Ask me about my Stream Deck
Mod edit: calm down and sleep on it if you need to, PS adamsapple is meirl#384839
Some unnamed mod deleted my posts.
I wasn't insulting or trolling any specific users, just expressing frustration over the type of superficial responses that clog threads anytime there is a female protagonist that isn't appealing for whatever reasons. (I did take a dig at the anonymous mod who deleted my post in a follow up that was also deleted)
I've loved video games for 30+ years and will never stop. To some of you, I say goodbye with regret. There are definitely members here who contribute interesting, thoughtful discussion and content. There are also many trolls, some of which seem to have preferential treatment for some reason or another. I am proud to say that something like 70% of the users on my ignore list have been banned over the years. So it's been a pretty good run. Good luck everyone who is staying and good luck EviLore trying to foster a community.
My one regret is not figuring out which banned account adamsapple originally posted under.
Please burn my account, and to the mod who deleted my posts. Good job /s
Some unnamed mod deleted my posts.
I wasn't insulting or trolling any specific users, just expressing frustration over the type of superficial responses that clog threads anytime there is a female protagonist that isn't appealing for whatever reasons. (I did take a dig at the anonymous mod who deleted my post in a follow up that was also deleted)
I've loved video games for 30+ years and will never stop. To some of you, I say goodbye with regret. There are definitely members here who contribute interesting, thoughtful discussion and content. There are also many trolls, some of which seem to have preferential treatment for some reason or another. I am proud to say that something like 70% of the users on my ignore list have been banned over the years. So it's been a pretty good run. Good luck everyone who is staying and good luck EviLore trying to foster a community.
My one regret is not figuring out which banned account adamsapple originally posted under.
Please burn my account, and to the mod who deleted my posts. Good job /s
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