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Ban request

Wait so what's happening here? Is this some weird internet formality shit I'm not aware of? Like bowing before a duel in darksouls... I'm confused.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Wow, I said the only sane thing on the first page and didn't get any gold.

Fran Healy Reaction GIF by Travis

Dr. Claus

Thread moderation can be so frustrating. I’m not sure exactly when we moved from moderation where you would get a post deleted or a warning or a ban because you outright threatened someone or made racist comments. You know, things that deserve a ban or a post deletion etc to now where you get bans, post deletion, warnings etc for some long list of arbitrary of minor things that someone made up
What are these "arbitary minor things"? I don't remember seeing anyone who was banned or warned for something like being 'offtopic'. Plenty of post deletions though (plenty of my posts too) and that is perfectly fine. Mods have said multiple times that a post deletion is not a warning. Just a slap on the wrist.

The over sensitivity with regards to what you can or can’t say in a discussion forum is slowly killing forums for me. And what makes it worse is that it really isn’t required. No one should give a flying fuck if I say something stupid or *shock horror* slightly OFFTOPIC!!! But this irrational fear of ‘OMG! What you said could *dramatic music * lead to an argument on the internet!!!’…. It can be a real killer and is a serious turn off for me.
The community welcomes actual discussion and debate. The only time I see it quelled is when it's instigated by someone clearly acting in bad faith. Almost always they are console warriors. Trying to debate/converse with a console warrior is like talking to a brick wall, but it's the retarded offspring of two inbred brick walls. It can't be done.

I’m not saying it should be a total free for all. I understand it’s not like the old days and the words we used to use are no longer acceptable. And I’m fine with that. Hell I agree with a lot of it! But what we’re getting now feels like outright speech control to me. And it’s a big turn off. So I completely sympathise with the OP.
What post of yours/posts in general do you feel like you have to "tiptoe" around on GAF?

And fuck me don’t get me started about era. Thread moderation over there is outright bordering on 1984 ffs. I can barely face going in there anymore.
ERA is full of mentally ill cunts. Of course its moderation is shit.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Wait so what's happening here? Is this some weird internet formality shit I'm not aware of? Like bowing before a duel in darksouls... I'm confused.
Just some attention seeking moron who thinks they're, inexplicably, the main protagonist of Gaf - and that their absence, (which in all likelihood wouldn't even be noticed) is for some reason worth announcing to everyone.

Given that most people here are probably 30+, the number of fits people have about being moderated is hilarious.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
damn man I *just* noticed both sircaw and dmck7 are permanently banned at their requests :(

what happened ..


What I've learnt today, how to get free gold.

Have a meltdown and request a ban for everyone to see.

Or beg to be a part off a golden shower.

Just some attention seeking moron who thinks they're, inexplicably, the main protagonist of Gaf - and that their absence, (which in all likelihood wouldn't even be noticed) is for some reason worth announcing to everyone.

Given that most people here are probably 30+, the number of fits people have about being moderated is hilarious.
Yes, this artificial drama is embarrassing.
Instead of that I think it's about time we talk about the real issues plaguing GAF.
Issues like the continued persecution of my people.

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Reseterror Resettler
Thread bump

No re-emergence of OP


Edit: Threads like these are why I love GAF. This place is like console wars, tech analysis, business analysis, LTTP, RTTP, shitposting and random ass threads like this. I also adore the live threads when there are game conferences. I'm a little bit under the influence right now, and having a bad day, but shit, guys. Cheers. Long live the GAF.
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