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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


well thats interesting

how the heck did i buy a song hmm

let me do what i did last time and see what happens

edit: hmm they fixed the loophole

it used to be if you went to amazon found a song hit buy mp3, it would proceed past the IP/Country check


Amazon MP3 store doesn't work here.

"Please note that AmazonMP3.com is currently only available to US customers."

jambo am cry

Might head over to the JB near my house, the one in the city only had a handful of albums that were all $30, save for The Downward Spiral.


See this is where it gets fucking stupid

at amazon i can buy the CD of music, have it shipped to my house and use it

but digital? fuck no

whats the fucking difference. Man licencing is ridiculous. (and yes i know sony causes this as well)


Maybe you were on a US VPN or something else for work the last time you bought a song.

nah i remembered my loop hole

you had to be logged in. Find the song in amazon.com (not mp3 site) hit buy mp3 and it would skip all the checks


Can you just create a US address in your account and buy MP3s that way? You could with ebooks when I tried last and I also bought Saints Row 3 that way. No VPN was required.
Always good when at the start of your second week of your internship and you're being told you're 2 weeks ahead of time and the feature you're working on will more than likely be going live at the end of next week. Pretty fuckin keeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Sorry for the long delay, weekend and all

Steam ID? N/A
360 Gamertag? peanutbriddle (not much of an online player though)
PS3 thingy? N/A
Twitterer? Noope
Thoughts on SOAP? Sexual Offender Apprehension Program or Snakes on a Plane???
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3? Haven't played the 1st 2 so probably not
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas? I played trouble in paradise for maybe 2 hours all up. I wish Rare would go back to their awesome N64 days
iOS gamer or Android user? Android but not a fan boy
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM? Not a fan
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff? Never played it
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Haven't tried them yet
UGG boots. Do you speak it? I have a pair of Dunlop Volley ugg boots
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. Confirmed just don't ask me to pick a favourite flavour. Actually Samboys tomato sauce flavour would win
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? 3DS
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan? Probably board games
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Yes, yes and only with long hair
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online! no
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club!
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Jalapeño man? No
BACON MAN? Hell yes
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider? Beer
Do you plays the Halos or Duties? Neither really


I just found out Filesonic is now gone too. Fuck, I had so much shit from there on my jdownloader list. It's the beginning of the end guys. I can only imagine Mediafire, Rapidshare, 4shared, Fileserve, whatever the heck you use is next to come.
Its because Bailey is an awesome captain, and will probably bat further down the order. For a few t20s, who really cares though.
His batting is no better than White though, which is the main problem.

My main concern is that it is only 4 matches until the 20/20 world cup and they want to give him his first top level match and put him in as captain? Seems risky.

edit: anyone got gaming podcasts i can listen to online? my ipod is nearly dead and i want to save it for the train ride home.
YouTube and Idle Thumbs have collided to help ease your work day! (as long as your work hasn't banned YouTube like mine)

Batman Vs. TMNT
My main worry is that it will be a MP focused reskin. I loved the first two games but Rocksteady deserve a shot at making their own IP. If they make a killer TMNT game than I will be over the moon but anticipation is high, if they retread too much they will get torn to shreds by anyone who isn't a TMNT fan (don't forget, these things need to sell to make a profit).

Was looking at grabbing some NIN albums. I got The Downward Spiral on my lunchbreak for $9.99 at JB and just downloaded The Slip for free and Ghosts I-IV for $5.

The other MP3 links on the nin website all link to Amazon MP3.
You could just come around to my place and we could sink some beers and discuss how awesome Trent Reznor is.

The best place to find older music is on eBay. I have found tons of old albums that I can't get in our country with shitty music variety now that CD stores just sell fucking DVD's. Even picked up all 3 Full Scale releases for $20 total!

Actually I can't get into my eBay account. Can't even find my ID. Hope I haven't been hacked or something.

Sorry for the long delay, weekend and all

Steam ID? N/A Join up! If you make up a wishlist you may even find people gifting you games all the time. Especially those of us with leftovers from the cheevo hunts. At the very least you will get given all the Half Life games pretty quick!
Thoughts on SOAP? Sexual Offender Apprehension Program or Snakes on a Plane??? You said you don't play Modern Warfare so that makes sense. Otherwise Google Soap is the baddest moutherfarker on the planet (aside from Pimp Price of course)
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Haven't tried them yet Try and grab the cherry ripe ones if they are available! Just melt in your mouth.
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. Confirmed just don't ask me to pick a favourite flavour. Brofiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist! Honey Mustard or Sweet Chili would have to take it. Salt & Vinegar are damn fine too.
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Yes, yes and only with long hair Long hair? You are a lengthist! Plenty of chicks look hot with short hair, although long hair does look incredible most of the time. Short certainly does suit Higgins. Also most indie chicks look best with short-medium length hair.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online! no Why not? It is only $20 for the album of the year!
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! No real avatar January? Only one week to go!
I just found out Filesonic is now gone too. Fuck, I had so much shit from there on my jdownloader list. It's the beginning of the end guys. I can only imagine Mediafire, Rapidshare, 4shared, Fileserve, whatever the heck you use is next to come.

Settle down man. Just a shake up with everyone running scared at what happened to the Megaupload dudes. Same thing happened with torrents. Give it a month or so and more providers will fill the gaps. Cut off the head of the snake and 3 more appear. Fileserve and a few others have also moved out of business.


I just found out Filesonic is now gone too. Fuck, I had so much shit from there on my jdownloader list. It's the beginning of the end guys. I can only imagine Mediafire, Rapidshare, 4shared, Fileserve, whatever the heck you use is next to come.

Just like how torrents are dead...oh right.


Settle down man. Just a shake up with everyone running scared at what happened to the Megaupload dudes. Same thing happened with torrents. Give it a month or so and more providers will fill the gaps. Cut off the head of the snake and 3 more appear. Fileserve and a few others have also moved out of business.
Fileserve is down too?! Alright that's every item on my Jdownloader list gone now lol. Torrents ftw.


rapidshare will still be here

they've already prepared for this years ago (ie: removing rewards program, quick to comply with DMCA requests etc)

plus they've won recent court cases against them.
rapidshare will still be here

they've already prepared for this years ago (ie: removing rewards program, quick to comply with DMCA requests etc)

plus they've won recent court cases against them.

Rapidshare and Mediafire and smart enough to keep ahead of the pace. Everything else though will need to restructure and work out a way to avoid getting into the Megaupload/TPB style mess. Filesonic, Hotfile and Fileserve have just realised that they would be fucked if the FBI stepped in on them at a moments notice. They will most likely start up again with full filesharing, after all that is a huge money earner for them. They may be under a new name or in a new location with a new system but file sharing will not stop until the majority don't NEED them.

As much as I hate (and don't touch) iTunes it is a great example of how to make the system work. Same with Steam. Netflicks et al will come into a greater age of market share once internet speeds and download quotas improve across the globe.

Make it easy to use and price it at a impulse buy level and you will find sales skyrocketing.
Study shows racist views link to car flags
Monday, 23 January 2012

People who fly Australia Day flags on their cars tend to express more racist attitudes than others without flags, according to research findings at The University of Western Australia


My wife and I play punch bogan when we see the australia day flags on cars. Its like spotto except its flags instead of vw beetles
What about those cars with reindeer antlers?!!

I saw two cars still with them on the other day:/

People are morons.

Don't get me started on the aussie flags on cars.

Also, just looked at ticket prices for the Aus open mens final, $325+ and I thought rugby union games were expensive. They are sold out either way though.


Fuck Perth and it's ridiculous weather. Our lowest maximum until at least Sunday (as far as BOM predicts on its site) is 36. Australia day is 40. Gah. I enjoy Summer and all, but this Summer has been shit.


I dunno, I find it pretty silly. Windows 8 will have a tonne of achievements next.

"Successfully hide all your porn"
That's my 900/1000 cheevo right there. Unless it's just a matter of disconnecting my NAS, in which case it'd be easier than The Last Airbender cheevos on 360.

Nope, never used the service before. I kinda figured it wouldn't because of copyright issues, but wanted to check.

Was looking at grabbing some NIN albums. I got The Downward Spiral on my lunchbreak for $9.99 at JB and just downloaded The Slip for free and Ghosts I-IV for $5.

The other MP3 links on the nin website all link to Amazon MP3.
Possible, but it's a right cunt. From memory, I logged into Amazon.com, bought a gift voucher for the exact amount, sent it to an alternate US account, connected to VPN, logged in, bought MP3s, downloaded Amazon MP3 downloader, downloaded, self-flagellated with a cat-o'-nine tails because that was less painful than the experience I had in trying to get music from Amazon.


Settle down man. Just a shake up with everyone running scared at what happened to the Megaupload dudes. Same thing happened with torrents. Give it a month or so and more providers will fill the gaps. Cut off the head of the snake and 3 more appear. Fileserve and a few others have also moved out of business.
Fuck, I remember when Oink was closed. I had such an awesome ratio and BOOM, all gone. Such an awesome site for finding new music, too. Would kill for an equivalent site to pop up, but I think they're all a bitch to get invited to :(

Fileserve is down too?! Alright that's every item on my Jdownloader list gone now lol. Torrents ftw.
Power just went out. :( third world infrastructure ftl.
Fuck, they're cracking down HARD in some areas.


I need some people to submit volunteer to provide me with some Log files from my little Steam Cat application. Basically I have it loading all various pieces of data I require, minus a couple small things, but I need some others to run it and save an xml log file and return it to me for some error / verification purposes.

Also a bit of extra testing doesn't hurt. ;) I have suppressed all the save functions until I am happy with them, so you can't damage your data/steam install etc.

Anyone interested, chuck me a PM.
I need some people to submit volunteer to provide me with some Log files from my little Steam Cat application. Basically I have it loading all various pieces of data I require, minus a couple small things, but I need some others to run it and save an xml log file and return it to me for some error / verification purposes.

Also a bit of extra testing doesn't hurt. ;) I have suppressed all the save functions until I am happy with them, so you can't damage your data/steam install etc.

Anyone interested, chuck me a PM.
Ill submit to the Patent Pending Omitted Steam Catery!
It would help.

Is it just me or are the commentators more biased then usual. They have so many good things to say about hewitt, even though he's getting thrashed.
So turns out RF Armageddon is mundane and repetitive. Only so many Dead Space off cuts I can magnet into a friggin wall before I wonder what is the fucking point. You just trudge on and on and on and on! Fuck the human (mars? I don't know the story is all over the place) race I just want to take a break and maybe shoot some pool or something on Mars. Like Total Recall! Remember that movie you were originally a fantastic rip off of? And blowing holes in walls! Bah, whatever!

It would help.

Is it just me or are the commentators more biased then usual. They have so many good things to say about hewitt, even though he's getting thrashed.

They feel sorry for the poor little guy. He is only a little Aussie battler after all.


shit Hewitt still in it. Well done son. Apparently his injuries are really messed up, one of his toe is meant to be completely black and in constant pain


Just came across this music video. The music isn't my thing, but the video is very cool.

I couldn't think how best to say why you should watch it without ruining it, so I'll past the video description.

"The video tells the story of a group of highschool kids ready for teenage mischief. They break into the local swimming pool intending a session of innocent nightswimming, in an awkward climate of romance and apprehension. What happens next is for you to discover here. NSFW."​

Video link here.

Don't read the spoiler until after you've seen it.

A perfect example of Lovecraftian horror. For any pen and paper RPG players, this is what you're in for if you ever play Call of Cthulhu.


Did anyone watch Dead Zone back when it aired? I just spent 2 days doing a binge-watch.



Happy CNY everyone!
I need some people to submit volunteer to provide me with some Log files from my little Steam Cat application. Basically I have it loading all various pieces of data I require, minus a couple small things, but I need some others to run it and save an xml log file and return it to me for some error / verification purposes.

Also a bit of extra testing doesn't hurt. ;) I have suppressed all the save functions until I am happy with them, so you can't damage your data/steam install etc.

Anyone interested, chuck me a PM.

like that?
picture with Flash standing next to colonel sanders

wtf is happened in that photo

also fred is asian?


but ever so delicious
Since kritz is in town on saturday and my train line is borked and it's 31c, Fuck!

Does anyone in Melb have any bar suggestions for a potential meetup?

Holy do you want to give a melbgaf meetup another shot?
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