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Bannon fired / resigns; friends report plans to go to "war for WH"


I'm kinda seeing this more as Bannon being fed up with Trump's incompetence. You can't be such a racist scumbag in office if you're sloppy about it.
Bannon will attack Kushner, Kelly, McMaster, maybe Mattis and Pence too depending. So... both?
Gary Cohn, Dina Powell, etc. Bannon wants the "Trump agenda"; the WH is now filled with ((globalists)) and NY democrats and Goldman Sachs people (and some generals), not really people into a nationalist, populist agenda Trump ran on.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think there's some confusion regarding Bannon. I don't think he's that concerned about petty notions such as race. He's a neoreactionary, an economic nationalist. The unholy marriage of libertarianism and fascism. He has used the alt-right the same way the brownshirts were used, but he's not an alt-righter himself. He probably loathes them.

No. He's alt-right.



It cannot be overstated how much of a cunt Nigel Farage is.


I wondered how Brietbart and Bannon's relationship would be with the WH, but this does seem to line up with Breitbart even distancing themselves from of Trump's failures in recent weeks. They may think Trump has even screwed up the handling of the alt-right message and Bannon will want to control that more himself, without Trump.


That's not the problem, the problem is that if tomorrow Breitbart publishes an article labeled "Trump is secretly a liberal Democrat" there will be plenty who will believe it, regardless of evidence. There is no telling what kind of fallout that could have. Bannon knows that Trump is out of control, but he doesn't want Democrats in the office either.

you weren't going to sway the breitbart regulars into not voting for a republican anyhow. stop chicken little-ing.


Not that Trump has done much anyway, but if Bannon and the far right DO go after him. That'll just hamper his ability even more and he loses even more capital.

IF the GOP was smart. They'd either be looking at ways to get Trump out soon or run against him in 2020.

He's destroying any chance of them getting anything done. And that's with a majority.


I want Breitbart and its allies to advocate a total boycott of next year's elections. Shave a few points off from Republican candidates across the country. Hand over the House. Make a few of their Senate incumbents - who are expecting cakewalk reelections - sweat.

Funky Papa

That's interesting! Where did you get that from? Care to elaborate on this...?

Long, but extremely interesting article on the Neoreactionary movement: Behind the Internet's Anti-Democracy Movement

The main thrust of Yarvin’s thinking is that democracy is a bust; rule by the people doesn’t work, and doesn’t lead to good governance. He has described it as an “ineffective and destructive” form of government, which he associates with “war, tyranny, destruction and poverty.” Yarvin’s ideas, along with those of the English philosopher Nick Land, have provided a structure of political theory for parts of the white-nationalist movement calling itself the alt-right. The alt-right can be seen as a political movement; neoreaction, which adherents refer to as NRx, is a philosophy. At the core of that philosophy is a rejection of democracy and an embrace of autocratic rule.
Neoreaction’s touchstones include the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, a key progenitor of the “Great Man” theory of history; the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek, a central influence on the American libertarian movement; and Bertrand de Jouvenel, a 1930s-era French political theorist.

Neoreaction is an ideology obsessed with both the mechanics of power and autocratic governance, and with aesthetics. Some neoreactionaries have a Tumblr devoted to their aesthetic vision, called Post-Anathema. The images tend to be futurist and hyper-masculine; soldiers with guns, tanks, spaceships, Greek gods. Cathedrals, too, a seeming reference to the Catholic traditionalist strain of the movement (“CRx”) and which, intentionally or not, calls to mind Moldbug’s use of “the Cathedral” to denote the elite academic and media establishment.

If it’s a little in the weeds compared to the by-now-familiar alt-right aesthetic—Pepe the frog, fashy haircuts, and the like—that’s on purpose. Neoreaction is explicitly and purposefully opaque, and has no interest in appealing to a wider audience. This puts it at odds with some of the alt-right or “new right” leaders who seek to take their ideas mainstream.

“NRx was a prophetic warning about the rise of the Alt-Right,” said Nick Land, the English philosopher whose Dark Enlightenment series is considered a foundational neoreactionary text. “As a populist, and in significant ways anti-capitalist movement, the Alt-Right is a very different beast to NRx.”

The alt-right is basically a mishmash of gator turds, KKK rejects, random militias, actual neonazis, politically minded PUA creeps and 4chan shitposters doxing folks for the lulz. They are united in their hate, but they don't have a particularly solid core of beliefs. It's basically an incredibly loud bunch of (yes) deplorables.

Neoreactionaries, however, have actual political aims and their views fall in line with those of some elite conservatives. But they don't (didn't?) have a lot of influence in the grand scheme of things, which is why they've never accomplished much. In that sense, Bannon using BreitBart to feed and channel the anger of the alt-right towards his aims makes a lot of sense.
Yup, T_D is on full meltdown mode.

All threads from any Trump supporter questioning Trump's handling of Bannon are now deleted because of 'concerned trolling'.

Get fucked.
Don't think Trump will be the main target of attacks, but he'll get caught in the crossfire. Unavoidable.

Were there not rumours that Kushner and Bannon hated each other? Would be interesting if that's an angle of attack. Not that Trump would give a fuck about any familiar stuff. Bannon could attack Tiffany and Trump would call it Fake News.
This is fascinating. Fringe groups do tend to fracture like this, but I had honestly believed that the political power structures erected by previous administrations would hold everything together.

Should have been obvious months ago that Trump is too petty to build a unified political base long term. The alt-right couldn't have been happier with him after this week, and he potentially threw it all away because of North Korea grandstanding.

Who's left that he hasn't tossed aside? Evangelicals?
God this is confusing.

"Bannon fired."
"Bannon resigned two weeks ago."
"Bannon's firing was supposed to happen two weeks ago."
"Bannon given option to resign but was forced out."

All of those have been on CNN. Lmao.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
God this is confusing.

"Bannon fired."
"Bannon resigned two weeks ago."
"Bannon's firing was supposed to happen two weeks ago."
"Bannon given option to resign but was forced out."

All of those have been on CNN. Lmao.

what do you expect from fake news? they're testing which story their audience likes best.


What is it with these losers pretending to play army all the time? #WAR, marching in fuckin molle vests, that crying titbaby from the Vice doc laying like 8 guns on his hotel bed, etc etc.

They're all such fucking DORKS. They just want to play "army" so bad. How pathetic.
Clicks on link.
Sees 4,650 comments.

WTF?????????? How are there this many people?

The United States population stands at 323 million people. Believe me 4,650 people isn't even remotely the total number of alt-right whackjobs out there. Breitbart receives ~75 million visits a month (which is not users, but still).
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