
Destructoid: 9/10
COG connected: 91/100Whatever criticism you can throw at Astral Chain, you can't say it isn't unique. In the first few hours, I was all over the place when it came to an assessment, as it can take some time to really turn it up. But when it does it just clicks, and I don't want to stop playing it.
Game Informer: 9/10Astral Chain is an excellent action game that uses the Switch’s unique hardware in creative ways. It fits handsomely in PlatinumGames’ excellent catalog and should satisfy anyone who likes Japanese action RPGs, or third-person action games. It is a wholly satisfying experience.
GameSpot: 8/10Astral Chain is fun from start to finish, and gives the player plenty to chew on in terms of side missions and post-game content
Twinfinite: 4.5/5Nintendo Switch exclusive Astral Chain elevates the stylish action genre with an inventive, gratifying combat system and an unrelenting sense of style
USgamer: 4/5Astral Chain could is one of the best games on Nintendo Switch, period. PlatinumGames has proved, once again, that no one does stylish action games better, and I sincerely hope we get to return to the Ark again someday.
TheSixthAxis: 8/10Astral Chain is the directorial debut of Nier Automata designer Takahisa Taura, and it proves that he's a creator worth paying attention to. Part melodramatic anime, part overly complicated Tamagotchi, it's an eminently playable action role-playing game that delivers the pleasure of good teamwork in a way few singleplayer games accomplish. Building on action design ideas seeded in Nier, Astral Chain encourages you to bond with your beloved pet cybermonster both on and off the battlefield. Then, it teaches you how to fight as one.
IGN: 9/10Astral Chain boasts the same winning elements of Platinum's finest work – exhilarating combat, characterful visuals, and a compelling story – but it loses a bit of personality. Where Bayonetta and 2B provided an emotional centre point for the fantastical storytelling, Astral Chain's unnecessarily silent protagonist is a charmless creation saved by an utterly charming world.
EuroGamer: EssentialAstral Chain is every bit as awesome as it looks in motion, which is to say it's downright incredible.
MetaCritic: 88Sprawling, varied and constantly stylish, Astral Chain is a very different breed of action game that ranks with Platinum's best.
OpenCritic: Mighty
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