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At least 230 people killed in Brazil nightclub fire

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Didn't someone say that security stopped people from leaving because they wanted them to pay their tabs?

Either way, it's a bit of a reach, but when your first reaction to people running out of a burning building is to stop them... that's all sorts of fucked up.
Most likely a miscommunication.
HOly shit. 200?
So awful. I work in a nightclub and this kinda freaks me out.

This is tragic...

I use to bounce at a club that held about 300 people. We had Danny The Wildchild one night and there were probably 500 people there. Some asshole through tear gas on the middle of the dancefloor and cauaed a massive amount of chaos. I think 8 or 9 people has broken bones and needless to say after the lawsuits the club closed.

We never caught the guy but people said it was a cop who's lady was there with some other dude.


Didn't someone say that security stopped people from leaving because they wanted them to pay their tabs?

Either way, it's a bit of a reach, but when your first reaction to people running out of a burning building is to stop them... that's all sorts of fucked up.

Apparently a few people were blocked at the start but once security realized there was a fire going on everyone was free to go.

I mean it's tragic but I can't completely blame the guys, if someone tries to exit with an unpaid tab saying there's a fire and you're not seeing or smelling anything, it's dodgy, specially since fucking brazilians are always trying to pull shit like that. In some way this shitty culture of always trying to take advantage of things is to blame.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The practice seems fine. You go to a club here, you're often asked for your credit card or something to have a 'tab' that you pay when you leave. Its not much different.

The problem isn't the system, its that security was too damn block-headed to realize how much they were putting people at risk. I doubt the whole place was up in flames and they just cruelly shut the doors on people, asking them to pay while their shirts were on fire or something.

That just sounds like a cause for trouble regardless of how well it has been working in the past, and it is in fact the reason why these people were locked in. The only two exits were locked so that people couldn't get out for free. Had it been any other way, there wouldn't have needed a reason to not just throw both exits open.

So even just looking past the idea of fireworks in a closed club that HAS caused fires many times before in the past, imagine that for any kind of problem that starts a riot in the club, nobody is going to be let out because of this pay to leave thing.

Looking at the pictures, the flames even made it to the front door and charred the entire flame, right up to the sign on the front of the club. I'm not sure, but it looks like the door was locked till the fire department came.


Nightclubs might become a new phobia of mine, dying this way is so fucked up and dumb at the same time.

The people that died aren't dumb of course, but the idea of using fireworks or pyrotechnics to woo the patrons and then fires breaking out is one of the most idiotic causes of death ever. I feel really bad for the people that probably got trampled and then smothered to death.

Terrible on every front.


Apparently a few people were blocked at the start but once security realized there was a fire going on everyone was free to go.

I mean it's tragic but I can't completely blame the guys, if someone tries to exit with an unpaid tab saying there's a fire and you're not seeing or smelling anything, it's dodgy, specially since fucking brazilians are always trying to pull shit like that. In some way this shitty culture of always trying to take advantage of things is to blame.

Those security guards are guilty of mass murder. Period. They should be treated as mass murderers.
Jesus Christ this is horrible. :(

I don't even know what to say... I just hope the responsibles for this tragedy get locked for the rest of their lives.


The place had only ONE DOOR. Entry/exit. Some people survived because they escaped before the security closed the doors, others escaped because they ran through a second door used by people to go to the street to smoke. But it was closed shortly after too.


Pictures (nothing graphic) http://zerohora.clicrbs.com.br/rs/f...a-maria-deixa-pelo-menos-90-mortos-35067.html
Yo you should put a NSFW next to that link for the photos since it contains dead bodies.

Also fuck the owners/bouncers for this. I hope they go to jail for murdering 230ish innocent people who just wanted to have a good time.


Also fuck the owners/bouncers for this. I hope they go to jail for murdering 230ish innocent people who just wanted to have a good time.

just read the wiki about the Station Club fire after watching that video. 100 dead, the club owners were sentenced to "15 years in prison, with four to serve and 11 years suspended, plus three years probation" in 2006 and released in 2009. And that happened in the US


My God they are saying the security closed all the exits in fears of people not paying.

The firefighters said there where pile of corpses in the exits.
What the fuck. Lock them up.

EDIT: Ok, so they opened them eventually. They should seriously rethink pay on exit.

Fireworks inside a building? chained doors? corpses at the entrance? one exit?

Whoever runs that place has alot of blood on their hands.
Yes they damn well do.


Funny thing: the most popular nightclub in the city I live in is called "Empório Santa Maria" (translated as Santa Maria's Emporium).

But yeah, tragic :/
I am so sad right now, my God. RIP

They probably entered the wrong door, or were trying to find an exit that was not locked. :/
CNN said that people thought that they could use the water in the bathroom for protection from the fire. But instead ended up dying of suffocation. :(


300chf ain't shit to me
Very very sad. If I ever saw pyrotechnics being used inside a club, I would leave immediately. Fireworks indoors is just a recipe for disaster.
if you're afraid of watching the video but you have an untameable curiosity:

it's 1 minute video showing dozens of dead people on the floor being carried away in stretchers
It's not graphic or anything but it's still so sad. They look so alive, like they are just resting. What a horrible tragedy.


You may not be aware of how the country works.

No matter how pretty a façade Brazil gives to the world, or how rich some (very limited) parts of it are, the general mentalities in this place are still stuck pretty firmly in third world territory, and will stay there for quite a while, as the whole "civism" thing just seems too hard to comply with for most of the populace.

Safety regulations may exist to give the world an impression of civilization, but inspection and enforcement is almost always lax, corrupt or even non-existent, so there is no reason to follow them.
To give foreigners and idea how things work, the municipal agency that gives out permits to places like these probably never went to the place and whoever was supposed to, was bribed.
The firefighters, who are run on a state level, which should have checked its safety standard, most likely had their taxes paid for and didn't care checking it either (or maybe got bribed too).
Corruption and complete disregard for laws and regulation runs high in every level of public and private organization.


It's not graphic or anything but it's still so sad. They look so alive, like they are just resting. What a horrible tragedy.

Yeah, there was a specialist on the tv saying that basically the smoke destroyed them inside, even if they look ok outside. I don't really know how this works but yeah, this is very heartbreaking.
So how did they keep everyone in the building again? I would expect the security at the door to get trampled over along with whoever didn't make it out quick enough.


So how did they keep everyone in the building again? I would expect the security at the door to get trampled over along with whoever didn't make it out quick enough.
This has been overblown I think. The DJ said the bouncers held back for a few seconds until they understood what was going on.
I never understood how night clubs get away with stuffing so many ppl in them. Any one I've been to felt like hell and dangerous. Yet you go to a restaurant and they have clear limits posted of how many ppl are allowed. Fire departments don't care about clubs?

I remember being at a packed game store for a magic tournament and fire marshal came in and hassled the owner since it had too many kids inside and forced him to boot some to outside to play.


This has been overblown I think. The DJ said the bouncers held back for a few seconds until they understood what was going on.

Yeah, I think they just held them back not knowing there was a fire, then let them go once they found out. And they obviously didn't hold them back for long if 90% of the people in the club made it out.


disaster can happen in any club in any country if pyrotechnics get involved. many clubs go over capacity on a nightly basis.

Their permit expired in last August, why no one closed the place? Because this is a 3rd world country. Why did it have a permit with only one exit ANYWAY? Because this is a 3rd world country.


Their permit expired in last August, why no one closed the place? Because this is a 3rd world country. Why did it have a permit with only one exit ANYWAY? Because this is a 3rd world country.

They're not a third world country. The US had a nightclub fire a decade ago that cost the lives of 100 people. It was because of the lax safety regulations on pyrotechnics that lead to the fire.

Brazil is far from a third world country. Stop being ignorant.
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