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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


AusGAF DnD...

Still aiming for a 7pm AEDT start tonight with prep from 5pm. It looks like the party is decided upon already simply by the fact that everyone else is busy:

BananaArnie as Milky Chocolatepants, the Tiefling Wizard;
Doncamatic as Alek Regdar, the Human Barbarian;
HolyCheck as Widget, the Deva Psion;
Kritz as Kritikos, the Dwarf Cleric; and
Rahk as Rahk al Ghul, the Drow Rogue

Chat will be by Mumble as usual, and Kritz is going to see if he can stream his play window as well so that Danoss and anybody else interested can watch.


<Pics and stuff!>

I raise you:

Chips don't matter, when in japan you can get beer at kfc. (Token image I took in Japan of Col Sanders)


I am *nearly* 'finished' another game as well! Probably worthy of all the ones you listed combined, lol.


Becks > Corona, also, fuck my nose.


You kid is cute, so I also post child pic.

As I said last night, I finished Halo:CE Anniversay so I think I can form a reasonable opinion.

Here are the earlier posts on the game.

So, Halo:CE Anniversary early impressions.

As I've mentioned before, I just don't see all the love for Halo. I feel that it's only as popular as it is because there was nothing similar on consoles at the time -- for PC gamers it's nothing special but for console gamers it might be great. I was a PC-only gamer around the time Halo came out. If you look at Metacritic (yeah, yeah), I think it's obvious that compared to Xbox games, it was great, but compared to PC games, just so-so.

I've only just beamed up to the Truth and Reconciliation (do we really need spoiler tags for Halo at this point?) so I'm not far into it. Given the last FPS I've played was MW3, I think I have a good point of comparison between modern shooters and this. Firstly, there are moments early on where it's not obvious at all where to go, both while aboard the Pillar of Autumn and a bit later on the Halo. While I don't want a floating 'Follow', it would be nice to have a little more direction than "we need to find survivors". However, that may have been the point -- you're lost, have no idea where to go and you need to figure it out for yourself. If this is the case, it doesn't succeed very well anyway because it's hardly an open world and after fumbling around for a few moments you'll find your way.

While the open landscapes on the Halo are nice, a lot of the time they're completely wasted as instead of being corridors they're open battlefields connected by corridors (which are likely there only to hide loading sections) -- much of the time you're simply traversing through the battlefields, there's just not a lot of combat early on. The open battlefields though are a nice change from modern whack-a-mole shooters, and the way dropships drop troops in different areas means you're constantly on the move and the battlefield is moving around as well. Obviously once on the ship the open battlefield combat will disappear but it was nice for a little while.

As for the graphics, well, they're nicer than the original Xbox version, but hardly up to scratch with the best looking games on the 360. The Warthog controls terribly, like everything's ice.

Played a bit more of Halo last night. It seems I must have given up aboard the Truth and Reconciliation when I last played on PC because I don't seem to remember anything after you escape from it. Ran into a few of the terminals where it gives you the history of the halos as well. I'm enjoying it more than I did last time but my opinion hasn't really changed.

My opinion hasn't changed. The game switches from open shooter to corridor shooter to survival horror (without having to worry about the survival part) but never really feels as though it excels at any of it. I'd say the Warthog actually controls as though it's a piece of overcooked spaghetti.

Having the game not rely on cover is refreshing if only because the whack-a-mole format feels a bit old. There did feel to be some sections where there were infinite-spawns near the end which was frustrating as the game hadn't shown these earlier.

The most frustrating thing was that the game seemed to promise that this was the end -- really! -- over and over and over. I figured I was 3/4 of the way through so intended to bash the rest out yesterday, and instead ended up spending my whole afternoon finishing it up as I was actually half way through. Just finish the damn thing already!

Actually, the health pack and checkpoint system was pretty bad too. I don't have anything against either individually, but often the game would save seemingly random checkpoints when you're low on health, just before a major fight, and there are no health packs nearby. This leads to some extremely difficult sections that would otherwise not be very difficult.

Come to think of it, the worst thing was the repetitive environments. Everyone complaining about Dragon Age II's repeated environments seems to have forgotten how repetitive this damned game is. The whole second half of the game is retreading back through environments you've already seen. And they're not even the same textures, but the exact same maps, just you're running through them in reverse!

tl;dr: Fun, but I still don't get all the love. It's not a classic, it was the right (actually, only) game at the right time. Thanks again Choc for arranging it.
ah fuck i can't believe you've done this.

meant to watch that never seen it
only seen the piano as far as dickhead polanski goes

Chinatown is (to me) his best work.

mother! sister! mother! sister!

I have started to get into Skyrim. I'm not driven to play it for hours on end to beat it, just playing it to to let it unfold at its own pace. I have got until my trip in early March to get my fill of Skyrim (since ME3 will be out when I return) and that will more or less wrap up all of my 2011 games list unless I get SR3, Rayman Origins or Dead Island uber-cheap somewhere down the track.


Heidi Klum is back on the market!

also NSW has banned non ethnaol fuels and people are whinging.

This is some of the cars that can't take ethanol as an example

Apollo (1/87-7/89), Nova (2/89-7/94), Barina (1985-1994), Drover (1985-1987), Scurry (1985-1986), Astra (1984-1989)

Time to get a new car, 20 years seriously..


except this lot

Impreza WRX STI (1999 to 2005)

That kinda sucks :|
Welcome to the club. 8)
I never got the love, but figured that because I hadn't played all the way through that perhaps I was missing something.

Turns out I wasn't. That or my opinions had already been set in stone and it didn't do enough to change them.

Up to three finished games this year now. Counting Skyrim as finished as after 50 hours I'd decided I'd played it enough and plowed through the main quest. I don't really have any incentive to finish any of the side or main quests as this stage, though I may go back (read: I'll probably never boot it up again).


I never got the love, but figured that because I hadn't played all the way through that perhaps I was missing something.

Turns out I wasn't. That or my opinions had already been set in stone and it didn't do enough to change them.

Up to three finished games this year now. Counting Skyrim as finished as after 50 hours I'd decided I'd played it enough and plowed through the main quest. I don't really have any incentive to finish any of the side or main quests as this stage, though I may go back (read: I'll probably never boot it up again).

Yah, I have no incentive to go back and play Halo in the slightest, nor did it inspire me to pick up any of the others.

As for Skyrim, I can understand why you don't want to continue, but I am such a sucker for games I can just wander around in completing what are largely irrelevant quests in for ages. It certainly is the game time that appeals most to me. I hate to think the number of hours I sunk into Morrowind over the years! :)


I take it that you're offering to pay for the new cars, then?

The government should provide a rebate i agree if they want to ban something, but its probably very, very expensive to maintain a 20 year old car. I don't think they should ban it given no other state is but they are doing it

My 11 year old car was bad enough to keep running with all the stuff that kept going wrong wtih it.


The government should provide a rebate i agree if they want to ban something, but its probably very, very expensive to maintain a 20 year old car.

My 11 year old car was bad enough to keep running with all the stuff that kept going wrong wtih it.

My car is a 1990 MR2 turbo. I don't want to put ethanol fuel in that. Fuck the goverment. ;)


The government should provide a rebate i agree if they want to ban something, but its probably very, very expensive to maintain a 20 year old car. I don't think they should ban it given no other state is but they are doing it

My 11 year old car was bad enough to keep running with all the stuff that kept going wrong wtih it.

What the fuck? This post is mostly readable! What's going on here Choc, are you okay? Post if you are okay.


it may cost more to run and maintain old cars.....

but its more resource intensive and polluting to make new cars rather than using an existing one.


I think it was......in scientific american? I read that 30% of the lifetime carbon footprint of a vehicle is actually getting the car to the customer (ie: manufacturing, distribution etc).

those cash for clunkers programs are actually a sneaky way to help subsidise the manufacturing industry.
Heidi Klum is back on the market!

also NSW has banned non ethnaol fuels and people are whinging.

This is some of the cars that can't take ethanol as an example

Apollo (1/87-7/89), Nova (2/89-7/94), Barina (1985-1994), Drover (1985-1987), Scurry (1985-1986), Astra (1984-1989)

Time to get a new car, 20 years seriously..


except this lot

Impreza WRX STI (1999 to 2005)

That kinda sucks :|

How about every motorbike and boat? That is a pain.

And just because the rest of our cars can take ethanol doesn't mean we should. That low an octane is not recommended for my car (1995) for example.


This is the government that implemented the harshest setbacks for windfarms in the world. They're not doing this "for the environment".


well unfortunately you're going to have to

or buy the premium fuels with 95/96 octane

Fred, NSW is learning the hard way why you should never vote someone in without policies i am sure you agree.

BOF has been one shithouse failure after another so far.

The fact we have police threatning to only respond to major emergencies due to a pay dispute is ridiculous. Capping NSW Police, ambos, firemen etc pay for 3 years to fix up financial fuckups in already the most expensive state, is ridiculous.

Cops can't afford to live in sydney. That is a major problem. If we don't have cops (because they can't live anywhere in sydney) we have problems.



so you agree with freezing the emergency services pay for 3 years?

when you need a cop and they won't come because they are getting fucked up the arse, you might disagree

Two things he has done this year which affect people significantly are

-Removal of Stamp Duty Exemption (although that is not necessarily a bad hting, but a lot of people are pissed off)

-Freezing emergency services pay

None of which he took the election. He had zero policies.

That said i dont think Labor would be better. I think NSW is just in the most fucked up place its been in history. Yes, some of it can be attributed to labor absolutely but BOF hasn't set the world on fire so far.

It used to be when Labor was in power strikes would ensue, now in NSW and Victoria its the liberals causing them.


so you agree with freezing the emergency services pay for 3 years?
Did I say that? Are "party lines" so entrenched in your brain that disagreeing with you about one thing means that I disagree with you about everything? Can't you see how contradictory it is saying he has "no policies" and then going on to criticise his policies?


Did I say that? Are "party lines" so entrenched in your brain that disagreeing with you about one thing means that I disagree with you about everything? Can't you see how contradictory it is saying he has "no policies" and then going on to criticise his policies?

no policies @ the election
a gem by Gambhir :O

bwahahaha, what have we been playing on the last 20 years then
LOL. Might be a better idea to focus on how you perform away from home rather than continuing to put all the emphasis on winning at home. Considering his form this series, as well as the sledging by the beaten Indian players in the field, it is becoming less and less likely they will aim for a win. All good though since they don't need to play a test away for home for another 2 years!

British politeness is tiring.
How about the British accent on sexy women over there, that CANNOT get tiring.

Chips don't matter, when in japan you can get beer at kfc. (Token image I took in Japan of Col Sanders)

I am *nearly* 'finished' another game as well! Probably worthy of all the ones you listed combined, lol.]

Becks > Corona, also, fuck my nose.

You kid is cute, so I also post child pic.

Also I spent like 23 hours on SR3 and at least 20 hours on Arkham City. Probably around 15-20 on AssCreeBro too, even though 90% of it was fucking meaningless GTA style stuff that didn't even give me cheevos or an advantage! Lots of long games came out last year, DE3 was a sizeable game too. With prices getting low and content rising this generation is turning out alright after all the worry about $120 games with 5 hour campaigns.

Also the Corona was free! Becks might even get a purchase this week if they are the $30 slab at GetWines.

Damn your glamour shots!

tl;dr: Fun, but I still don't get all the love. It's not a classic, it was the right (actually, only) game at the right time. Thanks again Choc for arranging it.
Very interested to see if I feel the same way. I remember the opening level on Halo being pretty mindblowing for consoles at the time.

My friend says OKCupid is a bit of alright, but she's... well, female, so that probably skews things massively.
I would expect the difference is she gets paid $5 a week to be on there and a guy has to pay $5 a day to do his search.

LOTR arrived today! I will PM the code through now or when I get home from work if the GF can't find it. SUPER fast postage by GAME!


Everyone that lived in NSW got pamphlets like the one here: http://contractwithnsw.com.au/

Guess what's in there? "No policies" is partisan bullshit Choc, you're better than that.

i didn't get one ;_;

wonder if its because we have no junk mail on our letterbox

see what i did there ;)

nah, but to be fairl. Labor had to go i agree. I just think some of the things he didn't tell us about and has now done is bad./

edit: so they want to hire more frontline police but not pay them more


edit2: im not sure how police not attending things is hyperbole when they have said many many times if the policy isn't reversed thats exactly what they will do


CAMERON WHITE is expected to be officially sacked today in favour of George Bailey as the Twenty20 captain when selectors name a squad for the coming two matches against India in Sydney and Melbourne.


Tasmanian's taking over Australian cricket.


so in test cricket we stick it out and wait till they come good again but in T20 we flick quickly

does not compute

T20 places (and captaincy, dare I say it) are fleeting, just like the significance of the whole T20 concept. Dave Warner aside, I'm struggling to see what T20 has contributed to Australian cricket, and I'm hoping it's a fad that passes quickly.

(yes, I'm a grumpy old-timer - test cricket FTW!)

Congrats to Bailey, though.


you still get monies? D:

with my extended family....once you're not a kid.... you become the giver (also the old folks check how much their kids receive so they can give the EXACT amount back to relatives)


We've given red envelopes in years past, but not this year for some reason. I don't question it. Had plenty of birds nest soup yesterday.

Dude who made it said:
If criticism of Israel becomes entirely synonymous with anti-Semitism, it becomes almost impossible to attempt any kind of reasoned analysis of what is clearly one of the saddest and most intractable conflicts facing the human race today
Seems like a very important point not to forget.

We've given red envelopes in years past, but not this year for some reason. I don't question it. Had plenty of birds nest soup yesterday.
Edible birds nests? What does it taste like.


Edible birds nests? What does it taste like.
Given that it's basically bird vomit, it doesn't taste too bad. There are better things to eat though. Pretty sure it's eaten because it's prestigious and it's prestigious because it's expensive and it's expensive because it's thought to have some bullshit Chinese medicinal effect. It's less offensive than shark fin soup I guess.


you still get monies? D:

with my extended family....once you're not a kid.... you become the giver (also the old folks check how much their kids receive so they can give the EXACT amount back to relatives)
I think you stop getting monies from relatives when you get married or something. Once you're married, then you become the giver, at which point I will be one of those "I grew up here so I'm not really that asian meaning I can be crap and give 5 bucks and feel ok about it" people. lol

Yeah, bird's nest stuff is the saliva that birds use to make their nests. Mad expensive because people scale cliffs to get the stuff. Has absolutely no taste itself, but is apparently good for the skin. Tastes good in dessert broths though. I actually prefer the shark fin soup myself!
I think you stop getting monies from relatives when you get married or something. Once you're married, then you become the giver, at which point I will be one of those "I grew up here so I'm not really that asian meaning I can be crap and give 5 bucks and feel ok about it" people. lol

Yeah, bird's nest stuff is the saliva that birds use to make their nests. Mad expensive because people scale cliffs to get the stuff. Has absolutely no taste itself, but is apparently good for the skin. Tastes good in dessert broths though. I actually prefer the shark fin soup myself!
Marry a kiwi and you can trick them with NZ money!

Also shark fin soup is pretty messed up, not a big greenie but not a fan.

Given that it's basically bird vomit, it doesn't taste too bad. There are better things to eat though. Pretty sure it's eaten because it's prestigious and it's prestigious because it's expensive and it's expensive because it's thought to have some bullshit Chinese medicinal effect. It's less offensive than shark fin soup I guess.
As soon as I read the wiki page I could tell it would be one of those weird delicacies that countries come up with. I would be interested in trying it one day though as I love trying different kinds of soups.
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