Doesn't make you any less of an ass
And this derivative non-relevant age insult is productive how? Crossing Eden has played the game and chose to violate his NDA. Not my problem.
You should send me what you really want to say. Via PM.![]()
Photo Mode does not make everything look like shit.
And these are super compressed not even usb grabs.
You willingly sent sensitive information to someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Oops.
I'm free to release it as it was sent to me.
You willingly sent sensitive information to someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Oops.
I'm free to release it as it was sent to me.
You willingly sent sensitive information to someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Oops.
I'm free to release it as it was sent to me.
I'm not a bad person at all actually. And yea regarding the bolded, that's exactly what I said out loud. And I can understand the anger considering Watch Dogs, however, I can not understand some of the criticisms, like it having an extreme downgrade or looking like launch title.You know, it seems like you aren't a bad guy at all but Ubisoft really dropped the ball with this title. It's made for one of the biggest and longest dicussions in GAF this year and what's funny is that they wanted to avoid them. I guess we'll finally be able to discuss the game properly when it's available for everyone, right now the only source we have are those screenshots and to be honest, they aren't helping the game, maybe wait until it's available and see if people's opinion changes?
I probably won't be getting it as soon as it releases, AC3 really burned me off the series and I picked AC4 because a friend offered it for a good price.
Anyway, the guy who posted a pic of a PM you sent him... wow that surely was in poor taste.
He doesn't just say "it's fun." He goes into specifics like stealth and the way the controls feel. It's a 60 page thread on a french forum, it's hard to keep up when you don't speak French. ._.is that literally what he says? because that's just a whole lot of nothing. although i guess i can't be surprised that he doesn't care to give any details if he just uploads a gameplay video to facebook
Those are also 1080p games.
And wtf at Marcel. Why do some people have so much hate?
I'm not a bad person at all actually. And yea regarding the bolded, that's exactly what I said out loud. And I can understand the anger considering Watch Dogs, however, I can not understand some of the criticisms, like it having an extreme downgrade or looking like launch title.
He doesn't just say "it's fun." He goes into specifics like stealth and the way the controls feel. It's a 60 page thread on a french forum, it's hard to keep up when you don't speak French. ._.
When I saw a test build being played live at Gamescom it perhaps didn't look as polished as the trailers but still looked mighty fine in motion. The only obviously noticable 'downgrade' was that it didn't look as sharp as the trailers, somewhat blurry textures and such, which seems to be even more obvious in the final console versions judging by the leaked screens being discussed here. People pointing that out are probably right, especially with the PS4 version being just 900p.
But, even as somewhat of a graphics whore with an high-end PC that's all I noticed. Everything else looked fantastic, so I highly doubt this is going to be another Watch_Dogs. Well, at least not on PC (which I guess is what the Gamescom build was shown on and even then it was just a demo of course).
I played the game for about 20 minutes today at the gaming event Comic Con Gamex in Sweden and it was horrible. The build was obviously from a while back but stil. The game went between 28-20 fps pretty much all the time. It was a lag fest! The anti aliasing was non existent and the textures was popping and lockin like there was no tomorrow. Also the textures on pretty much everything looked really poor. Overall it feels like they have thrown way to many NPCs and stuff overall into the enivorment. The trees were take from hell and looked like shit aswell. Sure they can fix the fps for the final build but I still looks very underwhelming and what I played, flat out like a last gen game except for the lightning and shadows. But those are also way overused.
I've played all the AC games for home consoles but after Watch Dogs and getting Far Cry 3.5 (copy pasta) I just can't get excited for a Ubisoft game again. The formula is getting old. I'll stick to GTA V this winter along with Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
You willingly sent sensitive information to someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Oops.
I'm free to release it as it was sent to me.
Yes, and? 1080p should be the new standard. It's an Ubisoft choice to deliver a 900p(arity) game.
Well if the game turns out to be crap i'll be very disappointed. But that's quite unlikely from what i've seen. I don't like crap games or play crap games with a big smile on my face.So if the game turns out to look like crap you will accept it does?
Then why would we use it to determine how much the share button ruins images in comparison to a 900p game?
It could be other builds but I'm quite picky with graphics. I aint part of the master race, even though I was raised on a PC. But overall It looked bad imo. We probably have different standards aswell.who do i believe?
who do i believe?
Man, only thing I'm seeing Ubisoft doing is exposing how insane some people are lol. In a way I think all threads about resolutions and what not tend to do that.
You're better than this, you know damn well those images aren't bad because of the share button.
I don't have any confirmation but were you playing the xb1 build? Because if you were it's very likely that it's the same build that was played a month ago by journalists which also had issues.It could be other builds but I'm quite picky with graphics. I aint part of the master race, even though I was raised on a PC. But overall It looked bad imo. We probably have different standards aswell.
I'm not a bad person at all actually. And yea regarding the bolded, that's exactly what I said out loud. And I can understand the anger considering Watch Dogs, however, I can not understand some of the criticisms, like it having an extreme downgrade or looking like launch title.
He doesn't just say "it's fun." He goes into specifics like stealth and the way the controls feel. It's a 60 page thread on a french forum, it's hard to keep up when you don't speak French. ._.
Like for instance this post, warning direct translation.
level gameplay is better than previous ones. Climb down and it's much better . Current through the houses to escape it's great . The play also infiltration .
Yet the story is good, the missions are fun and exciting story. The fighting is in my opinion ... easier! I fought against five guards and I found it easy. It's weird ...
He doesn't just say "it's fun." He goes into specifics like stealth and the way the controls feel. It's a 60 page thread on a french forum, it's hard to keep up when you don't speak French. ._.
Like for instance this post, warning direct translation.
level gameplay is better than previous ones. Climb down and it's much better . Current through the houses to escape it's great . The play also infiltration .
Yet the story is good, the missions are fun and exciting story. The fighting is in my opinion ... easier! I fought against five guards and I found it easy. It's weird ...
This is a terrible way to defend a shitty looking product. It's not the hardware's fault they consistently downgrade their games from their initial reveal. It's Ubisoft's.
So posting PM's in the wild is a-ok, like non-ban worthy? Serious question.
My opinion = What an unbelievable shit move. /derail of thread
I think i participated in some pretty esoteric videogame discussions over the years, yet i still feel somewhat alienated, by whatever the fuck is going on in this thread (and correlated ones).
The whole discussion surrounding this game, really.
Fun to see unfold though, like a trainwreck, but with no victims.
I've done it before, for the record.
I've done it before, for the record.
I think i participated in some pretty esoteric videogame discussions over the years, yet i still feel somewhat alienated, by whatever the fuck is going on in this thread (and correlated ones).
The whole discussion surrounding this game, really.
Fun to see unfold though, like a trainwreck, but with no victims.
Like that is something to brag about...WTF is wrong with you? Seriously...not cool.
Just to add some balance for the pressure the deploment team must be under at unit... I really appreciate all the hard work that the whole unity team has put in.
I'm sure ubi forced the parity and that is part of why everything is getting so nasty, I think part of gaf believes if they get salty enough ubi might give us a 1080p ps4 unity. But I don't think it's going to happen.
Unity is going to be awesome and I dont think a lot of people here realise that some of these comments must be crushing hard working devs that have given their all over the years. Ubi despite their flaws and cock ups still made this a next gen only game. They did this, despite the massive risk assosited that no multiplat, 3rd party game dev has had the balls to do so far (correct me if I'm wrong - I think this statement is true though). It might not be the looker we wanted, but I actually believe that the new mechanics are going to be worth the graphical hit. It's bold move and I wish them the best. I will not pass judgement until I have it in my hands.
I think people have reacted this bad because of all the bullshit pr that Ubi have done. It all started with them not wanting a debate and stuff.
No, but it's easy to laugh at people who keep buying into the pre release hype bullshit. It's the same story with the same games from the same companies over and over.
Like that is something to brag about...WTF is wrong with you? Seriously...not cool.
What seems to be the problem here?
Unless there's some rule Marcel's violating, why does it matter?
I learned along time ago not to believe Ubisoft about anything, you would think other people would too. Well that and I like to use God Hand as an example as a game that looks absolutely terrible, even at the time.
Who knew the game would be so damn fun though? Now I am not comparing the gameplay in both games but I could see the co-op as well as different timelines missions + story could provide pretty fun times.
Ubisoft are in a real lose/lose situation here aren't they?
Doubt they can patch the PS4 version if they agreed parity with Microsoft.[/b[
Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean it's not extremely immoral.
But none of us have the power to do anything about it, so I agree, we should move on.
Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean it's not extremely immoral.
But none of us have the power to do anything about it, so I agree, we should move on.